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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2022

Igneous Rocks by Owen, Ruth
The Rock Cycle by Owen, Ruth
Sedimentary Rocks by Owen, Ruth
Dinosaur Eater: Supercroc Discovery by Eason, Sarah
Drainage Basin Dynamics: An Introduction to Morphology, Landscape and Modelling by
Gashydrate - Eine Einführung in Grundlagenforschung Und Anwendung by Schicks, Judith M.
Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy: Proceedings of 7th Geoarchaeological Conference, Miass, Russia, 19-23 October 2020 by
Caves and Karst of Turkey - Vol. 1: History, Archaeology and Caves by Tok, Ezgi, Yamaç, Ali, Gilli, Eric
Trichoderma: Agricultural Applications and Beyond by
Geochemical and Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling by Bethke, Craig M.
Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology by Philpotts, Anthony R., Ague, Jay J.
Ireland's First Settlers: Time and the Mesolithic by Woodman, Peter
Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age by Newitz, Annalee
Sedimentary Petrology: Implications in Petroleum Industry by
Recent Research on Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marine Geosciences and Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journa by
Superconductivity and Magnetism in Skutterudites by Uher, Ctirad
Charles Lyell And Modern Geology: Edited By Sir Henry E. Roscoe, D.C.L., Ll.D., F.R.S. by Bonney, Thomas George
Field Book: Pennsylvanian Plant Fossils of Illinois Educational by Collinson and Romayne Skartvedt, Char
The Dynamics of Partially Molten Rock by Katz, Richard F.
The Hidden History of Earth Expansion: Told by researchers creating a Modern Theory of the Earth by
Our Dynamic Earth: A Primer by Bennett, Matthew R.
Atlas of Karst Collapses by Lei, Mingtang, Jiang, Xiaozhen, Zhou, Wanfang
Iceland by Thordarson, Thor, Höskuldsson, Ármann
Agriculture and Air Quality: Investigating, Assessing and Managing by
Zircon, Zirconium, Zirconia - Similar Names, Different Materials by Arnold, Bożena
Bangladesh Geosciences and Resources Potential by
Assessment of Ore Deposit Settings, Structures and Proximity Indicator Minerals in Geological Exploration by Golani, Prakash R.
New Prospects in Environmental Geosciences and Hydrogeosciences: Proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Caj by
Global Degradation of Soil and Water Resources: Regional Assessment and Strategies by
Lower Atmosphere Meteorology by
Aussie Gold: New South Wales: Lode and Alluvial Gold, Sapphire, and Diamonds by Szary M. S., William A.
Understandings of Social Investment in the Oil and Gas Sector by Costa Camões Rabello, Rafaela
Shallow Geothermal Energy: Theory and Application by Mejías Moreno, Miguel, García Gil, Alejandro, Garrido Schneider, Eduardo Antonio
Ultramafic Geoecology of North America: Arctic to Caribbean by Alexander, Earl B.
Disaster Management in the Complex Himalayan Terrains: Natural Hazard Management, Methodologies and Policy Implications by
Lake District: Landscape and Geology by Holmes, Stuart, Francis, Ian
Hydrate Control in Drilling Mud by Ofei, Titus Ntow, Lal, Bhajan, Bavoh, Cornelius Borecho
Ice Age Floodscapes of the Pacific Northwest: A Photographic Exploration by Bjornstad, Bruce Norman
Processes in Geomedia - Volume II by
Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina: Proceedings of the Seventh Argentine Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies Congress by
Campi Flegrei: A Restless Caldera in a Densely Populated Area by
Oil Shales: A Complete Story by Glikson-Simpson, Miryam
Geology Underfoot in Death Valley and Eastern California: Second Edition by Sharp, Robert P., Glazner, Allen F., Sylvester, Arthur Gibbs
Coalbed Methane in China: Geological Theory and Development by Liu, Shaobo, Song, Yan, Zhang, Xinmin
Sclerotia Grains in Soils: A New Perspective from Pedosclerotiology by
Mount Rainier: A Beautiful Print Landscape Art Picture Country Travel Photography Coffee Table Book of Washington by Zaxu, Chloe
Geological Resources of Tierra del Fuego by
Elements of Rock Physics and Their Application to Inversion and Avo Studies by Anderson, Malcolm, Gullco, Robert S.
