• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 1998

Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits by Lynch, Michael, Walsh, Bruce
Maternal Personality, Evolution and the Sex Ratio: Do Mothers Control the Sex of the Infant? by Grant, Valerie J.
Protein Structural Biology in Biomedical Research, Part a: Volume 22 by Woodward, C.
DNA Damage and Repair: Volume I: DNA Repair in Prokaryotes and Lower Eukaryotes by
Evolution and Impact of Transposable Elements by
Handbook of Immune Response Genes by Simard, John J. L., Mak, Tak W.
The Major Transitions in Evolution by Maynard Smith, John, Szathmary, Eors, Maynard, Smith Julian
The Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives on the Unification of Biology, with a New Preface by
Asymmetry, Developmental Stability, and Evolution by Møller, Anders Pape, Swaddle, John P.
Double Helix by Watson, James D.
Imagenation: Popular Images of Genetics by Dijck, Jose Van
Nonlinear Physics of DNA by Yakushevich, Ludmila V.
The Thread of Life: The Story of Genes and Genetic Engineering by Aldridge, Susan, Aldridge
RNA Isolation and Characterization Protocols by
Das Intelligente Genom: Über Die Entstehung Des Menschlichen Geistes Durch Mutation Und Selektion by Heschl, Adolf
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 60 by
Delphic Boat: What Genomes Tell Us / La Barque de Delphes: Ce que révèle le texte des génomes by Danchin, Antoine
Biological Sequence Analysis by Eddy, Sean R., Krogh, Anders, Durbin, Richard
Advances in Immunology: Volume 69 by
Analysis of Triplet Repeat Disorders by
DNA Fingerprinting by Schmidtke, J., Krawczak, M.
Genomics: commercial opportunities from a scientific revolution by
Nucleic Acid Hybridization by Anderson, M. L. M.
DNA Pioneers and Their Legacy by Lagerkvist, Ulf
Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods by
Designing an Agricultural Genome Program by National Research Council, Board on Agriculture, Board on Biology
Gene Quantification by
In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity by Kevles, Daniel J.
The Politics of Heredity: Essays on Eugenics, Biomedicine, and the Nature-Nurture Debate by Paul, Diane B.
Genetic Modification in the Food Industry: A Strategy for Food Quality Improvement by Roller, Sibel, Harlander, Susan
DNA Damage and Repair: Volume 2: DNA Repair in Higher Eukaryotes by
Breast Cancer: Volume 2 by
Mutation and Evolution by
Fungal Morphogenesis by Moore, David
Analysis of Triplet Repeat Disorders by
Intermediate Filaments by
Genetic Maps and Human Imaginations: The Limits of Science in Understanding Who We Are by Rothman, Barbara Katz
Engineering Genesis: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in Non-human Species by
Engineering Genesis: Ethics of Genetic Engineering in Non-human Species by
Das Genom-Puzzle: Forscher Auf Der Spur Der Erbanlagen by Eberhard-Metzger, Claudia, Glomp, Ingrid, Hobom, Barbara
Cumulative Subject Index: Volume 42 by
Genetics and Reductionism by Sarkar, Sahotra
Alzheimer's Disease - From Basic Research to Clinical Applications by
Gene Expression Systems: Using Nature for the Art of Expression by
Genes and the Part They Play / La Part des gènes by Morange, Michel
The Biology of Tumors by
Concepts in Eukaryotic DNA Replication by
Advances in Immunology: Volume 71 by
Advances in DNA Sequence-Specific Agents: Volume 1 by
The Molecular Origins of Life: Assembling Pieces of the Puzzle by
Plant Evolution Under Domestication by Ladizinsky, Gideon
Evolutionary Theory and Processes: Modern Perspectives: Papers in Honour of Eviatar Nevo by
A Low-Cost Approach to PCR: Appropriate Transfer of Biomolecular Techniques by Harris, Eva