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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2011

The Geology of Somalia: A Selected Bibliography of Somalian Geology, Geography and Earth Science. by U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hadden, R. Lee, Topographic Engineering Center
The Geology of Liberia: A Selected Bibliography of Liberian Geology by U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hadden, R. Lee, Topographic Engineering Center
Dancing Communities: Performance, Difference, and Connection in the Global City by Hamera, J.
The Moon in Close-Up: A Next Generation Astronomer's Guide by Wilkinson, John
Human Casualties in Earthquakes: Progress in Modelling and Mitigation by
The Ebro River Basin by
Waste Water Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region by
The Landscape Ecology of Fire by
Geological Engineering by Ferrer, Mercedes, Gonzalez de Vallejo, Luis
Observations on the Temple of Serapis, at Pozzuoli, Explaining Cause of Frequent Elevation and Depression of Portions of Earth's Surface in Remote Per by Babbage, Charles
The Gemmologist's Pocket Compendium by Webster, Robert
Principles of Geology ... Vol. III. Reprinted from the sixth English edition, etc. by Lyell, Charles
Collecting Fluorescent Minerals by Schneider, Stuart
The use of geographic remote sensing, mapping and aerial photography to aid in the recovery of blue ice surficial meteorites in Antarctica by Mardon, Austin
Earthquake Insurance and Disaster Assistance by Latourrette, Tom
Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context, Volume 1: Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment by
Plant Geography of Chile by Moreira-Munoz, Andres
Landscapes of Transition: Landform Assemblages and Transformations in Cold Regions by
Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security: Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks by
Physical Soil Mechanics by Gudehus, Gerd
Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Practical Guide by Tucker, Maurice E.
Geomagnetism: Solid Earth and Upper Atmosphere Perspectives by Basavaiah, Nathani
Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context, Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna by
Dynamics of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean by Miropol'sky, Yu Z.
Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling by
Travertine by Pentecost, Allan
Managing Organic Matter in Tropical Soils: Scope and Limitations: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the Center for Development Research at the Un by
A Bibliography of Indian Geology: Being a List of Books and Papers by Oldham, Richard Dixon
Encyclopedia of Geobiology by
Berchtesgadener Land Und Chiemgau: Eine Geschichte Von Bergen, Tälern Und Seen by Stahr, Alexander, Langenscheidt, Ewald
The Interactions Between Sediments and Water: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on the Interactions Between Sediments and Water, Held 5-1 by
Yokohama Burning: The Deadly 1923 Earthquake and Fire That Helped Forge the Path to World War II by Hammer, Joshua
Tsunamis: Detection, Monitoring, and Early-Warning Technologies by Joseph, Antony
Texas, with Particular Reference to German Immigration & the Flora, Fauna, Land and Inhabitants by Roemer, Ferdinand
Advances in 3D Geo-Information Sciences by
Introduction to Applied Geophysics by Mares, S., Tvrdý, M.
Biominerals and Fossils Through Time by Dauphin, Yannicke, Sorauf, James E., Cuif, Jean-Pierre
Fundamentals of Mid-Tertiary Stratigraphical Correlation by F. T., Banner, W. H., Blow, F. E., Eames
Reliquiae Diluvianae: Or, Observations on the Organic Remains Contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on Other Geological Phe by Buckland, William
Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands by Bird, Isabella
Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins: From Turbulence to Tectonics by Leeder, Mike R.
Geological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and Radioactive Waste: A Comparative Assessment by
Tectonics by
The Geology of the South-East of England. by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
Viaggio in Inghilterra E Nella Scozia Passando Per La Germania, Il Belgio E La Francia Durante La Esposizione Della Industria Universale in Parigi, Et by Lanza, Francesco
Bodenerosion und Böden Nordwestdeutschlands by Jüttner, Matthias
Bodenkundliches Praktikum: Eine Einführung in Pedologisches Arbeiten Für Ökologen, Land- Und Forstwirte, Geo- Und Umweltwissenschaftler by Leinweber, Peter, Blume, Hans-Peter, Stahr, Karl
Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life: Numerical Approaches to the Evaluation of Fossils and Ancient Ecosystems by
Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics by
Mikrobiologie Von Böden: Biodiversität, Ökophysiologie Und Metagenomik by Ottow, Johannes C. G.
