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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2001

Microscopic and Macroscopic Simulation: Towards Predictive Modelling of the Earthquake Process by
Soft Clay Behaviour Analysis & Assessmen by Nagaraj T S, Nagaraj, T. S., Miura, N.
FLAC and Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics - 2001 by
Hydromechanical Aspects and Unsaturated Flow in Jointed Rock by
Experimental Physics and Rock Mechanics by Stavrogin, Stavrogin, A. N.
Italian Volcanoes by McGuire, Bill, Kilburn, Christopher J.
Hydromechanical Aspects and Unsaturated Flow in Jointed Rock by
Put Your Science to Work by Fiske, Peter S.
Mineralogie by Peters, Karl F.
Induced Earthquakes by Guha, S. K.
Earth Sciences and Archaeology by
Coping with Flash Floods by
Coping with Flash Floods by
Properties of Complex Inorganic Solids 2 by
Principles of Physical Sedimentology by Allen, John R. L.
Analyse multispektraler Landsat-5 TM- und panchromatischer SPOT-Daten zur geologischen Kartierung des Pilgangoora Belts und angrenzender Bereiche, Pil by Zumsprekel, Heiko
The Fossil Vertebrates of Florida by Hulbert, Richard C.
Environmental Monitoring and Biodiagnostics of Hazardous Contaminants by
Ore Deposits and Mantle Plumes by Pirajno, Franco
Snow and Glacier Hydrology by Singh, P.
Dispersion in Heterogeneous Geological Formations by
The New Madrid Earthquake: Geography and Geology of the Southeast Missouri Lowlands by Magill, Arthur Clay
Palaeobiology II by
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 78 by
Fluid Mechanics and the Environment: Dynamical Approaches: A Collection of Research Papers Written in Commemoration of the 60th Birthday of Sidney Lei by
The Impact of Geology on the United States: A Reference Guide to Benefits and Hazards by Gunn, Angus M.
Estimating Abundance of African Wildlife: An Aid to Adaptive Management by Jachmann, Hugo
Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Source Location by
Geological Well Logs: Their Use in Reservoir Modeling by Luthi, S.
Geology: A Fully Illustrated, Authoritative and Easy-To-Use Guide by Rhodes, Frank H. T.
Rocks, Gems and Minerals: A Fully Illustrated, Authoritative and Easy-To-Use Guide by Zim, Herbert S., Shaffer, Paul R.
Fossils: A Fully Illustrated, Authoritative and Easy-To-Use Guide by Zim, Herbert S., Rhodes, Frank H. T., Shaffer, Paul R.
Dynamics of Rockslides and Rockfalls by Erismann, Theodor H., Abele, Gerhard
Dynamics of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean by Miropol'sky, Yu Z.
A Manual of Practical Laboratory and Field Techniques in Palaeobiology by Green, O. R.
Global Change and Protected Areas by
Branching in Nature: Dynamics and Morphogenesis of Branching Structures, from Cell to River Networks by
The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels by Gold, Thomas
Origin of Elements in the Solar System: Implications of Post-1957 Observations by
Strong Motion Instrumentation for Civil Engineering Structures by
Structural Classification of Minerals: Volume I: Minerals with A, Am Bn and Apbqcr General Chemical Formulas by Lima-de-Faria, J.
Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty: Hydroacoustics by
Adsorptive Iron Removal from Groundwater by Sharma, Sharoz Kumar
The Key to Earth History: An Introduction to Stratigraphy by Doyle, Peter, Bennett, Matthew R., Baxter, Alistair N.
Volcaniclastic Sediment in Lac by
Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny of Mongolia by
Heavy Metals Release in Soils by
Roadside Geology of Missouri by Spencer, Charles G.
Glacial Lake Missoula: And Its Humongous Flood by Alt, David
Petroleum Geology of the South Caspian Basin by Buryakovsky, L., Chilingarian, G. V., Aminzadeh, Fred
River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics by
Physics of the Solar Corona and Transition Region: Part II Proceedings of the Monterey Workshop, Held in Monterey, California, August 1999 by
Of Poles and Zeros: Fundamentals of Digital Seismology by Scherbaum, F.
Seismic Ray Theory by Cerveny, Vlastislav, Cerveny, V.
Solar Observing Techniques by Kitchin, C. R.
Geologic Analysis of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs by Nelson, Ronald
Geology: A Self-Teaching Guide by Murck, Barbara W.
