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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2014

Unearthing Igneous Rocks by Dee, Willa
Unearthing Metamorphic Rocks by Dee, Willa
Earth's Rock Cycle by Dee, Willa
Minerals by Dee, Willa
Caves by Labrecque, Ellen
Gem Trails of British Columbia by Bacon, Cam
Killer Comet - What the Carolina Bays tell us by Zamora, Antonio
Imperial Jade of Burma and Mutton-Fat Jade of India: Mining, Trade, and Use from Antiquity to the Present by Samuels, S. K.
Landsat and Beyond: Sustaining and Enhancing the Nation's Land Imaging Program by Space Studies Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Solar System Astrophysics: Background Science and the Inner Solar System by Wilson, William J. F., Milone, Eugene F.
Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry by
Mineral Resource Estimation by Rossi, Mario E., Deutsch, Clayton V.
Catalogue of Meteorites from South America by Acevedo, Rogelio Daniel, Rocca, Maximiliano C. L., García, Víctor Manuel
Bad Friday by Freedman, Lew
1994 Northridge Earthquake: Performance of Structures, Lifelines and Fire Protection Systems (NIST SP 862) by Nist
Kenya: A Natural Outlook: Geo-Environmental Resources and Hazards Volume 16 by
A Petrographic Atlas of Ophiolite: An Example from the Eastern India-Asia Collision Zone by Ghose, Naresh Chandra, Chatterjee, Nilanjan, Fareeduddin
1994 Northridge Earthquake: Performance of Structures, Lifelines and Fire Protection Systems (NIST SP 862) by Nist
The Evolution of Mammalian Characters by Kermack, D. M.
Performance of Structures During the Loma Prieta Earthquake of October 17, 1989 (NIST SP 778) by Nist
Zeolite-Type Crystal Structures and Their Chemistry. 41 New Framework Type Codes by
Holocene Sea-Level Scenarios in Bangladesh by Rashid, Towhida
Effective Parameters of Hydrogeological Models by Gorokhovski, Vikenti
Sea Floor Exploration: Scientific Adventures Diving Into the Abyss by Hekinian, Roger
Danxiashan Global Geopark by Peng, Hua, Eder, Franz Wolfgang
Solar System Astrophysics: Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System by Wilson, William J. F., Milone, Eugene F.
Progettare sistemi di drenaggio del terreno: Con software dedicato DRAINFILE PRO by Martinelli, Francesco
Approaches to Study Living Foraminifera: Collection, Maintenance and Experimentation by
How Do You Get a Whale in Vermont?: The Unlikely Story of Vermont's State Fossil by Howe, Jeff L.
Geology and Earth Science Sparkcharts: Volume 25 by Sparknotes
A Manual of Seismology by Davison, Charles
Crystal Chemical Classification of Minerals by Povarennykh, A. S.
Magmatism at a Plate Edge: The Peruvian Andes by Cobbing, E. John, Pitcher, Wallace S., Atherton, Michael P.
Der Ur-Rhein in Rheinhessen by Probst, Ernst
Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables by Look, Burt G.
The Geologic History of the Moon by Wilhelms, Don E., Interior, U. S. Department of the
Guide to the Mount's Bay and the Land's End: Comprehending the Topography, Botany, Agriculture, Fisheries, Antiquities, Mining, Mineralogy and Geology by Paris, John Ayrton
Earth's Formation: Swagart's Hypotheses - A Professional Engineer's Perspective on Earth's Development by Swagart Pe, Gary F.
