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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 2011

PCR Troubleshooting and Optimization: The Essential Guide by Kennedy, Suzanne
The Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalized Medicine by Collins, Francis S.
Muscle Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols by
Disease Gene Identification: Methods and Protocols by
Direct-To-Consumer Genetic Testing: Summary of a Workshop by Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Care Services, National Research Council
Phylogenetic Networks: Concepts, Algorithms and Applications by Huson, Daniel H., Rupp, Regula, Scornavacca, Celine
The Genetics of Male Infertility by
Rnai: Design and Application by
Genetic Modification of Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Cardiovascular Pharmacogenetics by
DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research: Methods and Protocols by
Gene Therapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols by
Live Food in Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Live Food and Marine Larviculture Symposium Held in Nagasaki, Japan, September 1-4, 1996 by
Dna: A Graphic Guide to the Molecule That Shook the World by Rosenfield, Israel, Ziff, Edward, Van Loon, Borin
Dna: A Graphic Guide to the Molecule That Shook the World by Rosenfield, Israel, Ziff, Edward, Van Loon, Borin
From Genes to Animal Behavior: Social Structures, Personalities, Communication by Color by
Genomics of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens by
Gene Therapy of Autoimmune Disease by Prud'homme, Gerald J.
Power Laws, Scale-Free Networks and Genome Biology by
RNA and DNA Editing: Methods and Protocols by
Adult Stem Cells: Biology and Methods of Analysis by
Introducing Proteomics by Lovric, Josip
Crop Genetic Resources for Today and Tomorrow by
Genetic Analysis: A History of Genetic Thinking by Falk, Raphael
Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life by Yockey, Hubert P., Hubert P., Yockey
Live Imaging in Zebrafish: Insights Into Development and Disease by
Micrornas in Development and Cancer by
Elektrophysiologie Des Auges by Kellner, U., Ruther, K., Bach, M.
Adv in Genm Seq Anal & Patte Discov (V7) by
Life from an RNA World: The Ancestor Within by Yarus, Michael
Cdna Libraries: Methods and Applications by
Betasys: Systems Biology of Regulated Exocytosis in Pancreatic ß-Cells by
High-Throughput Next Generation Sequencing: Methods and Applications by
Fish Genetics by Gomelsky Boris
Recent Advances in Biostatistics: False Discovery Rates, Survival Analysis, and Related Topics by
Epigenetic Aspects of Chronic Diseases by
Mammalian Chromosome Engineering: Methods and Protocols by
Epigenetics: Linking Genotype and Phenotype in Development and Evolution by
Yeast Genetic Networks: Methods and Protocols by
Fish Karyotypes: A Check List by Arai, Ryoichi
The Busy Physician's Guide to Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine by Sweet, Kevin M., Michaelis, Ron C.
Builders Of The Universe: From The Bible To The Theory Of Relativity by Einstein, Albert
Molecular Ecology 2e by Kirk, Heather, Petersen, Stephen D., Freeland, Joanna R.
DNA Microarrays and Gene Expression: From Experiments to Data Analysis and Modeling by Baldi, Pierre, Hatfield, G. Wesley
RNAi Technology by
The Survival of Coding Genes inside the Jungle of the Human Genome. by Morales Dorta Phd, Jose
Argonaute Proteins: Methods and Protocols by
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Potato by
Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Farrell, Joseph P.
RNAi and Plant Gene Function Analysis: Methods and Protocols by
Weighted Network Analysis: Applications in Genomics and Systems Biology by Horvath, Steve
Identifizierung von mit HMGA2 interagierenden Proteinen by Gelder, Wiebke
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and Protocols, Volume 2: Methods and Resources to Understand Cystic Fibrosis by
Requiem For Humanity by Hoshor, Alan
Safe or Not Safe: Deciding What Risks to Accept in Our Environment and Food by Watt, Allan, Renn, Ortwin, Pechan, Paul
RNA Interference Techniques by
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Berries by
Gene Biotechnology by Wu, William, Welsh, Michael J., Zhang, Helen H.
Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols by
Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Grapes by
Brain, Behavior and Epigenetics by
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and Protocols, Volume 1: Approaches to Study and Correct CFTR Defects by
Bioinformatics: Volume I: Data, Sequence Analysis and Evolution by
Bioinformatics: Volume II: Structure, Function and Applications by
Sirna and Mirna Gene Silencing: From Bench to Bedside by
The Myth of Junk DNA by Wells, Jonathan
Sex, Genes and Rock 'n' Roll: How evolution has shaped the modern world by Brooks, Rob
Glencoe Biology, Science Notebook, Student Edition by McGraw Hill
Mutation: The History of an Idea from Darwin to Genomics by Carlson, Elof Axel
Genetic Diversity and Relationship in Ethiopian Mustard by Delesa, Abebe
Phylogenetics: Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics by Lieberman, Bruce S., Wiley, E. O.
Identification of Potential Cancer Biomarkers from Microarray Data by E. Isaza, Clara, Cabrera-Ríos, Mauricio, L. Sánchez, Matilde
DNA Recombination: Methods and Protocols by
Chemogenomics and Chemical Genetics: A User's Introduction for Biologists, Chemists and Informaticians by
Biological Shape Analysis - Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium by
Medaka: A Model for Organogenesis, Human Disease, and Evolution by
DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols by
DNA Deamination and the Immune System: Aid in Health and Disease by
Systems Biology: Simulation of Dynamic Network States by Palsson, Bernhard Ø.
Epigenetics: A Reference Manual by Craig, Jeffrey M.
The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov: The Story of Stalin's Persecution of One of the Gr by Pringle, Peter
Plant Transcription Factors: Methods and Protocols by
Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics by Corain, Livio, Salmaso, Luigi, Arboretti, Rosa
Growth Factors and Their Receptors in Cell Differentiation, Cancer and Cancer Therapy by Sherbet, G. V.
Methods for the Discovery and Characterization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors by
Strain Engineering: Methods and Protocols by
Laser Capture Microdissection: Methods and Protocols by
Eugenics and Other Evils by Chesterton, G. K.
In Silico Tools for Gene Discovery by
EMBOSS Administrator's Guide by Rice, Peter M., Bleasby, Alan J., Ison, Jon C.
Auswirkungen von chemotherapeutischem Stress auf die Struktur und die Funktion des Nukleolus by Burger, Kaspar
Stem Cells: From Bench to Bedside (2nd Edition) by
Mammary Gland as an Experimental Model by
Jimd Reports - Case and Research Reports, 2011/1 by
Negative Strand RNA Virus by
Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Conifers by
RNA Interference Technology: From Basic Science to Drug Development by
Heredity: In the Light of Recent Research by Doncaster, L.
Polymerase Chain Reaction by Babar, Masroor Ellahi
Genetics of coat colour in horses by A. K., Thiruvenkadan
Advanced Protocols for Animal Transgenesis: An Istt Manual by
Metagenomics: Current Innovations and Future Trends by
Gene Expression Profiling: Methods and Protocols by
Epigenetics Protocols by
Adventure of the Human Species: From Population Genetics to Cultural Evolution / L'Aventure de l'espèce humaine: De la génétique des populations à l'é by Cavalli-Sforza, Luca
Genetic Models of Immune and Inflammatory Diseases by
Eukaryotic DNA Damage Surveillance and Repair by
Genome Exploitation: Data Mining the Genome by
Marine Genetics by
Signaling Mechanisms and Gene Expression in the Ovary by
Genetik Von Krankheiten Des Urogenitalsystems by
Statistical Inference: Theory and Practice by
Classical Swine Fever and Related Viral Infections by
Atlas of Zebrafish Development by Bryson-Richardson, Robert, Berger, Silke, Currie, Peter
Genetics of Racing Performance of Horses by A. K., Thiruvenkadan
Where Do We Come From?: The Molecular Evidence for Human Descent by Takahata, Naoyuki, Klein, Jan
Gene Regulatory Networks: Methods and Protocols by
ABC Transporters of Human Physiology and Disease, The: Genetics and Biochemistry of Atp Binding Cassette Transporters by
Chromosome Structure and Function: Impact of New Concepts by
Developmental Biology by Müller, Werner A.
Coordinated Regulation of Gene Expression by
Issues and Reviews in Teratology: Volume 3 by Kalter, Harold
Race and the Genetic Revolution: Science, Myth, and Culture by
Race and the Genetic Revolution: Science, Myth, and Culture by
Molecular Methods for Evolutionary Genetics by
Non-Coding Rnas: Molecular Biology and Molecular Medicine by
Autoimmunity and the Pathogenesis of Diabetes by
Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Testicular Cells by
Warfare and Culture in World History by
Warfare and Culture in World History by
Genetic Approaches to Noncommunicable Diseases by
Inhibitors to Coagulation Factors by
Origin and Evolution of the Vertebrate Immune System by
Search for a Rational Ethic by Snell, George D.
