• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 1990

Active and Passive Earth Pressure Tables by Kerisel, J., Absi, E.
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Glacial Indicator Tracing by
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Water Shall Flow from the Rock: Hydrogeology and Climate in the Lands of the Bible by Issar, Arie S.
An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics by Isaaks, Edward H., Isaaks, Srivastava, R. Mohan
Probleme Der Pedologisch-Hydrologischen Regionalforschung Und Ihre Umsetzung in Die PRAXIS by Dörter, Klaus, Busch, Karl-Franz
März 1989 by
11/1/59 by
Filtering Techniques for Turbulent Flow Simulation by Aldama, Alvaro A.
Detection of Subsurface Flow Phenomena by
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Pedlosky, Joseph
Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration: Proceedings of the Conference Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration Organized by the Norwegian Petroleum Soci by
Second Generation Subsea Production Systems by
Nuclear Methods of Dating by
Diverless and Deepwater Technology by
Advances in Underwater Inspection and Maintenance by
Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the Environmental Sciences by
Observatory Seismology: A Centennial Symposium for the Berkeley Seismographic Stations by
Margins: A Research Initiative for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Processes Attending Lithospheric Extension and Convergence by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Soils of the Past: An Introduction to Paleopedology by Retallack, Gregory J.
Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms: Background and Plans for Research by
Paleolimnology and the Reconstruction of Ancient Environments: Paleolimnology Proceedings of the XII Inqua Congress by
The Encyclopedia of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology by Bowes, Donald
Developments in Four-Dimensional Geodesy: Selected Papers of the Ron S. Mather Symposium on Four- Dimensional Geodesy, Sydney, Australia, March 28-31, by
Great Geological Controversies by Hallam, A.
Hydrogeochemie: Eine Einführung in Die Beschaffenheitsentwicklung Des Grundwassers by Voigt, Hans-Jürgen
Praktikum Der Analytischen Geochemie by Herrmann, Albert G., Heinrichs, Hartmut
The Tree Habit in Land Plants: A Functional Comparison of Trunk Constructions with a Brief Introduction Into the Biomechanics of Trees by Mosbrugger, Volker
Seismic Tomography and Mantle Circulation by
Introduction to Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media by Bachmat, Y., Bear, Jacob
Subsea Control and Data Acquisition: Technology and Experience by
The Relevance of Manganese in the Ocean for the Climatic Cycles in the Quaternary: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 18. November 1989 by Eisenhauer, Anton, Walter, Peter, Mangini, Augusto
Theory of Fluid Flows Through Natural Rocks by Barenblatt, G. I., Entov, V. M., Ryzhik, V. M.
Expected Effects of Climatic Change on Marine Coastal Ecosystems by
Subtech '89: Fitness for Purpose by
Extinction Events in Earth History: Proceedings of the Project 216: Global Biological Events in Earth History by
Natur-Und Geisteswissenschaften: Perspektiven Und Erfahrungen Mit Fachübergreifenden Ausbildungsinhalten by
Wider Die "Zwei Kulturen": Fachübergreifende Inhalte in Der Hochschulausbildung by
Historical Atlas of Crystallography by
Geophysical Theory by Menke, William, Abbott, Dallas
Paleontology of Vertebrates by Chaline, Jean
Geostatistik: Einführung in Die Theorie Der Zufallsprozesse by Meier, Siegfried, Keller, Wolfgang
Seismology and Plate Tectonics by Gubbins, David
Granulites and Crustal Evolution by
European Neogene Mammal Chronology by
Geology of Construction Materials by Prentice, J. E.
Aspects of Seismic Reflection Data Processing by
Avalonian and Cadomian Geology of the North Atlantic by Taylor, G. K., Strachan, R. a.
Geochemistry of Sedimentary Carbonates: Volume 48 by Morse, J. W., MacKenzie, F. T.
Absolute Age Determination: Physical and Chemical Dating Methods and Their Application by Schleicher, Helmut, Geyh, Mebus A.
High-Temperature Metamorphism and Crustal Anatexis by
Energy and Mineral Resource Systems: An Introduction by Tapp, B. A., Watkins, J. R.
Analysis of Geological Structures by Price, Neville J., Cosgrove, John W., Price, N. J.
Principles of Geology, Volume 1 by Lyell, Charles
Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind by Edey, Maitland, Johanson, Donald
Vertebral Morphology, Alternation of Neural Spine Height, and Structure in Permo-Carboniferous Tetrapods, and a Reappraisal of Primitive Modes of Terr by Sumida, Stuart Shigeo
Exposed Cross-Sections of the Continental Crust by
European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects: Fourth Status Report by
Die Mineralien Der Schweiz: Ein Mineralogische Führer by Weibel, Max
Metallogeny of Tin by Lehmann, Bernd
Bayesian Inference with Geodetic Applications by Koch, Karl-Rudolf
Dynamics of the Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean by
Applied Geophysics by Telford, W. M., Sheriff, Robert E.
An Introduction to Seismological Research by Howell, Benjamin F., Jr.
Environmental Forces on Offshore Structures and Their Prediction by
Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks by Mason, R.
Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks by Mason, R.
The Rivers of Florida by
Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy, Paleoceanography and Taxonomy of Agglutinated Foraminifera by
World Geomorphology by Bridges, E. M.
Field Geology of High-Grade Gneiss Terrains by Myers, John S., Kröner, Alfred, Passchier, Cees W.
Body Size in Mammalian Paleobiology: Estimation and Biological Implications by
Field-Scale Water and Solute Flux in Soils by
Applied Mineralogical Thermodynamics: Selected Topics by Chatterjee, Niranjan D.
The Shape of Space: Dining Spaces by Dartford, James
Microstructure of Fine-Grained Sediments: From Mud to Shale by
Numerical Adventures with Geochemical Cycles by Walker, James C. G.
Upper Palaeolithic Faunas from South-West France: A Zoogeographic Perspective by Boyle, Katherine V.
Foundation Engineering Handbook by
Land Surface -- Atmosphere Interactions for Climate Modeling: Observations, Models and Analysis by
(1990) by
Anorganische Salze - Natürlicher Schatz Unserer Erde by Emons, Hans-Heinz, Voigt, Heidelore