Whats That Rock or Mineral: A Beginner's Guide by DK
The Analysis of Diffuse Triple Junction Zones in Plate Tectonics and the Pirate Model of Western Caribbean Tectonics by Keppie, D. Fraser
Rockhounding New York by Beard, Robert
Deep-Sea Turbidities as Guides to Holocene Earthquake History at the Cascadia Subduction Zone-Alternative Views for a Seismic-Hazard Workshop by U. S. Department of the Interior
Meeting for the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) Earthquake Hazards Program?October 28?29, 2009 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Implementation of the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Ground-Motion Prediction Equations in Fortran and R by U. S. Department of the Interior
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Seismic Data, January to March 2009 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Liquefaction and Other Ground Failures in Imperial Country California, from the April 4, 2010, El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake by U. S. Department of the Interior
Documentation for Assessment of Modal Pushover- Based Scaling Procedure for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of ?Ordinary Standard? Bridges by U. S. Department of the Interior
Triggered Surface Slips in Southern California Associated with the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, Earthquake by U. S. Department of Interior
Report on the 2010 Chilean Earthquake and Tsunami Response by U. S. Department of the Interior
Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas by
Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes by
Mollusk Shells as Bio-Geo-Archives: Evaluating Environmental Changes During the Quaternary by Bayer, María Sol, Boretto, Gabriella, Gordillo, Sandra
Landslide Analysis and Early Warning Systems: Local and Regional Case Study in the Swabian Alb, Germany by Thiebes, Benni
True-3D in Cartography: Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata by
Carbon Cycling in the Baltic Sea by Pempkowiak, Janusz, Kulinski, Karol
Biology of Marine Fungi by
Materials Challenges and Testing for Supply of Energy and Resources by
The Geography of Wine: Regions, Terroir and Techniques by
Metals and Society: An Introduction to Economic Geology by Ganino, Clément, Arndt, Nicholas
Recent Landform Evolution: The Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Region by
Tomography of the Earth's Crust: From Geophysical Sounding to Real-Time Monitoring: Geotechnologien Science Report No. 21 by
Volcanic Processes and Geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska by U. S. Department of the Interior
History of Earthquakes and Tsunamis along the Eastern Aleutian-Alaska Megathrust, with Implications for Tsunami Hazards in the California Continental by U. S. Department of the Interior
How to Build and Teach with QuakeCaster, an Earthquake Demonstration and Exploration Tool by U. S. Department of the Interior
Estimating Casualties for Large Earthquakes Worldwide Using an Empirical Approach by U. S. Department of the Interior
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Seismic Data, January to December 2008 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Application and Composition observing system of Automatic Weather Station and Power Grid by Jamil Et Al, Irfan
Bayerische Alpen Und Vorland: Geologische PH Nomene in Bildern by Langenscheidt, Ewald, Stahr, Alexander
What Is a Shatter Cone?: A Coloring Book by the Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. by Carter, Lori
The Surface of the Earth: Elementary Physical and Economic Geography by Pickles, Herbert
Zum Einfluss von Sonnenaktivität und NAO auf das Klima von Mitteleuropa. Rekonstruktion aus historischen Daten und laminierten Maarsedimenten der Eife by Brunck, Heiko
Introduction to the Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory for Porous Medium Systems by Miller, Cass T., Gray, William G.
Fifty Six Days: An Earthquake in Japan by Hewitt, Jm
The Year Without Summer: 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History by Klingaman, Nicholas P., Klingaman, William K.
Stone in Architecture: Properties, Durability by
Stone in Architecture: Properties, Durability by
Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing by
Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in Beishan and Eastern Tianshan at Southern Caob: Petrogenesis, Mineralization and Tectonic Implication by Su, Ben-Xun
Practical Seismic Data Analysis by Zhou, Hua-Wei
Researches in Theoretical Geology by De La Beche, Henry T.
Geocomputation, Sustainability and Environmental Planning by
DNA of the Gods: The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity by Hardy, Chris H.
Rural Change in Australia: Population, Economy, Environment. by Rae Dufty-Jones and John Connell by Connell, John
Quaternary Sea-Level Changes by Woodroffe, Colin D., Murray-Wallace, Colin V.
Antarctic Terrestrial Microbiology: Physical and Biological Properties of Antarctic Soils by
Petroleum Geology Offshore Cabinda: An Overview of N'SANO Field by Miguel, Ataliba
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design by
Scientific Papers: Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology: V38 Harvard Classics by
Scientific Papers: Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology by Pare, Harvey, Jenner, Lister, Pasteur by
Collected Essays of Thomas Huxley V8: Discourses Biological and Geological by Huxley, Thomas
Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (Ucerf3)- The Time-Independent Model by U. S. Department of the Interior
Antique Gems from the Greek and Latin by Theocritus
A Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems by Westropp, Hodder M.
Precious Stones: For Curative Wear, Other Remedial Uses And Likewise The Nobler Metals by Fernie, William T.
Gold And Glory, Or Wild Ways Of Other Days: A Tale Of Early American Discovery by Stebbing, Grace
The Primeval World: A Treatise On The Relations Of Geology To Theology by Gloag, Paton James
The Life Of James Dwight Dana: Scientific Explorer, Mineralogist, Geologist, Zoologist, Professor In Yale University by Gilman, Daniel C.
