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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 2024

Innovative Marvels: Shaping Our future by Rafeal, Mack
Hepatobiliary Cancers: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Progress in Botany Vol. 84 by
Unraveling the Code: A Beginners Guide to Evolutionary Genetics by Maya Verma
Phytochemical Genomics: Plant Metabolomics and Medicinal Plant Genomics by
Die Molekulare Basis Von Gesundheit: Wie Epigenetik Und Ernährung Unser Leben Beeinflussen by Carlberg, Carsten
Sustainable Agriculture in the Era of the Omics Revolution by
Viral Fitness and Evolution: Population Dynamics and Adaptive Mechanisms by
Base Editors: Methods and Protocols by
Market-Driven Plant Breeding for Practicing Breeders by Angadi, Sharan P., Tiwari, Aparna, Tikoo, Surinder K.
Genetic Engineering of Crop Plants for Food and Health Security: Volume 1 by
Perché gli scienziati che si occupano di de-estinzione non riescono a far rivivere i mammut? by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Почему ученые, занимающи by Амирадфа&#10
Warum können Wissenschaftler, die sich mit dem Aussterben von Säugetieren befassen, keine Mammuts wiederbeleben? by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Extreme Biohacking: Pushing the Human Body and Mind to the Limits by Rijo, Sergio
Pourquoi les scientifiques spécialisés dans la lutte contre l'extinction des espèces ne parviennent-ils jamais à faire revivre les mammouths ? by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Porque é que os cientistas da des-extinção nunca conseguiram reviver os mamutes? by Amirmardfar, Ramin
The Unnatural Selection: At the Frontier of Gene Editing by Graham, Fiona, Kornfeldt, Torill
Exploring Variation, Selection Criteria and Genetic Diversity in Wheat by Patel, Himalay R., Mangroliya, Urvashi C.
Génotypes d'AKAP lbc et et Implications dans la Recherche sur la GVH by Said, Rahma
Genes, Environments and Interactions: Evolutionary and Quantitative Genetics Brought Up-To-Date by Álvarez-Castro, José M.
Genetic Precision CRISPR Revolution by Rafeal, Mack
Microrna Detection and Target Identification: Methods and Protocols by
À qui profite (vraiment) la génétique ?: Pourquoi la biologie du comportement humain ne condamne pas le progrès social by Debove, Stéphane
Gene Behavior in Bacteria Exposed: How the New Tool Revealing Gene Behavior in Bacteria was discovered and everything to know about it by Carson, Johnny Max
Basic Bioinformatics by Hemalatha, C. R., Hepsypa, S. Gladis Helen
Genetics by Marcus, Alice
RNA Structure Prediction by
Biomanufacturing for Sustainable Production of Biomolecules by
Bioinformatics by Lohar, Prakash S.
Dictionary of Bioinformatics by Manikandakumar, K.
Double-Stranded RNA: Methods and Protocols by
Biocomputing 2024 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium by
Polyploidy: Methods and Protocols by
Computational Epigenomics and Epitranscriptomics by
Advances in Bioinformatics by
Bioinformatics: A One Semester Course by Sayood, Khalid, Otu, Hasan H.
