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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2018

Wine and Place: A Terroir Reader by
The Story of the Earth in 25 Rocks: Tales of Important Geological Puzzles and the People Who Solved Them by Prothero, Donald R.
The Periglacial Environment by French, Hugh M.
Romance of Geology by Mills, Enos A.
Los eslabones perdidos de la evolución, por fin ante nuestros ojos.: Y otras cuestiones incómodas. by Sánchez Hernández, Bárbara
Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, 20 Years: Two Decades of Research and Experimentation on Claystones for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste by
What color were Prehistoric Sharks and Rays? by Fredericks, Mike, Ford, Tracy Lee
Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning by
Heilsteine für Anfänger: Entdecken Sie die Kraft der Edelsteine. Anwendung und Wirkung verstehen. Inklusive detaillierter Übersicht der bekannt by Menderez, Paula
A Photographic Atlas of Flood Basalt Volcanism by Sheth, Hetu
The Late Holocene Geomorphic History of Montezuma Canyon, Southeastern Utah, and the Puebloan Agricultural Landscape by Force, Eric R., Howell, Wayne K.
Rare Earth Frontiers: From Terrestrial Subsoils to Lunar Landscapes by Klinger, Julie M.
Rare Earth Frontiers: From Terrestrial Subsoils to Lunar Landscapes by Klinger, Julie M.
Groundwater: Select Proceedings of Icwees-2016 by
Geology of the Florida Keys by Shinn, Eugene A., Lidz, Barbara H.
Periglacial Geomorphology by Ballantyne, Colin K.
Sophie's Cave (Germany) - a Late Pleistocene Cave Bear Den by G. Diedrich, Cajus
Tsunami Propagation in Tidal Rivers by Tolkova, Elena
Evolution of South American Mammalian Predators During the Cenozoic: Paleobiogeographic and Paleoenvironmental Contingencies by Prevosti, Francisco J., Forasiepi, Analía M.
Volcanic Landscapes and Associated Wetlands of Lowland Patagonia by
Organic Pollutants in the Geosphere by Schwarzbauer, Jan, Jovančicevic, Branimir
Imaging the Rupture Processes of Earthquakes Using the Relative Back-Projection Method: Theory and Applications by Zhang, Hao
Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions by
Earth Science: A Study of the Wonders of Hashem's Physical World by Brody, Moshe
Dinosaurs, Birds, and Pterosaurs of Korea: A Paradise of Mesozoic Vertebrates by Kim, Jeong Yul, Huh, Min
Identification Guide to Florida Fossil Echinoids by Bowe, Debbie P., Evers, Anita Bowe
Hydrologic Modeling: Select Proceedings of Icwees-2016 by
Contributions to Mineralization by
High Resolution Palaeoclimatic Changes in Selected Sectors of the Indian Himalaya by Using Speleothems: Past Climatic Changes Using Cave Structures by Singh, Anoop Kumar
Barrier Dynamics and Response to Changing Climate by
Gletscher Im Wandel: 125 Jahre Gletschermessdienst Des Alpenvereins by Fischer, Andrea, Patzelt, Gernot, Achrainer, Martin
Ecological Responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 Years After the 1980 Eruption by
The Hydraulic Transport and Storage of Extractive Waste: Guidelines to European Practice by
Archean-Mesoproterozoic Crustal Evolution and Crust-Mantle Geodynamics of Western Liaoning-Northeastern Hebei Provinces, North China Craton by Wang, Wei
Use of Extraterrestrial Resources for Human Space Missions to Moon or Mars by Rapp, Donald
Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning by
Principles of Elemental Chemostratigraphy: A Practical User Guide by Craigie, Neil
Monotonic, Cyclic and Postcyclic Shear Behavior of Low-Plasticity Silt by Wang, Shuying
Von Rubinen Und Implantaten: Aluminiumoxid Und Seine Vielfältige Welt by Arnold, Bozena
Town Geology by Kingsley, Charles
Geologic Field Trips in Northern Oregon and Southern Washington by Beaulieu, John D.
Handbook of Geological Terms and Geology by Page, David
The Melaphyres of Lower Silesia by Coleman, Arthur P.
Braunkohle. Entwicklung und Perspektiven by Engel, Amelie
The Complete Illustrated World Encyclopedia of Insects: A Natural History and Identification Guide to Beetles, Flies, Bees, Wasps, Mayflies, Dragonfli by Walters, Martin
Mining and Mineral Prospects in Northern Manitoba by Wallace, Robert Charles
Geography of Small Islands: Outposts of Globalisation by Ratter, Beate M. W.