King Solomon's Wives: Or the Phantom Mines by Ragged, Hyder
The Novarupta-Katmai Eruption of 1912?Largest Eruption of the Twentieth Century: Centennial Perspectives by U. S. Department of the Interior
Diamonds by Smillie, Ian
National Geographic Pocket Guide to Rocks and Minerals of North America by Garlick, Sarah
The Next Tsunami: Living on a Restless Coast by Henderson, Bonnie
The Founders of Seismology by Davison, Charles
Geology and the Environment by Trent, Dee, Hazlett, Richard, Pipkin, Bernard
Physics of Lakes: Volume 3: Methods of Understanding Lakes as Components of the Geophysical Environment by Hutter, Kolumban, Chubarenko, Irina P., Wang, Yongqi
Geodynamics by Turcotte, Donald, Schubert, Gerald
Underwater Seascapes: From Geographical to Ecological Perspectives by
Cephalopod Culture by
Late Cenozoic Climate Change in Asia: Loess, Monsoon and Monsoon-Arid Environment Evolution by
Alexander of Aprodisias: On Aristotle Meteorology 4 by Lewis, Eric
Alfred Wegener: Polarforscher Und Entdecker Der Kontinentaldrift by Reinke-Kunze, Christine
Entfesselte Gewalten: Stürme, Erdbeben Und Andere Naturkatastrophen by Jacob, Klaus
Stress in the Earth by Wyss
Earthquake Prediction and Seismicity Patterns by Wyss
Instabilities in Continuous Media by Keili-Borok, Keili, Knopoff
Neandertaler: Der Streit Um Unsere Ahnen by Tattersall, Ian
Von Pompeji Zum Pinatubo by Decker
Introduction to Seismology by Bath, M.
Earthquake Prediction and Rock Mechanics by Wyss
Earth System History by Stanley, Steven, Luczaj, John
Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in Hot Aquifers: Shemat and Processing Shemat by
Desktop Mapping: Grundlagen Und PRAXIS in Kartographie Und GIS by Olbrich, Gerold, Quick, Michael, Schweikart, Jürgen
Die Erde Im Visier: Die Geowissenschaften an Der Schwelle Zum 21.Jahrhundert by
Weltkarten Zur Klimakunde / World Maps of Climatology by Landsberg, H. E., Lippmann, H.
Geospatial Free and Open Source Software in the 21st Century by
Restoring Lands - Coordinating Science, Politics and Action: Complexities of Climate and Governance by
Nuclear Radiation in Geophysics / Kernstrahlung in Der Geophysik by
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 1: The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity by
The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making: From Origin to Modern Experimentation by
Geology of Holocene Barrier Island Systems by
Isotopes of the Earth's Hydrosphere by Ferronsky, V. I., Polyakov, V. A.
Seismic Wave Propagation and Scattering in the Heterogeneous Earth: Second Edition by Fehler, Michael C., Maeda, Takuto, Sato, Haruo
Seismic Imaging, Fault Damage and Heal by
Afghanistan: Eine Geographisch-Medizinische Landeskunde / A Geomedical Monograph by Fischer, Ludolph
Libyen / Libya: Eine Geographisch-Medizinische Landeskunde / A Geomedical Monograph by Kanter, Helmuth
Assessment of Undiscovered Deposits of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the United States by U. S. Department of the Interior
Wege Zur Lösung Globaler Umweltprobleme: Jahresgutachten 1995 by
Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience by
System Theory in Geomorphology: Challenges, Epistemological Consequences and Practical Implications by Von Elverfeldt, Kirsten
Recarbonization of the Biosphere: Ecosystems and the Global Carbon Cycle by
Law and Regulation of Commercial Mining of Minerals in Outer Space by Lee, Ricky
What is a Coprolite?: A Coloring Book by The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. by Carter, Lori
Generation, Accumulation and Production of Europe's Hydrocarbons II by
Lanthanides, Tantalum and Niobium: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Characteristics of Primary Ore Deposits, Prospecting, Processing and Applications Proceed by
Reactions and Processes by
Seismic Amplitude: An Interpreter's Handbook by SIMM, Rob, Bacon, Mike
Geological Hazards: Earthquakes -- Tsunamis -- Volcanoes, Avalanches -- Landslides -- Floods by Horn, W. L., MacDonald, G. a., Bolt, B. a.
