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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2020

Engineering Geology for Society and Territory: Iaeg XII Congress Volumes by
The Global Politics of Science and Technology by
Jet Stream: A Journey Through Our Changing Climate by Woollings, Tim
Belgrade: The 21st Century Metropolis of Southeast Europe by Arandelovic, Biljana, Vukmirovic, Milena
Pipeline Spatial Data Modeling and Pipeline Webgis: Digital Oil and Gas Pipeline: Research and Practice by Li, Zhenpei
Advances in Modeling and Interpretation in Near Surface Geophysics by
High-Rise Urban Form and Microclimate: Climate-Responsive Design for Asian Mega-Cities by Chen, Liang, Yang, Feng
Green Criminology and Green Theories of Justice: An Introduction to a Political Economic View of Eco-Justice by Long, Michael a., Stretesky, Paul B., Lynch, Michael J.
Economic and Ecological Implications of Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram, India by Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad
Environmental Participation: Practices Engaging the Public with Science and Governance by Landström, Catharina
The contribution of urban agriculture in boosting food security and income generation by Mutshakambi, Charles
The environments of mine and yours: Environmental depredation and ancient wisdom by Zaker, Morteza
Theories and Models of Urbanization: Geography, Economics and Computing Sciences by
Not Good Enough for Canada: Canadian Public Discourse Around Issues of Inadmissibility for Potential Immigrants with Diseases And/Or Disabilities, by Capurri, Valentina
Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach by Ladle, Richard J., Moore, Peter D., Cox, C. Barry
Dr. Howard on the Keweenaw: Second Edition by Howard, P. J.
Dr. Howard on the Keweenaw: Second Edition by Howard, P. J.
The Urban Archetypes of Jane Jacobs and Ebenezer Howard: Contradiction and Meaning in City Form by Akkerman, Abraham
Pathways to Demographic Adaptation: Perspectives on Policy and Planning in Depopulating Areas in Northern Europe by Syssner, Josefina
Ageing-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Singapore, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America: An Annotated Bibliography by Yuen, Belinda, Močnik, Spela, Yu, Freya C. H.
Green Finance. Wie grün sind alternative Investitionen wirklich? by Schönert, Marie
Die Vegetationszonen der Erde. Eine Darstellung nach Richter by Schönert, Marie
Uavs and Urban Spatial Analysis: An Introduction by Grubesic, Tony H., Nelson, Jake R.
Towards Net Zero: Exploring the Role of Transport and the Built Environment by De Smith, Michael J.
Mitteilungen Der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 1919 by
Opening and Closure of the Neuquén Basin in the Southern Andes by
Rebuilding the Earth: Regenerating Our Planet's Life Support Systems for a Sustainable Future by Everard, Mark
Erdkunde ist König: 111 Reisebuchhandlungen, die man kennen sollte by Deiss, Richard
Gendering Smart Mobilities by
Gastronomy and Urban Space: Changes and Challenges in Geographical Perspective by
Heritage, Cities and Sustainable Development: Interdisciplinary Approaches and International Case Studies by
Mensch-Braunbär-Beziehungen in Rumänien vor dem Hintergrund der Akteurs-Netzwerk-Theorie: Handlungsempfehlungen zur Harmonisierung der europäischen Wi by Loos, Felix
Frontier Making in the Amazon: Economic, Political and Socioecological Conversion by Ioris, Antonio Augusto Rossotto
Geographische Handelsforschung by
Los Angeles and the Summer Olympic Games: Planning Legacies by Kassens Noor, Eva
Lagoa Santa Karst: Brazil's Iconic Karst Region by
European Port Cities in Transition: Moving Towards More Sustainable Sea Transport Hubs by
A Basic Outline of Population Studies by Das Malakar, Kousik
China's Belt and Road Vision: Geoeconomics and Geopolitics by Ali, S. Mahmud
A manual of marine meteorology for apprentices and officers of the world's merchant navies by Allingham, William
The Urban Environment. How is it Impacted by Primary Coffee Processing Industries?: A Case Study of Coffee Factories in Mizan-Aman Town Communities in by Geberemariam, Eshetu
Military Geoscience: Bridging History to Current Operations by
The Co-Housing Phenomenon: Environmental Alliance in Times of Changes by Giorgi, Emanuele
Habitats of the World: Biodiversity and Threats by
Review Questions in Geography for Advanced Classes by Prentice, Jennie B.
China Danxia by Peng, Hua
Climate Change and Impacts in the Pacific by
Tales About The United States Of America by Parley, Peter
The Scope and Methods of Geography by Mackinder, Halford John
Tides: A Very Short Introduction by Bowers, David George, Roberts, Emyr Martyn
The Question Book: a general review of common school studies by Craig, Asa H.