Marine Ecological Geography: Theory and Experience by Fashchuk, Dmitry Ya
Bifurcations, Instabilities and Degradations in Geomaterials by
Icelandic Volcano Time Bomb - How to Survive the Upcoming Icelandic Volcanic Eruption - A Self-Help Guide by Reed, Mark
Nano-structured kaolin clay and its Industrial Applications by Awwad, Akl
Encyclopedia of Geobiology by
Advanced Networks, Algorithms and Modeling for Earthquake Prediction by
Mantle Convection for Geologists by Davies, Geoffrey F.
Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism: 25 Years After the Discovery of Coesite and Diamond by
Dynamics and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in the Rootzone by
What Things Are Made of: America's Global Dependency on Just About Everything by Gibson, Richard I.
The Black Earth: Ecological Principles for Sustainable Agriculture on Chernozem Soils by Krupenikov, Igori Arcadie, Boincean, Boris P., Dent, David
Chemical Biomarkers in Aquatic Ecosystems by Canuel, Elizabeth A., Bianchi, Thomas S.
Japan Quake: Why Do Humans Live in Dangerous Places? by Saint, Simon
In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation by
Geotechnics and Earthquake Geotechnics Towards Global Sustainability by
Water Chemistry: An Introduction to the Chemistry of Natural and Engineered Aquatic Systems by Brezonik, Patrick, Arnold, William
Geocomputation, Sustainability and Environmental Planning by
The Energy Problem by Stein, Richard S., Powers, Joseph
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation. Illustrated by woodcuts. by Lyell, Charles Bart
American Geology; containing a statement of the principles of the science, with full illustrations of the characteristic American fossils. pts. 1, 2, by Emmons, Ebenezer
The Dynamical Theory of the Formation of the Earth. by Ritchie, Archibald Tucker
The Climate in Historical Times: Towards a Synthesis of Holocene Proxy Data and Climate Models by
The Dynamical Theory of the Formation of the Earth. by Ritchie, Archibald Tucker
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation. Illustrated by woodcuts. by Lyell, Charles
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation. Illustrated by woodcuts. by Lyell, Charles
The Dynamical Theory of the Formation of the Earth. Vol. I. by Ritchie, Archibald Tucker
Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World by
Mineral Resources Science in China: A Roadmap to 2050 by
Dyke Swarms: Keys for Geodynamic Interpretation by Srivastava, Rajesh
Zur Geomorphologie und Geologie der Japanischen Inseln: Ein Japan Studien-Beitrag by Benner, Christian
Geological Evolution of the Colorado Plateau of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado by Fillmore, Robert
Analysen zum Einfluss der Fruchtfolge und des Zwischenfruchtanbaus mit und ohne Leguminosen auf den Nitrataustrag unter sandigem Lehm anhand Daten der by Klämt, Gundula
Ragnarok: The Destruction of Atlantis by Donnelly, Ignatius
Geostatistics Rio 2000: Proceedings of the Geostatistics Sessions of the 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-17 by
Diamonds in Nature: A Guide to Rough Diamonds by Tappert, Michelle C., Tappert, Ralf
Globalisation and Sustainable Development: Environmental Agendas by Krapivin, Vladimir F.
Impacts in Precambrian Shields by
Troia and the Troad: Scientific Approaches by
Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment: A German Case Study by
Remote Sensing in Snow Hydrology: Runoff Modelling, Effect of Climate Change by Martinec, Jaroslav, Seidel, Klaus
Imaging Spectrometry -- A Tool for Environmental Observations by
Computer Presentation of Data in Science: A Do-It-Yourself Guide, Based on the Apple Macintosh, for Authors and Illustrators in the Sciences by Simmonds, D., Reynolds, L.