Melhoramento fisiológico e genético do arroz de várzea by Anato, Kouessi Sixte Vital
Physiologische und genetische Verbesserung von Tieflandreis by Anato, Kouessi Sixte Vital
Amélioration physiologique et génétique du riz de bas-fond by Anato, Kouessi Sixte Vital
Miglioramento fisiologico e genetico del riso di pianura by Anato, Kouessi Sixte Vital
Физиологическое и генет& by Анато, Коу&#
Züchtung von Sorghum auf Trockenheitstoleranz by Belay, Fantaye
Allevamento del sorgo per la tolleranza alla siccità by Belay, Fantaye
Reprodução de sorgo para tolerância à seca by Belay, Fantaye
Селекция сорго на устойч by Белай, Фан&#
Pearl Millet in the 21st Century: Food-Nutrition-Climate Resilience-Improved Livelihoods by
Plant Resistance to Insects in Major Field Crops by
Генетическое консульти&# by &#1052. &#1061&#1077&#1075&#1076&#1077, Ам&#1080, Чандра, Па&#, Лолаекар, &#
Genetische Beratung und orofaziale Syndrome by Lolayekar, Nikita, Chandra, Parvathy, M. Hegde, Amitha
Conseil génétique et syndromes orofaciaux by Lolayekar, Nikita, M. Hegde, Amitha, Chandra, Parvathy
Consulenza genetica e sindromi orofacciali by Lolayekar, Nikita, M. Hegde, Amitha, Chandra, Parvathy
Aconselhamento genético e síndromes orofaciais by Chandra, Parvathy, Lolayekar, Nikita, M. Hegde, Amitha
Is Pharmacology Difficult by Vijay, Radhika
Genome Editing in Animals: Methods and Protocols by
Smart Breeding: Molecular Interventions and Advancements for Crop Improvement by
Plant Genotyping: Methods and Protocols by
Biofortification in Cereals: Progress and Prospects by
Epigenetics and Responsibility: Ethical Perspectives by
Molecular Techniques for Studying Viruses: Practical Notes by Khan, Gulfaraz, Hassan, Zubaida
Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols by
Circular Rnas by
Plant Mutagenesis and Crop Improvement by
Cyclin D1 in Gesundheit Und Krankheit by Bhowmick, Swagata, Sah, Kunal, Singh, Shweta
A Ciclina D1 Na Saúde E Na Doença by Bhowmick, Swagata, Sah, Kunal, Singh, Shweta
ЦИКЛИН D1 В ЗДОРОВЬЕ И БОЛЕ&#1 by Сингх, Шве&#, Сах, Кунал, Бховмик, С&#
Cycline D1 Dans La Santé Et La Maladie by Bhowmick, Swagata, Sah, Kunal, Singh, Shweta
La Ciclina D1 Nella Salute E Nella Malattia by Bhowmick, Swagata, Sah, Kunal, Singh, Shweta
Epigenetics and Health: A Practical Guide by McCulley, Michelle
Genetics and Genomics of High-Altitude Crops by
Генетическое разнообра&# by Андраде С&#1
Genetische Vielfalt bei Wiederkäuern aus verschiedenen Kontinenten by Andrade Salles, Patricy
Diversité génétique chez les ruminants de différents continents by Andrade Salles, Patricy
Diversità genetica nei ruminanti di diversi continenti by Andrade Salles, Patricy
Genetic diversity in ruminants from different continents by Andrade Salles, Patricy
Genetic Testing in Reproductive Medicine by
Étude de la Fragmentation de l'ADN Spermatique par la technique SCD by Coulibaly, Bintou
The Flax Genome by
Выделение РНК из гиппока by Диниз Бра&#1
Gewinnung von RNA aus dem Hippocampus von Wistar-Ratten by Diniz Brandão Gervásio, João Henrique
Extraction d'ARN à partir de l'hippocampe de rats wistar by Diniz Brandão Gervásio, João Henrique
Estrazione di RNA dall'ippocampo di ratti wistar by Diniz Brandão Gervásio, João Henrique
Extracting RNA from the hippocampus of wistar rats by Diniz Brandão Gervásio, João Henrique
Therapeutic Potential of Cell Cycle Kinases in Breast Cancer by
Das Buch Der Gene Und Genome by Haga, Susanne B.
