• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 2018

The Colors of Genes: The Perversion of Genetics by Mbikay, Majambu
Myogenesis in Development and Disease: Volume 126 by
Periodic Tables Unifying Living Organisms at the Molecular Level: The Predictive Power of the Law of Periodicity by Lima-De-Faria, Antonio
Periodic Tables Unifying Living Organisms at the Molecular Level: The Predictive Power of the Law of Periodicity by Lima-De-Faria, Antonio
The Pigeonpea Genome by
Mader, Biology, 2019, 13e (AP Edition), AP Focus Review Guide by Mader, Sylvia S., Windelspecht, Michael
Mader, Biology, 2019, 13e (AP Edition), Student Edition by Windelspecht, Michael, Mader, Sylvia S.
Populationsdivergenz innerhalb der Gattung "Leucorrhinia" by Thiele, Kira
Social by Nature: The Promise and Peril of Sociogenomics by Bliss, Catherine
Biocomputing 2018 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium by
New Perspectives in Forage Crops by
Diseases Spread by Insects or Ticks by Miller, Mary E.
Genetic Testing: What Do We Know? by Cummings, Michael, Yashon, Ronnee
The Gene: From Genetics to Postgenomics by Müller-Wille, Staffan, Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
Genmanipulierte Menschheit: Evolution Selbst Gemacht by Knoepfler, Paul
Dna-Rna Research for Health and Happiness by Dorta, Jose
Dna-Rna Research for Health and Happiness by Dorta, Jose
The Chickpea Genome by
Forkhead Foxo Transcription Factors in Development and Disease: Volume 127 by
Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way We Have Kids--and the Kids We Have by Rochman, Bonnie
Three Biological Myths: Race, Ancestry, Ethnicity by Corcos, Alain F.
Cell Fate in Mammalian Development: Volume 128 by
The Peanut Genome by
Turning Points: How Critical Events Have Driven Human Evolution, Life, and Development by Kampourakis, Kostas
Le riz cultivé et amélioré: valorisation et potentialités génétiques by Agnoun-Y
Rôle des gènes sox dans le développement pancréatique du zebrafish by de Mulder-C
Caractérisations de Couches Minces de Tio2 Dopé Et Non Dopé by Collectif
Évaluation de la production du niébé en condition de stress hydrique by Sawadogo-A
Analyse de la diversité génétique chez le palmier dattier by Rhouma-Chatti-S
Etude des thalassémies by Collectif
Evolution Génétique Du Cancer Du Sein Chez Les Femmes Sénégalaises by Collectif
Cytogénétique by Collectif
Etudes D Association Génome Entier Dans Le Vih/Sida by Limou-S
Variabilite Genetique Des Souches Virales Hbv Et Hdv by Issoufou-M
Rôle Du Facteur Eif2b En Pathologie Humaine by Horzinski-L
Coefficients d''ajustement Des Lactations Des Brebis Sicilo-Sarde by Collectif
Les Ogm, Pour Ou Contre? by Mallouhi-D
Étude Du Gène Cernunnos, Un Lien Entre Réparation de l''adn Et Immunité by Malivert-L
Alignements Locaux Par Programmation Linéaire En Nombres Entiers by Collet-G
Physiopathologie Des Troubles de la Croissance F Tale by Azzi-S
Les Infections À Virus de l'Hépatite B En République Centrafricaine. by Bekondi-C
Comparaison de Séquences Répétées En Tandem by Berard-S
Étude Génétique de la Maladie de Buschke-Fischer-Brauer by Bchetnia-M
Facteurs de Transcription Nucléaires Et Membranes Amniotiques by Marceau-G
Sélection Naturelle Et Défenses Anti-Infectieuses by Giovannoni-L
Signature Génomique de 3 Écotypes d'Ostreococcus, Algues Prasinophytes by Jancek-S
Sécrétion Inductible d''epo Par Le Muscle Transduit Grâce À Un Aavr by Larcher-T
Interactions Protéiques Et Evolution by Goffard-N
Polymorphisme Genetique de Plasmodium Falciparum by Ouedraogo-J
Diversité Phénotypique Et Modes d'Exploitations Du Karité by Diarrassouba-N
Neuro-Éthologie de la Reconnaissance Multisensorielle by Ferreira-G
Analyse Transcriptomique Et Biologie Intégrative by Le Bechec-A
Contribution À Une Étude Génétique Des Surdités En Tunisie by Bel Hadj Ali-I
Le Clonage: Méthodes Et Conséquences by Sigward-E
Structure Et Polymorphisme Du Génome de Laccaria Bicolor by Labbe-J
Remaniements Des Chromosomes 1 Et 12 Dans Les Hémopathies Malignes by Khac-F
Bzips Et Maturation de la Graine Chez Arabidopsis Thaliana by Bensmihen-S
Histoire Des Idées Sur l'Évolution de l'Homme by Stoll-C
Méthodes Statistiques Pour La Génétique d'Association À Grande Échelle by Guedj-M
