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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geography in 2023

Contemporary Urban Planning by Thomas, Robert
Stadtgeographie: Aktuelle Themen Und Ansätze by
Kartographie: Visualisierung Georäumlicher Daten by Schiewe, Jochen
Cities of the Future: Challenges and Opportunities by
A Compendium of Unique and Rare Spices: Global Economic Potential by Nair, Kodoth Prabhakaran
Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking by
Nature, Society, and Marginality: Case Studies from Nepal, Southeast Asia and Other Regions by
Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Resource Management in Asia by
Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography by
Desert Landscapes of the World with Google Earth by Goudie, Andrew
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resources and Built Infrastructure Management by
Sustainable Forest Management in the Himalaya by Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad
Scale: Understanding the Environment by Suteanu, Cristian
Geotechnical and Exploration Drilling in the Polar Regions by Talalay, Pavel G.
International Trade Fairs and Inter-Firm Knowledge Flows: Understanding Patterns of Convergence-Divergence in the Technological Specializations of Fir by Gibson, Rachael
The Trialism and Application of Human Settlement, Inhabitation and Travel Environment Studies: Applications in Water-Net Region by Liu, Binyi
Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Land Governance Deficit by
Oi aikoja, oi paikkoja: Esseitä eri puolilta palloa by Heinemann, Laila
Greening Cities by Growing Food: A Political Ecology Analysis of Urban Agriculture in the Americas by Hammelman, Colleen
Geospatial Data Analytics and Urban Applications by
African Special Economic Zones: Lessons and Investments from China by Robinson, Bryan
Monitoring of Desert Locust in Africa and Asia by Huang, Wenjiang, Dong, Yingying, Zhao, Longlong
Loving and Studying Nature: Celebrating the Earth Through History, Culture and Education by Skilbeck, Malcolm
Assembling Bus Rapid Transit in the Global South: Translating Global Models, Materialising Infrastructure Politics by Jacobsen, Malve
Mirror of the World: Literature, Maps, and Geographic Writing in Late Medieval and Early Modern England by Roland, Meg
Food System Transformations: Social Movements, Local Economies, Collaborative Networks by
The Invention of Disaster: Power and Knowledge in Discourses on Hazard and Vulnerability by Gaillard, Jc
Human Capital and Regional Development in Europe: A Long-Run Comparative View by Hippe, Ralph, Diebolt, Claude
Majestic Mongolia by Prince, Diana
Urban Resilience: Methodologies, Tools and Evaluation: Theory and Practice by
Majestic Mongolia by Prince, Diana
Groundwater Sustainability: Conception, Development, and Application by Mace, Robert E.
Geospatial Technology for Landscape and Environmental Management: Sustainable Assessment and Planning by
Industrial Location and Vitalization of Regional Economy by
Renewable Energy Scenarios in Future Indian Smart Cities: A Geospatial Technology Perspective by Kumar, Deepak
Property Price Impacts of Environment-Friendly Transport Accessibility in Chinese Cities by Yang, Linchuan
Ecological Restoration and the U.S. Nature and Environmental Writing Tradition: A Rewilding of American Letters by Smith, Laura
Proceedings of the 7th China High Resolution Earth Observation Conference (Chreoc 2020): A Decade of Integrated Aerospace Exploration by
State of the Art in Ethiopian Church Forests and Restoration Options by
East Africa's Human Environment Interactions: Historical Perspectives for a Sustainable Future by Marchant, Rob
Political Economy of Housing in Chile by Aguirre-Nuñez, Carlos, Encinas, Felipe, Vergara-Perucich, Francisco
Inszenierung von Wien. Eine Stadt als Bühne by Harksen, Richard
Prospective Territoriale, Outil de Planification du développement local. Cas de la commune de Saaba au Burkina Faso by Sawadogo, Wendkouni Jean Anicet
Streetlife: Urban Retail Dynamics and Prospects by
Streetlife: Urban Retail Dynamics and Prospects by
Regenerating Cities: Reviving Places and Planet by Zingoni de Baro, Maria Elena
Our Dynamic Earth: A Primer by Bennett, Matthew R.
