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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2017

Gesammelte kleine Schriften allgemeinen Inhalts: aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaft nebst einer autobiographischen Skizze by Rütimeyer, Ludwig
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja California, 2nd Ed. by Minch, John, Minch, Jason
Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet: Vierter Band by Martini, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm, Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymus
Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet: Zweiter Band by Martini, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm, Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymus
Essentials of Geology by Tasa, Dennis, Lutgens, Frederick, Tarbuck, Edward
New Perspectives on Mineral Nucleation and Growth: From Solution Precursors to Solid Materials by
Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering: Volume 3 by
Niagara Falls: Survivor of the Ice Age: The Natural History of the Niagara River and its Gorge by Young, Paul a.
Advances in Geocomputation: Geocomputation 2015--The 13th International Conference by
Rock & Mineral Coloring & Activity Book by Diane, Tracy
Minerals by Wenk, Hans-Rudolf, Bulakh, Andrey
Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction by Igel, Heiner
Über die pflanzen- und kohlenführenden Schichten: In Indien (beziehungsw. Asien), Afrika und Australien und darin vorkommende glaciale Erscheinungen by Feistmantel, Ottokar
Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction by Igel, Heiner
Versuch einer vollständigen Conchylienkenntnis nach Linnes System: Erstes Buch by Schreibers, Karl
Formation Processes of Maritime Archaeological Landscapes by
Morphodynamics of Mediterranean Mixed Sand and Gravel Coasts by Bergillos, Rafael J., López-Ruiz, Alejandro, Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel
Earth History and Palaeogeography by Torsvik, Trond H., Cocks, L. Robin M.
Late Cenozoic of Península Valdés, Patagonia, Argentina: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
The Origin of Rocks and Mineral Deposit: using current physical chemistry of small particle systems by Elliston, John
Tiefgreifende Hangdeformationen Der Alpen: Erscheinungsformen - Kinematik - Maßnahmen by Amann, Florian, Meier, Jörg, Moser, Michael
Geologisches Wörterbuch by Murawski, Hans, Meyer, Wilhelm
The Ancient Nasca World: New Insights from Science and Archaeology by
Soil Mechanics: Calculations, Principles, and Methods by Kaliakin, Victor
Handbuch der Hygiene und der Gewerbekrankheiten: Erster Teil: individuelle Hygiene by Ziemssen, H., Pettenkofer, Max Von
Handbuch der Hygiene und der Gewerbekrankheiten: 2. Teil: Soziale Hygiene by Ziemssen, H., Pettenkofer, Max Von
Handbuch der Hygiene- und der Gewerbekrankheiten by Ziemssen, H., Pettenkofer, Max Von
Geomorphology and Volcanology of Costa Rica by Bergoeing, Jean Pierre
Observations Géologiques sur les îles volcaniques (1844) by Darwin, Charles
Icipeg 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences by
Mathematics: a Simple Tool for Geologists by Waltham
Geographical Models with Mathematica by Dauphine, Andre
Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation by
Geology and the Hawaiian Islands: Lessons in Earth Science - a Biblical View by Nurre, Patrick
Underlands: A Journey Through Britain's Lost Landscape by Nield, Ted
Salt Tectonics by Jackson, Martin P. a., Hudec, Michael R.
Shaping the Sonoma-Mendocino Coast: Exploring the Coastal Geology of Northern California by Cochrane, Thomas E.
Marine Fog: Challenges and Advancements in Observations, Modeling, and Forecasting by
A Brief Treatise on Geology; Or Facts and Suggestions, and Inductions in that Science by Delvinus, Biblicus
Fundamentals of Estuarine Physical Oceanography by Andutta, Fernando Pinheiro, Kjerfve, Björn, Bruner De Miranda, Luiz
Die ältesten Spuren des Menschen in Europa by Müller, Albrecht
Die Denudation in der Wüste und ihre geologische Bedeutung: Untersuchungen über die Bildung der Sedimente in den Ägyptischen Wüsten by Walther, Johannes
Allgemeine Meereskunde by Walther, Johannes
Understanding the Bouguer Anomaly: A Gravimetry Puzzle by Pasteka, Roman, Mikuska, Jan, Meurers, Bruno
Hydrogeology of a Large Oil-And-Gas Basin in Central Patagonia: San Jorge Gulf Basin, Argentina by González, Nilda, Hernández, Lisandro, Hernández, Mario Alberto
Archiv für Landes- und Volkskunde der Provinz Sachsen: Nebst angrenzenden Landesteilen by Kirchoff, Alfred
The Continental Drift Controversy: Wegener and the Early Debate by Frankel, Henry R.
