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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2021

Groundwater Chemical Kinetics and Fractal Characteristics of Karst Tunnel by Li, Cangsong, Ding, Jianfang, Liao, Yankai
My Crystal Chronicle: A record of my Gemstone and Crystal Treasures by Moss, Olive
Understanding Downhole Microseismic Data Analysis: With Applications in Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring by Akram, Jubran
Agate Hunting on the Oregon Coast: A Guide to the 40 Best Agate Hunting Sites by Grover, M. J.
The Study of Continental Lithosphere Electrical Conductivity, Temperature and Rheology by
Caves and Karst of Turkey - Vol. 1: History, Archaeology and Caves by Yamaç, Ali, Tok, Ezgi, Gilli, Eric
Trichoderma: Agricultural Applications and Beyond by
Gem Magic: Precious Stones and Their Mystical Qualities by Walters, Raymond
Connecting with Crystals: Crystal Wisdom and Stone Healing for Body, Mind, and Spirit by Rethke, Laurelle
Dynamic Magma Evolution by
Mars on Earth: A Study of the Qaidam Basin by
Get Ready!: How to Prepare for and Stay Safe After a Pacific Northwest Earthquake by Moller, Deb
Gletscherkunde Und Glazialgeomorphologie by Hagg, Wilfried
Depositional Stratigraphy of Badlands National Park South Dakota by Szary, William a.
Как встретить нигерийск& by Ага, Терсу
Structural Geological Atlas by Mukherjee, Soumyajit, Bose, Narayan, Ghosh, Rajkumar
Los Terremotos by Suen, Anastasia
Vibrational (Infrared and Raman) Spectra of Minerals and Related Compounds by Chukanov, Nikita V., Vigasina, Marina F.
Life Forms In Rock Forms by Ross, Bakthi
The Big Encyclopedia of Defunct Animals: Volume XVII by Fink V., Stanton Fordice
Agriculture and Air Quality: Investigating, Assessing and Managing by
Venus III: The View After Venus Express by
Biography of the Biblical God by Asamoah-Yaw, E.
Most By Nature by Asamoah-Yaw, E.
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2020 by
Assessment of Ore Deposit Settings, Structures and Proximity Indicator Minerals in Geological Exploration by Golani, Prakash R.
Diatom research in Freshwater Environment by Ganesan, Nanthakumar, Raju, Venkatachalapathy
Loose Leaf for Physical Geology by Hammersley, Lisa, Plummer Charles (Carlos) C., Carlson, Diane
The Mohave Desert: Red Rock Canyon, Rainbow Basin, and the Owl Canyon by Szary, William a.
Isotopes and the Natural Environment by Alexandre, Paul
Geniale Prinzipien Der Natur: Rechnen Wir Mit Der Natur Oder Die Natur Rechnet Mit Uns [Ab] by Küppers, E. W. Udo
From Crust to Core: A Chronicle of Deep Carbon Science by Mitton, Simon
The Vegetation of the Maltese Islands by Brullo, Salvatore, Brullo, Cristian, Cambria, Salvatore
Understandings of Social Investment in the Oil and Gas Sector by Costa Camões Rabello, Rafaela
Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration of Chilika Lagoon, India by
Volcanoes: A Very Short Introduction by Branney, Michael J., Zalasiewicz, Jan
Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector by
Ice Age Floodscapes of the Pacific Northwest: A Photographic Exploration by Bjornstad, Bruce Norman
Dinosaurs Coloring book with realistic designs: With dinosaur facts by Publishing, Mapogo
An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology by Yardley, Bruce, Warren, Clare
Resistivity and Induced Polarization by Slater, Lee, Binley, Andrew
An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology by Yardley, Bruce, Warren, Clare
Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina: Proceedings of the Seventh Argentine Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies Congress by
Processes in Geomedia - Volume II by
Oil Shales: A Complete Story by Glikson-Simpson, Miryam
Coalbed Methane in China: Geological Theory and Development by Song, Yan, Zhang, Xinmin, Liu, Shaobo
Water-Resisting Property and Key Technologies of Grouting Reconstruction of the Upper Ordovician Limestone in North China's Coalfields by Wang, Hao
Modeling Volcanic Processes by
Law and the Kinetic Environment: Regulating Dynamic Landscapes by Marusek, Sarah
Sclerotia Grains in Soils: A New Perspective from Pedosclerotiology by
Geological Resources of Tierra del Fuego by
Rare Metal Technology 2021 by
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2021 by
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters by
Ni-Co 2021: The 5th International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt by
Earthquake! What, Where, and How to Prepare: Your essential preparedness guide for earthquake risks and hazards in the U.S. by Cox, Christopher K.