Topographic Laser Ranging and Scanning: Principles and Processing, Second Edition by
The New Companion to Urban Design by
The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory by
Situation de référence de la diversité floristique de l'espace de conservation communautaire de Ralo au Bukina Faso by Zoma, Vincent
Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung in wachsenden Städten am Beispiel Freiburg: Die Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit bei der Stadterweiterung von Dietenbach by Wegmann, Felizitas
Profit: An Environmental History by Stoll, Mark
Earth Data Analytics for Planetary Health by
Sea-Level Change in the Pacific Islands Region: A Review of Evidence to Inform Asian Development Bank Guidance on Selecting Sea-Level Projections for by Asian Development Bank
Blue Economy and Smart Sea Transport Systems: Maritime Security by Ng, Adolf K. y., Gujar, Girish Chandrakant
African Ark: Mammals, Landscape and the Ecology of a Continent by Monadjem, Ara
African Ark: Mammals, Landscape and the Ecology of a Continent by Monadjem, Ara
Establishing Plus-Minus-Energy-Regions: The Maluku Archipelago in Indonesia by Pradipta, Giovanni Maurice, Genske, Dieter D.
Shrinking Japan and Regional Variations: Along the Tokaido by Kumagai, Fumie
Social Value, Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship: Insights from Theory and Practice by
Geographic Information Systems in Urban Planning and Management by Singh, R. B., Singh, Anju, Kumar, Manish
Organisation Catholique pour le Développement et la Solidarité (OCADES) du diocèse de Ouagadougou et développement local au Burkina Faso by Zoma, Vincent, Savadogo/Bambara, Aline
Latin America and the Caribbean: An Environment and Development Approach by Jokisch, Brad D.
In de straten van Opuwo: op reis door Namibië by Rosman-Kleinjan, Ada
Patterns of Interaction: Computational Design Across Scales by Kotnik, Toni, Fricker, Pia
Impact de l'adoption des technologies agricoles améliorées sur la pauvreté et le bien-être des ménages ruraux au Mali by Coulibaly, Amadou Y.
International Handbook of Population and Environment by
Digital (In)Justice in the Smart City by
Digital (In)Justice in the Smart City by
Africa and Sustainable Global Value Chains by
The Landscapes of Italian Food: Local Development and Healthy Practices by Berruti, Gilda, Smith, Gregory
Language, Society and the State in a Changing World by
Caractérisation morpho-pédologique et perception endogène des sols du village de Safané au Burkina Faso by Kaboré, Fidèle, Kindo, Abdoul-Azise, Zoma, Vincent
Contribution de la Maîtrise d'Ouvrage Déléguée au renforcement des capacités opérationnelles de la Chambre Régionale d'Agriculture de l'Est dans le ca by Zoma, Vincent, Dima/Tapsoba, Halimata
A Study of China's Urban-Rural Integration Development by Ying, Dangguo, Wu, Wenyuan
The Post-Earthquake City: Disaster and Recovery in Christchurch, New Zealand by Pawson, Eric, Cloke, Paul, Conradson, David
American Colonial Spaces in the Philippines: Insular Empire by Kirsch, Scott
The Mirror Of The Sea by Conrad, Joseph
A Geoinformatics Approach to Water Erosion: Soil Loss and Beyond by Svoray, Tal
The Geography of Albania: Problems and Perspectives by Qiriazi, Perikli, Doka, Dhimitёr
Geography of Happiness: A Spatial Analysis of Subjective Well-Being by
Economics of Renewable Energy: An Assessment of Innovations with Statistical Data by Krozer, Yoram
Research Developments in Geotechnics, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing: Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geoscie by
Remote Sensing Land Surface Changes: The 1981-2020 Intensive Global Warming by Kogan, Felix
The Black Sea from Paleogeography to Modern Navigation: Applied Maritime Geography and Oceanography by Bosneagu, Romeo
Smart Mobility im Raum Berlin. Auswirkung der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung auf die Umsetzung von smarter Mobilität im Personenverkehr: Entwicklung e by Müller, Miriam
Military Geoscience: A Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Warfare by
Sustainable Development Goals in Europe: A Geographical Approach by
Building the Spatial University: Spatial Thinking, Learning, and Service Throughout the System by
Anthropogeomorphology: A Geospatial Technology Based Approach by
Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic by
Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning: Proceedings of the 11th Input Conference - Volume 2 by
Energy and Rhythm: Rhythmanalysis for a Low Carbon Future by Walker, Gordon
Die Coronapandemie und ihre Auswirkungen auf den stationären Einzelhandel in deutschen Großstädten by Anonymous
The Power of Place in Place Attachment by
Sustainability Transformations, Social Transitions and Environmental Accountabilities by
The Mediterranean Region: Economic Interdependence and the Future of Society by
Design and Development of a Living Green Wall for Greywater Treatment by Vassallo, Gianluca
Assessment in Geographical Education: An International Perspective by
Housing and Residential Structure: Alternative Approaches by Bassett, Keith, Short, John
Housing in Britain: The Post-War Experience by Short, John R.