Earth Gravity Field from Space - From Sensors to Earth Sciences by
Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence by
Introduction to Computational Earthquake Engineering (2nd Edition) by Hori, Muneo
The Cultural Landscapes of Port Au Choix: Precontact Hunter-Gatherers of Northwestern Newfoundland by
The Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption: Geological and Geophysical Data 1975-1976 by
Earth's Pre-Pleistocene Glacial Record by
Periglacial Processes and Landforms in Britain and Ireland by
An Easy Guide to Stones in Jewellery by Sprague, G. M.
Brominated Flame Retardants by
Indien: Auf Tour by Hupke, Klaus-Dieter, Ohl, Ulrike
A Digital Approach to Field Geology by Foi, Marco, De Palo, Angelita
Stromatolites: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments by
Economic Geology: Principles and Practice by Pohl, Walter L.
An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics by Reynolds, John M.
Survival and Sustainability: Environmental Concerns in the 21st Century by
Sediment Transport by
Geological Evolution of Antarctica by
The Magnetic Field of the Earth's Lithosphere: The Satellite Perspective by Hinze, W. J., Langel, R. A.
Travels in the Island of Iceland, During the Summer of the Year 1810 by MacKenzie, George Steurat
Geology Underfoot in Yellowstone Country by Hendrix, Marc S.
Forensic Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, Second Edition by Day, Robert W.
Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in the Summer of 1809 by Hooker, William Jackson
Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in the Summer of 1809 - Volume 1 by Hooker, William Jackson
Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future by Macdougall, Doug
GeoSpatial Semantics by
Chuckwalla Land: The Riddle of California's Desert by Wallace, David Rains
Building the Cape Verde Islands by Ramalho, Ricardo A. S.
The Geology of Iceland by Gudmundsson, Agust
This Shrinking Land: Climate Change and Britain's Coasts by Duck, Robert
The Baltic Sea Basin by
Introduction to the Physics of Landslides: Lecture Notes on the Dynamics of Mass Wasting by De Blasio, Fabio Vittorio
Circulation in the Coastal Ocean by Csanady, G. T.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior: Crust, Mantle and Core by Gupta, Alok Krishna
Inside Risk: A Strategy for Sustainable Risk Mitigation by
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth by Playfair, John
The Natural History of Igneous Rocks by Harker, Alfred
Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin by
Memoir of Leonard Horner, F.R.S., F.G.S. 2 Volume Paperback Set: Consisting of Letters to His Family and from Some of His Friends by Horner, Leonard
Considerations on Volcanos by Scrope, George Poulett
Mont Pel E and the Tragedy of Martinique: A Study of the Great Catastrophes of 1902, with Observations and Experiences in the Field by Heilprin, Angelo
Physicalische Beschreibung Der Canarischen Inseln by Buch, Leopold Von, Von Buch, Leopold
Memoir of Leonard Horner, F.R.S., F.G.S. - Volume 1 by Horner, Leonard
Memoir of Leonard Horner, F.R.S., F.G.S. - Volume 2 by Horner, Leonard
Collector's Guide to the Tourmaline Group by Lauf, Robert J.
Landscapes and Hydrology of the Predrainage Everglades [With DVD] by Said, Winifred Park, Obeysekera, Jayantha, McVoy, Christopher W.
Tschermaks Mineralogische Und Petrographische Mitteilungen, Volume 16 by Anonymous
Eruptions That Shook the World by Oppenheimer, Clive
Advanced Seismic Hazard Assessment: Part I: Seismic Hazard Assessment by
Advanced Seismic Hazard Assessment: Part II: Regional Seismic Hazard and Seismic Microzonation Case Studies by
Climate Change and Its Effects on Water Resources: Issues of National and Global Security by
Inland Flood Hazards: Human, Riparian, and Aquatic Communities by
Istoria Dell'incendio Dell'etna del Mese Maggio 1819 by Maravigna, Carmelo
Biographical Account of James Hutton, M.D. F.R.S. Ed. by Playfair, John
The Geology and Extinct Volcanos of Central France by Scrope, George Poulett
A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos, of Earthquakes, and of Thermal Springs by Daubeny, Charles
Atlas of Quartz Sand Surface Textures by John C., Doornkamp, Krinsley, David H., David H., Krinsley
A Comparative View of the Huttonian and Neptunian Systems of Geology by Murray, John
Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands, Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle by Darwin, Charles
On the Geological Structure of the Alps, Apennines and Carpathians by Murchison, Roderick Impey
A Manual of the Geology of India by Medlicott, H. B., Blanford, W. T.