Determinazione della frequenza di alcuni marcatori molecolari umani by Da F. Moura, Maria Manuela, Nascimento de Araujo Rebelo, Uerisson
Определение частоты вст& by &#1076&#1072 &#1060. &#1052&#1086&#1091&#1088&#1072, М, Насимент&#10
Bestimmung der Häufigkeit einiger menschlicher molekularer Marker by Nascimento de Araujo Rebelo, Uerisson, Da F. Moura, Maria Manuela
Determining the Frequency of Some Human Molecular Markers by Nascimento de Araujo Rebelo, Uerisson, Da F. Moura, Maria Manuela
Détermination de la fréquence de certains marqueurs moléculaires humains by Nascimento de Araujo Rebelo, Uerisson, Da F. Moura, Maria Manuela
Evolutionary Biology: Contemporary and Historical Reflections Upon Core Theory by
Z-DNA: Methods and Protocols by
Beyond Human - The Ethics and Possibilities of Bioengineering by Shivan, Viruti
Ghosts in Our Genes - The Startling Impact of Epigenetics by Shivan, Viruti
Молекулярное исследова&# by Шринивас&#10, Нандлал, Б&#
Estudo molecular de biofilmes de Streptococcus mutans by Srinivasan, Shruti, Nandlal, Bhojraj
Studio molecolare dei biofilm di Streptococcus mutans by Srinivasan, Shruti, Nandlal, Bhojraj
Étude moléculaire des biofilms de Streptococcus mutans by Srinivasan, Shruti, Nandlal, Bhojraj
Molekulare Untersuchung von Streptococcus mutans Biofilmen by Nandlal, Bhojraj, Srinivasan, Shruti
Statistical Genomics by
Hereditary Gastric and Breast Cancer Syndrome: Cdh1: One Genotype with Multiple Phenotypes by
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Animal Biotechnology for Livestock Production 4 by
Gene Editing in Plants: Crispr-Cas and Its Applications by
Research Anthology on Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Computational Biology, VOL 1 by
Research Anthology on Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Computational Biology, VOL 2 by
Research Anthology on Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Computational Biology, VOL 3 by
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (Fish): Methods and Protocols by
Human Ring Chromosomes: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Families by
Nature's Blueprint: The Theory of Evolution Explored by K, Olivia
Prostate Cancer: Advancements in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Personalized Therapy by
Plant Genome Editing Technologies: Speed Breeding, Crop Improvement and Sustainable Agriculture by
Формальная генетика ано& by Харипрас&#10, Шетти, &#1053. &#1046.
Genética formal do Anopheles stephensi, vetor da malária urbana na Índia by Shetty, N. J., Hariprasad, T. P. N.
Genetica formale di Anopheles stephensi, vettore di malaria urbana in India by Shetty, N. J., Hariprasad, T. P. N.
Génétique formelle d'Anopheles stephensi, vecteur urbain du paludisme en Inde by Hariprasad, T. P. N., Shetty, N. J.
Formale Genetik von Anopheles stephensi, einem städtischen Malaria-Vektor in Indien by Shetty, N. J., Hariprasad, T. P. N.
Cloning of oil degradation genes by Othman, Rasha M., Alkanany, Fadhil N.
Mechanism and Genetic Susceptibility of Neurological Disorders by
Genotoxische antigenotoxische Bewertung von Melissa oficinallis by Frydberg Corrêa Angeloni, Maria Júlia
Évaluation génotoxique antigénotoxique de Melissa oficinallis by Frydberg Corrêa Angeloni, Maria Júlia
Valutazione genotossica antigenotossica della Melissa oficinallis by Frydberg Corrêa Angeloni, Maria Júlia
Генотоксическая антиге&# by &#1060&#1088&#1072&#1081&#1076&#1073&#1077&#1088&#1075 &#105
Genotoxic/antigenotoxic evaluation of Melissa oficinallis by Frydberg Corrêa Angeloni, Maria Júlia
Mitochondriale DNA-Vielfalt und phylogenetische Verwandtschaft by Kibegwa, Felix, Githui, Kem, Jung'a, Joseph
Diversité de l'ADN mitochondrial et relations phylogénétiques by Kibegwa, Felix, Githui, Kem, Jung'a, Joseph