Génomique Du Sorgho Au Niveau Mondial Et À l'Échelle Régionale Du Mali by Bouchet-S
Etude Génétique Des Troubles Héréditaires de la Kératinisation by Bchetnia-M
La Maladie d''alzheimer Et Sa Composante Vasculaire by Chapuis-J
Nsmh/Acc by Collectif
Eléments Transposables Et Gènes d''hôte by Lerat-E
Interconnexion Entre Marques Épigénétiques by Denis-H
Le Diagnostic Anténatal Des Malformations Anorectales by Hamon-L
Didacticiel de Reconstruction d'Arbres Phylogénétiques by Chamontin-A
Poule Locale En Milieu Tropical by Collectif
Biologie Moléculaire Et Phylogénèse Des Lémuriens (Madagascar) by Montagnon-D
Ajout de Données Pour La Classification Automatique de Microarray by Fekenne-O
Anthropologie Moleculaire Et Epidemiologie by Collectif
Régulation Des Endomitoses Et de la Mégacaryopoïèse Terminale by Gilles-Gendre-L
Biologie Et Physiologie Moléculaire Du Développement Du Fruit de Café by Marraccini-P
Le Gène Lpl Et Les Facteurs de Risque de Maladies Cardiovasculaires by Chamberland-A
Génotypage Et Essais Cliniques by Urbaniak-N
Résistance Génétique À La Rouille Couronnée by Sliti-Y
Etudes Moléculaire Et Cellulaire Du Gène Cftr by Collectif
Impact Du Diagnostic Prénatal Sur Les Maladies Mitochondriales by Ordronneau-A
Estimation Des Risques de Maladies Dues À Des Mutations Génétiques by Alarcon-F
Etude Moléculaire de la Globozoospermie Pour 10 Patients Tunisiens by Oueslaty-M
Caractérisation de la Poule Locale Domestique (Gallus Domesticus) by Collectif
Thrombophilie Et Pathologies Vasculaires Thrombotiques Et Placentaires by Klai-S
Caractérisation de la Population Des Dromadaires de Tunisie by Collectif
Bases Moléculaires de L`expression Des Sites Fragiles Communs Humains by El Achkar-E
Dysferlinopathies: Développement D Outils Diagnostics Et de Thérapies by Wein-N
La génétique de rabat entre l andalousie et le moyen orient by El Ossmani-H
Biologie Évolutive Des Gerbilles by Ndiaye-A
Caractérisation d''un antiport de type nhx chez la vigne by Hanana-M
Protection de l''intégrité Des Télomères Chez La Levure by Pardo-B
Investigation Des Gènes Cry d''une Souche de Bacillus Thuringiensis by Collectif
Recherche de Gènes Morbides Impliqués Dans La Cardiomyopathie Dilatée by Sylvius-N
Mécanismes de la Réparation de l''adn Dans La Maintenance Des Télomères by Ayouaz-A
Les Leishmanioses: Biodiversité Et Pathogénicité by Hide-M
L'Anthropologie Génétique Des Populations Méditerranéennes by Hajjej-A
Discrimination Des Phéromones Sexuelles Chez Drosophila Melanogaster by Houot-B
Etude d''une Résistance Du Tournesol À Sclerotinia by Fleury-D
Caractérisation de la population des dromadaires by Collectif
Poule locale des hautes terres de l ouest cameroun by Tiambo-C
Reprogrammation Épigénétique Des Cellules Musculaires Lisses Aortiques by Gomez-D
Recherche des gènes de tolérance à la salinité chez m. truncatula by Amouri-A
The Wild Oryza Genomes by
First in Fly: Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery by Mohr, Stephanie Elizabeth
Pedigree analysis: Problem solving by Vasudevan, Darani
The Inheritance: A Family on the Front Lines of the Battle Against Alzheimer's Disease by Kapsambelis, Niki
The New Chimpanzee: A Twenty-First-Century Portrait of Our Closest Kin by Stanford, Craig
Encyclopedia of Ophthalmology by
Encyclopedia of Ophthalmology by
Decoding Racial Ideology in Genomics by Williams, Johnny E.
Reflections of Our Past: How Human History Is Revealed in Our Genes by Relethford, John H., Bolnick, Deborah A.
Reflections of Our Past: How Human History Is Revealed in Our Genes by Relethford, John H., Bolnick, Deborah A.
Molecular Breeding for Sustainable Crop Improvement, Volume 2 by
Gene Pool Diversity and Crop Improvement, Volume 1 by
Functional Genomics and Biotechnology in Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae Crops by
Bioluminescence: Fundamentals and Applications in Biotechnology - Volume 3 by
Genetic Manipulation in Plants for Mitigation of Climate Change by
DNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair: Molecular Mechanisms and Pathology by
Genetics and Genomics of Brachypodium by
Autism Spectrum Disorder: He Prefers to Play Alone by Eckdahl, Todd T.
