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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2015

Town and Country Planning in the UK by Davoudi, Simin, Webb, David, Vigar, Geoff
Working in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance: A Career Guide by Gedde, Maia
Urban Environment and Social Wellbeing in Second Class Indian Cities by Ishaque, P. K. Aboo
Relations de Voyages Et Textes Géographiques Arabes, Persans Et Turks Relatifs a l'Extrême-Orient Du Viiie Au Xviiie Siècles: Traduits, Revus Et Annot by Ferrand, Gabriel
Relations de Voyages Et Textes Géographiques Arabes, Persans Et Turks Relatifs a l'Extrême-Orient Du Viiie Au Xviiie Siècles: Volume 2: Traduits, Revu by Ferrand, Gabriel
Problems of Place-Name Study by Mawer, A.
The Structure of the Atmosphere in Clear Weather by Cave, C. J. P.
Introduction to Geomorphology I: Physiographic Provinces, Landscapes & Geologic History by Szary, William a.
Die Auswirkungen von großräumigen Verkehrswege-Projekten auf die Regionalentwicklung by Cyriax, Timo
Carceral Geography: Spaces and Practices of Incarceration by Moran, Dominique
The Democratic Transition of Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic and their Successor States, with Particular Focus on the Geopolitical Fram by Holtschke, Eric
Motive der Wohnraumentscheidungen von Migranten: Am Fallbeispiel Berlin-Neukölln by Berkholz, Johannes
Spatio-Temporal Approaches: Geographic Objects and Change Process by Sanders, Lena, Mathian, Hélène
Suburban Governance: A Global View by
The Geography of South Carolina: Being a Companion to the History of That State by Simms, William Gilmore
World Geography Workbook by Stange, Mark, Laratta, Rebecca
Roundy and Friends: Soccertowns Book 4 - Columbus by Varela, Andres
Die unterschiedliche Entwicklung der USA und Brasiliens in Wirtschaft und Kultur: Ein Vergleich by Heimberg, Kim, Borck, Vanessa, Heck, Lisa
Warm-Temperate Deciduous Forests Around the Northern Hemisphere by
Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration. The Conflict Between Identity and Development Strategies in the City of Valparaiso, Chile. by Morales Cortes, Margarita
Regionale Disparitäten in Deutschland. Der Stadt-Land-Gegensatz by Scheid, Melanie
Regionalentwicklung und Regionalförderung in der Baltischen Staatengruppe by Frei, Julia
Science and Conservation in the Galapagos Islands: Frameworks & Perspectives by
Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, Volume 1 by
Earth System Monitoring: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology by
Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin by
Geography, Institutions and Regional Economic Performance by
Flash Floods: Forecasting and Warning by Sene, Kevin
Quantitative Methods in Tourism Economics by
Urbanization and Sustainability: Linking Urban Ecology, Environmental Justice and Global Environmental Change by
History and GIS: Epistemologies, Considerations and Reflections by
Critical Animal Geographies: Politics, Intersections and Hierarchies in a Multispecies World by
Working in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance: A Career Guide by Gedde, Maia
Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems: Proceedings of the Iag Symposium Gghs2012, October 9-12, 2012, Venice, Italy by
Bitola region in Macedonia-Settlements by V. Dimitrov Nikola, Jakovlev Zlatko, Koteski Cane
Ins/Cns/Gnss Integrated Navigation Technology by Li, Jianli, Gong, Xiaolin, Quan, Wei
Computational Approaches for Urban Environments by
Entwicklungen im nachhaltigen Alpentourismus am Beispiel des Ökotourismus by Koc, Ugur
Der Klimawandel in den Alpen. Auswirkungen und Bedeutung für den Tourismus by Körner, Thomas
Transnationale Projekte zwischen Schweden und Dänemark. Die Öresund Region by Körner, Thomas
The Economic Geology of Iran: Mineral Deposits and Natural Resources by Ghorbani, Mansour
Floods in a Megacity: Geospatial Techniques in Assessing Hazards, Risk and Vulnerability by Dewan, Ashraf
Agroecology by Sauerborn, Joachim, Martin, Konrad
Himalayan Perceptions: Environmental Change and the Well-Being of Mountain Peoples by Ives, Jack
Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Integrated Land and Water Resources Management (Ilwrm) in the Brahmaputra River Basin: Results from the Ec-Proj by
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy by Dicken, Peter
The Historic Thames by Belloc, Hilaire
The Thames by Menpes, Mortimer
Manual of Meteorology by Shaw, Napier
Manual of Meteorology by Shaw, Napier
Manual of Meteorology by Shaw, Napier
Manual of Meteorology by Shaw, Napier
A Geography of the Lifeworld (Routledge Revivals): Movement, Rest and Encounter by Seamon, David
Geography. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Woodhall, David
A Descriptive Physical, Industrial, and Historical Geography of England and Wales. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Haughton, Thomas
From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea. The narrative of a journey across Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi desert and North China. With illustrations from by Price, Julius Mendes
The Holy Land in Geography and in History. [with Maps and Plans.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Maccoun, Townsend
History of the Great Flood in Johnstown, Pa., May 31, 1889, Etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous
Wisconsin, Its Geography and Topography, History, Geology and Mineralogy, Etc. Second Edition, Greatly Improved. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Lapham, Increase Allen
Some Particulars as to the Early Maps of London, and More Especially as to the Map Attributed to R. Agas, Etc. from the Proceedings of the Society of by Agas, Ralph, Overall, William Henry
Some Account of the General and Medical Topography of Ajmeer. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Irvine, Robert Hamilton
The Physical Geology and Geography of Ireland. with Maps and Engravings. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Hull, Edward F. G. S.