Slate as Dimension Stone: Origin, Standards, Properties, Mining and Deposits by Wichert, Jörn
Structural Geometry of Mobile Belts of the Indian Subcontinent by
Triple Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry by
GPS and Gnss Technology in Geosciences by
History of Sandstone in Orleans County NY by Friday, James
Death Valley National Park: A field tour through geological time by Szary, William a.
Conservation Through Engineering; Extract from the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior by K. Lane, Franklin
Plant Fossil Atlas From (Pennsylvanian) Carboniferous Age Found in Central Appalachian Coalfields by McLoughlin, Thomas F.
Discourses Biological And Geological: Essays by H. Huxley, Thomas
Glaciers and the Polar Environment by
Tms 2021 150th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings by
Thermodynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences by Ganguly, Jibamitra
Introduction to Analytical Methods in Organic Geochemistry by Schwarzbauer, Jan, Jovančicevic, Branimir
Riverine Ecology Volume 2: Biodiversity Conservation, Conflicts and Resolution by Chakraborty, Susanta Kumar
The World of Mineral Deposits: A Beginner's Guide to Economic Geology by Ries, Gunnar, Neukirchen, Florian
Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change: Proceedings of Icec-2018 by
The Andaman Islands and Adjoining Offshore: Geology, Tectonics and Palaeoclimate by
Scissor Skills Lines: Fun Scissor Skills Activity Pad, 50 Cutting Worksheets for Kids Ages 3-5 by Stars and Beyond Ultd
How the World Works: Planet Earth: From Molten Rock in Space to the Place We Live by Rooney, Anne
History of Sandstone in Orleans County NY by Friday, James
Riverine Ecology Volume 1: Eco-Functionality of the Physical Environment of Rivers by Chakraborty, Susanta Kumar
Elements of Bio-Resources Assessment in the Solomon Islands by Lopez Cornelio, David
High Strength Support for Soft Surrounding Rock in Deep Underground Engineering: Theory and Key Technology by Li, Shucai, Wang, Qi, Jiang, Bei
Coastal Environments by
Petroleum Geoscience by Gluyas, Jon G., Swarbrick, Richard E.
Die tektonische Aufteilung und der Kontinentaldrift Südamerikas. Eine Betrachtung der geologischen Entwicklung: Stand: 2006 by Kochanowski, Andreas
Contributions in Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology by Romero, Aldemaro, Jr.
Catalogue of Selected Angiosperm Pollen Grains from Palaeogene and Neogene Sediments of India by Tripathi, Surya Kant Mani
Geochemistry by
Gems and Gemmology: An Introduction for Archaeologists, Art-Historians and Conservators by Karampelas, Stefanos, Kiefert, Lore, Bersani, Danilo
Mineral Micro-Geochemistry Constraints on Petrogenesis and Genesis of Gold Deposit by Liang, Yayun
Macromolecular Characterization of Hydrocarbons for Sustainable Future: Applications to Hydrocarbon Value Chain by
Yanzhuang Meteorite: Mineralogy and Shock Metamorphism by Xie, Xiande, Chen, Ming
Fluvial Processes: Theory and Applications: Volume 1: Drivers and Conditions of River Channel Character and Change by Chalov, Roman S.
Wie Kristallengel ermutigen / Crystal Angel Affirmations: Ein zweisprachiges deutsch englisches Buch / A Bilingual German English Book by DeHaan, Brenda
Proceedings of the International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference 2020 by
Principles and Technologies of Flotation Machines by Shen, Zhengchang
Geological exploration of a virgin area (Kerkouz) by Izarif, Yassine
History Of The Outer Hebrides: (Lewis, Harris, North And South Uist, Benbecula, And Barra) by C. MacKenzie, W.
Salz. Eine geographische Perspektive: Ein Einblick in verschiedene Disziplinen by Thanheiser, Selina
An Impulse and Earthquake Energy Balance Approach in Nonlinear Structural Dynamics by Kojima, Kotaro, Takewaki, Izuru
Orogenic-Type Polymetallic Mineralization Associated with Multistage Orogenesis in Northern North China Plate by Chen, Yanjing, Li, Wenbo, Zhong, Richen
Soil and Recycling Management in the Anthropocene Era by
This Is Chance!: The Great Alaska Earthquake, Genie Chance, and the Shattered City She Held Together by Mooallem, Jon
Rocks, Minerals, and Geology of the Pacific Northwest by Moclock, Leslie, Selander, Jacob
Mathematical Approach to Climate Change and Its Impacts: Mac2i by
Florida's Geologic Atlas: A guide to county geologic maps by Szary, William a.