Extended Heredity: A New Understanding of Inheritance and Evolution by Day, Troy, Bonduriansky, Russell
Environmental DNA: For Biodiversity Research and Monitoring by Taberlet, Pierre, Bonin, Aurelie, Zinger, Lucie
Cancer by Miller, Mary E.
Molecular Population Genetics by Hahn, Matthew W.
Chasing Captain America: How Advances in Science, Engineering, and Biotechnology Will Produce a Superhuman by Zehr, Paul
Plant Genomics and Climate Change by
Production and Breeding of Chilli Peppers (Capsicum Spp.) by Monteiro Do Rêgo, Mailson, Finger, Fernando Luiz, Ramalho Do Rêgo, Elizanilda
Ethnobotany of Mexico: Interactions of People and Plants in Mesoamerica by
Omics in Soil Science by
Protocols for Pre-Field Screening of Mutants for Salt Tolerance in Rice, Wheat and Barley by Forster, Brian P., Ghanim, Abdelbagi, Bado, Souleymane
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (Fish): Application Guide by
Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Cereals by
Faces of the Genome by
Race Unmasked: Biology and Race in the Twentieth Century by Yudell, Michael
Maize Germplasm: Characterization and Genetic Approaches for Crop Improvement by
Gene Cloning by
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Crops by
Advances in Human Genetics by
Genetic Engineering: Emerging Concepts and Technologies by
Advances in Molecular Techniques by Kumar, Amit, Chaudhary, Reshu, Sengar, Rakesh S.
The Radish Genome by
Fundamentals of Genomics by
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Plants by
Bioinformatics: Tools and Techniques by
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology by
Handbook of Animal Experimentation by
Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Development: Volume 129 by
Tissue Engineering: Concepts and Applications by
Principles of Plant Breeding by
Gene Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications by
Plant Genetics and Evolution by
Plant Genetics by
Last But Not Least: A Book On Telomere Biology by Kumar, Amit
L'Hérédité: Au point de vue physiologique et moral, son rôle dans le développement des nations by Papillon, Fernand
An Introduction to Genetic Engineering by
Advances in Conservation Genetics by
Livestock Management: Breeding and Raising Healthy Animals by
Principles of Evolutionary Genetics by
Principles and Techniques of Gene Manipulation by
Extracellular Matrix and Egg Coats: Volume 130 by
Cycloadditions in Bioorthogonal Chemistry by
Biomolecular Engineering: Structures and Functions by
Genetically Modified Organisms by
Crop Genetics: Techniques for Improvement by
Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History of Human Heredity by Porter, Theodore M.
The Kiwifruit Genome by
Rumenology by
Genetics and Genomics of Cucurbitaceae by
Rhizomania by
Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases in Health and Disease: From Pharmacogenetics to Drug Discovery and Diagnostics by
Troublesome Science: The Misuse of Genetics and Genomics in Understanding Race by Tattersall, Ian, DeSalle, Rob
Capillary Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols by
Bioinformatics: Volume I: Data, Sequence Analysis, and Evolution by
The Genomes of Rosaceous Berries and Their Wild Relatives by
The Gene Book: Explorations in the Code of Life by Crawford, Sarah Adelaide
Les Générations spontanées by Jamin, Jules
Biotechnologies for Plant Mutation Breeding: Protocols by
Methane Biocatalysis: Paving the Way to Sustainability by
Bioinformatics: Volume II: Structure, Function, and Applications by
Metagenomics: Methods and Protocols by
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XIII by
Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 1: Cellular Approaches by
Chromosomes by Yashon, Ronnee, Cummings, Michael R.
Genetics 101: From Chromosomes and the Double Helix to Cloning and DNA Tests, Everything You Need to Know about Genes by Skwarecki, Beth
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Drug Discovery and Development by
Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 2: Transgenic Approaches by
Biologische Sicherheit Im Labor: Ein Kompakter Überblick Für Studierende Und Technische Assistenzen by Binz, Thomas
A Probabilistic Model of the Genotype/Phenotype Relationship: Does Life Play the Dice? by Hugot, Jean-Pierre
Stamping the Earth from Space by Dicati, Renato
Allgemeine Vererbungslehre by Haecker, Valentin
Chromosome Segregation & Structure: Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Volume LXXXII by
Chromosome Segregation & Structure: Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Volume LXXXII by
Inspire Science: Biology, G9-12 Student Edition by McGraw Hill
Decoding the Antibody Repertoire: High Throughput Sequencing of Multiple Transcripts from Single B Cells by Dekosky, Brandon
Sugarcane Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects by
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Fruits: Volume 3 by
For Beginners, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): How to Slow the Process of Memory Loss by Anderson, Russell P.
Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 3: Genomic Approaches by
DNA Is Not Destiny: The Remarkable, Completely Misunderstood Relationship Between You and Your Genes by Heine, Steven J.
A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution by Sternberg, Samuel H., Doudna, Jennifer A.
Muscular Dystrophy: I'm Grateful I've Proved Them Wrong by Eckdahl, Todd T.
Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits by Walsh, Bruce, Lynch, Michael
See More