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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geology in 2024

Mineral Geology by Corda, Claude
Quake Chronicles: Navigating Earth's Powerful Tremors by R, White
Rising Waves: Unveiling Japan's Quake Chronicles: A Data-Driven Journey into Earth's Tremors, Tragedy, and Triumphs by Lovers, de Gist
Olas Crecientes: Revelando las crónicas del terremoto de Japón: Un viaje basado en datos a los temblores, la tragedia y los triunfos de la Tierra by Lovers, de Gist
Landscapes and Landforms of the Central Sahara by
Processes in Geomedia--Volume VI by
Eurokarst 2022, Málaga: Advances in the Hydrogeology of Karst and Carbonate Reservoirs by
Montology Palimpsest: A Primer of Mountain Geographies by
Periglacial Landscapes of Europe by
Coastal Environments of India: A Coastal West Bengal Perspective by Das, Gautam Kumar
The Fragile Earth Understanding and Preserving Our Planet by Joshi, Naima
Moldavite by Books, Blue Dragoon
The Rock-Eval Method: Principles and Application by
Modeling the Underground Infrastructure of Urban Environments: A Systematic Approach by Pankratova, Nataliya, Haiko, Hennadii, Savchenko, Illia
Conservation in Chilean Patagonia: Assessing the State of Knowledge, Opportunities, and Challenges by
Conservation in Chilean Patagonia: Assessing the State of Knowledge, Opportunities, and Challenges by
Remote Sensing Intelligent Interpretation for Geology: From Perspective of Geological Exploration by Qin, Xuwen, Chen, Weitao, Li, Xianju
Concepts and Applications of Remote Sensing in Forestry by
Unconventional Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation: Current Trends in Shale Gas Exploitation by
Sodium Minerals: Unearthing The Geological Treasures by Rafeal, Mack
Glorious Mud by Brunskill, Gregg J.
Experimental Mechanics of Fractured Porous Rocks by Cabrera S., Daniel, Samaniego V., Fernando
The Voyage of the Beagle (Annotated) by Darwin, Charles
Eye on the Sky: Stormy by Flanagan, Alice K.
Untersuchung von Aufschlüssen im nördlichen Odenwald mit unterschiedlichen Geländemethoden by Anonymous
Solved Problems in Well Testing: Quantitative Geology by Ershaghi, Iraj
A Practical Guide to Seismic Reservoir Characterization by Tylor-Jones, Timothy, Azevedo, Leonardo
Reusing to Preserve the Environment: Preserve the Environment: Things to cut, repurpose, and recycle from A to Z by Stuart, Benjamin
Theory X: The end of the Cretaceous and the extinction of the dinosaurs by Arévalo Duran, Jorge Luis de la Stma Tr
Synthetic Gyrolite: A Dual Solution for Wastewater Treatment and Portland Cement by Baltakys, Kęstutis, Dambrauskas, Tadas
Super Continent Une gigantesque illusion by Thanvi, Anil
Supercontinente: uma ilusão gigantesca by Thanvi, Anil
Dinosaur Coloring Book: Echoes of a Lost World: The Dinosaur Color Odyssey by Publishing, Hey Sup Bye, Collections, Colorquest
Stratigraphy Around the Permian-Triassic Boundary of South China by
Earth: Over 4 Billion Years in the Making by Packham, Chris, Cohen, Andrew
Selected Studies in Geomorphology, Sedimentology, and Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Cajg-3) by
La Chasse au Rocher pour les Débutants: Découvrez, Identifiez et Polissez les Gemmes, les Minéraux et les Fossiles Comme un Pro ! by Fabien, Damien
Rockhounding für Anfänger Ihre Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung vom Anfänger zum Rockhound-Experten mit Simplicity. Entdecken, identifizieren und poliere by Albrecht, Helge
Mineralogy and Petrology Laboratory Practices by Cheruiyot Micah, Keter, Kipsang Bernard, Rop, Habel Wycliffe, Namwiba
Advances in Minerals Research by
Caça às Rochas para Principiantes: O seu Guia Passo-a-Passo de Principiante a Perito em Rochas com Simplicity Descubra, Identifique e Polir Pedras Pre by Amable, Humbert
Rockhounding per Principianti: La tua Guida Passo Passo da Principiante a Esperto di Rocce con. Scopri, Identifica e lucida Gemme, Minerali e Fossili by Piuma, Federico La
Búsqueda de rocas Para Principiantes: Su Guía Paso a Paso de Principiante a Experto en Rocas con Sencillez ¡Descubra, Identifique y Pula Gemas, Minera by Jenaro, Juan Carlos
The Epembe Carbonatite Dyke, North-West Namibia by Humavindu, Kamuhitua
Recent Advances in Poultry Management by
The Trilobite Collector's Guide by Secher, Andy
Coal and Coalbed Gas: Future Directions and Opportunities by Flores, Romeo M., Moore, Tim A.
