• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2001

Global Positioning System: Theory and Practice by Lichtenegger, H., Collins, J., Hofmann-Wellenhof, B.
Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland by Klein, B.
Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland by Klein, B.
Geographic Information Systems in Transportation Research by
Multimedia-Standort Hamburg: Ein innovatives Milieu? by Hütte, Mario
Entwicklungsstrategien in Der Informationsgesellschaft: Mensch, Wirtschaft Und Umwelt by Grossmann, Wolf D.
Earth Sciences and Archaeology by
Geography Of Islands by Royle, Stephen a.
The Postmodern Urban Condition by Dear, Michael J.
The Legal Geographies Reader: 1598-1648 by Blomley, Nicholas
Bestimmung der Nutzungseignung von Gewerbeflächen für eine differenzierte Standortentwicklung by Sorsch, Thomas
Time-Integrative Geographic Information Systems: Management and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data by Swiaczny, Frank, Ott, Thomas
Local Development and Competitiveness by Conti, S., Giaccaria, P.
Land Degradation by
La Gran Línea: Mapping the United States-Mexico Boundary, 1849-1857 by Rebert, Paula
The Secret Life of Cities: Social reproduction of everyday life by Cheng-Chong Wu, Peter, Jarvis, Helen, Pratt, Andy C.
Globalisierungsstrategien -- Der Weg Von Novartis by Zeller, Christian
Travel by Design: The Influence of Urban Form on Travel by Crane, Randall, Boarnet, Marlon
The Theory of Island Biogeography by Wilson, Edward O., MacArthur, Robert H.
Empirische Untersuchung der Modelle zur Umsatzprognose an einem Standort by König, Niklas
Electronic Navigation Systems by Tetley, Laurie, Calcutt, David
A Critical Geography of Britain's State Forests by Tsouvalis, Judith
Geographies of Women's Health: Place, Diversity and Difference by
Global Tropical Cyclogenesis by Sharkov, E. a.
Spatial Information and the Environment by Halls, Peter
Surveying Instruments of Greece and Rome by Lewis, M. J. T.
Dynamics of Rockslides and Rockfalls by Erismann, Theodor H., Abele, Gerhard
Regional Science in Business by
Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice: Pattern and Process [With CD-ROM] by O'Neill, Robert V., Turner, Monica G., Gardner, Robert H.
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography by Hubbell, Stephen P.
Radar Interferometry: Data Interpretation and Error Analysis by Hanssen, Ramon F.
Picking the winners - Dienstleistungsorientierte Bestandspflege- und Ansiedlungspolitik: Dienstleistungsunternehmen in der Regionalentwicklung am Beis by Steinbrecher, Bernd
Zukunftsperspektiven von Messegesellschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Messe Berlin by Alex, Sven
Zur Kritik der Konzepte der ostdeutschen Landesregierungen für den Erhalt industrieller Kerne by Gauler, Alexander
Möglichkeiten der Optimierung des Erlebniswertes im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr by Emhart, Bernd
Die Entwicklung des deutschen Fernsehmarktes vom öffentlich-rechtlichen "Monopol" zum dualen System: Eine wirtschaftsgeographische Analyse by Steen, Markus
Konzept zum Einsatz elektronischer Geld- und Kurkarten in einer deutschen Tourismus-Destination: Am Beispiel der Fremdenverkehrs-Region Ost-Friesland by Freimuth, Regine
Entwicklung, Strukturen, Potentiale und Probleme des Tourismus in Rovinj / Istrien: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wassersporttourismus by Meyer, Miriam
Die Bedeutung von innerstädtischen Leitsystemen für die Beeinflussung von Passantenströmen: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Erfurter Altstadt by Weiß, Kathrin
Migration und Beschäftigung by Kuschnereit, Ulrich
Raumordnungskriterien in unterschiedlichen Planungssystemen: Dargestellt am Beispiel der BRD und Frankreich by Straube, Detlev
Coastal Defences: Processes, Problems and Solutions by French, Peter W., French Peter, W.
Die Europäische Währungsunion: Die Historie der Entwicklung eines einheitlichen europäischen Währungsraumes by Krzyzniewski, Alexandra
The Peasant Cotton Revolution in West Africa: Cote D'Ivoire, 1880 1995 by Bassett, Thomas J.
Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management by
Faunal and Floral Migration and Evolution in SE Asia-Australasia by Metcalfe, Ian, Smith, Jeremy M. B., Morwood, Mike
Organisationsformen der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung und ihre regionsspezifische Ausgestaltung: Dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielen in Niedersac by Franck, Matthias
Einzelhandel als Leitfunktion der Innenstädte: Perspektiven vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung von Internet und Electronic Commerce by Hesse, Klaus-Martin
Private Intergenerational Transfers and Population Aging: The German Case by Lüth, Erik
Human Geography of the UK: An Introduction by Hardill, Irene, Kofman, Eleonore, Graham, David
Postmodern Geography: Theory and PRAXIS by
Landscape Balance and Landscape Assessment by
Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments: Ecological Processes and Consequences for Management by
River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics by
Metropolitan Innovation Systems: Theory and Evidence from Three Metropolitan Regions in Europe by Fischer, Manfred M., Revilla Diez, Javier
The Nature of the Environment by Goudie, Andrew S.
The Geopolitics of Australia's Regional Relations by Rumley, D.
The Waterfalls of Jamaica: Sublime and Beautiful Objects by Hudson, Brian J.
The Waterfalls of Jamaica: Sublime and Beautiful Objects by Hudson, Brian J.
Earth Tales: New Perspectives on Geography and History by Conserva, Henry T.
GIS - Anwendungen für Flughäfen - Visualisierung und Analyse von Marktdaten by Von Wirth, Timo
Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Bevölkerung by
Spatial Evolutionary Modeling by Krzanowski, Roman, Raper, Jonathan, Krzanowski, R. M.
Basement Regions by
IV Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy by
Scientific Principles for Physical Geographers by Bradbury, Ian, Boyle, John, Morse, Andy
Public Places in Asia Pacific Cities: Current Issues and Strategies by
Local Environmental Change and Society in Africa by Salih, M. a. Mohamed
Geographers by
Strategien der Euro-Umstellung by Krugiolka, Andreas
Regionale Entwicklungseffekte durch die Nutzung von Solarenergie: Beispiel Rügen by Schmidt, Stephan
Origins: The Evolution of Continents, Oceans, and Life by Redfern, Ron
Entwicklung einer mobilen, energieautarken, kontinuierlich arbeitenden und telemetrisch betreuten Ozonimmissionsmeßstation in "low cost"-Ausführung un by Herrig, Jochen
Consultancy and Innovation: The Business Service Revolution in Europe by Wood, Peter
Researching Human Geography by Davies, Anna, Lees, Loretta, Hoggart, Keith
GIS Processing of Geocoded Satellite Data by Williams, Jonathan
Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography by Harvey, David
Gender and Rural Geography by Little, Jo
Detecting and Modelling Regional Climate Change by
Knowledge Economies: Clusters, Learning and Cooperative Advantage by Cooke, Philip
Im Einklang Mit Der Erde: Geowissenschaften Für Die Zukunft by
Resource & Environmental Management by Mitchell, Bruce
Towards Sustainable Building by
Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000: Ggg2000 Iag International Symposium Banff, Alberta, Canada July 31 - August 4, 2000 by
Die kulturtouristischen Potentiale einer Region am Beispiel prähistorischer Kulturstätten: Ein Entwicklungskonzept für die Mittelmeerinseln by Auf'mkolk, Tobias
Mountain Environments by Parish, Romola
The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring, Mapping, and Enjoying Your World by Arnold, Caroline
Bodenmanagement by
Virtual Reality in Geography by Fisher, Peter, Unwin, David
Geographic Information Systems for Transportation: Principles and Applications by Miller, Harvey J., Shaw, Shih-Lung
Geomorphological Processes by
Mapping Modernities by Dingsdale, Alan
Doing Cultural Geography by
Challenges and Change in Middle America: Perspectives on Development in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean by Willis, Katie, McIlwaine, Cathy
Environmental Problems in East-Central Europe by
Doing Cultural Geography by
Kartographie by Hake, Günter, Grünreich, Dietmar, Meng, Liqiu
Geography: Discipline, Profession and Subject Since 1870: An International Survey by
Land Use Simulation for Europe by
Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation by