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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2012

Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Volume 40... by
Landmark Papers: Granite Petrogenesis by
The Geography of Wine: Regions, Terroir and Techniques by
Recent Landform Evolution: The Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Region by
Feldspar Minerals: 2 Chemical and Textural Properties by Smith, J. V.
Hydrologie: Eine Einführung Für Ingenierure by Dracos, Themistocles A.
Mineralogie Basischer Feuerfest-Produkte by Trojer, Felix, Obst, Karl-Heinz, Münchberg, Wolfgang
Schlaf Und Traum by Winterstein, H.
Der Weg Zur Biogeologie: Johannes Walther (1860-1937) Ein Forscherleben Im Wandel Der Deutschen Universität by Seibold, Ilse
Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Held in Pasadena, California on December 8- by
Heterogene Gleichgewichte: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Predel, B.
Carbon Cycling in the Baltic Sea by Kulinski, Karol, Pempkowiak, Janusz
How Likely Is Extraterrestrial Life? by Halley, J. Woods
ARC Plasma Technology in Materials Science by Hecht, Norman L., Gerdeman, Dennis A.
True-3D in Cartography: Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata by
Metals and Society: An Introduction to Economic Geology by Arndt, Nicholas, Ganino, Clément
New Eyes on the Sun: A Guide to Satellite Images and Amateur Observation by Wilkinson, John
Experimental Study of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media During CO2 Geo-Sequestration Processes by Saeedi, Ali
Pre-Mesozoic Geology in France and Related Areas: And Related Areas by
Advances and Challenges in Space-Time Modelling of Natural Events by
Zeta-Potentiale Und Flotierbarkeit Von Mineralen by Ney, Paul
Lehrbuch Der Bergbaukunde: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Steinkohlenbergbaus Erster Band by Fritzsche, Carl H.
Biology of Marine Fungi by
The Cayman Islands: Natural History and Biogeography by
Apatite: Its Crystal Chemistry, Mineralogy, Utilization, and Geologic and Biologic Occurrences by McConnell, Duncan
Sediment/Freshwater Interactions: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Held in Kingston, Ontario, 15-18 June 1981 by Sly, P. G.
Systematische Klassifikation Der Massengesteine by Ronner, Felix
Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits: Principles and Fundamental Concepts for the Exploration Geologist by Pirajno, Franco
Materialverhalten Anisotroper Festkörper: Thermische Und Elektrische Eigenschaften Ein Beitrag Zur Angewandten Mineralogie by Dreyer, W.
The Gravity Theory of Mass Extinction: A new unified theory of mass extinction explains the rise and fall of the dinosaurs by Stojanowski, John
The Permian of Northern Pangea: Volume 1: Paleogeography, Paleoclimates, Stratigraphy by
Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space: Atmospheric Correction by Smokty, Oleg I., Kondratyev, Kirill Y., Kozoderov, Vladimir V.
Flood Hydrology: Proceeding of the International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses, 14-17 May 1986, Louisiana State Univer by
Nigeria: Its Petroleum Geology, Resources and Potential: Volume 1 by Whiteman, A. J.
Feuerfest-Siliciumcarbid by Wecht, Ernst H. P.
Old London Silver by Howard, Montague
Towards a Sustainable Asia: Green Transition and Innovation by Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia
Practical Engineering Geology by Hencher, Steve
Microseismic Monitoring and Geomechanical Modelling of CO2 Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs by Verdon, James P.
Active Tectonics of the Hellenic Subduction Zone by Shaw, Beth
Practical Engineering Geology by Hencher, Steve
Modern Aspects of Bulk Crystal and Thin Film Preparation by
Petrology: New Perspectives and Applications by
Updates in Volcanology: A Comprehensive Approach to Volcanological Problems by
And America Quaked: A Chilling Series of Visions of a Future American Catastrophe by Edwards, Kenneth W.
Hydrocarbon and Petroleum Geology of France by
Structural Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Richard W., Cardozo, Nestor, Fisher, Donald M.
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Volume 30... by
Satellite Hydrocarbon Exploration: Interpretation and Integration Techniques by Berger, Zeev
3D Geoscience Modeling: Computer Techniques for Geological Characterization by Houlding, Simon
Handbuch Der Metallmärkte: Erzvorkommen, Metallgewinnung, Metallverwendung, Preisbildung Handelsregelungen by
The Chemistry of Weathering by
Härtbarkeit Und Auswahl Von Stählen by Lamont, John L., Crafts, Walter
Modern Crystallography II: Structure of Crystals by Vainshtein, Boris K., Fridkin, V. M., Indenbom, V. L.
Vertical Seismic Profiling and Its Exploration Potential by Galperin, E. I.
Structural Clay Products by Brownell, W. E.
Systematic Geomorphology by Scheidegger, Adrian E.
Metals in the Hydrocycle by Förstner, U., Salomons, Wim
Erddrucktheorien by Kezdi, Arpad
Micromounts by Voigt, Günter, Vogel, Andreas, Vollstädt, Heiner
Landslide Analysis and Early Warning Systems: Local and Regional Case Study in the Swabian Alb, Germany by Thiebes, Benni
Earthquakes at North-Atlantic Passive Margins: Neotectonics and Postglacial Rebound by
Diffusion, Atomic Ordering, and Mass Transport: Selected Topics in Geochemistry by
Scale Problems in Hydrology: Runoff Generation and Basin Response by
Radar Scattering from Modulated Wind Waves: Proceedings of the Workshop on Modulation of Short Wind Waves in the Gravity-Capillary Range by Non-Unifor by
Seismic Exploration Methods by Sengbush, Ray L.
Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks by Winkler
Anker Und Ankerungen Zur Stabilisierung Des Gebirges by Habenicht, H.
Hydrogeologische Methoden by Langguth, Horst R., Voigt, Rudolf
Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalyse (Esma) Zur Untersuchung Basischer Feuerfester Stoffe by Obst, Karl Heinz, Münchberg, Wolfgang, Malissa, Hanns
Intracontinental Fold Belts: Case Studies in the Variscan Belt of Europe and the Damara Belt in Namibia by
Rockglaciers: Indicators for the Present and Former Geoecology in High Mountain Environments by Barsch, Dietrich
Seismic Waves: Research and Analysis by
Bathymetry and Its Applications by
Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change by
Remote Sensing of Planet Earth by
Earthquake Research and Analysis: New Frontiers in Seismology by
Rocks and Landforms by Gerrard, John
Dynamics of the Magnetosphere: Proceedings of the A.G.U. Chapman Conference 'Magnetospheric Substorms and Related Plasma Processes' Held at Los Alamo by
Histoire Et Phénomènes Du Volcan Et Des Iles Volcaniques De Santorin Suivis D'un Coup D'oeil Sur L'état Moral Et Religieux De La Grèce Moderne... by Pègues, L'Abbé
Global Events and Event Stratigraphy in the Phanerozoic: Results of the International Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Igcp-Project 216 "Global Bi by
The Geological Evolution of the River Nile by Said, Rushdi
Naturgeschichte Der Vulcane Und Der Damit In Verbindung Stehenden Erscheinungen, Volume 1... by Landgrebe, Georg
Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process by
Feldspar Minerals: Volume 1 Crystal Structures, Physical, Chemical, and Microtextural Properties by Smith, Joseph V., Brown, William L.
An Introduction to the Study of Mineralogy by
A Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks, in Both Hemispheres. by Humboldt, Alexander Von
An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology: Designed for the Use of Pupils, for Persons Attending Lectures on These Subjects, and as a Companion by Cleaveland, Parker
An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology: Designed for the Use of Pupils, for Persons Attending Lectures on These Subjects, and as a Companion by Cleaveland, Parker
British Fossil Brachiopoda - Volume 5 by Owen, Richard, Carpenter, William Benjamin, Davidson, Thomas
Struktur Und Eigenschaften Der Kristalle: Eine Einführung in Die Geometrische, Chemische Und Physikalische Kristallkunde by Winkler, Helmut G. F.
Restoring Lands - Coordinating Science, Politics and Action: Complexities of Climate and Governance by
Journal And Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of New South Wales, Volume 36... by
Earthquake Research and Analysis: Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology by
The Plasma Environment of Venus, Mars and Titan by
Einführung in Die Geometrische Und Physikalische Kristallographie: Und in Deren Arbeitsmethoden by Raaz, Franz, Tertsch, Hermann
Brittle Deformation of Solid and Granular Materials with Applications to Mechanics of Earthquakes and Faults by
Aral by Letolle, Rene
Jungquartäre Landschaftsräume: Aktuelle Forschungen Zwischen Atlantik Und Tienschan by
The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation by Wefer, Gerold, Berger, Wolfgang H., Siedler, Gerold
Grundlagen Der Bodenmechanik by Caquot, Albert
Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures by Potter, P. E., Pettijohn, F. J.
Monitoring and Mitigation of Volcano Hazards by Tilling, Robert I., Scarpa, Roberto
Wirtschaftsgeologie Der Erze by Jankovic, Slobodan
Die Lagerstätten Nutzbarer Mineralien: Ihre Entstehung, Bewertung Und Erschließung by Granigg, Bartel
Vom Grossen Eiszeitalter by Ebers, Edith
Geoelektronik: Angewandte Elektronik in Der Geophysik, Geologie, Prospektion, Montanistik Und Ingenieurgeologie by Wöbking, Hans, Bitterlich, Wolfram
Der Petroleum-Ingenieur: Ein Lehr- Und Hilfsbuch Für Die Erdöl-Industrie by
Authigenic Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks by Teodorovich, G. I.
Volcanic Landforms and Surface Features: A Photographic Atlas and Glossary by
Explosion Seismology in Central Europe: Data and Results by
Aeolian Sand and Sand Dunes by Pye, K., Tsoar, H.
Regional Trends in the Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian-Hercynian-Mauritanide Orogen by
Geotectonic Evolution of China by Ren
Bergschadenkunde by Kratzsch, H.
Strategic Planning for Exploration Management by Quick, Allen N., Buck, Neal A.
Gesteine Und Minerallagerstätten: Erster Band Allgemeine Lehre Von Den Gesteinen Und Minerallagerstätten by Niggli, P.
Imaging, Modeling and Assimilation in Seismology by
Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling II: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Seeheim, October 3-6, 1985 by
Designing Optimal Strategies for Mineral Exploration by Wignall, T. K., De Geoffroy, J. G.
Monographie Géologique Du Mont-d'or Lyonnais Et De Ses Dépendances Par Albert Falsan Et Arnould Locard: Ouvrage Couronné Par L'académie De Lyon. (extr by Falsan, Albert
Advanced Topics in Biomineralization by
Ingenieurgeologie: Ein Handbuch Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Bendel, Ludwig
Twelve Years in the Mines of California: Embracing a General View of the Gold Region, with Practical Observations on Hill, Placer, and Quartz Diggings by Patterson, Lawson B.
Terrestrial Heat Flow in Europe by
An Introduction to Theoretical Geomorphology by Thorn, C.
Gewässerkunde by Wundt, Walter
Gems and Jewelry Appraising: Techniques of Professional Practice by Miller, Anna M.
Structure and Development of Solar Active Regions by
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) in Geoarchaeology by
Geophysics and Mineral Prospecting by Attia, Tamer E.
Geospatial Free and Open Source Software in the 21st Century by
China´s Rising Oil Consumption and its Impact on the Global Oilmarket by Schlesing, Carina
The Last Deglaciation: Absolute and Radiocarbon Chronologies by
Explicación Del Mapa Geológico De España: Sistemas Permiano, Triásico, Liásico Y Jurásico. 1902... by Mallada, Lucas
Supercomputers in Theoretical and Experimental Science by Devreese, Jozef T., Camp, Piet Van
Coal-Bearing Depositional Systems by Diessel, Claus F. K.
Tectonics and the Formation of Magmas by Sheinmann, Yu M.
Thermodynamics of Rock-Forming Crystalline Solutions by Saxena, S. K.
Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling I: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Tarrytown, May 20-25, 1984 by
Hydrologic Frequency Modeling: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses, 14-17 May 1986, Louisiana State Unive by
Sedimentology: Process and Product by Leeder, M. R.
Strength Analysis in Geomechanics by Elsoufiev, Serguey A.
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 1: The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity by
Standard-Based Data and Information Systems for Earth Observation by
Geographic Information Science and Public Participation by Ramasubramanian, Laxmi
Kompendium Der Kristallkunde by Jong, Wieger F. De
Applications in Geomechanics by
Earthquake Research and Analysis: Statistical Studies, Observations and Planning by
Earthquake Precursors: Proceedings of the Us-Japan Seminar on Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Earthquake Precursors by
Gesteine Und Minerallagerstätten: Exogene Gesteine Und Minerallagerstätten by Niggli, P.
March Was Made of Yarn: Reflections on the Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Meltdown by
Deformation Processes in Minerals, Ceramics and Rocks by Meredith, P. G., Barber, D. J.
Experimental and Natural Rock Deformation / Experimentelle Und Natürliche Gesteinsverformung: Proceedings of the International Symposium Darmstadt, Fe by
Simple Seismics for the Petroleum Geologist, the Reservoir Engineer, the Well-Log Analyst, the Processing Technician, and the Man in the Field by Anstey, N. a.
