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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 2020

Legume Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Nut and Beverage Crops: Volume 4 by
Molecular Ecology by Freeland, Joanna R.
Genetic Testing by Boslaugh, Sarah
The Duckweed Genomes by
Gene Environment Interactions: Nature and Nurture in the Twenty-First Century by Smith, Moyra
Topological Data Analysis for Genomics and Evolution: Topology in Biology by Rabadan, Raul, Blumberg, Andrew J.
Inflammatory Disorders - Part a: Volume 119 by
Statistical Population Genomics by
Beyond Our Genes: Pathophysiology of Gene and Environment Interaction and Epigenetic Inheritance by
Molecular Toxicology Protocols by
Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class by Murray, Charles
Chromatin and Epigenetics by
DNA Beyond Genes: From Data Storage and Computing to Nanobots, Nanomedicine, and Nanoelectronics by Demidov, Vadim V.
The Bitter Gourd Genome by
Biocomputing 2020 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium by
The Lupin Genome by
RNA Interference and Crispr Technologies: Technical Advances and New Therapeutic Opportunities by
DNA by Arney, Kat
Creating Future People: The Ethics of Genetic Enhancement by Anomaly, Jonathan
An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology: From Birdsongs to Viscosities by
Gpcr Signaling in Cancer: Volume 145 by
The Mungbean Genome by
Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics: Methods and Protocols by
Gentechnik Bei Pflanzen: Chancen Und Risiken by Kempken, Frank
Live Long and Evolve: What Star Trek Can Teach Us about Evolution, Genetics, and Life on Other Worlds by Noor, Mohamed A. F.
Marine Disease Ecology by
epigenetic: the secret behind by Engineering, Biogical
Chickpea: Crop Wild Relatives for Enhancing Genetic Gains by
Theranostics Approaches to Gastric and Colon Cancer by
Marine Disease Ecology by
Proteomics. Importance for the Future of Genetics Research by Sowunmi, Kehinde
The Tobacco Plant Genome by
Genetics Basis of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone GnRH: Molecular Regulation of Hypothalamus Pituitary Gonads Axis in both sexes and genetics basis for by Rashadb, Amr, Hassaninea, Nada, Saleh, Ahmed
The Citrus Genome by
The Complete Guide to the ABC Molecular Biology Certification Exam by Roy, Tiffany, Price, Tatum
Replicating and Repairing the Genome: From Basic Mechanisms to Modern Genetic Technologies by Kreuzer, Kenneth N.
Conquering Sickle Cell: A Patient's Story by Ekunwe, Ebun
Cancer Health Equity Research: Volume 146 by
From Darwin to Derrida: Selfish Genes, Social Selves, and the Meanings of Life by Haig, David
Chemical Epigenetics by
Gene Expression and Phenotypic Traits by
Systems Genetics by
Genetics and Human Behavior by Yashon, Ronnee, Cummings, Michael R.
Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity by Metzl, Jamie
Biolistic DNA Delivery in Plants: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Synthetic Biology by
Extended Heredity: A New Understanding of Inheritance and Evolution by Day, Troy, Bonduriansky, Russell
Protein Interactions as Targets in Drug Discovery: Volume 121 by
The Rubber Tree Genome by
Welcome to the Genome: A User's Guide to the Genetic Past, Present, and Future by DeSalle, Robert, Yudell, Michael
Quantitative Genetics by Caballero, Armando
Genetic Technology: A New Frontier by Office of Technology, Assessment
Unlocking the Secrets of Eosinophilic Esophagitis by DesRochers, Kaitlyn, Underhill, John, Glaser, Andrew
The DNA Diet: How to Hack Your Genes by Macedo, Estefano
Population Genomics with R by Paradis, Emmanuel
In Situ Hybridization Protocols by
Bioinformatics by
The Book of Humans: A Brief History of Culture, Sex, War, and the Evolution of Us by Rutherford, Adam
Molecular Genetics of Axial Patterning, Growth and Disease in Drosophila Eye by
Evaluation of oxidative stress marker, antioxidant enzymes status by Seoud, Hoda, Koraa, Soheir, Mohamed, Amal
DNA Demystified: Unravelling the Double Helix by McHughen, Alan
Génétique des populations. Origines, phénomènes et moteurs du développement des espèces by Rached-Kanouni, Malika
The Exposome: A New Paradigm for the Environment and Health by Miller, Gary W.