Alternative and Unconventional Energy Sources by Dayal, Anurodh M.
The Variscan Belt of Western Europe, Volume 2: Late Magmatic, Metamorphic and Tectonic Events and the Sedimentary Record by
Economic Potential of Kericho Ainamoi Bauxite by Rop, Bernard Kipsang, Namwiba, Wycliffe Habel, Keter, Micah Cheruiyot
Superconductivity and Magnetism in Skutterudites by Uher, Ctirad
Riverbank Erosion Hazards and Channel Morphodynamics: A Perspective of Fluvial Geomorphology by Dey, Sourav, Mandal, Sujit
Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 Issue 1, 2022 by
A Journey into the Abyss: Exploring Earth's Deepest Ocean Trench by Greenhalgh, Miranda
Metallic Resources 1: Geodynamic Framework and Remarkable Examples in Europe by
Metallic Resources 2: Geodynamic Framework and Remarkable Examples in the World by
Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective: Magnetic Techniques (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Paleomagnet by
Geopedology: An Integration of Geomorphology and Pedology for Soil and Landscape Studies by
People of the Garden by Hamill, Toni
Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 Issue 2, 2022 by
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2024: Process-Structure-Property Relations and New Technologies by
Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano by
Materials Processing Fundamentals 2023 by
Data Science and Machine Learning Applications in Subsurface Engineering by
Landscapes and Landforms of Poland by
Basalts and Phase Diagrams: An Introduction to the Quantitative Use of Phase Diagrams in Igneous Petrology by Morse, Stearns A.
Оценка загрязнения тяже& by Альмешал&#11
Avaliação da poluição por metais pesados nos sedimentos da costa da Faixa de Gaza by Almeshal, Wael I.
Valutazione dell'inquinamento da metalli pesanti nei sedimenti della costa della Striscia di Gaza by Almeshal, Wael I.
Évaluation de la pollution par les métaux lourds dans les sédiments de la côte de la bande de Gaza by Almeshal, Wael I.
Bewertung der Belastung der Sedimente an der Küste des Gazastreifens mit Schwermetallen by Almeshal, Wael I.
Le foncier souffre au Sénégal by Sall, Marieme
Bewertung des hydrogeologischen Zustands des Grundwassers am Beispiel von Ustyurt by Ўtelbaev, Azizbek, Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin
Assessment of hydrogeological condition of groundwater on the example of Ustyurt by Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin, Ўtelbaev, Azizbek
Évaluation de l'état hydrogéologique des eaux souterraines sur l'exemple d'Ustyurt by Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin, Ўtelbaev, Azizbek
Avaliação do estado hidrogeológico das águas subterrâneas com base no exemplo de Ustyurt by Ўtelbaev, Azizbek, Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin
Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung des hydrogeologischen Zustands des Grundwassers by Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin, Ўtelbaev, Azizbek
Études pour évaluer l'état hydrogéologique des eaux souterraines by Ўtelbaev, Azizbek, Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin
Studi per la valutazione dello stato idrogeologico delle acque sotterranee by Ўtelbaev, Azizbek, Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin
Estudos para avaliar o estado hidrogeológico das águas subterrâneas by Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin, Ўtelbaev, Azizbek
Studies to assess the hydrogeological state of groundwater by Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin, Ўtelbaev, Azizbek
South America's Natural Wonders: Patagonia, Neuquén Basin, Atacama Desert, and Across the Andes by Prost, Gary
Discovering the Unique Geology of the Bergell Alps by Wenk, Elizabeth, Wenk, Hans-Rudolf
South America's Natural Wonders: Patagonia, Neuquén Basin, Atacama Desert, and Across the Andes by Prost, Gary
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2023 by
Geotechnical and mineralogical characterization of Oxfordian clays by Benkhedda, Abdelhakim
Caratterizzazione geotecnica e mineralogica delle argille oxfordiane by Benkhedda, Abdelhakim
Caracterização geotécnica e mineralógica das argilas oxfordianas by Benkhedda, Abdelhakim
Геотехническая и минера& by БЕНХЕДДА, &#
Geotechnische und mineralogische Charakterisierung von oxfordischen Tonen by Benkhedda, Abdelhakim
Biotechnological Innovations in the Mineral-Metal Industry by
Rivers in Rock: Elora Gorge Field Companion and Natural History by Hewitt, Kenneth
A History of Life in 100 Fossils by O'Dea, Aaron, Taylor, Paul D.
Geological Observations on South America by Darwin, Charles
A Guide to Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of Southwest Virginia by McLoughlin, Thomas M.