Bau Und Bildung Der Kristalle: Die Architektonik Der Stofflichen Welt by Köhler, Alexander, Raaz, Franz
Geology of Clays: Weathering - Sedimentology - Geochemistry by Millot, Georges
Polymer-Improved Oil Recovery by Sorbie, K. S.
Hydrogeologie by Thurner, Andreas
Continental Drift, Secular Motion of the Pole, and Rotation of the Earth by
Large-Scale Transport Processes in Oceans and Atmosphere by
The Deep Proterozoic Crust in the North Atlantic Provinces by
High-Pressure Research in Geophysics by
Properties and Interactions of Interplanetary Dust: Proceedings of the 85th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Marseille, France, Jul by
Basement Tectonics 11 Europe and Other Regions: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Held in Potsdam, Germany, by
Practical Guide to Geo-Engineering: With Equations, Tables, Graphs and Check Lists by Srbulov, Milutin
Exkursionsführer zur Geologie Thüringens: Ein Querschnitt von Nord bis Süd by Wölke, Andreas
Well planning report for the Molly field exploration well by Sadekar, Aakanksha
Wirtschaftlich bedeutende Rohstoffvorkommen und ökologische Konsequenzen ihres Abbaus: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft by Jäger, Markus Franz
Alien Skies: Planetary Atmospheres from Earth to Exoplanets by Pont, Frédéric J.
Insar Imaging of Aleutian Volcanoes: Monitoring a Volcanic ARC from Space by Lu, Zhong, Dzurisin, Daniel
Geology and petrochemistry of Gwon-Gwon pegmatite field Wamba, Nasarawa state by Adamu Mohammed, Abdullahi
Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist by Dentith, Michael, Mudge, Stephen T.
Seismic Isolation for Earthquake Resistant Structures by Komodromos, P.
Gondwana Landscapes in Southern South America: Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil by
Amphibian Evolution by Schoch, Rainer R.
Adapting to Climate Change: Lessons from Natural Hazards Planning by
Landscapes and Landforms of Spain by
Dune Worlds: How Windblown Sand Shapes Planetary Landscapes by Zimbelman, James R., Lorenz, Ralph D.
Inorganic environmental geochemistry: Schwermetallbelastung von Boden- und Sedimentproben by Aventurin, Amalia
Earth Flexures by Busk, H. G.
Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation by
Quartz: Deposits, Mineralogy and Analytics by
Mining the Earth's Heat: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy by Heiken, Grant, Brown, Donald W., Duchane, David V.
Strati 2013: First International Congress on Stratigraphy at the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy by
Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms: Lessons from the Living by
Rocks & Minerals of the United States: Quick Guide by Lynch, Dan R., Lynch, Bob
Roadside Geology of Utah by Chronic, Lucy, Williams, Felicie, Chronic, Halka
The Trilobite Book: A Visual Journey by Levi-Setti, Riccardo
Seismology by Milne, John
Fossil Dreams by Burns, Jasper
Basic Geology of the Santa Margarita Area: San Luis Obispo County, California by Hart, Earl W.
Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: The Once and Future Delta by
Pastas Ceramicas En Lupa Digital: Componentes, Textura y Tecnologia by Chavez, Lisenia, Druc, Isabelle C.
The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology by
Rock Engineering Design: Properties and Applications of Sound Level by Vardhan, Harsha, Kumar Bayar, Rajesh
H2karst Research in Limestone Hydrogeology by
Tool Use in Animals: Cognition and Ecology by
Cambrian Ocean World: Ancient Sea Life of North America by Meyer, David L., Foster, John
Charles Lyell and Modern Geology by Bonney, T. G.
Lake Kivu: Limnology and Biogeochemistry of a Tropical Great Lake by
Geostatistics Oslo 2012 by
Taking the Back Off the Watch: A Personal Memoir by Gold, Thomas
Evolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing III: Long-Time Behavior of Evolution Inclusions Solutions in Earth Data Anal by Zgurovsky, Mikhail Z., Kasyanov, Pavlo O., Kapustyan, Oleksiy V.
Thanatia: The Destiny of the Earth's Mineral Resources - A Thermodynamic Cradle-To-Cradle Assessment by Valero Capilla, Antonio, Valero Capilla, Alicia
The Geology of Egypt: A Traveler's Handbook (Revised Edition) by Sampsell, Bonnie M.
Roadside Geology of Colorado by Williams, Felicie, Chronic, Halka
Hydrologische Modellierung ̶ Ein Einstieg Mithilfe Von Excel by Eckhardt, Klaus
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