Quantitative Genetics by Caballero, Armando
Genetic Engineering: A Glimpse of Techniques and Applications by
Advances in Genetics: Volume 105 by
The Oil Palm Genome by
Genomics of Pain and Co-Morbid Symptoms by
Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Plants: Methods and Protocols by
Genetic Analysis: Genes, Genomes, and Networks in Eukaryotes by Meneely, Philip
Coconut Biotechnology: Towards the Sustainability of the 'Tree of Life' by
Genetic Suspects by
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Volume 147 by
A Handbook of Gene and Cell Therapy by Nóbrega, Clévio, Mendonça, Liliana, Matos, Carlos A.
Managing Health in the Genomic Era: A Guide to Family Health History and Disease Risk by Henrich, Vincent, Orlando, Lori A., Shirts, Brian H.
The Genome Incorporated: Constructing Biodigital Identity by O'Riordan, Kate
Crispr-Cas Methods by
Genetics in Human Reproduction by
Genomics by Lindsay, Sarah J., Jones, Phil, Parkhill, Julian
Hacking the Code of Life: How Gene Editing Will Rewrite Our Futures by Carey, Nessa
Heredity under the Microscope: Chromosomes and the Study of the Human Genome by de Chadarevian, Soraya
Ganglioside Biochemistry by Kim, Cheorl-Ho
Crispr-Cas Methods by
Mapping Humanity: How Modern Genetics Is Changing Criminal Justice, Personalized Medicine, and Our Identities by Rappoport, Joshua Z.
A Child Is Born: The Fifth Edition of the Beloved Classic--Completely Revised and Updated by Forsell, Linda, Nilsson, Lennart
Gm3 Signaling by Kim, Cheorl-Ho
Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History of Human Heredity by Porter, Theodore M.
Effect of Small Molecules on Nucleic Acid Stability and Improvements to RNA Structure Prediction by Sowunmi, Kehinde
Engineering of Microbial Biosynthetic Pathways by
The State of Science: What the Future Holds and the Scientists Making It Happen by Zimmer, Marc
Advances in Cancer Research: Volume 148 by
A Dominant Character: The Radical Science and Restless Politics of J. B. S. Haldane by Subramanian, Samanth
What Darwin and Dawkins Didn't Know: Epigenetics, Symbiosis, Hybridization, Quantum Biology, Topobiology, the Sugar Code, and the Origin of Species by Rush, John A.
Rice Research for Quality Improvement: Genomics and Genetic Engineering: Volume 2: Nutrient Biofortification and Herbicide and Biotic Stress Resistanc by
The Spruce Genome by
How to Argue with a Racist: What Our Genes Do (and Don't) Say about Human Difference by Rutherford, Adam
What Do You Think You Are?: The Science of What Makes You You by Clegg, Brian
Imaging Gene Expression: Methods and Protocols by
Microarray Bioinformatics by
Smc Complexes: Methods and Protocols by
Proximity Labeling: Methods and Protocols by
Rat Genomics by
The Globe Artichoke Genome by
Plant Biotechnology and Medicinal Plants: Periwinkle, Milk Thistle and Foxglove by Rady, Mohamed Ramadan
Marine Metagenomics: Technological Aspects and Applications by
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Agricultural Sustainability: From Theory to Practices by
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors -- Epidrugs for Neurological Disorders by Ganai, Shabir Ahmad
A Primer of Population Genetics and Genomics by Hartl, Daniel L.
A Primer of Population Genetics and Genomics by Hartl, Daniel L.
Capturing Chromosome Conformation: Methods and Protocols by
DNA Modifications: Methods and Protocols by
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Breaking Borders Between Living Kingdoms by
Warfare and Culture in World History, Second Edition by
Warfare and Culture in World History, Second Edition by
In Situ Molecular Pathology and Co-Expression Analyses by Nuovo, Gerard J.
Genetics and Genomics of Linum by
Yeast Protocols by
Plant Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications by
Handbook of Livestock Management by
Breath from Salt: A Deadly Genetic Disease, a New Era in Science, and the Patients and Families Who Changed Medicine Forever by Trivedi, Bijal P.
How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of De-Extinction by Shapiro, Beth
Genetics: A Conceptual Approach by
Human Molecular Genetics by
The Dna, Rna, and Histone Methylomes by
Essentials of Marine Biotechnology by Kim, Se-Kwon
Origin of Life by Schaper, Charles D.