Report Of Progress In The Venango County District by Franklin Carll, John
Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook -- Volume 1 by
The Smithsonian National Gem Collection--Unearthed: Surprising Stories Behind the Jewels by Post, Jeffrey Edward
Publications of the Midwest Institute of Geosciences and Engineering Past and Present: Volume 1 by Baumann, Steven Donald John
Shipwrecks of the Volcano: The story of the 1902 Caribbean maritime disaster by Serafini, Dominique
Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks by Jerram, Dougal
Introducing Tectonics, Rock Structures and Mountain Belts by Park, Graham
The Glaciers of the Alps; Being a narrative of excursions and ascents, an account of the origin and phenomena of glaciers and an exposition of the phy by Tyndall, John
Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks, 2nd. ed.; With Notes on Five Great Glaciers of the Canadian National Parks by P. Coleman, A.
Mines of the American West - Alameda County, California: Second Edition - Volume CA01 by Herring, Ivan
Waterflooding Sandstone Reservoirs: Methods, Design and Analysis by Wang, Jiahong
Ehrlich's Geomicrobiology by
Engineering Practices for Management of Soil Salinity: Agricultural, Physiological, and Adaptive Approaches by
Engineering Karstology of Dams and Reservoirs by Milanovic, Petar
Petroleum Science and Technology: Petroleum Generation, Accumulation and Prospecting by Quddus, Muhammad Abdul
Earth Science: New Methods and Studies by
Open Channel Hydraulics, River Hydraulic Structures and Fluvial Geomorphology: For Engineers, Geomorphologists and Physical Geographers by
Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment: Removal of Toxic Trace Elements with Emphasis on Arsenic, Fluoride and Uranium by
Terramechanics by O'Brien, J., Muro, T.
Earthquake Hazard Assessment: India and Adjacent Regions by Kolathayar, Sreevalsa, Sitharam, T. G.
Building Earth Observation Cameras by Joseph, George
Handbook of Astrobiology by
Mud Volcanoes of the Black Sea Region and Their Environmental Significance by Shnyukov, Evgeny, Yanko-Hombach, Valentina
Alpine Plant Life: Functional Plant Ecology of High Mountain Ecosystems by Körner, Christian
Killari 1993: The story of Rehabilitation village by Murumbe, Bk
Marine Nitrogen Fixation by Zehr, Jonathan P., Capone, Douglas G.
Geomorphology and Natural Hazards: Understanding Landscape Change for Disaster Mitigation by Korup, Oliver, Clague, John J., Davies, Timothy R.
Hydrogeology, Chemical Weathering, and Soil Formation by
The Old Red Sandstone; Or, New Walks In An Old Field by Miller, Hugh
Proceedings Of Wyoming Historical And Geological Society For The Year Ending February 11, 1882 by Unknown
Proceedings And Collections Of The Wyoming Historical And Geological Society For The Year 1922 (Volume Xviii) by
Geochemistry: Concepts and Applications by
Crystal Healing: The Science and Psychology Behind What Works, What Doesn't, and Why by Lynch, Dan R., Kirsch, Julie A.
All Shook Up: The Shifting Soviet Response to Catastrophes, 1917-1991 by Raab, Nigel
Tectonics of the Indian Subcontinent by Kale, Vivek S., Jain, A. K., Banerjee, D. M.
Cabinet of Curiosities, A: The Myth, Magic and Measure of Meteorites by Beech, Martin
The Geotraveller: Geology of Famous Geosites and Areas of Historical Interest by Scoon, Roger N.
Mamíferos fósiles: cuando en La Pampa vivían gigantes by Pasquali, Ricardo C., Tonni, Eduardo P.
Intermontane Basin Extension & Volcanism During Miocene Times by Szary, William a.
