• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geometry in 2019

Elliptic Theory on Singular Manifolds by Savin, Anton Yu, Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang, Nazaikinskii, Vladimir E.
Polynomial One-Cocycles for Knots and Closed Braids by Fiedler, Thomas
Higher Dimensional Categories: From Double to Multiple Categories by Grandis, Marco
Clifford Algebras and Zeons: Geometry to Combinatorics and Beyond by Staples, George Stacey
Planar Maps, Random Walks and Circle Packing: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XLVIII - 2018 by Nachmias, Asaf
The Physical and Mathematical Foundations of the Theory of Relativity: A Critical Analysis by Mango Furnari, Mario, Romano, Antonio
Hamiltonian Group Actions and Equivariant Cohomology by Dwivedi, Shubham, Herman, Jonathan, Jeffrey, Lisa C.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen - Collected Papers III: 1988 - 2012 by Hirzebruch, Friedrich
Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach by
Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach by
Tales of Impossibility: The 2000-Year Quest to Solve the Mathematical Problems of Antiquity by Richeson, David S.
A treatise on the analytical geometry of the point, line, circle, and conic sections, containing an account of its most recent extensions, with numero by Casey, John
Curves for the Mathematically Curious: An Anthology of the Unpredictable, Historical, Beautiful, and Romantic by Havil, Julian
Geometrische Körper an Inner- Und Außerschulischen Lernorten: Der Einfluss Des Protokollierens Auf Eine Sichere Begriffsbildung by Sitter, Kerstin
Birational Geometry of Hypersurfaces: Gargnano del Garda, Italy, 2018 by
Higher Segal Spaces by Dyckerhoff, Tobias, Kapranov, Mikhail
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems: Geometry, Topology, Classification by Fomenko, A. T., Bolsinov, A. V.
Recent Topics in Differential Geometry and Its Related Fields - Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium on Differential Geometry and Its Relat by
Mordell-Weil Lattices by Schütt, Matthias, Shioda, Tetsuji
Geometry in History by
Discrete Energy on Rectifiable Sets by Borodachov, Sergiy V., Hardin, Douglas P., Saff, Edward B.
Gradations in Euclid: book I. and II. An introduction to plane geometry, its use and application; with an explanatory preface, remarks on ge by Green, Henry
Graph Paper Notebook - Geometry: Great for All Geometry Classes by Fisher, Richard W.
An Introduction to Groups, Groupoids and Their Representations by Ibort, Alberto, Rodriguez, Miguel A.
Complex Non-Kähler Geometry: Cetraro, Italy 2018 by Dinew, Slawomir, Picard, Sebastien, Teleman, Andrei
Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds by Ratcliffe, John G.
Circle Packings und Anwendungen. Eine kombinatorische Sichtweise by Becker, M. R.
Der langobardisch-karolingische Münzfund bei Ilanz by Jecklin, Fritz
Geometry: Understanding Shapes and Sizes by Goldsmith, Mike
Elementare Differentialgeometrie (Nicht Nur) Für Informatiker: Mit Vielen Grafiken Und Visualisierungen in JavaScript by Weitz, Edmund
From Differential Geometry to Non-Commutative Geometry and Topology by Teleman, Neculai S.
Synthetische Geometrie der Kugeln und linearen Kugelsysteme by Reye, Theodor
Parabolische Koordinaten in der Ebene und im Raum by Baer, Karl Ernst Von
The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4,000-Year History by Maor, Eli
Grundzüge der analytischen Geometrie der Ebene: für orthogonale und homogene Punkt- und Linienkoordinaten by Weissenborn, Hermann
Gaṇitānanda: Selected Works of Radha Charan Gupta on History of Mathematics by
Triangulated Categories of Mixed Motives by Cisinski, Denis-Charles, Déglise, Frédéric
All Sides to an Oval: Properties, Parameters and Borromini's Mysterious Construction by Mazzotti, Angelo Alessandro
Geometric Representation Theory and Gauge Theory: Cetraro, Italy 2018 by Braverman, Alexander, Finkelberg, Michael, Negut, Andrei
Wavelet Subdivision Methods: GEMS for Rendering Curves and Surfaces by de Villiers, Johan, Chui, Charles
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Kobayashi, Shoshichi
Differential and Integral Inequalities by
How to Solve Large Linear Systems: Using a Stable Cybernetic Approach for Non-Cumulative Computation, Avoiding Underflow and Overflow, with Unconditio by Srdanov, Aleksa, Jankovic, Aleksandra
Analytical Geometry by Shrikisan, Gaikwad, Takale, Kalyanrao, Dr Jadhav, Pravin
Fundamental Groups and Covering Spaces by Lima, Elon Lages
Geometric Modeling with Splines: An Introduction by Elber, Gershon, Cohen, Elaine, Riesenfeld, Richard F.
Topics on Continua by Macias, Sergio
Geometric Concepts for Geometric Design by Prautzsch, Hartmut, Boehm, Wolfgang
Differential Algebras in Topology by Anik, David
CR Manifolds and the Tangential Cauchy Riemann Complex by Boggess, Al
Point Set Theory by Morgan
Variational Methods in Lorentzian Geometry by Masiello, Antonio
A First Course in Differential Geometry by Vaisman, Izu
Eisenstein Cohomology for Gln and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions by Raghuram, Anantharam, Harder, Günter
Eisenstein Cohomology for Gln and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions by Raghuram, Anantharam, Harder, Günter
Fractal Patterns in Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications by Banerjee, Santo, Hassan, M. K., Mukherjee, Sayan
Algebraic Curves, the Brill and Noether Way by Casas-Alvero, Eduardo
Spektren, Garben, Schemata: Eine Kurze Einführung by Jost, Jürgen
Conformal Maps and Geometry by Beliaev, Dmitry
Conformal Maps and Geometry by Beliaev, Dmitry
The Thirteen Books of the Elements: Volume One: Books 1-2 by Heath, Thomas L., Euclid
Intersection Homology & Perverse Sheaves: With Applications to Singularities by Maxim, Laurenţiu G.
Motivic Integration by Chambert-Loir, Antoine, Nicaise, Johannes, Sebag, Julien
Discrete Mechanics, Geometric Integration and Lie-Butcher Series: Dmgilbs, Madrid, May 2015 by
Perspective and Projective Geometry by Frantz, Marc, Futamura, Fumiko, Crannell, Annalisa
Perspective and Projective Geometry by Frantz, Marc, Futamura, Fumiko, Crannell, Annalisa
Spatial Context: An Introduction to Fundamental Computer Algorithms for Spatial Analysis by Gold, Christopher
The Essentials of Cagd by Farin, Gerald, Hansford, Dianne
Analytic geometry, with introductory chapter on the calculus by Irwin Palmer, Claude, Charles Krathwohl, William
Differential Geometry of Manifolds by Lovett, Stephen
The Geometry of Musical Rhythm: What Makes a Good Rhythm Good?, Second Edition by Toussaint, Godfried T.
Multivariable Calculus by Trapp, Rolland
Multivariable Calculus by Trapp, Rolland