Introduction to Web Mapping by Dorman, Michael
Introduction to Web Mapping by Dorman, Michael
Geomorphologie by Dikau, Richard, Eibisch, Katharina, Eichel, Jana
Nature, Culture, and Food in Monsoon Asia by
Exploring the Social Life of Japanese "Manchurian Immigrants" by Shi, Yanchun
Forest-Water Interactions by
Smart Village Technology: Concepts and Developments by
Farmers' Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar by Min, Akary
The Antarctic manual for the use of the expedition of 1901 by
The Illustrated History of the Elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire by Kozák, Jan, Musson, Roger M. W.
Across This Land: A Regional Geography of the United States and Canada by Hudson, John C.
Landscapes and Landforms of Eastern Canada by
Fiducial Reference Measurements for Altimetry: Proceedings of the International Review Workshop on Satellite Altimetry Cal/Val Activities and Applicat by
Biotechnology Business - Concept to Delivery by
The Scope and Methods of Geography by Mackinder, Halford John
La pesanteur espace-temps dans l'effort de stabilisation du bassin du Lac Tchad by Foumane, André Désiré
Adam Olearius und seine Rolle als Kartograph im 17. Jahrhundert: Darstellung anhand einer Quellenkritik der Persienkarte in der von Olearius verfasste by Ostermann, Claudia
Geoarchaeology: The Human-Environmental Approach by Cordova, Carlos
Mountain Texture: Glaciers of the Alps by Fisher, Garrett
The Financialization of the Brazilian Territory: From Global Forces to Local Dynamisms by Contel, Fabio Betioli
Der Mensch - Allein im Universum?: Reflexionen eines Erden-Bewohners by Volkmer, Dietrich
Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination of the Densu River, Weja from Leachate by Anonymous
Der Low-Cost Trend. Veränderungen im Personenluftverkehr by Dündar, Soner
Land Rent, Housing and Urban Planning: A European Perspective by
Carceral Space, Prisoners and Animals by Morin, Karen M.
Global Perspectives on Sports and Christianity by
Kooperation Und Innovation Für Eine Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung: Forschung Mit Innovativen Kommunen by
Klimawandel im Quartär. Inwieweit können natürliche und anthropogene Einflussfaktoren als Ursachen gesehen werden? by Heine, Lucas
Leben in der warmen Zone. Der tropische Regenwald (Fach: Geographie; 7. Klasse Hauptschule) by Köber, Dorothee
The Life of North American Suburbs by
Geodynamics of the Indian Plate: Evolutionary Perspectives by
Historical Geography, Giscience and Textual Analysis: Landscapes of Time and Place by
Dictionnaire Général de Géographie Universelle Ancienne Et Moderne, Historique, Politique: Littéraire Et Commerciale. Tome 3 by Ennery, Jonas, Hirth, Cuvier, Charles
The Geography of Beer: Culture and Economics by
Socialist and Post-Socialist Urbanisms: Critical Reflections from a Global Perspective by Young, Douglas, Drummond, Lisa B. W.
Geoinformatik in Theorie Und PRAXIS: Grundlagen Von Geoinformationssystemen, Fernerkundung Und Digitaler Bildverarbeitung by De Lange, Norbert
Governance for Urban Services: Access, Participation, Accountability, and Transparency by
Nature in the Built Environment: Global Politico-Economic, Geo-Ecologic and Socio-Historical Perspectives by Njoh, Ambe J.