Mitteilungen über den Kalkspat von Elsass-Lothringen by Stöber, Franz
Shale Analytics: Data-Driven Analytics in Unconventional Resources by Mohaghegh, Shahab D.
Introduction to Astrochemistry: Chemical Evolution from Interstellar Clouds to Star and Planet Formation by Yamamoto, Satoshi
Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies by
Geologischer Führer durch Mecklenburg by Geinitz, Eugen
Características Petrológicas y Geoquímicas de los Intrusivos Relacionados a la Mineralización y Paragénesis del Skarn tipo IOCG en la Zona Minera de L by Dorantes Castro, Cynthia
Oregon's Island in the Sky: Geology Road Guide to Marys Peak by Lillie, Robert J.
Volcanoes of Europe by Tanguy, Jean-Claude, Jerram, Dougal, Scarth, Alwyn
Adventures in Earth Science by Scott, Peter T.
Planktic Foraminifers in the Modern Ocean by Schiebel, Ralf, Hemleben, Christoph
Der obere Jura im nordwestlichen Deutschland: von der oberen Grenze der Ornatenschichten bis zur Wealdbildung. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner by Brauns, David
Beiträge zur Geographie des mittleren Deutschland by Ratzel, Friedrich
Thessalien und Epirus by Philippson, Alfred
Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien: und darauf gegründete Studien by Martin, Karl
Bericht über eine Reise nach Nederländisch Westindien: und darauf gegründete Studien by Martin, Karl
Marion Belanger: Rift/Fault by
Ecology of Meromictic Lakes by
Shale Gas: Ecology, Politics, Economy by
Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem by
Sea Ice by
Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes by
Mineral reaction kinetics: Microstructures, textures, chemical and isotopic signatures by
Geologischer Wegweiser durch das Dresdner Elbthalgebiet: Zwischen Meissen und Tetschen by Beck, Richard
Metals, Energy and Sustainability: The Story of Doctor Copper and King Coal by Golding, Barry, Golding, Suzanne D.
Eruption: The Untold Story of Mount St. Helens by Olson, Steve
Sketch-Book of Popular Geology by Miller, Hugh, Myrtle, Harriet
Geostatistics Valencia 2016 by
Petroleum Production Engineering by Liu, Xinghui, Tan, Xuehao, Guo, Boyun
Beiträge zur Landeskunde der Troas by Virchow, Rudolf
Geology for General Readers: A Series of Popular Sketches in Geology and Palaeontology by Page, David
An American Geological Railway Guide by MacFarlane, James
Archiv für Landes- und Volkskunde der Provinz Sachsen: nebst angrenzenden Landesteilen. 16. Jahrgang 1906 by Kirchoff, Alfred
Roadside Geology of Nevada by Decourten, Frank, Biggar, Norma
Economics of the International Coal Trade: Why Coal Continues to Power the World by Schernikau, Lars
Opengeosys Tutorial: Computational Hydrology II: Groundwater Quality Modeling by Sachse, Agnes, Nixdorf, Erik, Jang, Eunseon
Handbuch der Hygiene und der Gewerbekrankheiten: 3. Teil by Pettenkofer, Max Von, Ziemssen, H.
Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien: und darauf gegründete Studien by Martin, Karl
Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien: und darauf gegründete Studien. Zweiter Teil. Geologie by Martin, Karl
25th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society, March 27-30, 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany by
The Indian Mesozoic Chronicle: Sequence Stratigraphic Approach by Krishna, Jai
The Horned Dinosaurs: A Natural History by Dodson, Peter
Chesapeake Invader: Discovering America's Giant Meteorite Crater by Poag, C. Wylie
The Horned Dinosaurs: A Natural History by Dodson, Peter
Chesapeake Invader: Discovering America's Giant Meteorite Crater by Poag, C. Wylie
Life in Ancient Ice by
The Past and Present Life of the Globe: Being a Sketch in Outline of the World's Lifesystem by Page, David
Global Chemical Kinetics of Fossil Fuels: How to Model Maturation and Pyrolysis by Burnham, Alan K.
Atlas of Trace Fossils in Well Core: Appearance, Taxonomy and Interpretation by Knaust, Dirk
Visually Observing Comets by Seargent, David A. J.
The Control Theory and Application for Well Pattern Optimization of Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs by Sun, Jing, Liu, Dehua
Silica Stories by De La Rocha, Christina, Conley, Daniel J.