Applied Geology in Petroleum by Kipsang Rop, Bernard
Fossil Thief: A Henrietta Ballantine Adventure by Lyon, Sharon
A Guide to Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of Southwest Virginia by McLoughlin, Thomas F.
Subcritical: Third Culture Field Notes by
XIII General Meeting of the Russian Mineralogical Society and the Fedorov Session by
Impact of AI on Advancing Women's Safety by
Rock Weathering and Evolution by Khedr, Ezzat
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Vol. 10 by
Receding Noah's Flood as Trigger for Seafloor Spreading by Dickens, Harry
Der Epembe-Karbonatit-Deich im Nordwesten Namibias by Humavindu, Kamuhitua
Le dyke de carbonatite d'Epembe, nord-ouest de la Namibie by Humavindu, Kamuhitua
Il dicco carbonatitico di epembe, nel nord-ovest della Namibia by Humavindu, Kamuhitua
O dique carbonatítico epembe, noroeste da Namíbia by Humavindu, Kamuhitua
Карбонатитовая дайка Эп& by Хумавинд&#10
Rockhounding for Beginners: Your Step-by-Step Guide from Beginner to Rockhound Expert. Discover and Identify Gems, Minerals, and Fossils Like a Pr by Morrison, Frank
Beyond Earth: Exploring the Possibility of Life on Other Planets by Aisha Patel
Antropología Sustentable by Gómez R., Danny Francis
Brazilian Mangroves and Salt Marshes by
Selected Studies in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Cajg-3) by
Kapital Im Bergbau: Methoden, Best-Practice-Beispiele Und Fallstudien Zur Finanzierung Von Bergbauprojekten by Seeger, Michael
Thermodynamics and Equilibria in Earth System Sciences: An Introduction by Middelburg, Jack J.
Tms 2024 153rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings by
Neanderthal Resilience in Two Hotspot Zones of Iberia (Cantabrian and Betic Regions) by Bernal Gómez, Marco Antonio
Valutazione delle condizioni idrogeologiche delle acque sotterranee sull'esempio di Ustyurt by Ўtelbaev, Azizbek, Dzhaksymuratov, Karamatdin
Intelligent Methods with Applications in Volcanology and Seismology by Kimiaefar, Roohollah, Hajian, Alireza, Nunnari, Giuseppe
The History of Natural Stone in Saint-Petersburg by
Landscapes and Landforms of Nigeria by
Advances in Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Planetary Sciences: 75th Anniversary of the Vernadsky Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences by
Geoscience for Petroleum Engineers by Kundu, Sandeep Narayan
Advances in Geospatial Technology in Mining and Earth Sciences: Selected Papers of the 2nd International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Ea by
Paleontological Data Analysis by Hammer, ØYvind, Harper, David A. T.
Dynamics of Hydrocarbon Migration: Quantitative Dynamics Studies and Applications by Lei, Yuhong, Luo, Xiaorong, Zhang, Likuan
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Vol. 9 by
Основы анализа локализа& by Хабибулл&#10, Искандар&#10, Умаров, &#1064. &#1040.
Midwest Bedrock: The Search for Nature's Soul in America's Heartland by Koch, Kevin J.
Earthquake Ground Motion by
La géologie du Sud Kivu en RD Congo by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian, Kajangwa Banzi, Moise
Speleology of Montenegro by
Reservoir Evaluation of "Olayinka" Field using well-log analysis by Osibodu, Anjolaoluwa
Современная геодинамик&# by Пашаян, Ро&#
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Volume 3 by
Rockhounding: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Finding and Studying Rocks, Gems, Minerals, Agates, and Fossils by Silva, Mari
Introduction to Global Tectonic Systems by
The Story of Earth's Climate in 25 Discoveries: How Scientists Found the Connections Between Climate and Life by Prothero, Donald R.