The Illustrated Guide to Old Sarum and Stonehenge with Engravings. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland and Atlas. [a Collection of Testimonials in Favour of That Work.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Lewis, Samuel Topographer
A History of the County of Pictou, Nova Scotia. [with a Map.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Patterson, George
Lady Godiva, the Earl of Mercia, Peeping Tom, and Ancient Coventry. a Historical Narrative ... Illustrated with Steel Engravings, Etc. - Scholar's Cho by Marrs, Thomas
Illustrated Guide to Fortrose and Vicinity, with an Appendix on the Antiquities of the Black Isle and a Map. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Beaton, John Angus
Atlas to Accompany Alison's History of Europe. Constructed and Arranged Under the Direction of Mr. A. K. Johnston, Etc. with Supplement. - Scholar's C by Alison, Archibald, Johnston, Alexander Keith
The Land of Poco Tiempo (New Mexico). Illustrated. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Lummis, Charles Fletcher
The New Africa. a Journey Up the Chobe and Down the Okovanga Rivers. a Record of Exploration and Sport . with a Newly Drawn Map of Hitherto Unexplored by Hammar, August C. E., Schulz, Aurel
Memorial of the Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Machias. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous
The Land of the Pink Pearl, or Recollections of Life in the Bahamas. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Powles, Louis Diston
The Land of Manfred, Prince of Tarentum and King of Sicily. Rambles in Remote Parts of Southern Italy. with a Map. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Ross, Janet
The Franklin Expedition: Or Considerations on Measures for the Discovery and Relief of Our Absent Adventurers in the Arctic Regions. - Scholar' by Scoresby, William
In Darkest Africa ... with ... woodcut illustrations and maps ... New edition. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Stanley, Henry Morton
A Descriptive Account of Asam: With a Sketch of the Local Geography, and a Concise History of the Tea-Plant of Asam. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Robinson, William Of Gowhatti Government
Alaska; Its History and Resources, Gold Fields, Routes and Scenery ... Illustrated. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Bruce, Wait
Umweltprobleme in Entwicklungsländern. Indien und die Wasserverschmutzung by Jaklin, Angelika
Die Auswirkungen des rezenten Klimawandels auf den Naturraum der Alpen by Körner, Thomas
Astana. Die synthetische Hauptstadt Kasachstans by Yasin, Ahmed
Shale Gas and Fracking: The Science Behind the Controversy by
Ökonomische Perspektive auf das Thema Wasserressourcen-Management: Theoretische Ansätze by Stephan, Michael
The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities by
Understanding Poverty and the Environment: Analytical frameworks and approaches by Nunan, Fiona
Roundy and Friends: Soccertowns Book 5 - Washington DC by Varela, Andres
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage by
How to Do Your Dissertation in Geography and Related Disciplines by Knight, Peter G., Parsons, Tony
Modelle einer orientalischen Stadt. Die Stadtentwicklung von Marrakesch by Yasin, Ahmed
Großwohnsiedlungen der 60er und 70er Jahre: Aktuelle Konzepte der Sanierung by Yasin, Ahmad
Environmental Management of River Basin Ecosystems by
Peri-Urban Futures: Scenarios and Models for Land Use Change in Europe by
Rare Earth Elements: A New Approach to the Nexus of Supply, Demand and Use: Exemplified Along the Use of Neodymium in Permanent Magnets by Zepf, Volker
Urban Refugees: Challenges in Protection, Services and Policy by
Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science by Malczewski, Jacek, Rinner, Claus
Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary by
Introduction to Geomorphology II: Structure, Landforms, and Geologic Processes by Szary, William a.
