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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2019

Planning for Ecosystem Services in Cities by Cortinovis, Chiara, Zardo, Linda, Geneletti, Davide
Alternative Routen in Komplexen Umgebungen: Werkzeuge Für Ortsbezogene Anwendungen Und Dienste by Feld, Sebastian
Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults by
Latin America in Times of Global Environmental Change by
Guide to the Yukon gold fields: Where they are and how to reach them by Wilson, Veazie
Redeploying Urban Infrastructure: The Politics of Urban Socio-Technical Futures by Rutherford, Jonathan
Remote Sensing Image Classification in R by Kamusoko, Courage
The place-names of Northumberland and Durham by Mawer, Allen
Dictionary-catalogue of operas and operettas which have been performed on the public stage by Towers, John
Geopolitics and the Event: Rethinking Britain's Iraq War Through Art by Ingram, Alan
Arid Land Systems: Sciences and Societies by
The Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning by
Pocket Guide Geologie Im Gelände by McCann, Tom
Landscapes and Landforms of the Maltese Islands by
Map of the World: An Introduction to Mathematical Geodesy by Rasila, Antti, Vermeer, Martin
Knowing the Salween River: Resource Politics of a Contested Transboundary River by
The Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Inside the Implementation Gap by
Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina: Special Symposium from the Argentine Association of Geomorphology and Quaternary Studie by
Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Socio-Economic and Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from North Africa by
Geography Education's Potential and the Capability Approach: Geocapabilities and Schools by Bustin, Richard
Mapping Empires: Colonial Cartographies of Land and Sea: 7th International Symposium of the Ica Commission on the History of Cartography, 2018 by
The Geography of Spain: A Complete Synthesis by Tapiador, Francisco J.
Road from Geochemistry to Geochemometrics by Verma, Surendra P.
National Geographic Scandinavia Wall Map - Classic - Laminated (23.5 X 30.25 In) by National Geographic Maps
The Times Universal Atlas of the World by Times Atlases
Geography Education Research in the Uk: Retrospect and Prospect: The UK Case, Within the Global Context by Butt, Graham
Hybrid California: Annäherungen an Den Golden State, Seine Entwicklungen, Ästhetisierungen Und Inszenierungen by Weber, Florian, Kühne, Olaf
Star Maps: History, Artistry, and Cartography by Kanas, Nick
Digitalisierung im Tourismus. Der Einfluss von Social Media auf touristische Destinationen by Reckerziegel, Elisabeth
Exploring the Earth System with Imaging Spectroscopy by
Die Initiative INTERREG IV A. im Grenzraum zwischen Bayern und der Tschechischen Republik by Bretschneider, Stefan
The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place by
Biogeography in a Changing World by
Boden Und Globaler Wandel by Blum, Winfried E. H.
Multidimensional Approach to Quality of Life Issues: A Spatial Analysis by
Marginality and Global LGBT Communities: Conflicts, Civil Rights and Controversy by Notaro, Sheri R.
Ecosystem Services and Tropical Soils of India by Pal, D. K.
Klimawandel und alternative Tourismusausrichtungen in Grainau by Hänichen, Fynn
Filme und die Faszination ihrer Drehorte. Eine Geographie des Filmtourismus by Flamme, Steve
Geochemistry of Chromium in the Earth's Mantle by Matrosova, Ekaterina A., Bobrov, Andrey V., Bindi, Luca
Waiting for the Big One: Risk, Science, Experience, and Culture in Disaster Preparedness by Mazel-Cabasse, Charlotte
Arl Reader Planungstheorie Band 1: Kommunikative Planung - Neoinstitutionalismus Und Governance by
Deltas in the Anthropocene by
The Geography of Illegal Drugs by Rengert, George F.
Der Frankfurter Flughafen. Potenziale von Non-Aviation und Airport Retailing by Hühnergarth, Natalie
Waste by O'Neill, Kate
Arl Reader Planungstheorie Band 2: Strategische Planung - Planungskultur by
Virtual Reality in Geography by Unwin, David, Fisher, Peter
South Africa's Energy Transition by Lawrence, Andrew
Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Other Vegetation Parameters by
Further Developments in the Theory and Practice of Cybercartography: International Dimensions and Language Mapping Volume 7 by
Small-Format Aerial Photography and Uas Imagery: Principles, Techniques and Geoscience Applications by Aber, James S., Marzolff, Irene, Ries, Johannes
Neighbourhood Planning: Place, Space and Politics by Banfield, Janet
The Routledge Companion to Planning in the Global South by
Des changements dans le climat de la France: une histoire du réchauffement climatique des origines au XIX° siècle by Fuster, Joseph-Jean-Nicolas
GIS and Archaeological Site Location Modeling by
Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology by Davidson-Arnott, Robin, Bauer, Bernard, Houser, Chris
Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology by Davidson-Arnott, Robin, Bauer, Bernard, Houser, Chris
Voyages on the Northern Sea Route by Pastusiak, Tadeusz
Australian Coastal Systems: Beaches, Barriers and Sediment Compartments by Short, Andrew D.