Environmental Zeolites and Aqueous Media: Examples of practical solutions by Chmielewská, Eva
Die Faszinierende Geologie Von Islands Südwesten: Der Goldene Ring (Golden Circle) Und Andere Touren by Gudmundsson, Ágúst
Geology: For Teachers, Classes, And Private Schools by Tenney, Sanborn
Ground Water In The Meriden Area, Connecticut by
Radiogenic Isotope Geology by Dickin, Alan P.
The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Geochemical Processes: Surface, Crust, and Mantle by
Radiogenic Isotope Geology by Dickin, Alan P.
Proceedings Of The Bristol Naturalists' Society; Volume 10 by Society, Bristol Naturalists'
The Geology And Ore Deposits Of The Virgilina District Of Virginia And North Carolina, Issues 26-27 by Laney, Francis Baker
Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region: Deep Seismic Studies by Kumar, Prakash, Tewari, Harish C., Prasad, B. Rajendra
Stardust Final Conference: Advances in Asteroids and Space Debris Engineering and Science by
Evolution, Monitoring and Predicting Models of Rockburst: Precursor Information for Rock Failure by Wang, Chunlai
A Wilder Time: Notes from a Geologist at the Edge of the Greenland Ice by Glassley, William E.
The Clay Deposits of the Virginia Coastal Plain by Ries, Heinrich
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Republic Mining District ..., Issue 1 by Umpleby, Joseph Bertram
The Baraboo Iron-Bearing District of Wisconsin by Weidman, Samuel
Canada's Metals by Roberts-Austen, William Chandler
On the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Paleontology of California by White, Charles Abiathar
Bibliographia Zoologiæ Et Geologiæ: A General Catalogue of All Books, Tracts, and Memoirs On Zoology and Geology; Volume 1 by Agassiz, Louis
The Fluorspar Deposits of Southern Illinois, Issues 255-259 by Bain, Harry Foster
Geology of Southwest Gondwana by
General View of the Geology of Scripture: In Which the Unerring Truth of the Inspired Narrative of the Early Events in the World Is Exhibited, and Dis by Fairholme, George
Final Report On the Geology of Massachusetts; Volume 1 by Hitchcock, Edward
Report On the Mines of the Yilgarn Goldfield by Montgomery, Alexander
Contributions to Kentucky Geology: An Indexed Collection of All the Shorter Papers and Reports of the State Geologist Written During the Year 1919 On by Jillson, Willard Rouse
King Coal's Levee, Or, Geological Etiquette: With Explanatory Notes, to Which Is Added the Council of the Metals by Scafe, John
Two- and Three-Dimensional Flow of Groundwater by de Smedt, Florimond, Zijl, Wouter
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales; Volume 17 by
Canadian Pleistocene Flora and Fauna: Report of the Committee Consisting of Sir J.W. Dawson ... [et al.] by Dawson, John William
Annual Record of Science and Industry; Volume 4 by Baird, Spencer Fullerton
Researches Upon the Antiquity of Man at an Indian Stone Blade Quarry in the Delaware Valley, at a Mortuary Deposit of Indian Skeletons in Maryland, in by Cope, Cope, Mercer, Henry Chapman, Mercer, Cope
Performance of Experimental Corn Hybrids in Illinois, 1959 by Harrison, R. L., Williams, K. E., Jugenheimer, Robert W.