Crispr Guide RNA Design: Methods and Protocols by
Animal Science: Production and Management of Farm Animals by
Genetics: Recent Developments by
Modern Livestock and Animal Health by
Development of Selective Dna-Interacting Ligands: Understanding the Function of Non-Canonical DNA Structures by Asamitsu, Sefan
Epigenetic Reprogramming During Mouse Embryogenesis: Methods and Protocols by
Statistical Population Genomics by
Enzymes - Mechanisms, Dynamics and Inhibition: Volume 122 by
Epigenetic Reprogramming During Mouse Embryogenesis: Methods and Protocols by
Cereal Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Millets and Pseudo Cereals: Genetic Resources and Breeding Advancements by
Saved by Science: The Hope and Promise of Synthetic Biology by Poznansky, Mark J.
Saved by Science: The Hope and Promise of Synthetic Biology by Poznansky, Mark J.
Essentials of Genomics by
Advanced Research in Plant Genetics by
Advanced Topics in Human Genetics by
Protein Phosphatases and Stress Management in Plants: Functional Genomic Perspective by
The Biotech Revolution: Impact on Science Education in America by Harewood, Ken R.
The Biotech Revolution: Impact on Science Education in America by Harewood, Ken R.
Illuminating Colorectal Cancer Genomics by Next-Generation Sequencing: A Big Chapter in the Tale by
Quantitative Real-Time PCR: Methods and Protocols by
Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns: An Integrative Approach by
Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns: An Integrative Approach by
Dilated Cardiomyopathy by Pinamonti, Bruno, Sinagra, Gianfranco, Merlo, Marco
Dilated Cardiomyopathy by Pinamonti, Bruno, Sinagra, Gianfranco, Merlo, Marco
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Legumes: Volume 7 by
Cosmic Genetic Evolution: Volume 106 by
Genetic Ancestry: Our Stories, Our Pasts by Benn Torres, Jada, A. Torres Colón, Gabriel
Silent Witness: Forensic DNA Evidence in Criminal Investigations and Humanitarian Disasters by
The Salvia Miltiorrhiza Genome by
Non-Natural Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols by
Mechanisms of Gene Regulation: How Science Works by Carlberg, Carsten, Molnár, Ferdinand
Essentials of Bioinformatics, Volume II: In Silico Life Sciences: Medicine by
Structural Genomics: General Applications by
Rice Research for Quality Improvement: Genomics and Genetic Engineering: Volume 1: Breeding Techniques and Abiotic Stress Tolerance by
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Industrial and Food Crops: Volume 6 by
A Monograph of Paris (Melanthiaceae): Morphology, Biology, Systematics and Taxonomy by Ji, Yunheng
The Neem Genome by
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Cereals: Volume 5 by
Cotton Science and Processing Technology: Gene, Ginning, Garment and Green Recycling by
Conservation Genetics of New World Crocodilians by
On Task: How Our Brain Gets Things Done by Badre, David
Knowledge as Resistance: The Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering by de Saille, Stevienna
Essentials of Bioinformatics, Volume III: In Silico Life Sciences: Agriculture by
Chimeric RNA: Methods and Protocols by
Jasmonate in Plant Biology: Methods and Protocols by
Blood Relations: Transfusion and the Making of Human Genetics by Bangham, Jenny
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer by
Blood Relations: Transfusion and the Making of Human Genetics by Bangham, Jenny
Heredity under the Microscope: Chromosomes and the Study of the Human Genome by de Chadarevian, Soraya
Once Can Be Enough: Decisive Experiments, No Replication Required by Franklin, Allan, Laymon, Ronald
Advances in Plant Transgenics: Methods and Applications by
The Beans and the Peas: From Orphan to Mainstream Crops by
Plant Chemical Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Emerging Trends in Plant Pathology by
Our Animal Connection: What Sapiens Can Learn from Other Species by Hehenberger, Michael, Xia, Zhi
Advances in Animal Genomics by
The New Eugenics: Modifying Biological Life in the Twenty-First Century by Quintyn, Conrad B.
Heterogeneity in Statistical Genetics: How to Assess, Address, and Account for Mixtures in Association Studies by Kim, Wonkuk, Gordon, Derek, Finch, Stephen J.
Functional Analysis of Long Non-Coding Rnas: Methods and Protocols by
Compreendendo as causas e genética do câncer by Anjos, Thomás, Moreira, Joëlle, Silva, Yuri Cássio de Lima
Routledge Handbook of Sport and Exercise Systems Genetics by
Insect Transgenesis: Methods and Applications by
The Carnation Genome by
Research Anthology on Emerging Technologies and Ethical Implications in Human Enhancement by
DNA Decipher Journal Volume 10 Issue 2: 3D Quantum Vacuum, Origin of Life, & Bio-harmony by Dream Inc, Quantum
Tea: Genome and Genetics by Mondal, Tapan Kumar
A Genética na Síndrome de Down by Queiroz, Paulo, Andrade, Luana