Mining, Money and Markets in the Early Modern Atlantic: Digital Approaches and New Perspectives by
Community Nutrition Resilience in Greater Miami: Feeding Communities in the Face of Climate Change by Alesso-Bendisch, Franziska
Ein Osmanischer Geograph Bei Der Arbeit: Entstehung Und Gedankenwelt Von Katib Celebis Gihannüma by Hagen, Gottfried
Small Water Supplies: A Practical Guide by Clapham, David
Spatial Data Quality by Shi, Wenzhong, Goodchild, Michael F., Fisher, Peter
Crisis Spaces: Structures, Struggles and Solidarity in Southern Europe by Hadjimichalis, Costis
Von Der Passiven Bodennutzungsplanung Zur Aktiven Bodenpolitik​: Die Wirksamkeit Von Bodenpolitischen Instrumenten Anhand Von Lebensmittel-Disco by Hengstermann, Andreas
Mapping the Risk of Flood, Mass Movement and Local Subsidence: A New Proposal for Major Cities by Mora Chaparro, Juan Carlos
Geospatial Technology: Application in Water Resources Management by
Place and the Scene of Literary Practice by Saunders, Angharad
Spatial Information and the Environment by Halls, Peter
Population and Environment: Rethinking the Debate by Stone, M. Priscilla, Major, David, Arizpe, Lourdes
Urban World History: An Economic and Geographical Perspective by Tellier, Luc-Normand
Human Geoscience by
Gender and Development by Momsen, Janet
Gender and Development by Momsen, Janet
Migration in Performance: Crossing the Colonial Present by Pratt, Geraldine, Johnston, Caleb
National Geographic Atlas of the World, 11th Edition by National Geographic
Planning the Total Landscape: A Guide to Intelligent Land Use by Fabos, Julius
GIS in Public Health Practice by
The Origin of the Seasons Considered from a Geological Point of View by Mossman, Samuel
A Future of Polycentric Cities: How Urban Life, Land Supply, Smart Technologies and Sustainable Transport Are Reshaping Cities by Hendrigan, Cole
Reservoir Rock Diagnostics for Water or Hydrocarbon Exploration: Acoustic and Electric Fields Interaction Phenomena in Geophysical Research (Seismoele by Sobotka, Jerzy
Cybercartography in a Reconciliation Community: Engaging Intersecting Perspectives Volume 8 by
Human Geography and Professional Mobility: International Experiences, Critical Reflections, Practical Insights by
The Geography of Urban-Rural Interaction in Developing Countries: Essays for Alan B. Mountjoy by
Remote Sensing Monitoring and Evaluation of Degraded Grassland in China: Accounting of Grassland Carbon Source and Carbon Sink by Yue, Tianxiang, Zhou, Wei, Li, Jianlong
Smart Growth and Sustainable Transport in Cities by Mashhadi Moghadam, Seyed Navid, Shakibamanesh, Amir, Ghorbanian, Mahshid
Smart Growth and Sustainable Transport in Cities by Mashhadi Moghadam, Seyed Navid, Shakibamanesh, Amir, Ghorbanian, Mahshid
Finding the Voice of the River: Beyond Restoration and Management by Brierley, Gary J.
Schools, Food and Social Learning by Lalli, Gurpinder Singh
Change and Mobility in Contemporary India: Thinking M. N. Srinivas Today by
Strukturwandel in rohstofforientierten Wertschöpfungsketten: Akteursbezogene Analyse der Seltenen Erden by Demuth, Marcel
Crofutt's New Overland Tourist and Pacific Coast Guide: over the Union, Kansas, Central and Southern Pacific Railroads, their branches and connections by Crofutt, George a.
Eucalyptus: The Genus Eucalyptus by
New Directions in South African Tourism Geographies by
Remote Sensing of Earth Based Radar Objects by Kozlov, A. I., Ligthart, L. P., Logvin, A. I.
Le territoire français - Permanences et mutations by Scheibling-J
The Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan by
Resources, Social and Cultural Sustainabilities in the Arctic by
Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment by
Populism and Postcolonialism by
Geospatial Technologies for Urban Health by
Better Spending for Localizing Global Sustainable Development Goals: Examples from the Field by
Spaces of Tolerance: Changing Geographies and Philosophies of Religion in Today's Europe by
Geotechnische Klassifikationen Von Festgesteinen Und Festgebirgen by Pippig, Uwe, Sebastian, Ulrich, Müller, Bernd
Martin Waldseemüller's 'Carta Marina' of 1516: Study and Transcription of the Long Legends by Van Duzer, Chet
Die Höhenstufen der Gebirge als Modell. Vegetation, Klima und Geomorphologie by Dündar, Soner
Assessment of the Contribution of Small-scale Timber Production on Local Community's Livelihood in Mufindi District, Tanzania by Nyaganilwa, Nehemiah N.
Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments by
An Evaluation of Impacts and Sustainability of Humanitarian Water Projects in Juba, South Sudan. The Case of Oxfam International by Majwa, Nathan
Climate Change and the White World by
The Violent Technologies of Extraction: Political Ecology, Critical Agrarian Studies and the Capitalist Worldeater by Jakobsen, Jostein, Dunlap, Alexander
Baltic Region--The Region of Cooperation by
Smart Geography: 100 Years of the Bulgarian Geographical Society by
Enabling Sustainable Energy Transitions: Practices of Legitimation and Accountable Governance by
Cities and the Digital Revolution: Aligning Technology and Humanity by Allam, Zaheer
Separatismus in Europa am Beispiel von Skånepartiet und Tjóðveldi: Portfolio-Arbeit by Häfele, Elias
Prospects for Sustainable Development in the Chinese Countryside: The Political Economy of Chinese Ecological Agriculture by Sanders, Richard
Integrated Modelling of Ecosystem Services and Land-Use Change: Case Studies of Northwestern Region of China by Liang, Youjia, Liu, Lijun, Huang, Jiejun
Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours: Vibrant Matter(s) by Winstanley-Chesters, Robert
Energy Justice Across Borders by
Aviation Resource Management: Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium Volume 1 by
Kulunda: Climate Smart Agriculture: South Siberian Agro-Steppe as Pioneering Region for Sustainable Land Use by
Integrated Transport Policy: Implications for Regulation and Competition by
Scotland: The Challenge of Devolution by
Artists and Patrons in Post-War Britain by Courtauld Institute of Art
Die Gletscher Islands. Geschichte der pleistozänen und holozänen Vergletscherung sowie die heutige Gletscherdynamik by Rothe, Manuel
Das Konzept der Politischen Ökologie. Der Klimawandel in der Umweltforschung am Beispiel des Aralsees by Rothe, Manuel
Environmental Sustainability in a Time of Change by Brinkmann, Robert
Seven Metaphors on Management: Tools for Managers in the Arab World by Muna, F.
Morphological and Hydrological Aspects of the Three Reaches of the Sullivan Creek in Canberra, Australia. A Student's Overview by Pidani, Omar
Adventure Tourism: Environmental Impacts and Management by Huddart, David, Stott, Tim
Outdoor Recreation: Environmental Impacts and Management by Stott, Tim, Huddart, David
Vegetation Und Klima by Rafiqpoor, M. Daud, Breckle, Siegmar-W
International Business, Trade and Institutional Sustainability by
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) and Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Rosc.) - World's Invaluable Medicinal Spices: The Agronomy and Economy of Turmeric and Gin by Nair, Kodoth Prabhakaran
Utopia - Eine Welt von morgen im Spiegel utopischer Versuche: Thomas Morus: Eine Reise in gewesene Utopien zur Stadt-Region und neue Perspektiven by Kegler, Harald, Fischer, Tatjana
Electoral Territoriality in Southern Africa by Rule, Stephen
Landschaft und Kulturentwicklung in unseren Klimabreiten by Passarge, Siegfried
Deutschland: Einführung in die Heimatkunde by Ratzel, Friedrich
Die Insel Cypern: Ihrer physischen und organischen Natur nach mit Rücksicht auf ihre frühere Geschichte by Kotschy, Theodor, Unger, Franz
Ageing and Poverty in Africa: Ugandan Livelihoods in a Time of HIV/AIDS by Williams, Alun
Agricultural Transformation, Food and Environment: Perspectives on European Rural Policy and Planning - Volume 1 by
European Coastal Zone Management: Partnership Approaches by Dixon-Gough, Robert
Schumpeterian Dynamics and Metropolitan-Scale Productivity by Lee, Yeonwoo
Industrial Redundancies: A Comparative Analysis of the Chemical and Clothing Industries in the UK and Italy by Greco, Lidia
Aviation Meteorology: Observations and Models by
Die regionale Bedeutung der Azoren für Portugal im Wandel by Pelegri, Alejandro
Water Resources Management in Balkan Countries by
Wirtschaftsgeographie der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika by Oppel, Alwin
Die Erde und das Leben. Eine vergleichende Erdkunde: Zweiter Band by Ratzel, Friedrich
Die japanischen Inseln: Eine topographisch-geologische Übersicht by Harada, Toyokitsi
Customer Service Games for Training by
Die Erde und das Leben. Eine vergleichende Erdkunde: Erster Band by Ratzel, Friedrich
