• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 1988

Groundwater and Mineral Resources of Nigeria by
Modeling of Volcanic Processes by
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics Volume 1 by Swoboda, G.
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Sixth Edition - Volume 2 by Swoboda, G.
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time by Gould, Stephen Jay
Seismik by
Seismik by
Bodenmechanik - Bodenmechanische Arbeit Im Braunkohlenbergbau by Förster, Wolfgang
Niels Stensen: Nicolai Stenonis de Solido Intra Solidum Naturaliter Contento Dissertationes Prodromus. [Band 1] by Stensen, Niels
Physical Properties and Thermodynamic Behaviour of Minerals by
Fossils in the Making: Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology by Behrensmeyer, Anna K.
On Evolution and Fossil Mammals by Kurtén, Björn
Geologic History of the Feather River Country, California by Durrell, Cordell
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
Groundwater Flow and Quality Modelling by
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
The Finger Lakes Region by Von Engeln, O. D.
Thermodynamik in Der Mineralogie: Eine Einführung by Cemic, Ladislav
The Encyclopedia of Field and General Geology by
Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains by White, William B.
The Atlas System of Morocco: Studies on Its Geodynamic Evolution by
International Mineral Economics: Mineral Exploration, Mine Valuation, Mineral Markets, International Mineral Policies by Zantop, Half, Eggert, Roderick G., Gocht, Werner R.
Die Erde: Dynamische Entwicklung, Menschliche Eingriffe, Globale Risiken by
Rock and Soil Rheology: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 196 September 10-13, 1985, Bucharest, Romania by
The Birth of the Earth: A Wanderlied Through Space, Time, and the Human Imagination by Fisher, David E.
Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: Mechanics, Mathematics, and Numerics by Trangenstein, John A., Allen, Myron B. III, Behie, Grace A.
Global Climatic Catastrophes by Golitsyn, Georgi S., Budyko, Michael I.
The Southern Central Andes: Contributions to Structure and Evolution of an Active Continental Margin by
Aufstellung Und Auswertung Ökosystemarer Element-Konzentrations-Kataster: Eine Einführung by Lieth, Helmut H. F., Markert, Bernd A.
Artificial Structures and Shorelines by
Seismic Hazard in Mediterranean Regions by
Numerical Geology: A Source Guide, Glossary and Selective Bibliography to Geological Uses of Computers and Statistics by Rock, Nicholas M. S.
Desktop Publishing: Anwendungen, Erfahrungen, Prognosen by
Handbook of Terrestrial Heat-Flow Density Determination: With Guidelines and Recommendations of the International Heat Flow Commission by
Studies of the Middle Atmosphere by
Introduction to Crystal Chemistry: Student Edition by Jaffe, Howard W.
New Trends in Coal Science by
Kleine Meteoritenkunde by Heide, Fritz
The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs: Faunal Change Across the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary by
Gps-Techniques Applied to Geodesy and Surveying: Proceedings of the International Gps-Workshop Darmstadt, April 10 to 13, 1988 by
Geo-Platinum 87 by
Continental Flood Basalts by
Simulating the Earth: Experimental Geochemistry by Holloway, J. R., Wood, B. J.
Scattering and Attenuations of Seismic Waves, Part I by Aki, Wu
Asbestos and Other Fibrous Materials: Mineralogy, Crystal Chemistry, and Health Effects by Ross, Malcolm, Frondel, Clifford, Skinner, H. Catherine
A Roadside Guide to the Geology of Great Smoky Mountains National Park by Moore, Harry L.
Praktische Geostatistik: Eine Einführung Für Den Bergbau Und Die Geowissenschaften by Akin, Hikmet, Siemes, Heinrich
Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics of Tidal Inlets by
Physical and Chemical Weathering in Geochemical Cycles by
Rutley's Elements of Mineralogy by Gribble, C. D.
Uc Publications in Geological Sciences by Munthe, Jens
Paleomagnetic Rotations and Continental Deformation by
Crust/Mantle Recycling at Convergence Zones by
Computer Presentation of Data in Science: A Do-It-Yourself Guide, Based on the Apple Macintosh, for Authors and Illustrators in the Sciences by Reynolds, L., Simmonds, D.
Rock Rheology by Cristescu, N.
Coastal Lowlands: Geology and Geotechnology by
Nicolaus Stenonis. Versuch Einer Annäherung, Essai: Dem Essai Vorangestellt: Vorläufer Einer Dissertation Über Feste Körper, Die Innerhalb Anderer Fes by Steno, Nicolaus
Magmengenetische Aspekte Der Lithosphärenentwicklung: Geochemisch-Petrologische Untersuchung Basaltoider Variszischer Gesteinsformationen Sowie Mafisc by Kramer, W.