• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 1996

Alexander of Aprodisias: On Aristotle Meteorology 4 by Lewis, Eric
Dictionary of Soil Bioengineering Wörterbuch Ingenieurbiologie: English/Deutsch/Français/Italiano by Dietz, Matthias, Oplatka, Matthias
Historical Geotectonics - Precambrian: Russian Translations Series 116 by
Metal Contaminated Aquatic Sediments by Allen, Herberte
Geochemical Processes, Weathering and Groundwater Recharge in Catchments by Saether, Ola M., Saether, Caritat, Patrice De
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Genesis of Gold Deposits by Nekrasov, I. y.
Geomorphology and Groundwater by
Mechanics Problems in Geodynamics Part I by
Dinosaur Eggs and Babies by
The Geology of Fluvial Deposits: Sedimentary Facies, Basin Analysis, and Petroleum Geology by Miall, Andrew D.
Desertification in Developed Countries: International Symposium and Workshop on Desertification in Developed Countries: Why Can't We Control It? by
Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture by
The Sea Floor: An Introduction to Marine Geology by Seibold, Eugen, Berger, Wolfgang H.
Stress & Deformation by Oertel, Gerhard
Wave Interactions as a Seismo-Acoustic Source by Wu, Cheng Y., Kibblewhite, Alick C.
Naturgeschichte Des Lebens: Eine Paläontologische Spurensuche by Hölder, Helmut
A History of Modern Planetary Physics: Transmuted Past by Brush, Stephen G.
Foundations of Geomagnetism by Backus, George, George, Backus, Robert, Parker
Advances in Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation by
Manganese Ores of Supergene Zone: Geochemistry of Formation by Varentsov, I. M.
Umweltanalytik Und Ökotoxikologie by Holler, Stephan, Schäfers, Christoph, Sonnenberg, Joachim
Worlds in Interaction: Small Bodies and Planets of the Solar System: Proceedings of the Meeting "Small Bodies in the Solar System and Their Interactio by
Geologic Modeling and Mapping by
Continental-Crust Structures on the Continental Margin of Western North America by Lyatsky, Henry V.
Wetlands: Environmental Gradients, Boundaries, and Buffers by
Handbuch Zur Erkundung Des Untergrundes Von Deponien Und Altlasten: Band 2: Strömungs- Und Transportmodellierung by Lege, Thomas
Vibrations of Elastic Plates: Linear and Nonlinear Dynamical Modeling of Sandwiches, Laminated Composites, and Piezoelectric Layers by Yu, Yi-Yuan
Nebulous Earth: The Origin of the Solar System and the Core of the Earth from Laplace to Jeffreys by Brush, Stephen G.
Elasticity and Geomechanics by
Introduction to Geochemical Modeling by Albarede, Francis
Elasticity and Geomechanics by Davis, R. O.
Interpretation of Geophysical Fields in Complicated Environments by Eppelbaum, Lev, Khesin, B. E., Alexeyev, V. G.
Klima: Gestern Heute Morgen by Joussaume, Sylvie
Water Resources Management in the Face of Climatic/Hydrologic Uncertainties by
Mechanics Problems in Geodynamics Part II: Part II by
Geochemical Reaction Modeling: Concepts and Applications by Bethke, Craig
The Western San Juan Mountains: Their Geology, Ecology and Human History by
The Physics and Chemistry of Mineral Surfaces by
Runoff, Infiltration and Subsurface Flow of Water in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions by
Electrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration of Deep Sedimentary Basins by Yungul, S. H.
Sealing of Boreholes and Underground Excavations in Rock by Daemen, J. J., Fuenkajorn, K.
Soil Physics by Marshall, T. J.
The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America by
The Ocean Circulation Inverse Problem by Wunsch, Carl
Soil Physics by Marshall, T. J., Rose, C. W.
Roadside Geology of South Dakota by Gries, John Paul
Bodenschutz Und Umgang Mit Kontaminierten Böden: Bodenschutzgesetze, Prüfwerte, Verfahrensempfehlungen by
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change: Interim Results from the U.S. Country Studies Program by
Geochemistry of Organic Matter in River-Sea Systems by Artemyev, V. E.
The First International Lake Ladoga Symposium: Proceedings of the First International Lake Ladoga Symposium: Ecological Problems of Lake Ladoga, St. P by
Origin of the Continents: An Introduction to the Theory of The Lithologic Cycle by Frederick, Max B.
Colorado Rockhounding by Voynick, Stephen M.
Induced Seismic Events by Kowalle, Georg, Knoll, Peter
Basement Tectonics 11 Europe and Other Regions: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Held in Potsdam, Germany, by
Land-Based and Marine Hazards: Scientific and Management Issues by
Landslide Recognition: Identification, Movement and Causes by
Advances in Fluvial Dynamics and Stratigraphy by
Understanding Fossils: An Introduction to Invertebrate Palaeontology by Doyle, Peter
Growth Trends in European Forests: Studies from 12 Countries by
Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves by Cavaleri, L., Stocker, Jack H., Komen, G. J.
Surge Tectonics: A New Hypothesis of Global Geodynamics by Meyerhoff, Arthur A., Taner, I.
Seismology by Doyle, Hugh
Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications by Blakely, Richard, Richard J., Blakely
Electronic Distance Measurement: An Introduction by Rüeger, Jean M.
Inverse Methods: Interdisciplinary Elements of Methodology, Computation, and Applications by
Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics by Ishihara, Kenji
Four Corners: History, Land, and People of the Desert Southwest by Brown, Kenneth A.
Fluid Flow and Transport in Rocks: Mechanisms and Effects by
Distributed Hydrological Modelling by
Fluid Physics in Geology by Furbish, David Jon
Methane and its Derivatives by Lee, Sunggyu
Magnetic Stratigraphy: Volume 64 by Channell, James E. T., Opdyke, Meil D.
Nitrogen Economy in Tropical Soils: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nitrogen Economy in Tropical Soils, Held in Trinidad, W.I., January by
Rüstungsaltlasten: Untersuchung, Probenahme Und Sanierung by
Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media: Part 1 by Cerveny, Vlastislav, Klimes, Ludek, Psencik, Ivan
Environmental Oceanography by Beer, Tom
Before the Indians by Kurtén, Björn
Biodiversity: An Ecological Perspective by
The Impact of Desert Dust Across the Mediterranean by
Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media Part II: Part II by Psencik, Ivan, Klimes, Ludek, Cervany, Vlastislav
Process and Form in Geomorphology by
Vertisols and Technologies for Their Management: Volume 24 by
Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates by
Visualisierung Meteorologischer Daten by Schröder, Florian
Structure and Fate of Subducting Slabs by Lay, Thorne
Global Continental Palaeohydrology by
Principles of Applied Geophysics by Parasnis, D. S.