Heat-Mass Transfer and Geodynamics of the Lithosphere by
Tectonics of the Arctic by
Dynamics of the Earth System: Evolution, Processes and Interactions: Contributions from Scientific Ocean Drilling by
Jersey Geology Ramblers' Guide by Nichols, Ralph
Geosciences and the Sustainable Development Goals by
Applied Techniques to Integrated Oil and Gas Reservoir Characterization: A Problem-Solution Discussion with Geoscience Experts by
The Tectonics and Metallogenesis of Asia by Wan, Tianfeng
Has Science Killed God?: The Faraday Papers on Science and Religion by Alexander, Denis
Oregon Rocks!: A Guide to 60 Amazing Geologic Sites by Miller, Marli
Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India by
Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks in a Cold, Cenozoic Ocean: Neritic Southern Australia by James, Noel P., Bone, Yvonne
The Geology of Iran: Tectonic, Magmatism and Metamorphism by Ghorbani, Mansour
Seismic Reservoir Modeling: Theory, Examples, and Algorithms by Grana, Dario, Doyen, Philippe, Mukerji, Tapan
Principles Of Geology; Being An Inquiry How Far The Former Changes Of The Earth'S Surface Are Referable To Causes Now In Operation (Volume Ii) by Lyell, Charles
The Zoology Of Captain Beechey'S Voyage by Beechey, Frederick William
Report On The New Map Of Maryland 1834 by Unknown
Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement by
Introducing Geophysics by Styles, Peter
The Geoheritage of Hot Springs by Erfurt, Patricia
Limnogeology: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: A Tribute to Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch by
Advances in Experimental and Genetic Mineralogy: Special Publication to 50th Anniversary of DS Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the by
Processes in Geomedia--Volume III by
Gone: A Search for What Remains of the World's Extinct Creatures by Blencowe, Michael
A Brief History of Earth: Four Billion Years in Eight Chapters by Knoll, Andrew H.
Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms by
Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms by
Uranous Mineralogy of Hypergene Reduction Region: Using Electron Microscopy Data by Doynikova, Olga Alexandrovna
Geodynamic Evolution of the Indian Shield: Geophysical Aspects by Pandey, Om Prakash
Processes in Geomedia--Volume I by
Crystal Wisdom: Unearthing the Power of Gemstones for Positive Life Change by Marie, Shannon
The Man Who Licks Rocks: A Memoir - His Amazing Geological & Mineral Journeys leading to his Deliberations on Climate Change & Global Population-Pande by Mongeau, Raymond J.
The Man Who Licks Rocks: A Memoir - His Amazing Geological & Mineral Journeys leading to his Deliberations on Climate Change & Global Population-Pande by Mongeau, Raymond J.
Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know; Easy studies of the earth and the stars for any time and place by Ellen Rogers, Julia
Earth Features and Their Meaning; An Introduction to Geology for the Student and the General Reader by Herbert Hobbs, William
Earthquakes by M. Shedlock, Louis Pakiser Kaye
Earthquakes and Other Earth Movements by Milne, John
Petrology and origin of Precambrian metamorphic rocks in the eastern Ruby Mountains southwestern Montana: M.S. Thesis University of Montana by Smith, Kevin J.
In Situ Testing Methods in Geotechnical Engineering by Lutenegger, Alan J.
Geology of Cuba by
Central Oregon Geology: The Brothers Fault Zone, High Lava Plains, & the John Day Country by Szary, William a.
Landscape Evolution: Landforms, Ecosystems, and Soils by Phillips, Jonathan D.
I coltelli degli ultimi Neandertal: Strategie tecnologiche e comportamentali alla fine del Paleolitico Medio by Delpiano, Davide
Southern Iraq's Marshes: Their Environment and Conservation by
The Economic Aspect Of Geology by K. Leith, C.
The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Identification and Macroevolution of Parasites by
Crystal Healing: 5 Books in 1: Expand Mind Power, Enhance Psychic Awareness, Achieve Higher Consciousness, Increase Spiritual Energy, G by Lee, Crystal
Crystal Healing: 5 Books in 1: Expand Mind Power, Enhance Psychic Awareness, Achieve Higher Consciousness, Increase Spiritual Energy, G by Lee, Crystal
Roadside Geology of Idaho by Willsey, Shawn, Schmidt, Keegan, Link, Paul
Subsoil Monitoring at Nuclear Industry Enterprises: Foundations and Case Studies by Vetrov, Vladimir, Abramov, Alexander, Glinsky, Mark
Gli altopiani carsici del Finalese ligure: Evoluzione morfotettonica e geomorfologia by Motta, Luigi, Motta, Michele
Landscapes and Landforms of England and Wales by
Volcano-Tectonic Processes by Acocella, Valerio
The Geology of Greece by Papanikolaou, Dimitrios I.
The Geohistorical Approach: Methods and Applications by Piovan, Silvia Elena
Structural Characterisation of Natural and Industrial Porous Materials: A Manual by Rigby, Sean Patrick
Structural Analysis and Synthesis: A Laboratory Course in Structural Geology by Rowland, Stephen M., Duebendorfer, Ernest M., Gates, Alexander
Mines of the American West - Butte County, California: Second Edition - Volume CA 04 by Herring, Ivan
Locked in Time: Animal Behavior Unearthed in 50 Extraordinary Fossils by Nicholls, Robert, Lomax, Dean R.
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