Soil Reinforcement for Anchor Plates and Uplift Response by Niroumand, Hamed
Lehrbuch der Geophysik und physikalischen Geographie: I. Band by Günther, Siegmund
The Apollo Lunar Samples: Collection Analysis and Results by Young, Anthony
Impact of Tectonic Activity on Ancient Civilizations: Recurrent Shakeups, Tenacity, Resilience, and Change by Force, Eric R.
Catalogue of Violent and Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines by Maso, Miguel Saderra
Convection in Porous Media by Nield, Donald A., Bejan, Adrian
The World's Lumber Room: A Gossip About Some of it's Contents by Gaye, Selina
The World's Foundations or Geology for Beginners: Second Edition by Giberne, Agnes
The Geology of Ontario: with special reference to economic minerals by Bell, Robert
Microscopical Physiography of the Rock-Making Minerals by Rosenbusch, Harry
Petrology for Students: An Introduction to the Study of Rocks under the Microscope. Second Edition by Harker, Alfred
Weird Dinosaurs: The Strange New Fossils Challenging Everything We Thought We Knew by Pickrell, John
Petrology for Students: An Introduction to the Study of Rocks under the Microscope by Harker, Alfred
Field Hydrogeology: A Guide for Site Investigations and Report Preparation, Second Edition by Moore, John E.
Fundamentals of Glacier Dynamics by Van Der Veen, C. J.
Mechanics of Groundwater in Porous Media by Haque, Muhammad I.
Dynamics and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in the Rootzone by
Geoinformatics in Applied Geomorphology by
The climates of the geological past and their relation to the evolution of the sun by DuBois, Eugène
The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania: Showing where petroleum is found, how it is obtained, and at what cost by Wright, William
Fossils- Life in the Rocks by Scott, Peter T.
Forgotten Caves of Bisbee, Arizona: A Review of the History and Genesis of These Unique Features by Graeme, Richard Wiliam, IV, Graeme, Douglas L., Graeme, Richard William, III
Artesian Wells as a Means of Water Supply: Including an Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present... by Cox, Walter Gibbons
Deep-Sea Mining: Resource Potential, Technical and Environmental Considerations by
Non-Hydrostatic Free Surface Flows by Castro-Orgaz, Oscar, Hager, Willi H.
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs: The Ultimate Reference to 355 Dinosaurs from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods, Including More by Dixon, Dougal
Integrated Reservoir Studies for Co2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration: Application to an Indian Mature Oil Field by Ganguli, Shib Sankar
Triassic moon by Bhuiyan, Shahnewaz
The Root Cause for almost all Evils!: (The Strange Things that People Say and Do to Get more Money!) by Revolution!, Worldwide People's
New England Rocks: Historic Geological Wonders by Conway
New England Rocks: Historic Geological Wonders by Conway, J. North, Vieira, Michael J.
Electromagnetic Seabed Logging: A New Tool for Geoscientists by Sainson, Stéphane
Cenozoic Volcanism in the Tyrrhenian Sea Region by Peccerillo, Angelo
An Introduction to Seismology by
The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania by Wright, William
The Earth's Inner Core by Tkalčic, Hrvoje
Plate Tectonics: A Comprehensive Introduction by
The Continental Drift Controversy 4 Volume Paperback Set by Frankel, Henry R.
The Bala Volcanic Series of Caernarvonshire and Associated Rocks: Being the Sedgwick Prize Essay for 1888 by Harker, Alfred
A Contribution to the Geology of the Pre-Cambrian Igneous Rocks: of the Fox River Valley, Wisconsin by Weidman, Samuel
Principles of Sedimentology by
Mount Lyell Mines, Tasmania by Russell, MacNamara
Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales: Illustrated by References to other Provinces of Australasia by Clarke, W. B.
Las pinturas rupestres y el papel de la mujer en la Prehistoria: Original ensayo y poemario con motivo del centenario del descubrimiento de las pintur by Pitarch, Pilar Belles
Geostatistical Methods for Reservoir Geophysics by Azevedo, Leonardo, Soares, Amílcar
The Mineralogy of Nova Scotia: A report to the provincial government by How, Henry
Pre-Carboniferous Evolution of the San Rafael Block, Argentina: Implications in the Gondwana Margin by
Einführung in Die Angewandte Mineralogie by Göbbels, Matthias, Götze, Jens
Kappa Distributions: Theory and Applications in Plasmas by Livadiotis, George
A Dangerous Planet: Volcanoes and Earthquakes by Scott, Peter T.
Geology of the Counties of England and of North and South Wales by Harrison, William Jerome
Cosmic Debris: What It Is and What We Can Do about It by Powell, Jonathan
The Elements of Power: Gadgets, Guns, and the Struggle for a Sustainable Future in the Rare Metal Age by Abraham, David S.
