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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2015

Gold! Gold!: A Beginners Handbook: How to Prospect for Gold by Petralia, Joseph
Portable Digital Microscope: Atlas of Ceramic Pastes - Components, Texture and Technology by Druc, Isabelle C.
Handbook of Earthquake Engineering by
Dynamics of Climate Change and Water Resources of Northwestern Himalaya by
Fracking - Die Neue Produktionsgeografie by Habrich-Böcker, Christiane, Kirchner, Beate Charlotte, Weißenberg, Peter
Gibt es Lockerbraunerden im Nordschwarzwald? by Behnke, Christoph
Significant Progress in Geophysical Research by
Metasomatose im Erdmantel. Petrographie von Südafrikanischen MARID-Xenolithen by Aventurin, Amalia
Ohio Rocks by Dickas, Albert J.
In the Path of Destruction: Eyewitness Chronicles of Mount St. Helens by Waitt, Richard
Handbook of Clay Minerals by
Lessons on Soil by Russell, E. J.
Warm-Temperate Deciduous Forests Around the Northern Hemisphere by
The Coral Reef Era: From Discovery to Decline: A History of Scientific Investigation from 1600 to the Anthropocene Epoch by Bowen, James
The Cassini-Huygens Visit to Saturn: An Historic Mission to the Ringed Planet by Meltzer, Michael
Petrology: Innovative Approaches and Applications by
Geology and Mineral Resources of the Gasquet Quadrangle of California-Oregon by Interior, Us Department of
Geoscience: New Advancements by
Encyclopedia of Seismic Waves by
Integrated Approach to Sedimentary Basin Formation by
Wetlands and Water Framework Directive: Protection, Management and Climate Change by
Nuclear Geophysics: Applications in Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Science by Ferronsky, V. I.
Thermal Convection, Magnetic Field, and Differential Rotation in Solar-Type Stars by Hotta, Hideyuki
Earthquake Engineering by
From Geoheritage to Geoparks: Case Studies from Africa and Beyond by
Chemical Fundamentals of Geology and Environmental Geoscience by Gill, Robin
Mining and Quarrying in the Ancient Andes: Sociopolitical, Economic, and Symbolic Dimensions by
Ecological Systems: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology by
Towards Understanding the Climate of Venus: Applications of Terrestrial Models to Our Sister Planet by
Constructal Law and the Unifying Principle of Design by
Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology by
The Hatfield Lunar Atlas: Digitally Re-Mastered Edition by Cook, Anthony
The Truth Behind a Diamond Star by Armbrester, Vivian
Modern Hydrology: Volume I by
Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin by
Uranium Deposits of the World: Asia by Dahlkamp, Franz J.
Clean: CO2 Large-Scale Enhanced Gas Recovery in the Altmark Natural Gas Field - Geotechnologien Science Report No. 19 by
Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: Taiga Concept by
Uranium Deposits of the World: USA and Latin America by Dahlkamp, Franz J.
Building Earth Observation Cameras by Joseph, George
Recent Developments in Volcanology by
Confessions of a Time Traveler: The essays, articles and artwork of a deep time junkie by Raham, R. Gary
Hydrogeologische Gelände- Und Kartiermethoden by Coldewey, Wilhelm G., Göbel, Patricia
Modern Technologies for Landslide Monitoring and Prediction by
Foot Steps of the Ancient Great Glacier of North America: A Long Lost Document of a Revolution in 19th Century Geological Theory by Borns Jr, Harold W., Maasch, Kirk Allen
Quantitative Biochronology: A Graph Theoretical Approach by Guex, Jean
The Economic Geology of Iran: Mineral Deposits and Natural Resources by Ghorbani, Mansour
African Ecology and Human Evolution by
Flow in Porous Rocks: Energy and Environmental Applications by Woods, Andrew W.