Modeling Fuzzy Spatiotemporal Data with XML by Bai, Luyi, Yan, Li, Ma, Zongmin
Plant Landscape of Corsica: Typology and Mapping Plant Landscape of Cap Corse Region and Biguglia Pond by
Housing Policy and Vulnerable Families in the Inner City: Public Housing in Harlem, New York City by Zamzow, Brigitte
Das Verhältnis von Natur und Kultur. Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Geographie by Heine, Lucas
Digital Food Cultures by
Forest culture and eucalyptus trees by Cooper, Ellwood
Digital Food Cultures by
Primeros resultados palinológicos de la base de la secuencia sedimentaria de la laguna del cañizar de villarquemado by Garcia-Prieto Fronce, Eduardo
Flüsse formen unsere Landschaft. Die Entstehung von Mäandern: Unterrichtsentwurf für eine achte Klasse an der Werkrealschule by Köber, Dorothee
Struggles for Climate Justice: Uneven Geographies and the Politics of Connection by Derman, Brandon Barclay
The Starship and the Canoe by Brower, Kenneth
Students' laboratory manual of physical geography by Perry Brigham, Albert
Cartographie de l'occupation des terres dans la forêt de Pénessoulou by Ashanti, Abdou-Djalilou
Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries: Sourcing Natural Raw Materials by
Regional Intelligence: Spatial Analysis and Anthropogenic Regional Challenges in the Digital Age by
Sharing by Design by Chan, Jeffrey Kok Hui, Zhang, Ye
Location Science by
Landschaftliche Resilienz: Grundlagen, Fallbeispiele, Praxisempfehlungen by Schmidt, Catrin
Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries: Consumerism and Fashion Sustainability by
An Atlas of Classical Geography by Hughes, William
An Atlas of Classical Geography by Hughes, William
Forschungsarbeit "Die Bedeutung von Umweltbewusstsein bei Studierenden": Eine Studie des Lehr- und Forschungsbereichs: "Umwelt und Generation" by Hofer, Katharina
Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society by
Urban France by Scargill, Ian
Urban Land and Property Markets in Germany by Dransfeld, Egbert, Dieterich, H., Voss, Winrich
Urban Land and Property Markets in France by Acosta, Rodrigo, Renard, Vincent
Metropolis 2000: Planning, Poverty and Politics by Angotti, Thomas
Forecasting Techniques for Urban and Regional Planning by Field, Brian
Urban Land and Property Markets in The Netherlands by Needham, Barrie, Koenders, Patrick, Kruijt, Bert
Urban Markets: Developing Informal Retailing by Dewar, David, Watson, Vanessa
Urban Planning Under Thatcherism: The Challenge of the Market by Thornley, Andy
Urban Hospital Location by Mayhew, Leslie D.
Urban Land and Property Markets in the United Kingdom by Wood, Barry, Williams, Richard H.
The Isolated City State: An Economic Geography of Urban Spatial Structure by Papageorgiou, Yorgos
Landscape Patterns in a Range of Spatio-Temporal Scales by
The Cotton Plantation South Since the Civil War by Aiken, Charles S.
The Urban and Regional Transformation of Britain by
Urban Planning in a Capitalist Society by Kirk, Gwyneth
Urban Land and Property Markets in Sweden by Mattsson, Hans, Kalbro, Thomas
Cost-Benefit Analysis in Urban & Regional Planning by Schofield, John
A Critical Evaluation of the Carbon Neutrality Concept: Carbon Neutrality. Maintaining or Reducing Carbon Emission by Akeju, Ayodeji
Protected Areas: A Legal Geography Approach by Gillespie, Josephine
Geospatial Technology: An Overview Concept of RS, GIS, and GPS by Das Malakar, Kousik
The Amazon: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Plotkin, Mark J.
Impacts of Climate and Human Activities on Water Resources and Quality: Integrated Regional Assessment by Takara, Kaoru, Duan, Weili
Biotechnology and Future Cities: Towards Sustainability, Resilience and Living Urban Organisms by Allam, Zaheer
Air Pollution Awareness in the Philippines. Its Practical Measure for Prevention: Clean Air Act, Causes and Effects of Air Pollution, and Measures for by Sanlad, Louie
Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries: Production Process Sustainability by
Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries: Sourcing Synthetic and Novel Alternative Raw Materials by
Sind die Grenzen des Wachstums erreicht?: Die Entwicklung der Weltbevölkerung und die Tragfähigkeit der Erde by Raue, Jana
Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration: Changing Spaces in Historical Places by
Performing Mountains by Pitches, Jonathan
Exploring Geoethics: Ethical Implications, Societal Contexts, and Professional Obligations of the Geosciences by
Plastik als Problem in unserer Umwelt. Vor- und Nachteile und Lösungsansätze by Anonymous
Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries: Sustainable Textiles, Clothing Design and Repurposing by
Urban Health Risk and Resilience in Asian Cities by
The Lowery collection: a descriptive list of maps of the Spanish possessions within the present limits of the United States, 1502-1820 by Lowery, Woodbury, Lee Phillips, Philip
Spatial Mapping and Modelling for Kala-Azar Disease by Shit, Pravat Kumar, Bhunia, Gouri Sankar
Gendered Violence at International Festivals: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Tectonics of the Indian Subcontinent by Kale, Vivek S., Jain, A. K., Banerjee, D. M.