Dictionary of Geology & Mineralogy: Comprising Such Terms in Natural History as are Connected With... Third Edition by Humble, William
Mineral Resource Estimation by Rossi, Mario E., Deutsch, Clayton V.
The Archaean: Geological and Geochemical Windows Into the Early Earth by Glikson, Andrew Y.
The Andes: Active Subduction Orogeny by
Reading the Archive of Earth's Oxygenation: Volume 1: The Palaeoproterozoic of Fennoscandia as Context for the Fennoscandian Arctic Russia - Drilling by
Beautiful Bouquet Grayscale Coloring Book for Adults: Flower Bouquet Grayscale Coloring Book by Flower Bouquet Grayscale Coloring Book, V. Art
Teide Volcano: Geology and Eruptions of a Highly Differentiated Oceanic Stratovolcano by
Uranium, Mining and Hydrogeology by
Deformation Microstructures in Rocks by Mukherjee, Soumyajit
The Ores of Leadville and Their Modes of Occurrence: As illustrated in the Morning and Evening star mines, with a chapter on the methods of their extr by Ricketts, Louis D.
The Science of Brickmaking: With some account of the structure and physical properties of bricks by Harris, George F.
Riches from the Earth: Minerals and Energy by Scott, Peter T.
The Beauty of the Palouse: A geologic and poetic story by Fourth Grade Crew, Palouse Prairie Chart
Oil and Gas Exploration in Cuba: Geological-Structural Cartography Using Potential Fields and Airborne Gamma Spectrometry by Cobiella Reguera, Jorge Luis, Pardo Echarte, Manuel Enrique
Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security: Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks by
Infrared Spectra of Mineral Species: Extended Library by Chukanov, Nikita V.
Quantitative Plate Tectonics: Physics of the Earth - Plate Kinematics - Geodynamics by Schettino, Antonio
Reading the Archive of Earth's Oxygenation: Volume 2: The Core Archive of the Fennoscandian Arctic Russia - Drilling Early Earth Project by
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering-Invited Lectures by
Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins: The Central European Basin System by
Advances in Geocomputing by Xing, Huilin
Principles of Radiometric Dating by Gopalan, Kunchithapadam
Fossil Horses of South America: Phylogeny, Systemics and Ecology by Prado, José Luis, Alberdi, María Teresa
Geological Atlas of Africa: With Notes on Stratigraphy, Tectonics, Economic Geology, Geohazards, Geosites and Geoscientific Education of Each Country by Schlüter, Thomas
The Soils of Serbia by Pavlovic, Pavle, Kostic, Nikola, Karadzic, Branko
Mine Planning and Equipment Selection: Proceedings of the 22nd Mpes Conference, Dresden, Germany, 14th - 19th October 2013 by
Geohazard-Associated Geounits: Atlas and Glossary by Rivard, L. a.
Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington: Volume VII by Washington, Philosophical Society of
Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington: Volume III by Washington, Philosophical Society of
Integrative Study of the Mean Sea Level and Its Components by
Geological Survey of Hokkaido: Report of Progress of the Yesso Geological Surveys for 1875 and Seven Coal Survey Reports by Lyman, Benjamin Smith
Report on the Cahaba Coal Field by Smith, Eugene Allen, Squire, Joseph
Almost Human: The Astonishing Tale of Homo Naledi and the Discovery That Changed Our Human Story by Berger, Lee
Fossil Identification Field Guide by Nurre, Patrick
Modeling Coastal Hypoxia: Numerical Simulations of Patterns, Controls and Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics by
Essentials of Geology by
Rocks: Building the Earth by Scott, Peter T.
Rockhounding Virginia by Beard, Robert
An Introduction to Topography by
Changing the Surface: Erosion and Landscapes by Scott, Peter T.
The Puzzle of Life; and How it Has Been Put Together: A Short History of the Formation of the Earth, with its Vegetable and... by Nicols, Arthur
Exploration Science: Field Geology and Mapping by Scott, Peter T.
Meso-Scale Shear Physics in Earthquake and Landslide Mechanics by
Microporous and Other Framework Materials with Zeolite-Type Structures: Zeolite-Type Crystal Structures and Their Chemistry. 25 New Framework Type Cod by
GIS Landslide by
Mining Natures Treasures with Jim and Dave: The Pocket by Mellos, Jim
Landslides in Sensitive Clays: From Research to Implementation by
Genesis of Diamonds and Associated Phases by Litvin, Yuriy A.
Der Jura in den Alpen der Ost-Schwiez by Mösch, Casimir
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