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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2019

Géographie Physique Et Politique de la France Et Des Cinq Parties Du Monde. 27e Édition by Pigeonneau, Henri, Guillot, Eugène
Géographie Physique Et Politique de la France Et Des Cinq Parties Du Monde. 10e Édition by Pigeonneau, Henri
Resource Geography of Goa by Jakati, Dadapir M.
The Drava River: Environmental Problems and Solutions by
Adaptive Governance in Carbon Farming Policies by Torabi, Nooshin
Coastal World Heritage Sites by Claudino-Sales, Vanda
Tokyo as a Global City: New Geographical Perspectives by
International and Transnational Perspectives on Urban Systems by
Geographies of Migration by
Broadening Our Knowledge on Cluster Evolution by
Brazilian Agrarian Social Movements by
The Dynamics of Iranian Borders: Issues of Contention by
Resilience and Regional Dynamics: An International Approach to a New Research Agenda by
Challenges Towards Ecological Sustainability in China: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Service-Oriented Mapping: Changing Paradigm in Map Production and Geoinformation Management by
New Frontiers in Interregional Migration Research by
Application of Geographical Information Systems and Soft Computation Techniques in Water and Water Based Renewable Energy Problems by
The Environmental Crunch in Africa: Growth Narratives vs. Local Realities by
Disaster Relief Aid: Changes and Challenges by Paul, Bimal Kanti
Rethinking the Environment for the Anthropocene: Political Theory and Socionatural Relations in the New Geological Epoch by
Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas: Integrated Assessment for Policy Analysis by
Pedagogic Research in Geography Higher Education by
Alternative Food Networks: An Interdisciplinary Assessment by
Geographical Changes in Vegetation and Plant Functional Types by
Akzeptanz der bayerischen Nationalparks by Job, Hubert, Fließbach-Schendzielorz, Maike, Bittlingmaier, Sarah
International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016: Proceedings Organized by Iag Commission 2 and the International Gravity Field Servi by
Quaternary History of the Coorong Coastal Plain, Southern Australia: An Archive of Environmental and Global Sea-Level Changes by Murray-Wallace, Colin V.
Natural Disasters and Risk Management in Canada: An Introduction by Agrawal, Nirupama
Changing Spatial Elements in Chinese Socio-Economic Five-Year Plan: From Project Layout to Spatial Planning by Wang, Lei
Cybergis for Geospatial Discovery and Innovation by
Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography by
Mediale Verräumlichungen am Beispiel "Mitteldeutschland": Regionale Identitäten und Medien by Salmeri, Antonio
Remote Sensing the Mekong by
Webgis for Disaster Management and Emergency Response by Esmail, Marwa, Abdalla, Rifaat
Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance: Analysis and Practice by
The Soils of Ireland by
Global Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change by
Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges by
New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems - Theoretical Advances, Empirical Cases and Policy Lessons by
Atlas of Environmental Risks Facing China Under Climate Change by
Geospatial Analysis of Public Health by Bhunia, Gouri Sankar, Shit, Pravat Kumar
Madam How and Lady Why by Kingsley, Charles
Strategies and Tools for a Sustainable Rural Rio de Janeiro by
Nachhaltiger Tourismus in Südtirol - Tourismus mit Zukunftsperspektive: Sehen Südtiroler eine Zukunft im nachhaltigen Tourismus und wie kann dieser at by Belli, Julia
Global Corruption from a Geographic Perspective by Warf, Barney
Global Pathways to Water Sustainability by McNabb, David E.
Gems of Rocky Mountain scenery by Mathews, Alfred Edward
The Environmental Impact of Sieben Linden Ecovillage by Pollini, Susanna, Bocco, Andrea, Gerace, Martina
Roald Amundsen's Sled Dogs: The Sledge Dogs Who Helped Discover the South Pole by Tahan, Mary R.