Essentials of Geophysics: Volume I by
Essentials of Geophysics: Volume II by
Essentials of Geophysics: Volume III by
Applications of Remote Sensing by
Megaquake: How Japan and the World Should Respond by Takashima, Tetsuo
Advanced and Applied Geophysics by
Waves and Rays in Elastic Continua (3rd Edition) by Slawinski, Michael A.
Ingenieurgeologie: Grundlagen Und Anwendung by Genske, Dieter D.
Human Trinity: An Examination of Body, Soul and Spirit by Alexander, Don
Shale Gas and Fracking: The Science Behind the Controversy by
Geoscience Handbook by
Handbook of Geochemistry by
Layered Deposits: Stratigraphic Studies by
Mineral Commodity Summaries 2015 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Geomorphology and Environment: Analysis and Applications by
Malerische Länder- und Völkerkunde by Zimmermann, W. F. a.
Mercury's Interior, Surface, and Surrounding Environment: Latest Discoveries by Clark, Pamela Elizabeth
Hydraulic Fracturing: Volume III by
Hydraulic Fracturing: Volume I by
Hydraulic Fracturing: Volume II by
How to Do Your Dissertation in Geography and Related Disciplines by Parsons, Tony, Knight, Peter G.
Armchair Geology by Priestley Ma Msc, John
Environmental Management of River Basin Ecosystems by
Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean: 2011-2012 by
Multiscale Seismic Tomography by Zhao, Dapeng
Essential Concepts in Sediment Transport Processes by
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Research and Analysis: Volume II (Analytical Studies) by
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Research and Analysis: Volume III (Overview) by
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Research and Analysis: Volume IV (Seismological Advances) by
Formation of the Solar System: A New Theory of the Creation and Decay of the Celestial Bodies by Ferronsky, S. V., Ferronsky, V. I.
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Research and Analysis: Volume I (Seismology and Geology) by
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Research and Analysis: Volume V (Seismological Developments) by
Evolution of the Igneous Rocks: Fiftieth Anniversary Perspectives by Jr.
Geology of the Moon: A Stratigraphic View by Mutch, Thomas A.
Viscosity of the Earth's Mantle by Cathles, Lawrence M.
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) in the Permo-Carboniferous: From Icehouse to Greenhouse by Horan, Kate
Topical Themes in Energy and Resources: A Cross-Disciplinary Education and Training Program for Environmental Leaders by
Deciphering Mineralogy by
Analysis and Theories in Geosciences by
Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science by Rinner, Claus, Malczewski, Jacek
Der Freiberger Bergbau: Technische Denkmale Und Geschichte by
Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary by
Hydrogeology: A Global Scenario by
Recherches Sur Les Ossemens Fossiles Des Quadrupèdes 4 Volume Set by Cuvier, Georges
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des quadrupèdes - Volume 1 by Cuvier, Georges
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des quadrupèdes - Volume 2 by Cuvier, Georges
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des quadrupèdes - Volume 3 by Cuvier, Georges
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des quadrupèdes - Volume 4 by Cuvier, Georges
Deposition of the Sedimentary Rocks by Marr, J. E.
Charles Lyell and Modern Geology by Bonney, Thomas George
The Living Origin of Rocks and Minerals by Cloos, Walther
Concepts and Principles of Geochemistry by
Earthquake Research: Issues and Developments by
Volcanic Lakes by
Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands by Darwin, Charles
Ring of Fire: An Encyclopedia of the Pacific Rim's Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes by Hinga, Bethany
Evapotranspiration Over Heterogeneous Vegetated Surfaces: Models and Applications by Yang, Yuting
The Vascular Flora of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise (Central Italy): An Annotated Checklist by Conti, Fabio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio
Helium: The Disappearing Element by Bo Sears Jr, Wheeler M.
Neogene Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy of Argentina: The Chaco-Paranense Basin and the Península de Valdés by Marengo, Hugo
Risk Assessment of Storms in Coastal Zones: Case Studies from Cartagena (Colombia) and Cadiz (Spain) by Anfuso, Giorgio, Rangel-Buitrago, Nelson
Coral Reefs by Darwin, Charles
Etna by Rodwell, G. F.