Deep-Hole Drilling with Explosives by Ostrovskii, A. P.
Coring Operations: Procedures for Sampling and Analysis of Bottomhole and Sidewell Cores by Exlog/Whittaker
Seismic Wave Propagation and Scattering in the Heterogeneous Earth: Second Edition by Fehler, Michael C., Maeda, Takuto, Sato, Haruo
Types of British Vegetation by
Waldhumusdiagnose Auf Biomorphologischer Grundlage by Hartmann, F.
Introduction to Small Scale Geological Structures by Wilson, Gilbert
Reef Diagenesis by
Amphiboles: Crystal Chemistry Phase Relations and Occurrence by Ernst, W. G.
K Steningenieurwesen: Hochwasser- Und K Stenschutz by Brinkmann, Birgitt, Koppe, Barbel, Koppe, B. Rbel
The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making: From Origin to Modern Experimentation by
Metamorphic Rocks and Their Geodynamic Significance: A Petrological Handbook by Kornprobst, Jacques
Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas for the Last 130 Kyr by Levitan, M. a., Lavrushin, Yu A.
Vegetation-Climate Interaction: How Plants Make the Global Environment by Adams, Jonathan
Equilibrium Activity Diagrams: For Coexisting Minerals and Aqueous Solutions at Pressures and Temperatures to 5 Kb and 600 °C by Jackson, K. J., Helgeson, H. C., Bowers, T. S.
Solid-Fluid Mixtures of Frictional Materials in Geophysical and Geotechnical Context: Based on a Concise Thermodynamic Analysis by Hutter, Kolumban, Schneider, Lukas
Past Climate Variability in South America and Surrounding Regions: From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene by
Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting: With Special Emphasis on Existing Low Rise Structures by
Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe: Selected Papers of the 1st Ica Symposium on Cartography for Central and Eastern Europe by
System Theory in Geomorphology: Challenges, Epistemological Consequences and Practical Implications by Von Elverfeldt, Kirsten
Terrigenous Clastic Depositional Systems: Applications to Petroleum, Coal, and Uranium Exploration by Galloway, W. E., Hobday, D. K.
Mechanics of Granular Media by Revuzhenko, Aleksandr F.
Mixtures and Mineral Reactions by Saxena, Surendra K., Ganguly, Jibamitra
Cratons and Fold Belts of India by Sharma, Ram
The Ganga: Water Use in the Indian Subcontinent by Parua, Pranab Kumar
Law and Regulation of Commercial Mining of Minerals in Outer Space by Lee, Ricky
An Introduction to Soil Dynamics by Verruijt, Arnold
Isotopes of the Earth's Hydrosphere by Ferronsky, V. I., Polyakov, V. A.
Geology and Landscape of Michigan's Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and Vicinity by Blewett, William L.
The Fourth Source: Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors by Tuttle, Robert J.
The Hatchet Mountains And The Cooks Range, Florida Mountain Areas: Grant, Hidalgo And Luna Counties, Southwestern New Mexico by Roswell Geological Society
Flora Of Delaware And The Eastern Shore by Tatnall, Robert Richardson
Stratigraphy Of The West Front Of The Sacramento Mountains, Otero And Lincoln Counties, New Mexico: Guidebook, Field Trip No. 8 by Roswell Geological Society
Physicochemical Methods of Mineral Analysis by
Molecular Biology of Bacterial Viruses by Stent, Gunther Siegmund
Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes by Huang, Y. H.
Reassessing Paleolithic Subsistence: The Neandertal and Modern Human Foragers of Saint-Césaire by Morin, Eugène
Chemistry of the Lower Atmosphere by Rasool, S.
Special Topics in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering by
Rheology and Soil Mechanics / Rhéologie Et Mécanique Des Sols: Symposium Grenoble, April 1-8, 1964 / Symposium Grenoble, 1er-8 Avril 1964 by
Petroleum Geology of the North European Margin: Proceedings of the North European Margin Symposium (Nems '83), Organized by the Norwegian Petroleum So by Spencer, A. M.
Generation, Accumulation and Production of Europe's Hydrocarbons III: Special Publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists No. 3 by
Studies on Environmental and Applied Geomorphology by
The Natural History of Coal by Newell Arber, E. A.
Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering by
Introduction to Earth and Planetary System Science: New View of Earth, Planets and Humans by Shikazono, Naotatsu
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