Cardiac Gene Expression: Methods and Protocols by
Nucleic Acid Switches and Sensors by
Advances in Human Genetics: Volume 18 by
Introduction to Biometrical Genetics by
Pferdewirtprüfung [Bd 5]: -Genetik- by Arnold, Dietbert, Rolofs, Hartmut
Progress in Plant Protoplast Research: Proceedings of the 7th International Protoplast Symposium, Wageningen, the Netherlands, December 6-11, 1987 by
Transgenic Organisms: Biological and Social Implications by
Immunobiology of HLA: Volume I Histocompatibility Testing 1987 by
New Frontiers in the Study of Gene Functions by
Molecular Farming in Plants: Recent Advances and Future Prospects by
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative 2010 & 2011 by Wehner, Todd C.
Bacterial Genetics in Natural Environments by
Regulatory RNAs in Prokaryotes by
Polyploidy: Biological Relevance by
Jimd Reports - Case and Research Reports, 2011/2 by
Technological Innovations in Major World Oil Crops, Volume 1: Breeding by
Making Sense of Heritability by Sesardic, Neven, Neven, Sesardic
Adeno-Associated Virus: Methods and Protocols by
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IX by
The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control. by Abel, David L.
Muscle Hypertrophy of Genetic Origin and Its Use to Improve Beef Production: A Seminar in the Cec Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Produc by
The Aymara: Strategies in Human Adaptation to a Rigorous Environment by
Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes (sSMC): A Guide for Human Geneticists and Clinicians by Liehr, Thomas
The Ribonucleic Acids by
Here Is a Human Being by Angrist, Misha
Graphs and Genes by Rodin, S. N., Mirkin, B. G.
HLA and Disease Associations by Terasaki, P. I., Tiwari, J. L.
Population Genetics by Ewens, W. J.
Polyamines in Plants by
Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology by
Teratology: Trends and Applications by
Bioinformatics for Biologists by
The HLA System in Clinical Transplantation: Basic Concepts and Importance by
Displacement of the Hip in Childhood: Aetiology, Management and Sequelae by Somerville, E. W.
Orthopaedic Problems in Inherited Skeletal Disorders by Horan, F., Beighton, P.
Introducing Genetics: A Graphic Guide by Jones, Steve
Human Genetics: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress Berlin 1986 by
Ultradian Rhythms in Life Processes: An Inquiry Into Fundamental Principles of Chronobiology and Psychobiology by
Epigenetic Principles of Evolution by R. Cabej, Nelson
Genforschung Und Gentechnik: Ängste Und Hoffnungen by
Histocompatibility Testing 1984: Report on the Ninth International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference Held in Munich, West Germany, May 6-11, by
Bioinformatics for Biologists by
The Embryo: Normal and Abnormal Development and Growth by
Transcriptional Regulation: Methods and Protocols by
Antenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Abnormalities by
Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem by
Transposons and the Dynamic Genome by
Molecular Pathology of Pituitary Adenomas by Ogrezeanu, Irina, Badiu, Corin, Tanase, Cristiana
Evolution: The First Four Billion Years by
Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols by
Plant Cytogenetics: Genome Structure and Chromosome Function by
Genetics and Genomics of the Triticeae by
Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols by
Microarray Analysis of the Physical Genome: Methods and Protocols by
Introduction to Theoretical Population Genetics by Nagylaki, Thomas
Next-Generation Microrna Expression Profiling Technology: Methods and Protocols by
Short and Long Distance Signaling by
Mutations in Man by
Population Biology and Evolution by
Medizinische Anthropologie: Beiträge Für Eine Theoretische Pathologie by
Fanconi Anemia: Clinical, Cytogenetic and Experimental Aspects by
Radiology of Thalassemia by
Gene Cloning in Organisms Other Than E. Coli by
The Role of Micro-Organisms in Non-Infectious Diseases by
Genomics of Cultivated Palms by Arunachalam, V.
Telomerase Inhibition: Strategies and Protocols by
See More