Volcanoes: Past and Present by Hull, Edward
Arming the Confederacy: How Virginia's Minerals Forged the Rebel War Machine by Whisonant, Robert C.
Histoire d'un ruisseau by Reclus, Élisée
Active Volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón and Tacaná by
Opengeosys-Tutorial: Computational Hydrology I: Groundwater Flow Modeling by Sachse, Agnes, Rink, Karsten, He, Wenkui
Current Progress in Tectonics by
Geology of the Nepal Himalaya: Regional Perspective of the Classic Collided Orogen by Dhital, Megh Raj
Volcanism and Global Environmental Change by
Karst Aquifers - Characterization and Engineering by
Advanced Geological Researches by
The Lost History of the New Madrid Earthquakes by Valencius, Conevery Bolton
Landscapes and Landforms of South Africa by
Properties and Processes of Crustal Fault Zones, Volume 1 by
Macro-Economics of Mineral and Water Resources by Chatterjee, Kaulir Kisor
The China Continental Scientific Drilling Project: Ccsd-1 Well Drilling Engineering and Construction by Zhang, Xiaoxi, Wang, Da, Zhang, Wei
Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil by
Tsunami Science: Ten Years After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Volume I by
Landforms of the World with Google Earth: Understanding Our Environment by May, Simon M., Kelletat, Dieter H., Scheffers, Anja M.
Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 15th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium by
Granites C by Nedelec, Bouchez
Studies of Historical Earthquakes in Southern Poland: Outer Western Carpathian Earthquake of December 3, 1786, and First Macroseismic Maps in 1858-190 by
Icipeg 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences by
National Geographic Pocket Guide to Trees and Shrubs of North America by Crowder, Bland
Touring the Springs of Florida by Watson, Melissa
Human - Wildlife Conflicts in Europe: Fisheries and Fish-Eating Vertebrates as a Model Case by
Studien über Vulkane und Erdbeben by Schmidt, Julius
Soils by Schaetzl, Randall, Thompson, Michael
Advances in Geophysics: Volume 56 by
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy (Icam) by
Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia by
Glaciation and Speleogenesis: Interpretations from the Northeastern United States by Cooper, Max P., Mylroie, John E.
Survival and Sacrifice in Mars Exploration: What We Know from Polar Expeditions by Seedhouse, Erik
The Gold Placers of Parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska by Department of the Interior
Worlds End Worlds Start by Bateman, John
Worlds End Worlds Start by Bateman, John
On a Sustainable Future of the Earth's Natural Resources by
Henbury Craters and Meteorites: Their Discovery, History and Study by Buhl, Svend, McColl, Don
Some Aspects of the Formation of the Solar System by Anfilogov, Vsevolod N., Khachay, Yurij V.
Bioprospects of Coastal Eubacteria: Ecosystems of Goa by
Sustainable Development of Sea-Corridors and Coastal Waters: The Ten Ecoport Project in South East Europe by
Rocks & Minerals of Wisconsin, Illinois & Iowa: A Field Guide to the Badger, Prairie & Hawkeye States by Lynch, Bob, Lynch, Dan R.