Understanding Flood Preparedness: Flood Memories, Social Vulnerability and Risk Communication in Southern Poland by Konieczny, Roman, Dzialek, Jaroslaw, Biernacki, Wojciech
Mapping Precariousness, Labour Insecurity and Uncertain Livelihoods: Subjectivities and Resistance by
Contemporary Literary Landscapes: The Poetics of Experience by Weston, Daniel
Solution Protocols to Festering Island Disputes: 'Win-Win' Solutions for the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands by Baldacchino, Godfrey
Debating the Neoliberal City by
Children, Young People and Care by
Shared Lives of Humans and Animals: Animal Agency in the Global North by
Place, Diversity and Solidarity by
Climate, Society and Subsurface Politics in Greenland: Under the Great Ice by Nuttall, Mark
Climate Change and Urban Settlements: A Spatial Perspective of Carbon Footprint and Beyond by Sethi, Mahendra
Public Space: Between Reimagination and Occupation by
21st Century Challenges Facing Cultural Landscapes by
Understanding Climate Change Through Gender Relations by
Working the Sahel by Mortimore, M. J., Adams, W. M.
Sustainable Surfing by
Description Approaches and Automated Generalization Algorithms for Groups of Map Objects by Yan, Haowen
Quaternary Geomorphology in India: Case Studies from the Lower Ganga Basin by
Advancing Energy Policy: Lessons on the Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities by
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile by Dessu, Shimelis Behailu, Abtew, Wossenu
China's Urban Pattern by Mao, Hanying, Fang, Chuanglin, Yu, Danlin
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People by
The Ankarana Plateau in Madagascar: Tsingy, Caves, Volcanoes and Sapphires by Gilli, Eric
Global Tsunami Science: Past and Future. Volume III by
Geographies of Postsecularity: Re-Envisioning Politics, Subjectivity and Ethics by Sutherland, Callum, Cloke, Paul, Baker, Christopher
Socially Engaged Art and the Neoliberal City by Sachs Olsen, Cecilie
Clastic Hydrocarbon Reservoir Sedimentology by Li, Shengli, Li, Shunli, Yu, Xinghe
Land Allocation for Biomass Crops: Challenges and Opportunities with Changing Land Use by
Cave and Karst Systems of Romania by
National Water Security: Case Study of an Arid Country: Tunisia by Besbes, Mustapha, Chahed, Jamel, Hamdane, Abdelkader
Linking Gender to Climate Change Impacts in the Global South by Sen Roy, Shouraseni
Kommerzieller Holzeinschlag im Amazonas Einzugsgebiet by Schreer, Elena
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People by
Cancer and AIDS: Part I: An Historical Perspective by Williams, Christopher Kwesi O.
The Soils of Egypt by
Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey by
Transformative Climates and Accountable Governance by
Revival: Gaining Advantage from Open Borders (2001): An Active Space Approach to Regional Development by Ratti, Remigio
Cancer and AIDS: Part II: Cancer Pathogenesis and Epidemiology by Williams, Christopher Kwesi O.
Cancer and AIDS: Part III: Presentation and Management by Williams, Christopher Kwesi O.
The Netherlands and the Dutch: A Physical and Human Geography by de Mulder, Eduardo F. J., de Pater, Ben C., Droogleever Fortuijn, Joos C.
Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Evolving Narratives of Hazard and Risk: The Gorkha Earthquake, Nepal, 2015 by
The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability: Case Studies and Practical Solutions by
Isotropic and Anisotropic Seismic Tomography Using Active Source and Earthquake Records by Lin, Yu-Pin
Health, Wellbeing and Sustainability in the Mediterranean City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
South-South Development by Kragelund, Peter
South-South Development by Kragelund, Peter
Logistics' Contributions to Better Health in Developing Countries: Programmes that Deliver by Hart, Carolyn
Food, Nature and Society: Rural Life in Late Modernity by Blanc, Michel
The Glaciation of High Asia: From the Last Ice Age to the Present by Kuhle, Matthias
Geospatial Challenges in the 21st Century by
Logistical Asia: The Labour of Making a World Region by
Water Management and the Environment: Case Studies by
Out There Learning: Critical Reflections on Off-Campus Study Programs by
Territorial Cohesion: The Urban Dimension by
Resilience to Climate Change: Communication, Collaboration and Co-Production by Howarth, Candice
Cloud Computing for Geospatial Big Data Analytics: Intelligent Edge, Fog and Mist Computing by
Ecological Networks and Territorial Systems of Ecological Stability by Diviaková, Andrea, Izakovičová, Zita, Miklós, László
Solar Resources Mapping: Fundamentals and Applications by
Maritime Spatial Planning: Past, Present, Future by
Landslides: Theory, Practice and Modelling by
Mapping Asia: Cartographic Encounters Between East and West: Regional Symposium of the Ica Commission on the History of Cartography, 2017 by
Australian Contributions to Strategic and Military Geography by
Carbon Cycle in the Changing Arid Land of China: Yanqi Basin and Bosten Lake by
Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Geological Interpretation of Gravitational, Magnetic and Electric Fields: Proceedings of the 45th Uspensky Intern by
Ecologically Unequal Exchange: Environmental Injustice in Comparative and Historical Perspective by
Geography Education for Global Understanding by
Contested Cities and Urban Activism by
Kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung und unternehmerische Standortwahl im Standortwettbewerb by Eknem, Holger
Standortsuche als Wettbewerb. Der Wandel des Standortsuchprozesses am Beispiel der Standortsuche von Tesla in Europa by Eknem, Holger
Arts in Place: The Arts, the Urban and Social Practice by Courage, Cara
Remote Sensing of Vegetation: Along a Latitudinal Gradient in Chile by Bödinger, Christian Julian
Der Einfluss der weltweiten Finanzkrise auf lokale Wohnimmobilienmärkte am Beispiel der Stadt Osnabrück by Eknem, Holger
Paleobiodiversity and Tectono-Sedimentary Records in the Mediterranean Tethys and Related Eastern Areas: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of by
Leadership for the North: The Influence and Impact of Arctic Council Chairs by
Patterns and Mechanisms of Climate, Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Changes from Low-Latitude Regions: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference by
Postcolonialism by Jazeel, Tariq
Intelligent Systems for Crisis Management: Gi4dm 2018 by
Growth Clusters in European Metropolitan Cities: A Comparative Analysis of Cluster Dynamics in the Cities of Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Leipzig, by Braun, Erik, Berg, Leo Van Den
Historical Geographies of Anarchism: Early Critical Geographers and Present-Day Scientific Challenges by
Neighborhood Decline by
Youth Activism and Solidarity: The Non-Stop Picket Against Apartheid by Yaffe, Helen, Brown, Gavin
Non-Motorized Transport Integration Into Urban Transport Planning in Africa by
Arctic Sustainability Research: Past, Present and Future by Petrov, Andrey N., Burnsilver, Shauna, Chapin III, F. Stuart
A History of Ancient Geography Among the Greeks and Romans by Bunbury, Edward Herbert
Geschichte, Geographie und Statistik des Baierlandes. Crfter Band by Roemer, M. J.
Les Alpes au point de vue de la géographie physique et de la géologie. Voyages photographiques dans le Dauphiné, la Savoie, le Nord de l'Italie, la Su by Civiale, A.
Les Singularités de la France antarctique. Nouvelle édition avec notes et commentaires par Paul Gaffarel. by Thevet, André, Gaffarel, Paul
Recherches historiques sur Jouarre et ses environs. Territoire de Jouarre. Nolongue, les Loges, le Grand-Couroy, la Harpennerie ... Gravures et plans. by Rethoré, G.