Elements of Rock Physics and Their Application to Inversion and Avo Studies by Gullco, Robert S., Anderson, Malcolm
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes by Westervelt, W. D.
Into the Ash: An Apocalyptic Survival Thriller by Druga, Jacqueline
Soil Grown Tall: The Epic Saga of Life from Earth by Retallack, Gregory J.
Dinosauria and Prehistoric creatures: Ancient Sharks by LLC, Squatch Gq Magazine
The Geography of Albania: Problems and Perspectives by Qiriazi, Perikli, Doka, Dhimitёr
Rare Metal Technology 2021 by
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2021 by
Fracturing in Deep Boreholes: Stress, Structural and Lithology-Controlled Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Deep Geothermal Boreholes in the Up by Stockinger, Georg Maximilian
Ni-Co 2021: The 5th International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt by
L'imposteur, c'est lui by Huet-S
Abrégé d'histoire du climat: Du Moyen Âge à nos jours by Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy
Aussie Gold: Queensland: Geological Framework and Mineralization by Szary M. S., William A.
For Want of Wings: A Bird with Teeth and a Dinosaur in the Family by Hunting, Jill
Tms 2021 150th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings by
Riverine Ecology Volume 2: Biodiversity Conservation, Conflicts and Resolution by Chakraborty, Susanta Kumar
Principles of Seismology by
Dry Mineral Processing by Asimi Neisiani, Ali, Chelgani, Saeed Chehreh
Earthquakes of the Indian Subcontinent: Seismotectonic Perspectives by Rajendran, C. P., Rajendran, Kusala
Geology: An Earth System's Approach by
Mineralogy: An Introduction by
Geoscience: Concepts and Applied Principles by
Glacial Geology by
Introduction to Petrology by
Sedimentology by
Current Research in Geochemistry by
Plate Tectonics: Essential Concepts by
Geoinformatics: Methods and Applications by
Advances in Volcanology by
Understanding Volcanology by
Riverine Ecology Volume 1: Eco-Functionality of the Physical Environment of Rivers by Chakraborty, Susanta Kumar
Review on integrated uses of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Soil Fertility and some selected Cereal and Tuber Crop Production in Ethiopia by Geleta, Workina
Glacially-Triggered Faulting by
Remote Sensing and Image Processing in Mineralogy by Marghany, Maged
The Coal Fields and Coal Trade of the Island of Cape Breton by Brown, Richard
Stratigraphy: A Modern Synthesis by Miall, Andrew D.
The bibliography of the Foraminifera recent and fossil,: Including Eozoon and Receptaculites. 1565 - Jan. 1, 1886 - Part IV by Woodward, Anthony
Die Wilde Stadt: Stadtwildnis ALS Ideal, Leistungsträger Und Konzept Für Die Gestaltung Von Stadtnatur by Breuste, Jürgen
Geology: A Comprehensive Introduction by
Understanding Geomorphology by
Principles of Geology by
Volcanology: Geological and Applied Aspects by
Introduction to Earthquake Engineering by
Economic Decision Analysis: For Project Feasibility Studies by Jafarizadeh, Babak
Mineral Micro-Geochemistry Constraints on Petrogenesis and Genesis of Gold Deposit by Liang, Yayun
Macromolecular Characterization of Hydrocarbons for Sustainable Future: Applications to Hydrocarbon Value Chain by
Fluvial Processes: Theory and Applications: Volume 1: Drivers and Conditions of River Channel Character and Change by Chalov, Roman S.
The Foundation of Australia's Capital Cities: Geology, Landscape, and Urban Character by Webster, Anthony
Principles and Technologies of Flotation Machines by Shen, Zhengchang
Proceedings of the International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference 2020 by
An Introduction to Geological Structures and Maps by Olver, Paul A., Moseley, Keith A., Bennison, George M.
An Assessment of the Consequences and Preparations for a Catastrophic California Earthquake: Findings and Actions Taken by Various
Coral Reefs, Volcanic Islands, South American Geology by Darwin, Charles
Soil and Recycling Management in the Anthropocene Era by
Orogenic-Type Polymetallic Mineralization Associated with Multistage Orogenesis in Northern North China Plate by Chen, Yanjing, Li, Wenbo, Zhong, Richen
Seismic Imaging Methods and Applications for Oil and Gas Exploration by Ghosh, Deva Prasad, Babasafari, Amir Abbas, Bashir, Yasir
Coastal Geology by Morales, Juan A.