Mapping Urban Practices Through Mobile Phone Data by Pucci, Paola, Manfredini, Fabio, Tagliolato, Paolo
The Scenery of Sidmouth by Cornish, Vaughan
The Preservation of Our Scenery by Cornish, Vaughan
The Geology of the Lake District by Marr, J. E.
The Changing World Religion Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics by
Encyclopedia of Earth Observations by
An Introduction to Place-Based Development Economics and Policy by Seravalli, Gilberto
Die Elendsviertel in Indien und Brasilien. Ein Vergleich by Völzke, Sandra
Environment and Citizenship by Cao, Benito
Openstreetmap in Giscience: Experiences, Research, and Applications by
Understanding Poverty and the Environment: Analytical frameworks and approaches by Nunan, Fiona
The Vascular Flora of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise (Central Italy): An Annotated Checklist by Conti, Fabio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio
Chancen und Risiken der Kreativwirtschaft am Beispiel des Hamburger Gängeviertels by Salmeri, Antonio
Handbook of Geodetic Science by
Neogene Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy of Argentina: The Chaco-Paranense Basin and the Península de Valdés by Marengo, Hugo
Risk Assessment of Storms in Coastal Zones: Case Studies from Cartagena (Colombia) and Cadiz (Spain) by Anfuso, Giorgio, Rangel-Buitrago, Nelson
Complexity and Geographical Economics: Topics and Tools by
Bildungseinrichtungen im sozialen und raeumlichen Kontext: Zur Integrationsfunktion von schulischen und außerschulischen Institutionen in ausgewaehlte by Lehners, Magali
Integrated Water Recources Management in Rural Areas of Gunung Kidul (Indonesia) by Lövenich, Jonas
The Soils of Iceland by Arnalds, Olafur
Flood Control Management for the City and Surroundings of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia by Al Saud, Mashael Mohammed
An Industrial Geography of Italy by
Regions in Recession and Resurgence by Chisholm, Michael
The Western European Economy: A geography of post-war development by Williams, Allan M.
Global Cities by King, Anthony D.
Return Migration and Regional Economic Problems by
Urbanism, Colonialism and the World-economy by King, Anthony D.
Towards Global Localization by Cooke, Philip
An Industrial Geography of the Netherlands by Wever, Egbert, Smidt, Marc De
Economic Geography (Routledge Library Editions: Economic Geography) by Lee, Roger, Hodder, B. W.
Histoire d'une montagne by Reclus, Élisée
Handbook of Cartography by
Environment and Citizenship by Cao, Benito
Landscapes and Landforms of South Africa by
Violence in Nigeria: Patterns and Trends by Haken, Nate, Taft, Patricia
Careers with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by Institute for Career Research
Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil by
Land Degradation and Society by
Milanese Encounters: Public Space and Vision in Contemporary Urban Italy by Moretti, Cristina
Landforms of the World with Google Earth: Understanding Our Environment by Kelletat, Dieter H., Scheffers, Anja M., May, Simon M.
Earthquake-Induced Structural Pounding by Jankowski, Robert, Mahmoud, Sayed
Evaluating the European Approach to Rural Development: Grass-roots Experiences of the LEADER Programme by Granberg, Leo, Andersson, Kjell
Geography × 10: Ten Geographic Projects Presented by a Professional Geographer by Calderon, Felipe
A Quick Introduction to Glaciers and Glacial Landscapes by Knight, Peter G.
Social Infrastructure and Vulnerability in the Suburbs by Anisef, Paul, Lo, Lucia, Preston, Valerie
Landscape Analysis and Planning: Geographical Perspectives by
Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems by
Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City by Parker, Simon
Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences by
A History of the Mathematical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth - Volume 1 by Todhunter, Isaac
A History of the Mathematical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth - Volume 2 by Todhunter, Isaac
Ecotourism, NGOs and Development: A Critical Analysis by Butcher, Jim
Cities, Nationalism and Democratization by Bollens, Scott A.