Origin and Formation of Coastal Boulder Deposits at Galway Bay and the Aran Islands, Western Ireland by Scheffers, Anja, Erdmann, Wibke, Kelletat, Dieter
Conflict Resolution in Water Resources and Environmental Management by
Große Vulkanereignisse im Holozän. Erfassung, Datierung, Beispiele und Auswirkungen by Stecher, Jonas
Illustrations of the Viscous Theory of Glacier Motion by Forbes, James D., Tyndall, John
Governance in Transition by
Human Intelligence Gone Ape: 2015 Re-Print of a 1980s Classic by Greenberger, Josh
Adaptation to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: The Case Study of Coastal Communities in New Brunswick, Canada by Weissenberger, Sebastian, Chouinard, Omer
Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources by
The Red Sea: The Formation, Morphology, Oceanography and Environment of a Young Ocean Basin by
Biodiversity and Earth History by Wodniok, Sabina, Glücksman, Edvard, Boenigk, Jens
Sand and Gravel Spits by
Circle It, National Parks in Arizona Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book by Lowry Global Media LLC, Schumacher, Maria
Fault Lines: Earthquakes and Urbanism in Modern Italy by Parrinello, Giacomo
Pyrite: A Natural History of Fool's Gold by Rickard, David
Plate Tectonics: A Very Short Introduction by Molnar, Peter
Vesuvius by Darley, Gillian
The Caves of Burnsville Cove, Virginia: Fifty Years of Exploration and Science by
Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessments: Nitrogen, Acidity and Metals in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems by
Impact Craters in South America by Ponce, Juan Federico, Acevedo, Rogelio Daniel, Rocca, Maximiliano C. L.
Die Rohstoff-Expedition: Entdecke, Was in (D)Einem Handy Steckt by Nordmann, Julia, Welfens, Maria J., Fischer, Daniel
The Soils of Taiwan by Hseu, Zeng-Yei, Tsai, Chen-Chi, Chen, Zueng-Sang
The Great American Biotic Interchange: A South American Perspective by Gasparini, Germán Mariano, Soibelzon, Esteban, Cione, Alberto Luis
7.8 magnitude Earthquake in Nepal: Walking of Disaster on Himalaya: Nepal Earthquake by Pathak, Hemant
Sediment Matters by
The Earth's Heterogeneous Mantle: A Geophysical, Geodynamical, and Geochemical Perspective by
Elements of Crustal Geomechanics by Cornet, François Henri
Cruising Through Geologic Time in the San Juan Islands by Easterbrook, Don J.
The Genesis of the Ores of Tonopah Nevada by Geological Survey, Us Department of
Thermo-Physical Properties of Rocks: Special Reference to Deccan Trap Basalts by Sharma, S. R.
Natural and Engineered Clay Barriers: Volume 6 by
British and Foreign Building Stones by Watson, John
Discovering the Deep: A Photographic Atlas of the Seafloor and Ocean Crust by Fornari, Daniel J., Karson, Jeffrey A., Kelley, Deborah S.
Ground Improvement Case Histories: Chemical, Electrokinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering by Rujikiatkamjorn, Cholachat, Indraratna, Buddhima, Chu, Jian
Dictionary of Minor Planet Names: Addendum to 6th Edition: 2012-2014 by Schmadel, Lutz D.
Application of the Swat Model for Water Components Separation in Iran by Hosseini, Majid, Ashraf, Muhammad Aqeel
Advances in Hydrogeology by
Lunar Domes: Properties and Formation Processes by Lena, Raffaello, Wöhler, Christian, Phillips, Jim
The White River Badlands: Geology and Paleontology by Evanoff, Emmett, Benton, Rachel C., Terry, Dennis O.
Ground Improvement Case Histories: Embankments with Special Reference to Consolidation and Other Physical Methods by Rujikiatkamjorn, Cholachat, Indraratna, Buddhima, Chu, Jian
Fossil Matter in the Geosphere by Schwarzbauer, Jan, Jovančicevic, Branimir
Beauty from the Beast: Plate Tectonics and the Landscapes of the Pacific Northwest by Lillie, Robert J.
If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... Where Is Everybody?: Seventy-Five Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life by Webb, Stephen
Geology Underfoot in Western Washington by Tucker, Dave
Layered Intrusions by
Rockhounding Delaware, Maryland, and the Washington, DC Metro Area by Beard, Robert
Properties and Processes of Crustal Fault Zones, Volume II by
Naturschutzfachliche Aufwertung von Unternehmensarealen. Konzept zur Integration lokaler Naturschutzziele by Klar, Henrik
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