Die Nordfriesischen Inseln: Sylt, Föhr und Amrum und die Halligen by Martens, Heinrich
Beitrag zu einer Landeskunde des Karolinen-Archipels by Lütje, Otto
Der Weltteil Afrika in Einzeldarstellungen: Madagaskar und die Inseln Seychellen, Aldabra, Komoren und Maskarenen by Hartmann, Robert
Handbook of the Changing World Language Map by
Sri Lanka nach dem Bürgerkrieg. Konfliktfelder und Konfliktkonstellationen by Sivanolisingam, Ganagaginy
Slow Food und die wachsende Bedeutung der Herkunft von Lebensmitteln: Der Slow Food-Trend als Ausprägung der Wirtschaftsgeographie by Gomboc, Laura
Naturschutzgebiete im Landkreis Oldenburg by Brinkmann, Martin
Die Nordseeinseln an der deutschen Küste nebst ihren See-Badeanstalten by Berenberg, Carl
Kritische Untersuchungen über die historische Entwicklung der geografischen Erkenntnisse von der neuen Welt und die Fortschritte der nautischen Astron by Von Humboldt, Alexander
Die Alte Geographie Arabiens: als Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Semitismus by Sprenger, Aloys
Kohle und Eisen in allen Ländern der Erde by Pechar, Johann
Das Weserbergland und der Teutoburger Wald by Reissert, Oswald
Die Gotthardbahn in kommerzieller Beziehung by Schmidlin, Wilhelm, Stoll, Georg, Koller, Gottlieb
Africa on the Move: Migration, Translocal Livelihoods and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa by Steinbrink, Malte, Niedenführ, Hannah
Water Resources Management in Romania by
Making Ecologies on Private Land: Conservation Practice in Rural-Amenity Landscapes by Cooke, Benjamin, Lane, Ruth
Medical Tourism in Kolkata, Eastern India by Rai, Anu
Geographic Information Systems and Science by
Island: Seine Bewohner, Landesbildung und vulkanische Natur by Winkler, Gustav Georg
Das Karwendelgebirge by Rothpletz, August
Geoinformatics for Sustainable Development in Asian Cities by
Spationomy: Spatial Exploration of Economic Data and Methods of Interdisciplinary Analytics by
Ägypten: Forschungen über Land und Volk während eines zehnjährigen Aufenthalts. Zweiter Teil by Von Kremer, Alfred
Geographische Namen: Erklärung der wichtigsten im Schulgebrauche vorkommenden geographischen Namen by Schlemmer, K.
Ägypten: Forschungen über Land und Volk während eines zehnjährigen Aufenthalts. Erster Teil by Von Kremer, Alfred
Der Staat Santa Catharina in Südbrasilien by Ballod, Karl
Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen Feinstaub und Wetterdaten? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Analyse by Waciewski, Julian
Geographische Beschreibung Island by Gliemann, Theodor
On the Margins of Urban South Korea: Core Location as Method and PRAXIS by
Die wirtschafts- und handelsgeographischen Provinzen der Sahara, begründet durch nützliche Pflanzen by Dürkop, Erich
Die Herakleotische Halbinsel in archäologischer Beziehung behandelt by Becker, Paul
Sustainable Development in Changing Complex Earth Systems by Kerényi, Attila, McIntosh, Richard William
Information Fusion and Intelligent Geographic Information Systems: Computational and Algorithmic Advances (If & Igis'2019) by
Geographie des alten Palästina by Buhl, Frants
Atlas to the historical geography of Europe from homeric Greece until 1900 by Freeman, Edward
Kritische Untersuchungen über die historische Entwicklung der geografischen Erkenntnisse von der neuen Welt: und die Fortschritte der nautischen Astro by Von Humboldt, Alexander
Die Insel Zypern by Unger, Franz, Kotschy, Theodor
Water Resources: An Integrated Approach by
Deutschland: Einführung in die Heimatkunde by Ratzel, Friedrich
Die Erde und das Leben: Eine vergleichende Erdkunde - Zweiter Band by Ratzel, Friedrich
Wirtschaftsgeografie der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika by Oppel, Alwin
While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change by Jackson, M.
Creating a Crop Production System in Erbil: The Determination of a Catchment Area to Cultivated Area Ratio by Rasooli Keya, Dawod
Practices in Social Ecological Research: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in 'Adaptive Doing' by Rawluk, Andrea, Beilin, Ruth, Bender, Helena
Using Historical Maps in Scientific Studies: Applications, Challenges, and Best Practices by Duan, Weiwei, Leyk, Stefan, Chiang, Yao-Yi
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