• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Geometry in 2023

The Spherics of Theodosios by Thomas, R. S. D., Sidoli, Nathan
The Volume of Vector Fields on Riemannian Manifolds: Main Results and Open Problems by Gil-Medrano, Olga
Topology - Recent Advances and Applications by
Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms: Using Excel(r) and Geogebra by Söylemez, Eres
Lie Methods in Deformation Theory by Manetti, Marco
In the Tradition of Thurston II: Geometry and Groups by
Activate Your Highest Potential With Sacred Geometry: A Practical Guide to Freedom, Authenticity and Fulfilment by Kruse, Sabine
Activate Your Highest Potential With Sacred Geometry: A Practical Guide to Freedom, Authenticity and Fulfilment by Kruse, Sabine
The Sacred Geometry Guidebook: Illuminating the Power of Patterns by Rijo, Sergio
Seeing Four-Dimensional Space and Beyond: Using Knots! by Ogasa, Eiji
Discrete, Finite and Lie Groups: Comprehensive Group Theory in Geometry and Analysis by Fré, Pietro Giuseppe
Grassmann and Stiefel Varieties Over Composition Algebras by Golasiński, Marek, Gómez Ruiz, Francisco
A Guide to Penrose Tilings by D'Andrea, Francesco
Aspects of Integration: Novel Approaches to the Riemann and Lebesgue Integrals by Guenther, Ronald B., Lee, John W.
Branes and Daha Representations by Gukov, Sergei, Koroteev, Peter, Nawata, Satoshi
Algebraic Biology, Matrix Genetics, and Genetic Intelligence by Petoukhov, Sergei V., He, Matthew
Differential Geometry and General Relativity: Volume 1 by Liang, Canbin, Zhou, Bin
Differential Geometry and Its Visualization by Veličkovic, Vesna, Malkowsky, Eberhard, Dolicanin, Ćemal
Dual Jet Geometrization for Time-Dependent Hamiltonians and Applications by Neagu, Mircea, Oană, Alexandru
A Ludic Journey Into Geometric Topology by Marar, Ton
Character Map in Non-Abelian Cohomology, The: Twisted, Differential, and Generalized by Fiorenza, Domenico, Sati, Hisham, Schreiber, Urs
Analytic Endomorphisms of the Riemann Sphere by Roy, Mario, Munday, Sara, Urbański, Mariusz
New Techniques in Resolution of Singularities by Abramovich, Dan, Frühbis-Krüger, Anne, Temkin, Michael
The Diagram: Harmonic Geometry by Tetlow, Adam
Semi-Infinite Algebraic Geometry of Quasi-Coherent Sheaves on Ind-Schemes: Quasi-Coherent Torsion Sheaves, the Semiderived Category, and the Semitenso by Positselski, Leonid
Reshetnyak's Theory of Subharmonic Metrics by
[Set Non-Invertible Dynamical Systems, Vol 1-3] by Munday, Sara, Urbański, Mariusz, Roy, Mario
Information Geometry and Its Applications by
Theory and Applications of Information Geometry by
Discrete Geometry and Symmetry by
Local Systems in Algebraic-Arithmetic Geometry by Esnault, Hélène
Divided Spheres: Geodesics and the Orderly Subdivision of the Sphere by Popko, Edward S., Kitrick, Christopher J.
