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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2017

Coastal Geomorphology of India by Karlekar, Shrikant
States of Disease: Political Environments and Human Health by King, Brian
States of Disease: Political Environments and Human Health by King, Brian
Eurokarst 2016, Neuchâtel: Advances in the Hydrogeology of Karst and Carbonate Reservoirs by
Der Hamburger Hafen. Welche Veränderungen muss er durchlaufen, um auch zukünftig als internationaler Seefrachthafen konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben? by Buck, Andre
Advances in Geocomputation: Geocomputation 2015--The 13th International Conference by
Allgemeine geographische Meteorologie: oder Versuch einer uebersichtlichen Darlegung des Systems der Erdmeteoration in ihrer klimatischen Bedeutung by Mühry, Adolf
Community-Owned Transport by Glover, Leigh
Imagining India in Discourse: Meaning, Power, Structure by Dutta, Mohan Jyoti
Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. III) by
Abhandlungen zur Erd- und Völkerkunde by Peschel, Oscar
Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction by Igel, Heiner
Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction by Igel, Heiner
Encyclopedia of Deserts by Mares, Michael
Knowledge and Networks by
Environmental Resources by Chapman, K., Mather, A. S.
Ferdinand Hirt's geographische Bildertafeln: Eine Ergänzung zu den Lehrbüchern der Geographie insonderheit zu denen von Ernst von Seydlitz: für die Be by Ludwig, Arnold
Morphodynamics of Mediterranean Mixed Sand and Gravel Coasts by López-Ruiz, Alejandro, Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel, Bergillos, Rafael J.
Late Cenozoic of Península Valdés, Patagonia, Argentina: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Animal Movement: Statistical Models for Telemetry Data by Hooten, Mevin B., Johnson, Devin S., McClintock, Brett T.
Germ Wars: The Politics of Microbes and America's Landscape of Fear Volume 2 by Armstrong, Melanie
Aeolian Processes as Dust Storms in the Deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan by Issanova, Gulnura, Abuduwaili, Jilili
Germ Wars: The Politics of Microbes and America's Landscape of Fear Volume 2 by Armstrong, Melanie
Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change by Derwent, Dick, Metcalfe, Sarah
Geographical Dynamics and Firm Spatial Strategy in China by Zhu, Shengjun, Pickles, John, He, Canfei
A United Kingdom?: Economic, Social and Political Geographies by Mohan, John
Industrialization and Development in the Third World by Chandra, Rajesh
Housing Policy and Economic Power: The Political Economy of Owner Occupation by Ball, Michael
The Arab World by Findlay, Allan M.
Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History by
Tiefgreifende Hangdeformationen Der Alpen: Erscheinungsformen - Kinematik - Maßnahmen by Amann, Florian, Meier, Jörg, Moser, Michael
Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics by Ghilani, Charles
Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin by
Agogic Maps: From Musical Phrasing to Enhancement of Urban Spaces by Pe, Raffaele
GPS Praxisbuch Garmin Oregon 7xx-Serie: Praxis- und modellbezogen für einen schnellen Einstieg by
Edexcel a Level Geography Book 2 by Dunn, Cameron, Adams, Kim, Holmes, David
Envisioning Human Geographies by
Understanding Weather by Karel Hughes, Karel, Mayes, Julian
Glaciers by Knight, Peter
A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography by
Full Circles: Geographies of Women over the Life Course by
Housing Policy: An Introduction by Balchin, Paul, Rhoden, Maureen
Government Intervention and Suburban Sprawl: The Case for Market Urbanism by Lewyn, Michael
Territorial Implications of High Speed Rail: A Spanish Perspective by
Mountain Environments by Parish, Romola
Introduction to the Pan-Caribbean by
Stahlproduktion in Witten. Vergleich zum übrigen Ruhrgebiet unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Standortfaktoren sowie der sozioökonomischen Auswirk by Schröter, Fabian
Mathematics: a Simple Tool for Geologists by Waltham
Die Experimentalstadt: Kreativität Und Die Kulturelle Dimension Der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung by
The Geography of Tourism of Central and Eastern European Countries by
Guide Du Baigneur Dans Dieppe Et Ses Environs Pour 1858 by Cochet, Jean Benoît Désiré
Guide Du Touriste Et de l'Archéologue Au Pont-De-l'Arche by Sans Auteur
Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Entdeckungen by Ritter, Carl
The Earth Brokers: Power, Politics and World Development by Finger, Matthias, Chatterjee, Pratap
Mobilising Design by
Human Geography: A History for the Twenty-First Century by
Underlands: A Journey Through Britain's Lost Landscape by Nield, Ted
Infrastruktur und touristisches Angebot in Swakopmund, Namibia by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Entdeckungen by Ritter, Carl
Die Geschichte Namibias von der Frühzeit bis heute by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Touristische Attraktionen und Angebote im Süden und der Landesmitte Namibias by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Die Folgen des Tourismus in Namibia. Chancen und Risiken eines Entwicklungslandes by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Die Bevölkerung Namibias. Ethnische Gruppen, Bildungsstruktur und Alterserwartung by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Tourismus und Tourismusforschung. Ein historischer Überblick by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Touristische Attraktionen und Angebote in Namibia by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Touristische Attraktionen und Angebote im Norden Namibias by Haldenwang, Cornelia
Südamerikanische Studien: Drei Lebens- und Culturbilder. Mútis. Cáldas. Codazzi. 1760-1860 by Schumacher, Hermann Albert
Grundzüge der physischen Geographie des Meeres by
Glaciers of Georgia by Tielidze, Levan
Environmental Sustainability from the Himalayas to the Oceans: Struggles and Innovations in China and India by
Urban Animals: Crowding in Zoocities by Holmberg, Tora
The Changing Geography of the UK 3rd Edition by
Geographische und ethnologische Bilder by Bastian, Adolf
Your Human Geography Dissertation: Designing, Doing, Delivering by Peters, Kimberley
Your Human Geography Dissertation: Designing, Doing, Delivering by Peters, Kimberley
Global Gravity Field Modeling from Satellite-To-Satellite Tracking Data by
Mediascape and the State: A Geographical Interpretation of Image Politics in Uttar Pradesh, India by Moinuddin, Shekh
Revitalizing City Districts: Transformation Partnership for Urban Design and Architecture in Historic City Districts by
Geographische und ethnologische Bilder by Bastian, Adolf
Latino City: Urban Planning, Politics, and the Grassroots by Gonzalez, Erualdo R.
Critical Animal Geographies: Politics, Intersections and Hierarchies in a Multispecies World by
Das Amazonastiefland. Die Zerstörung des Tropischen Regenwaldes durch Deforestation: Ist es noch möglich, den Tropischen Regenwald zu retten? by Zitschke, Charlott
Arts in Place: The Arts, the Urban and Social Practice by Courage, Cara
Mapping Across Academia by
Dams, Displacement and Development: Perspectives from Río Negro, Guatemala by Einbinder, Nathan
Igfs 2014: Proceedings of the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (Igfs), Shanghai, China, June 30 - July 6, 2014 by
Renewable Energy: Problems and Prospects in Coachella Valley, California by Pick, James B.
Handbuch der Geographie by Daniel, Hermann Adalbert
Waterfront-Entwicklung in europäischen Hafenstädten. Die HafenCity Hamburg und die London Docklands by Bayer, Verena
Entwicklung des Binnentourismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1945 by Bayer, Verena
Formen und Erklärungsmodelle der Migration by Bayer, Verena
Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography by Relph, Edward
Das Karwendelgebirge by Rothpletz, August
The Social Impacts of Urban Containment by Nelson, Arthur C., Dawkins, Casey J.
The Student City: Strategic Planning for Student Communities in EU Cities by Berg, Leo Van Den, Russo, Antonio
Governing Rural Development: Discourses and Practices of Self-help in Australian Rural Policy by Cheshire, Lynda
Christian Tourism to the Holy Land: Pilgrimage during Security Crisis by Mansfeld, Yoel, Collins-Kreiner, Noga, Kliot, Nurit
By Northern Lights: On the Making of Geography in Sweden by Mels, Tom, Buttimer, Anne
Evolving Cities: Geocomputation in Territorial Planning by
World Hunger by Young, Liz
The Implementation and Effectiveness of Transport Demand Management Measures: An International Perspective by Rye, Tom
Social Constructionism in Housing Research by Kemeny, Jim
Tourism and Regional Development: New Pathways by Giaoutzi, Maria
Grassroots Environmental Action: People's Participation in Sustainable Development by Ghai, Dharam, Vivian, Jessica M.