Lithostratigraphy of Sicily by Basilone, Luca
The Geology of the Country Around Cromer. (Explanation of Sheet 68 E. ) by Woodward, Horace B. 1848-1914, Reid, Clement
Opening Of The Lewis Brooks Museum At The University Of Virginia, June 27th, 1878: Address On Man's Age In The World; Volume 6 by Southall, James Powell Cocke
Stratigraphy and Paleolimnology of the Green River Formation, Western USA by
Broad Scale Coastal Simulation: New Techniques to Understand and Manage Shorelines in the Third Millennium by
Gravity: Geoscience Applications, Industrial Technology and Quantum Aspect by
Proceedings Of The American Philosophical Society; Volume 20 by Society, American Philosophical
Siluria: The History Of The Oldest Known Rocks Containing Organic Remains by Murchison, Roderick Impey
Impact Des Rejets Miniers Sur l'Environnement (Tome I) by Mseddi-H
Caracterisation Structurale Et Cinematique d''un Rift Sur Detachement by Flotte-N
Architecture structurale de la ceinture de gaspé (canada) by Beche-M
Méthodes géophysiques appliquées aux réservoirs d eau souterraine by Essahlaoui-A
Impact Du Climat Sur Les Ressources En Eau En Zone Soudano-Sahélienne by Malou-R
Etude de la Qualité Des Eaux de la Lagune Sud de Tunis by Abidi-M
Étude du comportement différé des sols et ouvrages géotechniques by Alhusein-M
Recharge Artificielle de la Nappe de la Mitidja by Meddi-M
Le Volcanisme Plio-Quaternaire de Saghro (Anti-Atlas, Maroc) by Ibhi-A
Optimisation Des Réseaux de Neurones Artificiels En Hydrologie by Koffi-Y
Effet de la Fracturation Sur La Rentabilité de Tir de Mines by Zorgani-A
Etude Géotechnique Des Sols Des Environs de Bukavu by Mushengezi-R
Les Indurations Du Recouvrement Du Gisement Tobène by Fall-B
Traitement de l'Acide Phosphorique Par La Flottation by Abdellah-G
Formation Et Évolution de l'Arc de Gibraltar by Negro-F
Substances Particulaires Et Solubles Dans Le Karst de la Noiraigue Ch by Gillmann-A
Géologie Du Quaternaire de la Péninsule de Tanger (Maroc) by Aboumaria-K
Déformation Et Mise En Place Des Granites Dans La Chaîne Varisque by Gebelin-A
Evolution Sedimentaire Des Canyons Et Chenaux Sous-Marins by Salles-T
Réservoirs Potentiels Du Trias-Lias Dans La Zone Ionienne Albanie by Muska-K
Processus Sédimentaires Et Activité de la Veine d''eau Méditerranéenne by Hanquiez-V
Techniques de Télédétection Et Systèmes d''information Géographique by Jourda-J
Le Mercure Dans Le Bassin Amazonien by Dutra Maia-P
La Mer Noire: Une Archive Paléo-Climatique by Lericolais-G
Les Mouvements de Versant de Type "glissements-Coulées" by Le Mignon-G
Couplage Des Etapes d''inversion Et de Changement d''echelle by Schaaf-T
Risque de Mouvement de Versant Sur Le Réseau Routier Marocain by Habib-A
La Coquille Des Huîtres: Une Archive Des Variations de l''environnement by Lartaud-F
Modélisation Du Site Géothermique de Soultz-Sous-Forèts, France by Audigane-P
Les Instabilités de Terrain by Collectif
À L Est D Aden by Fournier-M
Evolution Oligo-Miocène Des Marges Du Micro-Océan Liguro-Provençal by Bache-F
Modélisation Du Fonctionnement Thermo-Hydro-Isotopique de Plans d''eau by Danis-P
Étude Du Système Hydrothermal Du Volcan Rinjani by Barbier-B
Les Dernières Glaciations En Europe Du Nord-Ouest by Hatte-C
Le Tianshan, Un Puzzle de Continents Et d''océans Paléozoïques by Laurent-Charvet-S
Impacts de l'Élévation Du Niveau Marin Sur La Côte de Tétouan-Maroc by Niazi-S
Evolution Géodynamique Des Séries Jurassiques Du Bassin de Guercif by Nassili-M
Les Oxydes de Manganèse Comme Pigment Noir Au Paléolithique Supérieur by Chalmin-E
Déplacements Et Contraintes Créés Par Un Système de Failles by Ouyed-M
Contribution À l''étude de la Nappe Maastrichtienne Au Sénégal by Seck-M
Etude de la Limite Crétacé-Tertiaire À Erto (Pordenone, Italie Du Nord) by Comment-G
Modélisation 3D de l''arc Alpin by Vouillamoz-N
Impact Des Cimetières Sur La Qualité Des Eaux Souterraines by N'Vungu-F
Évolution Des Désordres Dans Les Carrières Souterraines Abandonnées by Moiriat-D
Morphodynamique Des Barkhanes: Étude Des Dunes Du Sud-Ouest Marocain by El Belrhiti-H
Caractérisation Géochimique de l''arc Du Kohistan (Nord Pakistan) by Dhuime-B
Incursion de Fluides Dans Une Zone de Cisaillement Ductile by Famin-V
Le Jurassique Moyen-Supérieur Du Rif Externe Et l'Avant Pays Oriental by Masrour-A
Changement Climatique, Risque D Inondation Et Villes Côtières by Lokonon-B
Mécanismes Chimiques Et Physiques d'Altération Des Roches by Dekayir-A
Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms for Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere by Chen, Zhi
Risk Assessment by
Hydrogéologie Des Aquifères Du Socle Précambrien de Côte d''ivoire by Kouame-K
Ressources En Eau Souterraine de Ouagadougou Qualite Et Vulnerablite by Ouandaogoyameogo-S
La Reconstruction Initiale Des Marges de l''océan Atlantique Central by Labails-C
Dynamique Sédimentaire Du Littoral de Tabarka, Au Nord de la Tunisie by Halouani-N
Comportement Environnemental de Granulats Artificiels by Chaurand-P
Etudes Geoarcheologiques Appliquees a l''usage Des Materiaux Lithiques by Gagnaison-C
Andosolisation de sols sur cone strombolien récents de monts bamboutos by Jiomeneck-S
La Connaissance de l''aléa Sismique Dans Les Antilles Françaises by Bengoubou-Valerius-M
Le Comportement Hydraulique Des Failles by Rafini-S
Altération Des Vitraux Médiévaux by Sterpenich-J
Spéciation Solide Du Nickel Et Du Chrome by Kierczak-J
Télédétection Hyperspectrale Et Cartographie Des Faciès Sédimentaires by Verpoorter-C
Interaction Tectonique-Sédimentation Dans Le Rift de Corinthe, Grèce by Backert-N
Les Impuretés Des Kaolins Et Leurs Effets Sur Les Produits de Cuisson by Bouzidi-N
Coral Reef Studies of Japan by
Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas by
Global Optimization Methods in Geophysical Inversion by Sen, Mrinal K., Stoffa, Paul L.