Rouen au Dix-Septième Siècle. Précédé d'une notice sur quelques anciens plans de Rouen et sur la population de cette ville à diverses époques par E. F by Gomboust, Jacques, Frère, Édouard Benjamin
Geographische Landschaftsbilder. by Vogel, Johann Carl Christoph
Géographie complète et universelle. Nouvelle édition, continuée jusqu'à nos jours d'après les documents scientifiques les plus récents par V. A. Malte by Bruun, Malthe Conrad, Malte-Brun, Victor Adolphe
Afrika. Hand-Lexikon. Mit ... Abbildungen und Karten. [With a preface by H. Roskoschny.] Zweiter Band. by Heichen, Paul, Roskoschny, Hermann
Vinuelas. [Illustrated.] by Uhagon y. Guardamino, Francisco Rafael
Le village de Saint-Momelin, Artois et Flandre, 640-1789. Notice historique. by Du Teil, Pierre Marie Joseph
Viaje al pais de los Tehuelches, pt. I. Exploraciones en la Patagonia austral. [With map.] by Lista, Ramon
Die Hawaiischen Inseln ... Mit ... Karten, etc. (Literatur-Uebersicht.). by Marcuse, Adolf
Pesth und Ofen nebst Umgegend. Dargestellt in malerischen Originalansichten von L. Rohbock, mit historisch-topographischem Text von J. H. by Rohbock, Ludwig, Hunfalvy, János
Dictionnaire topographique de l'Arrondissement de Marseille, etc. by Mortreuil, Jean Anselme Bernard
Die Strehlener Berge. Eine physiko-geographische ... Beschreibung. Nebst einer Karte. by Sadebeck, Moritz
Die Eifel. Herausgegeben durch Dr. K. Cüppers, etc. by Cueppers, Konrad, Dronke, Adolf
Voyages dans l'Amerique septentrionale. Avec un atlas de 36 cartes, etc. TOME SECOND by Collot, Georges Henri Victor
Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Entdeckungen ... Herausgegeben von H. A. Daniel. Mit C. Ritter's Bildniss. by Daniel, Hermann Adalbert, Ritter, Carl
Histoire d'Arlon. Atlas by Prat, G. F.
Aufgaben und Methoden der heutigen Geographie. Akademische Antrittsrede, etc. by Richthofen, Ferdinand Freiherr Von
Le Sahara. ... Avec 36 cartes et gravures, etc. by Schirmer, Henri
Viajes de Fray F. Menendez a la Cordillera, publicados y comentados por F. Fonck. Edicion centenaria con un mapa. (Viajes., a Nahuelhuapi, etc.). by Fonck, Franz, Menendez, Francisco Fray
Kamerun. Skizzen und Betrachtungen. by Buchner, Max
Afrika. Hand-Lexikon. Mit . Abbildungen und Karten. [With a preface by H. Roskoschny.] ERSTER BAND by Heichen, Paul, Roskoschny, Hermann
Datos de los trabajos astronomicos y topographicos practicados pour la Comision de Limites Mexicana en la linea que divide esta republica de la de los by Salazar Ylarregui, José
In Nacht und Eis. Die Norwegische Polarexpedition, 1893-1896. Mit einem Beitrag von Kapitän Sverdrup, 207 Abbildungen, 8 Chromotafeln und 4 Karten. ZW by Nansen, Fridtjof, Sverdrup, Otto Neumann
Der Niger der Alten und andere ... Fragen der alten Geographie Afrika's. by Knoetel, Augustin
Das Netz der allgemeinen Karten des Eratosthenes und Ptolemaeus. Aus den Quellen dargestellt. by Wilberg, Friedrich Wilhelm
Die Hochgebirge der Erde ... Mit Titelbild in Farbendruck, 148 Abbildungen und 15 Karten. by Lendenfeld, Robert Von
Geographische Analyse der Karte von Inner-Asien ... Erstes Heft zum Atlas von Vorder-Asien zur allgemeinen Erdkunde von Carl Ritter. Erste Lieferung. by Ritter, Carl, Zimmermann, Carl
Dictionnaire historique et topographique de Paris. ... Par J. A. Leleux. by Leleaux, J. A.
Geschichte, Geographie und Statistik des Erzherzogthums Oesterreich ob der Enns und des Herzogthums Salzburg, etc. ERSTER THEIL by Pillwein, Benedikt
Auffay, ou le vieil Isnelville, arrondissement de Dieppe. by Mars, Isidore
Ein Kreuzzug nach Stambul. Studien und Erlebnisse auf einer Reise im Dienste des rothen Kreuzes. by Criegern, Friedrich Von
Recueil de Chroniques de Touraine. (Supplément aux Chroniques de Touraine par A. Salmon. Publié par la Société Archéologique de Touraine.) by Salmon, André Archiviste
Neu-Seeland ... Mit 2 Karten, 6 Farbenstahlstichen, etc. by Hochstetter, Ferdinand Christian Von
Topographisches Handbuch von Oberschlesien, etc. ZWEITE HAELFTE by Triest, Felix
Les Ruines de la Meuse, etc. TOME QUATRIEME by Dumont, Charles Emmanuel
La Russie et les Russes. TOME III by Turgenev, Nikolai Ivanovich
Connaissance de Madagascar. by Lacaille, Louis
Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. [First edited by Sir F. Madden, B. Bandinel, and others, afterwards by J. G. Nichols.]; Volume VII by Anonymous, Bandinel, Bulkeley, Nichols, John Gough
Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen. by Peschel, Oscar Ferdinand
Beitrag zur Geschichte der Ardennen. [With maps.]Crfter Theil. by Bormann, Michael
Landbuch der Mark Brandenburg und des Markgrafthums Nieder Lausitz in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, etc. Dritter Band by Berghaus, Heinrich Carl Wilhelm
Die adelsberger Grotte ... Mit einem Situations-Plane der Grotte. by Costa, Ethbin Heinrich
Topographisches Handbuch von Oberschlesien, etc. ERSTE HAELFTE by Triest, Felix
Geographische und ethnologische Bilder. by Bastian, Adolf
Das Kaiserthum Russland in Europa, Asien und Amerika ... Mit einer historisch-geographischen Karte. by Voelter, Daniel
Viajes de Fray F. Menendez a la Cordillera, publicados y comentados por F. Fonck. Edicion centenaria ... con un mapa. (Viajes., a Nahuelhuapi, etc.). by Menendez, Francisco Fray, Fonck, Franz
Afrika. Hand-Lexikon. Mit ... Abbildungen und Karten. [With a preface by H. Roskoschny.] Dritter Band by Heichen, Paul, Roskoschny, Hermann
Aus Toskana. Geologisch-technische und kulturhistorische Studien. by Reyer, Eduard
Las Calles de Madrid. Noticias, tradiciones y curiosidades ... Dibujos de La Cerda. by Peñasco de la Puente, Hilario, Cambronero, Carlos
Nach Ecuador. Reisebilder ... Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. Mit ... Holzschnitten, etc. Zweite Auflage by Kolberg, Joseph
Murcia y Albacete. Fotograbados y heliografías de Thomás, dibujos de Cabrinety, cromos de Xumetra. by Amador de Los Ríos Y. Villalta, Rodrigo
Les anciens plans de Paris. Notices historiques et tepographiques. by Franklin, Alfred Louis Auguste
Kurzer Abriss der alten Geographie. by Forbiger, Albert
Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde der Griechen. by Berger, Ernst Hugo
Curso elemental de geografia universal. by García Y. Cubas, Antonio
Histoire du Gastinois. Nouvelle édition, accompagnée de notes, de documents et d'une table des matières. Tome III. by Morin, Guillaume
L'Espace céleste et la nature tropicale, description physique de l'univers. Préface de M. Babinet, dessins de Yan' Dargent. by Liais, Emmanuel, Babinet, Jacques
Die geographischen Fragmente des Eratosthenes, neu gesammelt, geordnet und besprochen von Dr. H. Berger. by Berger, Hugo, Berger, Ernst Hugo
Die alte Geographie Arabiens als Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Semitismus. Mit einer lithographirten Karte. by Sprenger, Aloys
Petersburg in Bildern und Skizzen. by Kohl, Johann Georg
Der Walchensee und die Jachenau. Eine Studie Mit einer Karte. by Becker, E.
Das Jerusalem des Josephus. Ein Beitrag zur Topographie der heiligen Stadt ... Mit ... Tafeln. by Josephus, Flavius, Spiess, Friedrich
Beitrag zur Geschichte der Ardennen. [With maps.] Zweiter Theil by Bormann, Michael
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