Physical Geodesy: A Theoretical Introduction by Guo, Jun-Yi
Machine Learning and Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production by
Pliocene Hydrocarbon Sedimentary Series of Azerbaijan by Alizadeh, Akif, Guliyev, Ibrahim, Mamedov, Parviz
Current Trends in Mineral-Based Products and Utilization of Wastes: Recent Studies from India: Prospects and Challenges of Mineral Based Products and by
Surface Environments and Human Interactions: Reflections from Asia by
Current Perspectives on Applied Geomorphology by
Minerals and Waste by
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Volume 2 by
Rocks, Gems, and Minerals: What You Need to Know about Crystals, Gemstones, Agates, and Other Rocks by Silva, Mari
Methods and Applications of Geochronology by
Geological Background of Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits in Ordos Basin, Northwest China by Yu, Miao, Peisen, Jin, Ruoshi
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Volume 1 by
Geology of North Africa and the Mediterranean: Sedimentary Basins and Georesources by
Recent Advancements from Aquifers to Skies in Hydrogeology, Geoecology, and Atmospheric Sciences: Proceedings of the 2nd Medgu, Marrakesh 2022 (Volume by
Recent Research on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Tectonics, and Petroleum Geology: Proceedings of the 2nd Medg by
Plitvice Lakes by
Geologische Geschichte des Flusses Shatt Al-Arab im Süden des Irak by Al-Hamad, Saif, Albadran, Badir, Pournelle, Jennifer
Historia geológica del río Shatt Al-Arab, sur de Iraq by Al-Hamad, Saif, Albadran, Badir, Pournelle, Jennifer
Histoire géologique de la rivière Shatt Al-Arab, au sud de l'Irak by Al-Hamad, Saif, Pournelle, Jennifer, Albadran, Badir
Storia geologica del fiume Shatt Al-Arab, sud dell'Iraq by Al-Hamad, Saif, Albadran, Badir, Pournelle, Jennifer
Геологическая история р& by Аль-Хамад, &, Албадран, &#, Пурнелл, Д&#
História Geológica do Rio Shatt Al-Arab, Sul do Iraque by Al-Hamad, Saif, Albadran, Badir, Pournelle, Jennifer
California's Amazing Geology by Prothero, Donald R.
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Vol. 7 by
Salt of the Earth, Tracing the Global Journey of Salt: A Comprehensive History of the World's Most Essential Mineral, and Unearthing the Historical Si by Lumio, Lola
Азорский архипелаг by Мачадо, Ад&#, Соуза, Кар&#
Archipel der Azoren by Machado, Adriane, Souza, Carolinna
Archipel des Açores by Machado, Adriane, Souza, Carolinna
Archipelago of the Azores by Souza, Carolinna, Machado, Adriane
Arcipelago delle Azzorre by Souza, Carolinna, Machado, Adriane
Beautiful Rocks and How to Find Them: A Modern Rockhound's Guide by Cole, Alison Jean
Current Trends in Mineral Based Products and Utilization of Wastes: Recent Studies from India: Prospects and Challenges of Mineral Based Products and by
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Vol. 8 by
Basics of HC feedstock localization analysis by Umarov, Sh a., Khabibullaev, S. S., Iskandarov, M. H.
Grundlagen der Analyse der Lokalisierung von HC-Rohstoffen by Iskandarov, M. H., Umarov, Sh a., Khabibullaev, S. S.
Principes de l'analyse de la localisation des matières premières HC by Iskandarov, M. H., Umarov, Sh a., Khabibullaev, S. S.
Noções básicas da análise de localização de matérias-primas de HC by Umarov, Sh a., Khabibullaev, S. S., Iskandarov, M. H.
Basi dell'analisi della localizzazione delle materie prime HC by Khabibullaev, S. S., Iskandarov, M. H., Umarov, Sh a.
Field Trip Guidebook on Chinese Sedimentary Geology by
Advances in Debris-Flow Science and Practice by
The geology of South Kivu in DR Congo by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian, Kajangwa Banzi, Moise
Die Geologie von Süd-Kivu in der DR Kongo by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian, Kajangwa Banzi, Moise
A geologia do Kivu do Sul na República Democrática do Congo by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian, Kajangwa Banzi, Moise
Геология Южного Киву в Д&#1056 by Секимонь&#10, Каджангв&#10
La geologia del Kivu meridionale nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian, Kajangwa Banzi, Moise
Nachhaltige Anthropologie by Gómez R., Danny Francis
Sustainable Anthropology by Gómez R., Danny Francis
Anthropologie durable by Gómez R., Danny Francis
Antropologia sostenibile by Gómez R., Danny Francis
Antropologia sustentável by Gómez R., Danny Francis
Устойчивая антропологи&# by &#1043&#1086&#1084&#1077&#1089 &#1056., Дэ&#1085
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Vol. 6 by
Four Famous Numbers by Warren, James R.
Multiprobe Pressure Testing and Reservoir Characterization: Pressure Transient, Contamination, Liquid and Gas Pumping Analysis by Chin, Wilson C.
Elements of Structural Geology by Hills, Edwin Sherbon
Red Sulphur Springs, West Virginia: A Nineteenth Century Health Spa in the Allegheny Foreland by Ziegler, Fred
Foundations in the Book of Genesis: A Geologist's Perspective by Snelling, Andrew
The Diaries of a Bonedigger: Harold Rollin Wanless in the White River Badlands of South Dakota, 1920-1922 by Evanoff, Emmett, Wanless, Harold Rogers
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Volume 4 by
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2023: Volume 5 by
Moderne Geodynamik der Erdkruste auf dem Gebiet von Armenien by Pashajan, Romela
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