• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 2003

Human Genetics for the Social Sciences by
Anatomy of Gene Regulation by Tsonis, Panagiotis A.
DNA Science: A First Course, Second Edition by Micklos, David, Freyer, Greg
Anatomy of Gene Regulation by Tsonis, Panagiotis A.
Pharmacogenomics by
Developmental Instability: Causes and Consequences by Rott, Hans
Genetics of Mate Choice: From Sexual Selection to Sexual Isolation by
Lentiviral Vector Systems for Gene Transfer by
Metabolic Profiling: Its Role in Biomarker Discovery and Gene Function Analysis by
The Dependent Gene: The Fallacy of Nature Vs. Nurture by Moore, David S.
Gentechnik in Der Landwirtschaft, Pflanzenzucht Und Lebensmittelproduktion: Stand Und Perspektiven by Gaisser, Sibylle, Hüsing, Bärbel, Menrad, Klaus
A Terrible Beauty is Born: Clones, Genes and the Future of Mankind by Curran, Brendan
Fungal Morphogenesis by Moore, S. David, Moore, David
Fungal Populations and Species by Burnett, John, Burnett, J. H.
An Introduction to Toxicogenomics by
Phylogenetics by Semple, Charles, Steel, Mike
Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins by Olson, Steve
The Analysis of Gene Expression Data: Methods and Software by
Plant Protease Inhibitors: Significance in Nutrition, Plant Protection, Cancer Prevention and Genetic Engineering by Birk, Yehudith
Genetische Untersuchungen Und Persönlichkeitsrecht by
Redesigning Humans: Choosing Our Genes, Changing Our Future by Stock, Gregory
Life Explained ?: 50 Years After the Double Helix / La Vie expliquée ?: 50 ans après la double hélice by Morange, Michel
Microarray Gene Expression Data Analysis: A Beginner's Guide by Causton, Helen, Quackenbush, John, Brazma, Alvis
The Future of Human Nature by Habermas, Jürgen
Advances in Genetics: Volume 49 by
Understanding DNA and Gene Cloning: A Guide for the Curious by Drlica, Karl
Genetics of the Fowl: The Classic Guide to Poultry Breeding and Chicken Genetics by Hutt, Frederick B.
The Relationship Code: Deciphering Genetic and Social Influences on Adolescent Development by Hetherington, E. Mavis, Reiss, David, Neiderhiser, Jenae M.
Applied Forest Tree Improvement by Zobel, Bruce, Talbert, John
Glencoe Biology: The Dynamics of Life, Reinforcement and Study Guide, Student Edition by McGraw Hill
Being Well Born: An Introduction to Heredity and Eugenics by Guyer, Michael F.
A Dictionary of Genetic Damage by Oeijord, Nils K.
The Naked Clone: How Cloning Bans Threaten Our Personal Rights by Kunich, John
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 73 by
Tumor Prevention and Genetics by Morant, R., Senn, H. -J, Senn, Hans-Jorg
Bioinformatics: Managing Scientific Data by
Lexikon Der Syndrome Und Fehlbildungen: Ursachen, Genetik Und Risiken by Prokop, O., Ullrich, E., Witkowski, R.
Dobzhansky's Genetics of Natural Populations I-XLIII by Dobzhansky, Theodosius
Advanced Flow Cytometry: Applications in Biological Research by
Transposable Elements: A Guide to the Perplexed and the Novice with Appendices on Rnai, Chromatin Remodeling and Gene Tagging by Galun, Esra
New Trends in Cancer for the 21st Century by International Symposium on Cancer
Translation Mechanisms by
Missing Links: Evolutionary Concepts and Transitions Through Time: Evolutionary Concepts and Transitions Through Time by Martin, Robert A.
Plant Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food by Hart, Kathleen
George Beadle, an Uncommon Farmer: The Emergence of Genetics in the 20th Century by Berg, Paul
The Molecular Biology of Schizosaccharomyces Pombe: Genetics, Genomics and Beyond by
Non-Coding Rnas: Molecular Biology and Molecular Medicine by
BLAST by Bedell, Joseph, Korf, Ian, Yandell, Mark
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 74 by
Microarray Bioinformatics by Stekel, Dov
Wondergenes: Genetic Enhancement and the Future of Society by Mehlman, Maxwell J.
The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line: Mendel's Maze by Gordon, Jon W.
Methods of Microarray Data Analysis III: Papers from Camda '02 by
Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA by Maddox, Brenda
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Subject Index Volume (40-72) Volume 76 by
Gene Delivery to Mammalian Cells: Volume 2: Viral Gene Transfer Techniques by
In the Beginning Was the Worm: Finding the Secrets of Life in a Tiny Hermaphrodite by Brown, Andrew
Embryo Research in Pluralistic Europe by Solter, D., Beyleveld, D.
Aging at the Molecular Level by
Genetics and Conservation: A Reference for Managing Wild Animal and Plant Populations by
Cardiovascular Pharmacogenetics by
Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness by Kass, Leon
Perspectives on Properties of the Human Genome Project: Volume 50 by
Advances in Down Syndrome Research by
Advances in Down Syndrome Research by
Atlas of Human Chromosome Heteromorphisms by