Volcanic and Tectonic Hazard Assessment for Nuclear Facilities by
Viscoelastic Waves in Layered Media by Borcherdt, Roger D.
Creep and Fracture of Ice by Schulson, Erland M., Duval, Paul
Character and Evolution of the Ground-water Flow System in the Central Part of the Western San Joaquin Valley, California [microform] by Belitz, Kenneth, Program, San Joaquin Valley Drainage
Sandstone Landforms by Young, Robert W., Young, Ann R. M., Wray, Robert A. L.
Active Faults of the World by Yeats, Robert
Biominerals and Fossils Through Time by Sorauf, James E., Cuif, Jean-Pierre, Dauphin, Yannicke
Intraplate Earthquakes by
Marine Robotics and Applications by
Large Igneous Provinces by Ernst, Richard E.
Physical Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis by Wangen, Magnus
Volcanism and Global Environmental Change by
Estimating Groundwater Recharge by Healy, Richard W.
Seismic Imaging and Inversion by Stolt, Robert H., Weglein, Arthur B.
Rifts and Passive Margins by Nemčok, Michal
Geophysical Continua by Kennett, B. L. N.
The Magnetotelluric Method by
Landslides by
Gravitational Systems of Groundwater Flow by Tóth, József
Lithosphere by Artemieva, Irina
Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Past by Guidoboni, Emanuela, Ebel, John E.
Geological Fluid Dynamics by Phillips, Owen M.
Cosmogenic Nuclides by Dunai, Tibor
Earth Dynamics by Smylie, D. E.
Quaternary Sea-Level Changes by Murray-Wallace, Colin V., Woodroffe, Colin D.
The Chronologers' Quest by Jackson, Patrick Wyse
Mass Balance of the Cryosphere by
The Physics of Rock Failure and Earthquakes by Ohnaka, Mitiyasu
Practical Magnetotellurics by Bahr, Karsten, Simpson, Fiona
The Self-Potential Method by Jardani, Abderrahim, Revil, André
Komatiite by Lesher, C. Michael, Barnes, Steve J., Arndt, Nicholas
A Discourse Delivered Before the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio: At the Annual Meeting of Said Society in Columbus, December 22, 1832 by Tappan, Benjamin
A Monograph of the Mollusca From the Great Oolite Chiefly From Minchinhampton and the Coast of Yorkshire: Pt.2-3 (1853-1854) by Lycett, John, Morris, John
Fossil hunting 101: A guide for the absolute newbie by Maisch, Michael
Fluid Distribution Along the Nankai-Trough Megathrust Fault Off the Kii Peninsula: Inferred from Receiver Function Analysis by Akuhara, Takeshi
Structures on Different Time Scales: Volume 1 by
Nanotechnology and the Resource Fallacy by
Volcanoes of the Azores: Revealing the Geological Secrets of the Central Northern Atlantic Islands by
101 American Fossil Sites by Dickas, Albert B.
Acquisition and Processing of Marine Seismic Data by Dondurur, Derman
Grundlagen Der Geologie by Breitkreuz, Christoph, Bahlburg, Heinrich
Sedimentary Dynamics of Windfield-Source-Basin System: New Concept for Interpretation and Prediction by Jiang, Zaixing
Selected Topics on Improved Oil Recovery: Transactions of the International Conference on Improved Oil Recovery, 2017 by
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