• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 1985

Mount Etna: The Anatomy of a Volcano by
Problems and Methods for Lithospheric Exploration by Cassinis, Roberto
Yogo by Voynick, Stephen M.
Engineering Geology of the Sydney Region: Published on Behalf of the Australian Geomechanics Society by
Bibliographia Geodaetica. Volume 22, Number 2 by
Bibliographia Geodaetica. Volume 22, Number 3 by
Bibliographia Geodaetica. Volume 22, Number 4 by
Erdbeben Und Erdbebengefährdung by
Bibliographia Geodaetica/ A. Volume 22, Number 5 by
Bibliographia Geodaetica/ A. Volume 22, Number 6 by
Geochemische Beziehungen in Vogtländisch-Westböhmischen Mineralwässern by Dvorak, J., Egerter, H. -G, Plötner, G.
Einige Aspekte Zum Landeskulturellen Nutzen Des Meliorationswesens by Dörter, Klaus
Sedimentary and Evolutionary Cycles by
Reservoir Engineering Techniques Using FORTRAN by Sinha, Mihir K., Padgett, Larry R.
Verdunstung: Anwendungsorientierte Meßverfahren Und Bestimmungsmethoden by Schrödter, Harald
Pattern Recognition Problems in Geology and Paleontology by Bayer, Ulf
Offshore and Coastal Modelling by
Creep of Crystals: High-Temperature Deformation Processes in Metals, Ceramics and Minerals by Poirier, Jean Paul
Elements of Micropalaeontology by
Elements of Micropalaeontology by
Provenance of Arenites by
The Chemistry of Weathering by
Organic Geochemistry of Natural Waters by Thurman, E. M.
Ingenieurgeologische Probleme Im Grenzbereich Zwischen Locker- Und Festgesteinen by
Storm Depositional Systems: Dynamic Stratigraphy in Modern and Ancient Shallow-Marine Sequences by Aigner, Thomas
AAAS Abelson: Enough Pessimism 100 Essays by Abelson
AAAS Abelson: Enough Pessimism 100 Essays by Abelson
Petroleum Geology of the Southeastern North Sea and the Adjacent Onshore Areas: (The Hague, 1982) by
The Computer in Training and Development by Drumm, D. E.
Geoscience Software Directory by
The Ocean Surface: Wave Breaking, Turbulent Mixing and Radio Probing by
Turbulence in the Ocean by Ozmidov, Monin
Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Inverse Problems by
The Dawn of Animal Life: A Biohistorical Study by Glaessner, Tina, Glaessner, Martin
Probability Theory and Applications by Robinson, Enders A.
Sandstone Depositional Models for Exploration for Fossil Fuels by DeVries Klein, G.
Magnetism, Planetary Rotation, and Convection in the Solar System: Retrospect and Prospect: In Honour of Prof. S.K. Runcorn by
The Deep Proterozoic Crust in the North Atlantic Provinces by
Velocities in Reflection Seismology by Cordier, Jean-Pierre
Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities: Proceedings of the 111th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held at Villa Olmo, Como, It by
Strategies for River Basin Management: Environmental Integration of Land and Water in a River Basin by
Radioglaciology by Bentley, C. R., Bogorodsky, V. V.
Aspects of Fluvial Sedimentation in the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein of Europe by
Properties and Interactions of Interplanetary Dust: Proceedings of the 85th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Marseille, France, Jul by
The Biogeochemical Cycling of Sulfur and Nitrogen in the Remote Atmosphere by
Vertical Seismic Profiling and Its Exploration Potential by Galperin, E. I.
Grundlagen Der Organischen Geochemie by Hollerbach, Alfred
Supercomputers in Theoretical and Experimental Science by Camp, Piet Van, Devreese, Jozef T.
Quantitative Stratigraphy by Gradstein, F. M., Agterberg, F. P., Brower, J. C.
Practical Approaches to Earthquake Prediction and Warning by
Geology and Mineral Resources of West Africa by Wright
Mount Etna: The Anatomy of a Volcano by Guest, J. E., Chester, D. K., Duncan, A. M.
Anorganische Geochemie: Eine Einführung by Möller, Peter
Handbook of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Emission Sources and Recent Progress in Analytical Chemistry--Volume 2: by Bjorseth
The Ocean Basins and Margins: Volume 7a the Pacific Ocean by
Microfloral and Faunal Interactions in Natural and Agro-Ecosystems by
Einführung in Die Petrologie by Mathe, Gerhard, Pfeiffer, Ludwig, Kurze, Manfred
Stratigraphische Grundlagen Des Stefan C Und Rotliegenden Im Thüringer Wald by Haubold, Hartmut