Diversidade do ADN mitocondrial e relações filogenéticas by Githui, Kem, Jung'a, Joseph, Kibegwa, Felix
Diversità del DNA mitocondriale e relazioni filogenetiche by Githui, Kem, Jung'a, Joseph, Kibegwa, Felix
Разнообразие митохондр&# by Джунга, Дж&#, Кибегва, Ф&#, Гитуй, Кем
Twins: Mirrored Paths of Identity and Connection: Parallel Lives Born Together, Dual Existence, Interwoven Identities, Shared by Elliott, Norris
Auswirkungen von Zigarettenbestandteilen auf das DNA-Molekül by M. O. Paulucio, Fernanda, A. Foschete, Cláudia, Queiroz, Paulo Roberto
Effects of cigarette components on the DNA molecule by Queiroz, Paulo Roberto, M. O. Paulucio, Fernanda, A. Foschete, Cláudia
Effets des composants de la cigarette sur la molécule d'ADN by M. O. Paulucio, Fernanda, A. Foschete, Cláudia, Queiroz, Paulo Roberto
Effetti dei componenti della sigaretta sulla molecola di DNA by M. O. Paulucio, Fernanda, A. Foschete, Cláudia, Queiroz, Paulo Roberto
Влияние компонентов сиг& by &#1052.&#1054. &#1055&#1072&#1091&#1083&#1091&#1089&#1080&#1, A. &#1060&#1086&#1096&#1077&#1090&#1077, Кл&#107, Кейруз, Па&#
Lehrbuch Über Die Grundlagen Der Genetik by Emmanuel, Binitha Sophine
Manuel Sur Les Fondements de la Génétique by Emmanuel, Binitha Sophine
Livro Didáctico Sobre OS Fundamentos Da Genética by Emmanuel, Binitha Sophine
Libro Di Testo Sui Fondamenti Della Genetica by Emmanuel, Binitha Sophine
Ein Leitfaden für Slacker in der Genetik: Leitfaden für Anfänger in der Genetik by Webb, William
Molekulare Marker für die Verbesserung der Gerste by Toniazzo, Claudia, P. Brammer, Sandra, Minella, Euclydes
Molecular markers associated with barley improvement by Toniazzo, Claudia, P. Brammer, Sandra, Minella, Euclydes
Marqueurs moléculaires associés à l'amélioration de l'orge by Toniazzo, Claudia, P. Brammer, Sandra, Minella, Euclydes
Marcatori molecolari associati al miglioramento dell'orzo by Toniazzo, Claudia, P. Brammer, Sandra, Minella, Euclydes
Молекулярные маркеры, св by Тониаццо, &#, P. &#1041&#1088&#1072&#1084&#1084&#1077&#1088, С&#1072, Минелла, Э&#
Osteoporose, das Immunsystem und die Genetik by Dantas de Lima, Camilla Albertina
Osteoporosis, the Immune System and Genetics by Dantas de Lima, Camilla Albertina
Ostéoporose, système immunitaire et génétique by Dantas de Lima, Camilla Albertina
Osteoporosi, sistema immunitario e genetica by Dantas de Lima, Camilla Albertina
Остеопороз, иммунная сис by Дантас де &#
Genetic Improvement of Rice for Salt Tolerance by
Estudo da fragmentação do ADN espermático utilizando a técnica SCD by Coulibaly, Bintou
Untersuchung der Fragmentierung der spermatischen DNA durch die SCD-Technik by Coulibaly, Bintou
Study of Spermatic DNA Fragmentation using the SCD technique by Coulibaly, Bintou
Studio della frammentazione del DNA spermatico mediante la tecnica SCD by Coulibaly, Bintou
Исследование фрагмента&# by Цоулибал&#10
A Century of Interspecific Hybridization and Introgression in Tobacco by Berbec, Apoloniusz
Генетическое разнообра&# by Абдул Хас&#1, Наджи, Хас&#, Аль-Саади, &
Genetische Vielfalt der mesopotamischen Dattelpalme (Pheonix dactylifera L.) by Al-Saadi, Ali, Abdul Hasan Kareem, Muhanned, Naji, Hassan
Diversité génétique du palmier dattier de Mésopotamie (Pheonix dactylifera L.) by Naji, Hassan, Al-Saadi, Ali, Abdul Hasan Kareem, Muhanned
Diversidade genética da tamareira da Mesopotâmia (Pheonix dactylifera L.) by Abdul Hasan Kareem, Muhanned, Naji, Hassan, Al-Saadi, Ali
Diversità genetica della palma da dattero della Mesopotamia (Pheonix dactylifera L.) by Al-Saadi, Ali, Abdul Hasan Kareem, Muhanned, Naji, Hassan
Entendento a evolução clínica da Anemia Falciforme by Cardoso Costa, Greice de Lemos, Da Silva Dos Santos, Aylla Núbia Lima M.
