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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 1997

Recharge of Phreatic Aquifers in (Semi-)Arid Areas: Iah International Contributions to Hydrogeology 19 by
Rain of Iron & Ice by Lewis, John S., Lewis
Classical Loop-In-Loop Chains: And Their Derivatives by Smith, J. R.
Sea-Level Changes: The Last 20,000 Years by Pirazzoli, Paolo Antonio
Reconstructing Quaternary Environments by Lowe, J. J., Walker, M. J. C.
Life and Death of Coral Reefs by Birkeland, Charles
Bruchhafte Verformung: Erscheinungsbild Und Deutung Mit Übungsaufgaben by Krausse, H. F.
Methoden Zur Berechnung Von Gesteinsnormen by Müller, Georg, Braun, E.
Einführung in Die Tektonischen Arbeitsmethoden: Schichtenlagerung Und Bruchlose Verformung by Stache, C., Flick, B., Quade, A.
Radiometrische Methoden in Der Geochronologie by Wendt, I.
Physikalische Und Chemische Datierungsmethoden in Der Quartär-Forschung: Praktische Aspekte Zur Entnahme, Auswahl Und Behandlung Von Proben Sowie Zur by Geyh, Mebus A.
Why the Earth Quakes by Levy, Matthys
The Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council
X-Ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals by Moore, Duane M., Reynolds, Robert C.
Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change by
Veränderung Von Böden Durch Anthropogene Einflüsse: Ein Interdisziplinäres Studienbuch by
Modelling of Minerals and Silicated Materials by
Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in the Dabieshan-Sulu Region of China by
Percolation Models for Transport in Porous Media: With Applications to Reservoir Engineering by Kadet, Valery, Selyakov, V. I.
Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change by
Undiscovered Petroleum and Mineral Resources: Assessment and Controversy by Drew, Lawrence J.
Geochemie Und Umwelt: Relevante Prozesse in Atmo-, Pedo- Und Hydrosphäre by
Sedimentary Deposition in Rift and Foreland Basins in France and Spain: Paleogene and Lower Neogene by
The Global Ocean Observing System: Users, Benefits, and Priorities by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council
Granite: From Segregation of Melt to Emplacement Fabrics by
The Search for Extra-Solar Terrestrial Planets: Techniques and Technology: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Boulder, Colorado, May 14-17, 1995 by
The Complex Faulting Process of Earthquakes by Koyama, J.
Rock Stress and Its Measurement by Amadei, B., Stephansson, O.
The Call of Distant Mammoths: Why the Ice Age Mammals Disappeared by Ward, Peter D.
Cohesive Sediments by Parker, R., Watts, Jacqueline, Burt, Neville
Magmas, Rocks and Planetary Development: A Survey of Magma/Igneous Rock Systems by Middlemost, Eric a. K.
Coastal Evolution: Late Quaternary Shoreline Morphodynamics by
Regional Frequency Analysis: An Approach Based on L-Moments by Wallis, James R., Hosking, J. R. M.
Space of Service to Humanity: Preserving Earth and Improving Life by
Decentralization and Coordination of Water Resource Management by
Geostatistics Wollongong' 96: Volume 2 by
The Hidden Curriculum--Faculty-Made Tests in Science: Part 2: Upper-Division Courses by Tobias, Sheila, Raphael, Jacqueline
The Hidden Curriculum - Faculty Made Tests in Science: Part 1: Lower-Division Courses Part 2: Upper-Division Courses by Tobias, Sheila, Raphael, Jacqueline
Environmental Geology: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 24 by
Geology of Fossil Fuels --- Coal: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 18 Part B by
Geostatistical Error Management: Quantifying Uncertainty for Environmental Sampling and Mapping by Myers, Jeffrey C.
Introduction to Geostatistics: Applications in Hydrogeology by Kitanidis, P. K., Kitanidis
Großräumige Bodenkontaminationen: Wirkungsgefüge, Erkundungsmethoden Und Lösungsansätze by Grunewald, Karsten
Modern Analytical Geochemistry: An Introduction to Quantitative Chemical Analysis Techniques for Earth, Environmental and Materials Scientists by Gill, Robin
Rock-Forming Minerals in Thin Section by Pichler, Hans, Schmitt-Riegraf, Cornelia
Manual of Offshore Surveying for Geoscientists and Engineers by Loweth, R. P.
Geology Underfoot in Illinois by Wiggers, Raymond
New Mexico Rockhounding by Voynick, Stephen M.