Symmetry: A Mathematical Exploration by
Make: Trigonometry: Build Your Way from Triangles to Analytic Geometry by Horvath, Joan, Cameron, Rich
Exercises in Linear Algebra and Geometry by Bottacin, Francesco
Spectral Geometry and Inverse Scattering Theory by Liu, Hongyu, Diao, Huaian
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (Gafa) 2020-2022 by
Tropical and Logarithmic Methods in Enumerative Geometry by Markwig, Hannah, Ranganathan, Dhruv, Cavalieri, Renzo
Recent Progress in Mathematics by
Direct and Projective Limits of Geometric Banach Structures. by Cabau, Patrick, Pelletier, Fernand
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities IV by
Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications: Proceedings of the Second Nlaga-Birs Symposium, Cap Skirring, Senegal, January 25-30, 2022 by
Interfaces: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics by Deckelnick, Klaus, Garcke, Harald, Bänsch, Eberhard
Scientific Legacy of Professor Zbigniew Oziewicz: Selected Papers from the International Conference Applied Category Theory Graph-Operad-Logic by
Kunterbunte Mathematik: Begeisternde Erkundungen Für Kinder, Lehrende Und Eltern by Strick, Heinz Klaus
New Trends in Geometric Analysis: Spanish Network of Geometric Analysis 2007-2021 by
Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 1: Complex Analysis and Linear Algebra by Tang, Kwong-Tin
Grundkurs Topologie by Szymik, Markus, Laures, Gerd
Recent Advances in Alexandrov Geometry by
Freude an Geometrie - Zum Gedenken an Hans Schupp: Vorträge Auf Der 36. Herbsttagung Des Arbeitskreises Geometrie in Der Gesellschaft Für Didaktik Der by
Foundations of Geometric Continuum Mechanics: Geometry and Duality in Continuum Mechanics by Segev, Reuven
Geometrie, Physik Und Biologie Erleben: Mit 300 Animations-Videos Via Qr-Code by Gruber, Franz, Glaeser, Georg
Mathematical Geography in the Eighteenth Century: Euler, Lagrange and Lambert by
Trivalent Discrete Surfaces and Carbon Structures by Naito, Hisashi
Metric Spaces and Related Analysis by Kundu, Subiman, Aggarwal, Manisha
Nonlinear Waves and Solitons on Contours and Closed Surfaces by Ludu, Andrei
Geometric Analysis on Real Analytic Manifolds by Lewis, Andrew D.
Design Techniques for Origami Tessellations by Mitani, Jun, Yamamoto, Yohei
Design Techniques for Origami Tessellations by Yamamoto, Yohei, Mitani, Jun
Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry for Engineers: With Solved Exercises by Sahraee, Shahab, Wriggers, Peter
Matrix Fractal Geometry by Manzini, Thabo Alfa
Essential Math for AI: Exploring Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Methods, by Hinton, Andrew
Essential Math for AI: Exploring Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Methods, by Hinton, Andrew
Encounters with Euclid: How an Ancient Greek Geometry Text Shaped the World by Wardhaugh, Benjamin
Coherent Sheaves, Superconnections, and Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck by Shen, Shu, Wei, Zhaoting, Bismut, Jean-Michel
Variational Calculus by Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre
Compound Polytopes: Polygons, Tilings, Polyhedra by Taylor, Patrick
Geometric Transformations by Onişor, Ionuţ, Shine, Carlos Yuzo, Gelca, Răzvan
Peeling Random Planar Maps: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XLIX - 2019 by Curien, Nicolas
Pure Metric Geometry by Petrunin, Anton
Algebraic Geometry II: Cohomology of Schemes: With Examples and Exercises by Görtz, Ulrich, Wedhorn, Torsten
The Big Bang of Numbers: How to Build the Universe Using Only Math by Suri, Manil
Determinants, Gröbner Bases and Cohomology by Bruns, Winfried, Raicu, Claudiu, Conca, Aldo
You Will Pass Geometry: Poetry Affirmations for Math Students by Walter the Educator
Dialogues Between Physics and Mathematics: C. N. Yang at 100 by
Convex Geometry: Cetraro, Italy 2021 by Artstein-Avidan, Shiri, Bianchi, Gabriele, Colesanti, Andrea
Metric Space Topology: Examples, Exercises and Solutions by Cheung, Wing-Sum
An Invitation to Modern Enumerative Geometry by Ricolfi, Andrea T.
Künneth Geometry by Hamilton, M. J. D., Kotschick, D.
Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology by Glaeser, Georg, Gruber, Franz
Microlocal Analysis on R^n and on Noncompact Manifolds by Coriasco, Sandro