Advanced Numerical Applications and Plasticity in Geomechanics by
Applying Ecological Principles to Land Management by
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 79 by
Springs and Bottled Waters of the World: Ancient History, Source, Occurrence, Quality and Use by
Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions by Committee on the Science of Climate Change, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Untersuchung Und Bewertung Von Sedimenten: Ökotoxikologische Und Chemische Testmethoden by
Physicochemical Groundwater Remediation by
Handbuch Der Pe-HD-Dichtungsbahnen in Der Geotechnik by Muller, Werner A., M]ller, Werner, Muller, Werner
Spatial Evolutionary Modeling by Krzanowski, R. M., Krzanowski, Roman, Raper, Jonathan
Crustal Heat Flow: A Guide to Measurement and Modelling by Beardsmore, G. R., Cull, J. P.
Crustal Heat Flow: A Guide to Measurement and Modelling by Beardsmore, G. R., Cull, J. P.
Basement Regions by
IV Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy by
Global Biodiversity in a Changing Environment: Scenarios for the 21st Century by
Fractal River Basins by Rodríguez-Iturbe, Ignacio, Rinaldo, Andrea
Volcanoes, El Ninos, and the Bellybutton of the Universe by Walker, D. a., Walker, PH. D. D. a.
Volcanoes, El Ninos, and the Bellybutton of the Universe by Walker, Daniel Alvin
Geologic Modeling and Simulation: Sedimentary Systems by
Geoenv III -- Geostatistics for Environmental Applications: Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applicatio by
Geoenv III -- Geostatistics for Environmental Applications: Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applicatio by
Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Regional Wave Propagation and Crustal Structure by
Energie Aus Erdwärme by Huenges, Ernst, Wolff, Helmut, Kaltschmitt, Martin
Spatial Information Theory: Foundations of Geographic Information Science: International Conference, Cosit 2001 Morro Bay, Ca, Usa, September 19-23, 2 by
Transport Modeling in Hydrogeochemical Systems by Logan, J. David
Lichens of North America by Sharnoff, Stephen, Brodo, Irwin M., Sharnoff, Sylvia Duran
Origins: The Evolution of Continents, Oceans, and Life by Redfern, Ron
Rock Magnetism: Fundamentals and Frontiers by Dunlop, David J., Ozdemir, Ozden, Zdemir, Zden
Earth-Moon Relationships: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Padova, Italy at the Accademia Galileiana Di Scienze Lettere Ed Arti, November 8 by
Chronology and Evolution of Mars: Proceedings of an Issi Workshop, 10-14 April 2000, Bern, Switzerland by
Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Environment by
Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Environment by
Eocene Biodiversity: Unusual Occurrences and Rarely Sampled Habitats by
Geostatistical Simulation: Models and Algorithms by Lantuejoul, Christian
Materials in the New Millennium: Responding to Society's Needs by National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
CO2 in Seawater: Equilibrium, Kinetics, Isotopes: Volume 65 by Wolf-Gladrow, D., Zeebe, R. E.
Environmental Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Metals by Siegel, Frederic R.
Mantle Plumes and Their Record in Earth History by Condie, Kent C.
Mantle Plumes and their Record in Earth History by Condie, Kent C.
Anatomy of an Orogen: The Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins by
Acid Rain 2000 by International Conference on Acidic Deposition Looking Back t
The New Science of Astrobiology: From Genesis of the Living Cell to Evolution of Intelligent Behaviour in the Universe by Chela-Flores, Julian
The 3-D Heliosphere at Solar Maximum: Proceedings of the 34th Eslab Symposium, 3-6 October 2000, Estec, Noordwijk, the Netherlands by
Accretion of Extraterrestrial Matter Throughout Earth's History by
Volcanic Processes: Mechanisms in Material Transport by Dobran, Flavio
Calcium Carbonate: From the Cretaceous Period Into the 21st Century by
Distant Wanderers: The Search for Planets Beyond the Solar System by Dorminey, Bruce
Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000: Ggg2000 Iag International Symposium Banff, Alberta, Canada July 31 - August 4, 2000 by
Environmental Modelling and Prediction by
The Biogeochemistry of the Amazon Basin by
The Seismic Wavefield by Kennett, B. L. N.
The Seismic Wavefield: Volume 1, Introduction and Theoretical Development by Kennett, B. L. N., Kennett, Brian L. N.
Trilobite: Eyewitness to Evolution by Fortey, Richard
Vegetation Terrestrial Carbon Cycle by Beerling, David, Woodward, F. Ian
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook by Day, Robert W.
Geomorphological Processes by
Röntgencomputertomographische Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von salzreichen Lösungen und Trockenphasen auf die Aggregat- und Makroporenstruktur verschied by Wenzel, Gunnar
The History and Sedimentology of Ancient Reef Systems by
Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Source Processes and Explosion Yield Estimation by
Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling by
Verified Synthesis of Zeolitic Materials: Second Edition by Robson, H., Robson, Pam
Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics by
Rethinking China's Provinces by
Noble Gas Geochemistry by Podosek, Frank A., Ozima, Minoru
Iutam Symposium on Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A., 13-16 June 20 by
Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade by
Landscape Erosion and Evolution Modeling by