Planetary and Interstellar Processes Relevant to the Origins of Life by
Subsurface Hydrological Responses to Land Cover and Land Use Changes by
Marine Geology and Palaeoceanography: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 13 by
Origin and History of the Earth: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 1 by
Hydrogeology: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 22 by
Advances in Spatial Databases: 5th International Symposium, Ssd'97, Berlin, Germany, July 15-18, 1997 Proceedings by
Groundwater Geochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination by Deutsch, William J., Siegel, Randy
Environmental Technologies and Trends: International and Policy Perspectives by Jain, R. K.
Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics: Second Edition by Turcotte, Donald L.
Silicate Melts by Webb, Sharon
Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology by Clark, Ian D., Fritz, Peter
Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies: Proceedings of Iau Colloquium 165 Poznań, Poland July 1 - 5, 1996 by
Scientific, Environmental, and Political Issues in the Circum-Caspian Region by
Iutam Symposium on Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials by Fleck, N. a.
Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Management Systems by Harmancioglu, N. B.
Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining by Marjoribanks, Roger
Spatial Data Types for Database Systems: Finite Resolution Geometry for Geographic Information Systems by Schneider, Markus
Gslib: Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide by Deutsch, Clayton V., Journel, Andre G.
Einfluß der Knickvegetation auf Ertragsbildung und N-Bilanz by Capell, Hans-August
The Nature and Origin of Granite by Pitcher, W. S.
An Introduction to Saline Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by Zheng, Mianping, Mianping, Zheng, Zheng Mianping, Mianping
Krakatau: The Destruction and Reassembly of an Island Ecosystem by Thornton, Ian
Structure of the Lithosphere and Deep Processes: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 4 by
Contemporary Lithospheric Motion Seismic Geology: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 5 by
Global Tectonic Zones, Supercontinent Formation and Disposal: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 6 by
Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. by Delair, J. B., Allan, D. S.
Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation by Goovaerts, Pierre
Methods for Assessment of Soil Degradation by Blum, Winfried E. H., Valentin, C., Lal, Rattan
Water: A Natural History by Outwater, Alice
The Interactions Between Sediments and Water by International Symposium on Interactions Between Sediments an
Salt Weathering Hazards by Goudie, Andrew S., Viles, Heather A.
Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Sedimentary and Aquatic Systems by Stille, Peter, Shields, Graham
Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology by Domenico, Patrick A., Schwartz, Franklin W.
Aspects of Weather and Space Weather in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere: The Role of Internal Atmospheric Waves by Kelley, Michael C.
Glaciated Continental Margins: An Atlas of Acoustic Images by
Averaging of Meteorological Fields by Kagan, R. L.
Deformation-Enhanced Fluid Transport in the Earth's Crust and Mantle by
Diagenesis: A Quantitative Perspective: Implications for Basin Modelling and Rock Property Prediction by Giles, Melvyn R.
Perspectives on Tsunami Hazard Reduction: Observations, Theory and Planning by
Monitoring of Soil-Structure Interaction: Instruments for Measuring Soil Pressures by Tsinker, Gregory, LaZebnik, George
Tectonic Uplift and Climate Change by
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation II by Chollet, Jean-Pierre
Engineering Geology: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 23 by
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry of Oxygen Species by Kruk, Irena
Soil Quality for Crop Production and Ecosystem Health: Volume 25 by
When Geologists Were Historians, 1665Ð1750 by Rappaport, Rhoda
Coastal Zone Management Imperative for Maritime Developing Nations by
Upper Mantle Heterogeneities from Active and Passive Seismology by
History of the Coelacanth Fishes by Forey, Peter
The Physics of Fluids in Hierarchical Porous Media: Angstroms to Miles by Cushman, John H.
Encyclopedia of European and Asian Regional Geology by
Jamaica Underground: The Caves, Sinkholes and Underground Rivers of the Island by Fincham, Alan G.
Jamaica Underground: The Caves, Sinkholes and Underground Rivers of the Island by Fincham, Alan G.
Time Effects in Rock Mechanics by Cristescu, N. D., Hunsche, U.
Introduction to Economic Geology by Evans, Anthony M.
Soils of Tropical Forest Ecosystems: Characteristics, Ecology and Management by
Geological Methods for Archaeology by Herz, Norman
Introduction to Geophysical Formation Evaluation by Hallenburg, James K.
Early Human Adaptation in the Northern Hemisphere and the Implications of Taphonomy by Stopp, Marianne P.
Sedimentation and Tectonics in Rift Basins Red Sea: - Gulf of Aden by
The Three Galileos: The Man, the Spacecraft, the Telescope by
Evolution of Geological Structures in Micro- To Macro-Scales by