Oltre il DNA: Scoprire l'Influenza Nascosta dell'Ambiente e dello Stile di Vita sulla Nostra Eredità Biologica e le Nuove Frontiere by Edizioni, Epigenetica
Oltre il DNA: Viaggio nell'Epigenetica: Scoprire l'Influenza Nascosta dell'Ambiente e dello Stile di Vita sulla Nostra Eredità Biolo by Edizioni, Epigenetica
The First Discriminant Theory of Linearly Separable Data: From Exams and Medical Diagnoses with Misclassifications to 169 Microarrays for Cancer Gene by Shinmura, Shuichi
Verbesserung der Reislinie Ld 99-12-38 auf BLB-Resistenz durch MABB by Priyadarshanie W., W. Deepika
Amélioration de la lignée de riz Ld 99-12-38 pour la résistance à la BLB grâce au MABB by Priyadarshanie W., W. Deepika
Miglioramento della linea di riso Ld 99-12-38 resistente alla BLB attraverso il MABB by Priyadarshanie W., W. Deepika
Melhoramento da linha de arroz Ld 99-12-38 para resistência à BLB através de MABB by Priyadarshanie W., W. Deepika
Улучшение линии риса Ld 99-12-38 д&# by &#1055&#1088&#1080&#1103&#1076&#1072&#1088&#1096&#1072&#1085
Ancestral Genomics: African American Health in the Age of Precision Medicine by Hilliard, Constance B.
The Graft Hybrid: Challenging Twentieth-Century Genetics by Holmes, Matthew
Multiplex High-Resolution Melting Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool by Hamad, Shahad Tariq, Ghaima, Kais Kassim
Первые стволовые клетки by Амирадфа&#10
Die ersten Stammzellen der Erde by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Les premières cellules souches sur Terre by Amirmardfar, Ramin
As primeiras células estaminais da Terra by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Le prime cellule staminali sulla Terra by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Cardiovascular Considerations in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation by
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Nut and Beverage Crops: Volume 4 by
Translating Physiological Tools to Augment Crop Breeding by
Plant Functional Traits for Improving Productivity by
Plant Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols, Volume 1 by
Plant Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols, Volume 2 by
Bacterial Genetics and Genomics by Snyder, Lori, Snyder, Lori A. S.
Bacterial Genetics and Genomics by Snyder, Lori A. S., Snyder, Lori
Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-Genomics Era by
Polymerase Chain Reaction in Oral Pathology - A Systematic Review by Dinakar Mds, J., Gomakumar Mds, K. U., Priyadharshini, R. Muthu
Молекулярная характери&# by Гарания, Н&#, Каходари&#11
Caracterização molecular do algodão (Gossypium Spp.) by Garaniya, Narendrakumar, Kahodariya, Jayeshkumar
Caratterizzazione molecolare del cotone (Gossypium Spp.) by Kahodariya, Jayeshkumar, Garaniya, Narendrakumar
Caractérisation moléculaire du coton (Gossypium Spp.) by Garaniya, Narendrakumar, Kahodariya, Jayeshkumar
Molekulare Charakterisierung von Baumwolle (Gossypium Spp.) by Garaniya, Narendrakumar, Kahodariya, Jayeshkumar
In Search of Human Evolution: Field Research in Diverse Environments by Crawford, Michael H.
DNA Barcoding: Methods and Protocols by
Life. Death. Immortality.: The Reign of the Genome by Zhegunov, Gennadiy, Pogozhykh, Denys
Genetic Studies in Model Organisms: From Classical to Modern Genetics by Choi, Kwang-Wook
Alternative Splicing and Cancer by
Genotypisierung von Karpfenrassen Cyprinus carpio L. der weißrussischen Selektion by Rovba, Elena, Dromashko, Sergey, Koneva, Oksana
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