Constructing a Sense of Place: Architecture and the Zionist Discourse by
Minderheiten in Ostmitteleuropa im Vergleich by Kretschmar, Maik
Sustainable Surfing by
Rebel Streets and the Informal Economy: Street Trade and the Law by
Human-Forest Interaction in Renuka Forest Division: A Geographical Analysis by Chand, Jagdish
Architecture Competition: Project Design and the Building Process by
Ethnicity, Gender and the Border Economy: Living in the Turkey-Georgia Borderlands by Akyüz, Latife
Urban Sustainability Through Smart Growth: Intercurrence, Planning, and Geographies of Regional Development Across Greater Seattle by Dierwechter, Yonn
Mixed Towns, Trapped Communities: Historical Narratives, Spatial Dynamics, Gender Relations and Cultural Encounters in Palestinian-Israeli Towns by Monterescu, Daniel
L'énigme du pôle nord by Blanc, Édouard
Through Sea and Sky: Oceanography and Meteorology by Scott, Peter T.
Experiencing and Protecting Sacred Natural Sites of Sámi and Other Indigenous Peoples: The Sacred Arctic by
Handbook on Advances in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems: Paradigms and Applications in Forest Landscape Modeling by Favorskaya, Margarita N., Jain, Lakhmi C.
Transport, Demand Management, and Social Inclusion: The Need for Ethnic Perspectives by Rajé, Fiona
The City's Hinterland: Dynamism and Divergence in Europe's Peri-Urban Territories by
Writing Intimacy into Feminist Geography by
Designing Sustainable Cities in the Developing World by Watson, Georgia Butina
The Soils of Wisconsin by Bockheim, James G., Hartemink, Alfred E.
Geographies of Mobility: Recent Advances in Theory and Method by
Nuclear Portraits: Communities, the Environment, and Public Policy by
Weather: A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes From Day to Day by Abercromby, Ralph
The Wonders of the Yosemite Valley, and of California by Kneeland, Samuel
Remote Sensing the Mekong by
Local Identities and Politics: Negotiating the Old and the New by Terlouw, Kees
Las Vegas Hot Springs and Vicinity by Higgins, Charles A., Atchison, Topeka
Photogrammetrie Und Fernerkundung: Handbuch Der Geodäsie, Herausgegeben Von Willi Freeden Und Reiner Rummel by
The Power of Geographical Thinking by
Unser Wissen von der Erde by Kirchhoff, Alfred
Unser Wissen von der Erde: Vierter Band: Länderkunde und Europa by Hann, Julius Von, Kirchhoff, Alfred
Challenges in Health and Development: From Global to Community Perspectives by Johnson, Sandy A.
Geography in the Twentieth Century: A Study of Growth, Fields, Techniques, Aims and Trends by
Economics of the International Coal Trade: Why Coal Continues to Power the World by Schernikau, Lars
Pottery, Livelihoods, and Landscapes: A Case Study from the Peruvian Andes by Bell, Martha G.
Neue Probleme der vergleichenden Erdkunde: Als Versuch einer Morphologie der Erdoberfläche by Peschel, Oscar
The Soils of Greece by Kosmas, Costas, Yassoglou, Nicholas, Tsadilas, Christos
Combating Desertification and Land Degradation: Spatial Strategies Using Vegetation by Hooke, Janet, Sandercock, Peter
Abläufe und Eigenschaften eines Schweinemastbetriebes in Niederbayern: Eine Untersuchung anhand eines Beispiels by Steinberger, Michael
Global Tsunami Science: Past and Future, Volume I by
The Pacific Tourist: Illustrated Transcontinental Guide of Travel by Williams, Henry T.
The Politics of Scale: A History of Rangeland Science by Sayre, Nathan F.
The China Pilot: The coast of China, Korea and Tartary by King, John W.
Impact of Tectonic Activity on Ancient Civilizations: Recurrent Shakeups, Tenacity, Resilience, and Change by Force, Eric R.
Crofutt's New Overland Tourist and Pacific Coast Guide by Crofutt, George a.
Pacific Tourist by Williams, Henry T.
The Pacific Tourist: Williams' Illustrated Trans-Continental Guide of Travel by Williams, Henry T.
Cadastre: Geo-Information Innovations in Land Administration by
Assessment of Energy Sources Using GIS by Matejicek, Lubos
Geographies of Meat: Politics, Economy and Culture by Emel, Jody, Neo, Harvey
Wolkenbildung und Niederschlag by Buck, Carolin
First Steps in the Physical and Classical Geography of the Ancient World: Thirteenth Edition by Pillans, James
Pre-Inca and Inca Pottery: Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina by
Everything Has a History by Haldane, J. B. S.