The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Philanthropy and Humanitarianism by
Human Geography: A Spatial Perspective by Hiebert, Fredrik, Bednarz, Sarah, Bockenhauer, Mark
Frontex and the Rising of a New Border Control Culture in Europe by Sarantaki, Antonia-Maria
The Rhetorical Construction of Vegetarianism by
Land Acquisition, Industrialization and Livelihoods: A Case Study on Jsw Bengal Steel Plant by Maiti, Ramkrishna, Shee, Sumanta Prakash
Heterogenität Und Diversität in Städten Mittlerer Größe: Das Beispiel Landau in Der Pfalz by
Covid-19, Tourist Destinations and Prospects for Recovery: Volume One: A Global Perspective by
Around the World in 80 Ways: Exploring Our Planet Through Maps and Data by Webb, Stephen
Human-Animal Interactions in Anthropocene Asia by
Landslides: Detection, Prediction and Monitoring: Technological Developments by
Coexistence and Confrontation of Agricultural and Food Models: A New Paradigm of Territorial Development? by
The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Politics and Theory by
Germany: Geographies of Complexity by Kühne, Olaf, Weber, Florian
Advancements in Urban Environmental Studies: Application of Geospatial Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Urban Studies by
Urban India: Cultural Heritage, Past and Present by Bornberg, Renate
Key Concepts in Theme Park Studies: Understanding Tourism and Leisure Spaces by Carlà-Uhink, Filippo, Anton Clavé, Salvador, Freitag, Florian
El Niño Ready Nations and Disaster Risk Reduction: 19 Countries in Perspective by
A System Engineering Approach to Disaster Resilience: Select Proceedings of Vcdrr 2021 by
Accessible Housing for South Asia: Needs, Implementation and Impacts by
Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Urban Planning: Greening Cities, Shaping Cities by
Border Urbanism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives by
Land Loss in Louisiana: A Neopragmatic Redescription by Kühne, Olaf, Koegst, Lara
Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion by
Wirtschaftsgeographie Deutschlands by
Development of Classical and Modern Geodetic Reference Systems of Albania by Nurçe, Bilbil
Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy by
The Origins of Inequality: Mechanisms, Models, Policy by Molander, Per
Sand Dunes of the Northern Hemisphere: Distribution, Formation, Migration and Management, Volume 1 by
Re-Imagining Resilient Productive Landscapes: Perspectives from Planning History by
The Effect of Economic, Social and Psychological Factors on Transport Behavior of Polish Citizens. A Conjoint Analysis Approach by Welte-Bardtholdt, Cordula
Geospatial Data Science in Healthcare for Society 5.0 by
African Security in the Anthropocene by
Physical Geodesy: A Theoretical Introduction by Guo, Jun-Yi
Market Gardening in the Volcanic Soils of the Bamoun Plateau (West-Cameroon). Territorial and Socioenvironmental Mutations by Alassa, Mfouapon
Landscape Meanings and Values by
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability by
Proceedings of Uasg 2021: Wings 4 Sustainability: Unmanned Aerial System in Geomatics by
Labour Control and Union Agency in Global Production Networks: A Case Study of the Bangalore Export-Garment Cluster by López, Tatiana
Heritage and the Sea: Volume 2: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World (15th-18th Centuries) by
Labour Control and Union Agency in Global Production Networks: A Case Study of the Bangalore Export-Garment Cluster by López, Tatiana
The Cultural Politics of Anti-Elitism by
Spatiotemporal Analytics by
Making Green Cities: Concepts, Challenges and Practice by
Covid-19, Tourist Destinations and Prospects for Recovery: Volume Two: An African Perspective by
The Security of Iceland and the Arctic 2030: A Recommendation for Increased Geopolitical Stability by Wheelersburg, Robert P.