Geoinformatics in Applied Geomorphology by
Rock Fractures in Geological Processes by Gudmundsson, Agust
Encyclopedia of Agrophysics by
Advances in Earthquake Prediction: Research and Risk Mitigation by Stefánsson, Ragnar
Ancient Gems - From the Evans and Beatty Collections - The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Anon
American Gem Cabochons - An Illustrated Handbook of Domestic Semi-Precious Stones Cut Unfacetted by McKinley, C.
Questions Answered on Gems and Jewellery by Gough, Kathleen
Scottish Gem Stones by McCallien, W. J.
Diamond and Gem Stone Industrial Production by Grodzinski, Paul
Gem-Stones and Their Distinctive Characters by Smith, G. F. Herbert
Gemstones by Smith, G. F. Herbert
The Art of Gem Cutting - Complete by Young, Fred S.
Italy and the English Romantics: The Italianate Fashion in Early Nineteenth-Century England by Brand, C. P.
Geology for Everyman by Seward, Albert Charles, Lyons, Henry
Travels Through Norway and Lapland During the Years 1806, 1807, and 1808 by Buch, Leopold Von
Volcanos by Scrope, George Poulett
Earthquakes and Other Earth Movements by Milne, John
An Oil Geologist Abroad by Ericson, Eric, Ericson, Libby
Practical Soil Dynamics: Case Studies in Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering by Srbulov, Milutin
The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology by
The Story of the Gems - A Popular Handbook by Whitlock, Herbert P.
Gems and Jewelry Today - An Account of the Romance and Values of Gems, Jewelry, Watches and Silverware by Baerwald, Marcus
Jade and the Antique Use of Gems by Whitlock, Herbert P.
Jewels and Gems by McDonald, Lucile Saunders
Precious and Semi-Precious Stones by Weinstein, Michael
Handbook of Fluorescent Gems and Minerals - An Exposition and Catalog of the Fluorescent and Phosphorescent Gems and Minerals, Including the Use of Ul by Dement, Jack
Art of Gem Cutting - Including Cabochons, Faceting, Spheres, Tumbling and Special Techniques by Dake, H. C.
Popular Gemology by Pearl, Richard M.
The Art of Gem Cutting - Including Cabochons, Faceting, Spheres, Tumbling and Special Techniques by Dake, H. C.
The Astro-Geology of Earthquakes and Volcanoes by Weber, Lind
Application of Remote Sensing in Shoreline Change Detection by Ray, Shrimanta
The Sea of Lost Opportunity: North Sea Oil and Gas, British Industry and the Offshore Supplies Office Volume 7 by Smith, Norman J.
A Manual of Scientific Enquiry by
Drinking Water Treatment: Focusing on Appropriate Technology and Sustainability by
Coping with Climate Change: Principles and Asian Context by Gupta, Sushil, Kulshrestha, Umesh Chandra, Chandrappa, Ramesha
Actinide Nanoparticle Research by
Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems: Towards the Digital Ocean by
Perspectives in Urban Ecology: Ecosystems and Interactions Between Humans and Nature in the Metropolis of Berlin by
Karst Management by
Bibliografia del Vesuvio: Compilata E Corredata Di Note Critiche Estratte Dai Più Autorevoli Scrittori Vesuviani by
A Critical Review on Vein Growth Processes and Vein Textures by Hossain, MD Sakawat
Stelle, Galassie E Universo: Fondamenti Di Astrofisica by Ferrari, A.
Dinosaur Odyssey: Fossil Threads in the Web of Life by Sampson, Scott D.
Geoinformation Metadata in Inspire and SDI: Understanding. Editing. Publishing by Rossa, Maciej, Litwin, Leszek
Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers by
Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics by
Encyclopedia of Agrophysics by
Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics 2 Volume Set by
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