A short Geography of the British Islands by Green, Alice Stopford, Green, John Richard
Shared Space: Divided Space: Essays on Conflict and Territorial Organization by
The Argentina Continental Margin: A Potential Paleoclimatic-Paleoceanographic Archive for the Southern Ocean by Laprida, Cecilia, García Chapori, Natalia L., Violante, Roberto A.
Veränderungen in der traditionellen Lebensweise der Inuit (Geographie, 5. Klasse) by Zell, Lena
Luigi Ghirri and the Photography of Place: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Fuzzy Planning: The Role of Actors in a Fuzzy Governance Environment by Porter, Geoff, Roo, Gert De
National Policy Responses to Urban Challenges in Europe by Berg, Leo Van Den, Braun, Erik
Energy and Culture: Perspectives on the Power to Work by
Oases and Globalization: Ruptures and Continuities by
The new Eldorado: a summer journey to Alaska by Ballou, Maturin Murray
Mission Pavie, Indo-Chine, 1879-1895. Tome 2 Géographie Et Voyages by Pavie, Auguste
Itinéraire Complet Du Royaume de France, Divisé En Cinq Régions. Ouest by Langlois, Hyacinthe
Le Brésil: Excursion À Travers Ses 20 Provinces. Tome 1 by Marc, Alfred
Le Monde, Ou La Description Générale de Ses Quatre Parties. Avec Tous Ses Empires, Royaumes: , Estats Et Républiques by D' Avity, Pierre
Dictionnaire Topographique de la France, Département de l'Aube by Boutiot, Théophile, Socard, Émile
The new Eldorado: A summer journey to Alaska. Fifth Edition by Ballou, Maturin Murray
Geography for Cambridge International as & a Level Revision Guide by Davies, David
Anthropogenic Soils by Howard, Jeffrey
Selected Writings of John Muir: Introduction by Terry Tempest Williams by Muir, John
Societal Geo-Innovation: Selected Papers of the 20th Agile Conference on Geographic Information Science by
Touristisches Potenzial von Städtetourismus in Universitätsstandorten am Beispiel der Stadt Münster by Böing, Anne
Stadtmarketing als umfassendes Konzept einer kooperativen Stadtentwicklung. Stadtmarketingelemente und Prozess des Stadtmarketings: Bundesvereinigung by Böing, Anne
Definitionen des Anthropozäns. Ist der Beginn des Anthropozäns mit Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft oder seit der Industrialisierung? by Bobchev, Nikola
Making Value and Career Building in the Creative Economy: Evidence from Contemporary Visual Art by Fasche, Melanie
Technology and Application of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics: Selected Papers of the 7th International Conference on Environmental and Engin by
Einfluss verschiedener Magnesiumchlorid-Konzentrationen auf die NH3-Emission aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden nach Gärrestapplikation by Bredemeier, Moritz
Patents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History by Monmonier, Mark
Societies, Social Inequalities and Marginalization: Marginal Regions in the 21st Century by
The Impact of Artists on Contemporary Urban Development in Europe by
Tableau de la France by Michelet, Jules
Measure of the Earth: The Enlightenment Expedition That Reshaped Our World by Ferreiro, Larrie D.
Urban Development in Asia and Africa: Geospatial Analysis of Metropolises by
Electromagnetic Seabed Logging: A New Tool for Geoscientists by Sainson, Stéphane
Choosing a Map Projection by
Räumliche Analyse Und Visualisierung Von Mietpreisdaten: Untersuchungen Im Anwendungskontext Von Immobilienportalen by Schernthanner, Harald
Refag 2014: Proceedings of the Iag Commission 1 Symposium Kirchberg, Luxembourg, 13-17 October, 2014 by
Social and Ecological System Dynamics: Characteristics, Trends, and Integration in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia by
Shared Lives of Humans and Animals: Animal Agency in the Global North by
Spatial Analysis of Coastal Environments by Hamylton, Sarah M.
Dependent Growth: Foreign Investment and the Development of the Automotive Industry in East-Central Europe by Pavlínek, Petr
The Desert of the Exodus: Journeys on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty Years' Wanderings by Palmer, Edward Henry
Saumtier, Ochsenkarren oder Pferdewagen?: Ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Fahrzeug-Spurweiten in Muldenhohlwegen von Altstraßen by Hofmann, Bernd
Space After Deleuze by Saldanha, Arun
The Resources of California: Comprising the society, climate, salubrity, scenery, commerce and industry of the state. Sixth Edition by Hittell, John Shertzer
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