Globalization's Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation by
Tourism, Performance and the Everyday: Consuming the Orient by Larsen, Jonas, Haldrup, Michael
Tourism and National Parks: International Perspectives on Development, Histories and Change by
Berlin: The Spatial Structure of a Divided City by Elkins, Dorothy, Elkins, T. H.
Service Industries: A Geographical Appraisal by Daniels, Peter W.
Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia by
Glaciation and Speleogenesis: Interpretations from the Northeastern United States by Cooper, Max P., Mylroie, John E.
Urban Subversion and the Creative City by Mould, Oli
Design Economies and the Changing World Economy: Innovation, Production and Competitiveness by Bryson, John, Rusten, Grete
The Price of War: Urbanization in Vietnam, 1954-1985 by Thrift, Nigel, Forbes, Dean
Roundy and Friends - Chicago: Soccertowns Libro 3 en Español by Varela, Andres
Urban Planning as a Trading Zone by
Cooperation, Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer: Universities and Firms Towards Regional Competitiveness by
Service Industries and Regions: Growth, Location and Regional Effects by
The Andes: A Geographical Portrait by Borsdorf, Axel, Stadel, Christoph
Die Bedeutung der kulturellen Zwischennutzung von Brachflächen und -immobilien für die Standortentwicklung. Das Saarbrücker Festival 'Perspectives' by Scheid, Melanie
China Satellite Navigation Conference (Csnc) 2015 Proceedings: Volume III by
Climate Change Impact on Livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation by
China Satellite Navigation Conference (Csnc) 2015 Proceedings: Volume II by
Sensitivity Analysis in Remote Sensing by Ustinov, Eugene A.
Inter-Regional Place Branding: Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions by
Urban Animals: Crowding in Zoocities by Holmberg, Tora
Geological Storage of CO2 - Long Term Security Aspects: Geotechnologien Science Report No. 22 by
The Last Launch: Messages in the Bottle by Tuan, Yi-Fu, Thompson, George F.
Cities and Inequalities in a Global and Neoliberal World by
Origin and Formation of Coastal Boulder Deposits at Galway Bay and the Aran Islands, Western Ireland by Erdmann, Wibke, Kelletat, Dieter, Scheffers, Anja
Ursachen und Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Eine Verdeutlichung an Beispielen by Karlshöfer, Charlotte
China Satellite Navigation Conference (Csnc) 2015 Proceedings: Volume I by
The Urban Condition by Gleeson, Brendan
Himalaya to the Sea: Geology, Geomorphology and the Quaternary by
Drive Tourism: Trends and Emerging Markets by
Volunteer Tourism: Theoretical Frameworks and Practical Applications by
Refashioning Nature: Food, Ecology and Culture by Goodman, David, Redclift, Michael
Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester by Degen, Monica Montserrat
The Global Digital Divides: Explaining Change by Pick, James B., Sarkar, Avijit
Crime, Policing and Place: Essays in Environmental Criminology by
Illustrations of the Viscous Theory of Glacier Motion by Tyndall, John, Forbes, James D.
Population Change in Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa: Beyond the Demographic Divide by Neels, Karel, Timmerman, Christiane, Matthijs, Koenraad
Remoteness and Modernity: Transformation and Continuity in Northern Pakistan by Hussain, Shafqat
Klimageographische Analyse von ausgewählten Klimastationen in Rheinland-Pfalz 2011: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schwüle und Hitze für Juli u by Lutz, Ginger
The Social Side of Tourism: The Interface between Tourism, Society, and the Environment: Answers to Global Questions from the International Compet by
The Red Sea: The Formation, Morphology, Oceanography and Environment of a Young Ocean Basin by
Globalization and Europe's Rural Regions by Nienaber, Birte
Sand and Gravel Spits by
Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City by Parker, Simon
From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn by Field, Henry Martyn
The Geography Bee Ultimate Preparation Guide by Ramesh, Keshav
Global Challenges and the Emerging World Order by Sapelli, Giulio
Agile 2015: Geographic Information Science as an Enabler of Smarter Cities and Communities by
Erfolg der Umsetzung des Bottom-Up-Ansatzes in der endogenen ländlichen Regionalentwicklung: Analyse am Beispiel der LEADER-Förderperiode 2007-2013 in by Kießling, Nadine
Impact Craters in South America by Rocca, Maximiliano C. L., Ponce, Juan Federico, Acevedo, Rogelio Daniel
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