After Childhood: Re-Thinking Environment, Materiality and Media in Children's Lives by Kraftl, Peter
Polar Night Marine Ecology: Life and Light in the Dead of Night by
Divided Tokyo: Disparities in Living Conditions in the City Center and the Shrinking Suburbs by Kubo, Tomoko
Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism: African Perspectives by
The Asian Megacity Region: A Conceptual Approach by Mookherjee, Debnath
Soil Physics with Python: Transport in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System by Bittelli, Marco, Campbell, Gaylon S., Tomei, Fausto
Prairie: A Natural History of the Heart of North America: Revised Edition by Savage, Candace
Atlas of Quaternary Pollen and Spores in China by
Die hydrologische Bedeutung der Kryosphäre des westlichen Tien Shan für das Wassermanagement in Zentralasien by Schittko, Erik
A Compendium of Modern Geography by Stewart, Alexander
A Compendium of Modern Geography by Stewart, Alexander
Dimensions and Determinants of Rural-Urban Migration in Ethiopia: The Case of Hossana Town, SNNPR by Ochocho, Abraham
Elbflorenz und Spree-Athen: 555 Städtebeinamen und Stadtklischees von Blechbudenhausen bis Schlicktown by Deiss, Richard
Urbanität Und Egonetzwerke in Der Stadt: Eine Relationale Perspektive Auf Die Heidelberger Bahnstadt by Herrmann, Christina
Der Klimawandel und seine Bekämpfung durch den Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien by Anonymous
An atlas of classical geography by Hughes, William
Human Impact on Danube Watershed Biodiversity in the XXI Century by
Planning for Sustainable Urban Transport in Southeast Asia: Policy Transfer, Diffusion, and Mobility by Pojani, Dorina
Rivers of Power: How a Natural Force Raised Kingdoms, Destroyed Civilizations, and Shapes Our World by Smith, Laurence C.
Identity of Cities and City of Identities by Cheshmehzangi, Ali
Ausgewählte Städte auf Island: Reykjavik, Hafnarfjörður, Akureyri, Egilsstaðir by Anonymous
Bodies, Technologies and Methods by Jones, Phil
Coastal Resorts and Urbanization in Northeast Brazil by Queiroz Pereira, Alexandre
Green Neighbourhoods and Eco-Gentrification: A Tale of Two Countries by Schwartz, Moshe, Machline, Elise, Pearlmutter, David
Wie entsteht globale Ungleichheit? Die Theorie der peripheren Wirtschaft von Raúl Prebisch by Anonymous
Local Dynamics of Industrial Upgrading: The Case of the Pearl River Delta in China by Liu, Yi
Abschied Vom Eis: Ein Weckruf Aus Der Arktis by Wadhams, Peter
Huracanes en Cuba. Die Entwicklung einer deutsch-spanischen bilingualen Unterrichtsreihe tropischer Wirbelstürme auf Kuba by Bergers, Hendrik
Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and Governance by
America's Suburban Centers: The Land Use-Transportation Link by Cervero, Robert
Social Research Techniques for Planners by Burton, Thomas L., Cherry, Gordon E.
Regenerating the Inner City: Glasgow's Experience by
Resilience in the Anthropocene: Governance and Politics at the End of the World by
Urban Spaces and Gender in Asia by
Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies by
Analyzing Population and Land Use Change: Selected Case Studies of Indian Metropolitan Cities by Sikarwar, Ankit, Chattopadhyay, Aparajita
Cities and Climate Change: Climate Policy, Economic Resilience and Urban Sustainability by Thondoo, Meelan, Allam, Zaheer, Jones, David
Karstology in the Classical Karst by
Klimawandel, Vulnerabilität und Klimaanpassung. Eine Untersuchung anhand von Städten in der StädteRegion Aachen by Welfers, Loisa
Water-Related Urbanization and Locality: Protecting, Planning and Designing Urban Water Environments in a Sustainable Way by
Lokale Ökonomie - Konzepte, Quartierskontexte Und Interventionen by
Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation by
China and the New Silk Road: Challenges and Impacts on the Regional and Local Level by
Brasilien im Kontext der Welternährung. Ist Südamerika die Quelle für die weltweite Grundnahrungsmittelversorgung? by Anonymous
Powerful Primary Geography: A Toolkit for 21st-Century Learning by Dolan, Anne M.
Lokale Ökonomie - Konzepte, Quartierskontexte Und Interventionen by
Agrarlandgewinnung durch Flussregulierung in Österreich by Scharerweger, Sandro
Disaster Resilience in South Asia: Tackling the Odds in the Sub-Continental Fringes by Ahmed, Iftekhar, Maund, Kim, Gajendran, Thayaparan
Resilience in the Anthropocene: Governance and Politics at the End of the World by
Perspectives on Rural Tourism Geographies: Case Studies from Developed Nations on the Exotic, the Fringe and the Boring Bits in Between by
The frontiers of language and nationality in Europe by Dominian, Leon
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