The Hawaiian Archipelago by Bird, I. L.
The Kimberley Craton: The Purnululu National Park and the Bungle Bungle Range of Western Australia by Szary M. S., William A.
Fundamentals of Rock Physics by Bagdassarov, Nikolai
Soil Fertility Status and Nutrients Content in Maize (Zea Mays L.) Tissue at Migna Kura in Wayu Tuka District, East Wollega, Ethiopia by Desalegn, Mintesinot
Tectonic Plate Rotation and Slab Rollback Theories by Szary M. S., William A.
Caves and Karst of Turkey - Volume 2: Geology, Hydrogeology and Karst by Güner, İsmail Noyan, Günay, Gültekin, Törk, Koray
Waterflooding Sandstone Reservoirs: Methods, Design and Analysis by Wang, Jiahong
Présentation et Classifictaion des Marbres by Filali, Adel
Discovering the Mammoth by McKay, John J.
Geothermal Energy: Utilization, Technology and Financing by Yadav, Kriti, Sircar, Anirbid, Yadav, Apurwa
Publications of the Midwest Institute of Geosciences and Engineering: Volume 3 by Sweeten, Racheal A., Baumann, Steven Donald John, Piispa, Elisa J.
The Geology of Climate Change: The Global Warming Controversy and Earth History by Robinson, G. Dedrick
Deutschlands Norden: Vom Erdaltertum Zur Gegenwart by Ehlers, Jürgen, Lehmkuhl, Frank, Böse, Margot
Chasing the Ghost Bear: On the Trail of America's Lost Super Beast by Stark, Mike
Marine Nitrogen Fixation by Zehr, Jonathan P., Capone, Douglas G.
Alpine Plant Life: Functional Plant Ecology of High Mountain Ecosystems by Körner, Christian
Le complexe carbonatitique de Bugarula à Idjwi-Nord au Sud-Kivu, R. D. Congo. Pétrographie et cartographie by Mushamalirwa, Toussaint
The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks by Caddick, Mark, Jerram, Dougal
Extraction to Extinction: Rethinking Our Relationship with Earth's Natural Resources by Howe, David
The Soils of Oregon by Thorson, Thor, Moberg, Dean, McGrath, Chad
Advanced Geodynamics: The Fourier Transform Method by Sandwell, David T.
The Vintage Journal Overhanging Rock, Yosemite, California by
Geology of the Sacred Valley of the Incas by McMaster, Larry
Heat-Mass Transfer and Geodynamics of the Lithosphere by
Tectonics of the Arctic by
The Cruise of the Betsey; or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Ove by Miller, Hugh
The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers by Tyndall, John
Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National Par by Hall Knowlton, Frank
Fossils: A Story of the Rocks and Their Record of Prehistoric Life Denver Museum of Natural History Popular Series No. 3 by C. Markman, Harvey
Epithermal Mineralization & Exploration by Szary, William a.
Rocks, Roots and Rattlesnakes: A Geologist's Journal: 150 Days of Discovery on the Appalachian Trail by Eckert, Craig
Landscapes and Landforms of Slovakia by
Elements and Mineral Resources by Tomasa, Oriol, Jimenez-Franco, Abigail, Sanz, Joaquim
Gemstones: A Concise Reference Guide by Hansen, Robin
Geosciences and the Sustainable Development Goals by
Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India by
Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks in a Cold, Cenozoic Ocean: Neritic Southern Australia by James, Noel P., Bone, Yvonne
The Book of Unconformities: Speculations on Lost Time by Raffles, Hugh
Remote Sensing of Water-Related Hazards by
The Geology of Iran: Tectonic, Magmatism and Metamorphism by Ghorbani, Mansour
Travels on the Wilder Side: A Collection of Adventure Stories Spanning Fifty Years by Clark, Malcolm
The Lewisian: Britain's Oldest Rocks by Park, Graham
State of the Art in Deep Geothermal Energy in Europe: With Focus on Direct Heating by Klitzsch, Norbert, Fink, Johanna, Heim, Elisa
The Geoheritage of Hot Springs by Erfurt, Patricia
South American Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs: Record, Diversity and Evolution by
Limnogeology: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: A Tribute to Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch by
Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas by
Black Hills National Forest Lode and Placer Gold Geology: Wyoming and South Dakota by Szary M. S., William A.