Inequities and Quality of Life in Argentina: Geography and Quality of Life in Argentina by
Green Recovery with Resilience and High Quality Development: Cciced Annual Policy Report 2021 by China Council for International Cooperation on Environment a
Green Recovery with Resilience and High Quality Development: Cciced Annual Policy Report 2021 by China Council for International Cooperation on Environment a
Advances in Architecture, Engineering and Technology by
(Ré)organisation spatiale de la municipalité de Lagoa Santa - MG by Campolina, Maíra Patrícia Fernandes
Glaciers, Nature, Water, and Local Community in Mount Kenya by
Sustaining Rural Systems: Rural Vitality in an Era of Globalization and Economic Nationalism by
Energy Justice: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation by
Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic Region by
Geospatial Technology for Human Well-Being and Health by
Umweltinformationssysteme - Vielfalt, Offenheit, Komplexität: Tagungsband Des 29. Workshops "Umweltinformationssysteme (Uis 2022)" Des Arbeitskreises by
Culture and Sustainability: Exploring Stability and Transformation with the Cultures Framework by Stephenson, Janet
Culture and Sustainability: Exploring Stability and Transformation with the Cultures Framework by Stephenson, Janet
Project Design for Geomatics Engineers and Surveyors, Second Edition by Koome, Derrick, Ogaja, Clement, Adero, Nashon
Water and Cities in the Face of Future Challenges. An Examination of Adaption Measures for Urban Areas by Felde, Juri
Understanding Crime and Place: A Methods Handbook by
Availability and accessibility to drinking water by Malo, Yaya
Morphological and hydrographic mapping by Malo, Yaya
Metrics That Make a Difference: How to Analyze Change and Error by Pontius Jr, Robert Gilmore
Afrikanische Sonderwirtschaftszonen: Lehren Und Investitionen Aus China by Robinson, Bryan
Remote Sensing of Urban Green Space by Meng, Qingyan
Local Adaptation to Climate Change in South India: Challenges and the Future in the Tsunami-hit Coastal Regions by Madhanagopal, Devendraraj
Socio-Environmental Research in Latin America: Interdisciplinary Approaches Using GIS and Remote Sensing Frameworks by
Land Quality and Sustainable Urban Forms: Changing Landscapes and Socioeconomic Structures of European Cities by Salvati, Luca, Tombolini, Ilaria, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús
Vulnerability and Transformation of Indonesian Peatlands by
Vulnerability and Transformation of Indonesian Peatlands by
Development Practice in Eastern and Southern Africa: Lived Experiences from the Trenches by
Compromise Planning: A Theoretical Approach from a Distant Corner of Europe by Wassenhoven, Louis C.
Housebuilding, Planning and Community Action: The Production and Negotiation of the Built Environment by Short, John R., Fleming, Stephen, Witt, Stephen J. G.
Water, Earth, and Man: A Synthesis of Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Socio-Economic Geography by
Examining the COVID Crisis from a Geographical Perspective by
The Routledge Companion to the American Landscape by
Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities: The Path to Future Resiliency by
Regional and Urban Change and Geographical Information Systems and Science: An Analysis of Ontario, Canada by Vaz, Eric
Sustainable Business Change: Project Management Toward Circular Economy by
Spatial Structures: Introducing the Study of Spatial Systems in Human Geography by Johnston, R. J.
Enhancing Capabilities for Crisis Management and Disaster Response by
Screenscapes of E-Religiosity in India by Moinuddin, Shekh
آثار سيل وادى العريش عام 2010 by سامى, سمير
Die globale Umwelt-Governance. Zertifizierungen als Instrument des nachhaltigen globalen Warenaustauschs by Boemer, Johann
Geographiedidaktik: Fachwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, Fachdidaktische Bezüge, Unterrichtspraktische Beispiele - Band 2 by
Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Environmental Health: Exploring the Situation of the Lower Gangetic Delta by Mitra, Abhijit
Sensory Transformations: Environments, Technologies, Sensobiographies by
Spatial Modelling of Flood Risk and Flood Hazards: Societal Implications by
Producing Mayaland: Colonial Legacies, Urbanization, and the Unfolding of Global Capitalism by Fonseca Alfaro, Claudia
Producing Mayaland: Colonial Legacies, Urbanization, and the Unfolding of Global Capitalism by Fonseca Alfaro, Claudia
Trophy Hunting by Hart, Adam, Bichel, Nikolaj
Understanding GIS Through Sustainable Development Goals: Case Studies with Qgis by Holloway, Paul
Mandala Urbanism, Landscape, and Ecology: Interpreting Classic Indian Texts and Vaastupurusha Mandala as a Framework for Organizing Towns by Sharma, Archana
Environmental Regulatory Bodies and Facilities' Compliance to Environmental Regulations in Minna, Nigeria by Nabegu, A. B., Abdulkarim, B., Salihu, Abdullahi Chado
Das Klima Südpatagoniens by Falkenheiner, Nina
Geopolitical Perspectives from the Italian Border: Introducing Gianfranco Battisti, Triestino Geographer by Battisti, Gianfranco, Sellar, Christian
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation in Brazil's Northern Atlantic Forest by
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