Uranous Mineralogy of Hypergene Reduction Region: Using Electron Microscopy Data by Doynikova, Olga Alexandrovna
Mines of the American West - Lincoln County, Nevada: First Edition - Volume NV 10 by Herring, Ivan
Geopedia: A Brief Compendium of Geologic Curiosities by Bjornerud, Marcia
The Solfatara Magmatic-Hydrothermal System: Geochemistry, Geothermometry and Geobarometry of Fumarolic Fluids by Lelli, Matteo, Marini, Luigi, Principe, Claudia
Geology of Cuba by
Southern Iraq's Marshes: Their Environment and Conservation by
The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Identification and Macroevolution of Parasites by
Mineral Formation by Microorganisms: Concepts and Applications by
Physical Geology: Investigating Earth by Monroe, James, Wicander, Reed
Tulbagh Earthquake (Large Print Edition) by Denton, Vera, Denton, Desmond
Peak District by Anderson, Penny
Peak District by Anderson, Penny
The Last Billion Years by (Ags), The Atlantic Geoscience Society
Volcano-Tectonic Processes by Acocella, Valerio
Geoscientific Investigations From the Indian Antarctic Program by
Geoscientific Investigations From the Indian Antarctic Program by
Earthquake Lake by Butler, Ellen, Johnson, Kaitlin
Earthquake Lake by Butler, Ellen, Johnson, Kaitlin
The Great Quake Debate: The Crusader, the Skeptic, and the Rise of Modern Seismology by Hough, Susan
The Geology of Greece by Papanikolaou, Dimitrios I.
Landscapes and Landforms of Botswana by
Gnss Seismogeodesy by Geng, Jianghui
Minerals Latu Sensu and Human Health: Benefits, Toxicity and Pathologies by
Geology and Production of Helium and Associated Gases by Tedesco, Steven A.
Landscapes and Landforms of Austria by
Schätze Aus Dem Untergrund: Wie HighTech Das Gas- Und Ölzeitalter Verlängert by Reich, Matthias, Amro
Alluvial Fans in Southern Iran: Geological, Environmental and Remote Sensing Analyses by Mohanty, Ashutosh, Pourmorad, Saeid
Alkaline Rocks, Kimberlites and Carbonatites: Geochemistry and Genesis: Proceedings of the XV International Seminar Deep-Seated Magmatism, Its Sources by
Earth Materials by O'Brien, John, Hefferan, Kevin
Explorar La Actividad Volcánica by Cimarusti, Nick
The Geotourism Industry in the 21st Century: The Origin, Principles, and Futuristic Approach by
Oil and Gas Reservoir Prospecting and Exploration: High-Resolution Seismic (Hrs) Techniques and Technology by Trofimova, Alisa V., Trofimov, Vladimir L., Khaziev, Fanil F.
Isotopic Constraints on Earth System Processes by
Interpreting Subsurface Seismic Data by
Following the Tabby Trail: Where Coastal History Is Captured in Unique Oyster-Shell Structures by Davis, Jingle
Ciomadul (Csomád), the Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians: Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact by
Geology and Landscapes of the Eastern Pyrenees: A Field Guide with Excursions by Calvet, Marc, Delmas, Magali, Gunnell, Yanni
A Hand-book of Precious Stones by D. Rothschild, Meyer
Common Minerals And Rocks by Crosby, William Otis
The Common Rocks And Minerals Of Missouri by Keller, Walter David
The Coming Ice Age by Taber, Charles Austin Mendell
The Great Basin Seafloor: Exploring the Ancient Oceans of the Desert West by Decourten, Frank
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Brusatte, Steve
Progress in Volcanology by
The Landscape of the Sierra Nevada: A Unique Laboratory of Global Processes in Spain by
Reservoir Model Design: A Practitioner's Guide by Ringrose, Philip, Bentley, Mark
Detachment Faults: Part II: Case Studies of Continental and Oceanic Detachments and Mineralization by Szary M. S., William A.
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