• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 1994

Exodus von Wissenschaften aus Berlin by
20. Juli 1944, Vermächtnis oder Alibi? by Holler, Regina
America and the Shaping of German Society, 1945-1955 by
Paths of Continuity by
Stadt Im Umbruch: Gotha: Wende Und Wandel in Ostdeutschland by
Gegenwart in Vergangenheit: Beiträge Zur Kultur Und Geschichte Der Neueren Und Neuesten Zeit. Festgabe Für Friedrich Prinz Zu Seinem 65. Geburtsta by Jenal, Georg
The Holocaust and Catholic Conscience: Cardinal Aloisius Muench and the Guilt Question in Germany by Brown-Fleming, Suzanne
The Holocaust and Catholic Conscience: Cardinal Aloisius Muench and the Guilt Question in Germany by Brown-Fleming, Suzanne
The Rush to German Unity by Jarausch, Konrad H.
The Nietzsche Legacy in Germany: 1890 - 1990 Volume 2 by Aschheim, Steven E.
Kirche im Aufbruch by Schulz, Jürgen Michael
A History of the Habsburg Empire 1273-1700 by Berenger, Jean, Simpson, C. a.
Choices in Vichy France: The French Under Nazi Occupation by Sweets, John
Die Gründung des Technions in Haifa im Lichte deutscher Politik by Sadmon, Zeev W.
The German Idea of Militarism: Radical and Socialist Critics 1866 1914 by Stargardt, Nicholas
The German Idea of Militarism: Radical and Socialist Critics 1866 1914 by Stargardt, Nicholas
Beyond the Wall: Germany's Road to Unification by Pond, Elizabeth
Germania Sacra, Bd 32, Das Bistum Konstanz 4. Das (freiweltliche) Damenstift Buchau am Federsee by
Goebbels and Der Angriff by Lemmons, Russel
The Foreign Worker and the German Labor Movement: Xenophobia and Solidarity in the Coal Fields of the Ruhr, 1871-1914 by Kulczycki, John
The German Peasants' War by
Hugenotten unterm Hakenkreuz by Fuhrich-Grubert, Ursula
Berlin Rising: Biography of a City by Fisher, David, Read, Anthony
The Berlin Jewish Community: Enlightenment, Family, and Crisis, 1770-1830 by Lowenstein, Steven M.
Music in the Third Reich by Levi, Erik
Contending with Hitler: Varieties of German Resistance in the Third Reich by
The Secret War Against Hitler by Chandler, Andrew, Von Schlabrendorff, Fabian
The Past as Future by Habermas, Jurgen
Encyclopedia of the Third Reich by Snyder, Louis L.
Oktober - Dezember 1943 by
The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany by Guérin, Daniel
Reemerging Jewish Culture in Germany: Life and Literature Since 1989 by Gilman, Sander L., Remmler, Karen
Reemerging Jewish Culture in Germany: Life and Literature Since 1989 by Gilman, Sander L., Remmler, Karen
Uniting Germany: Documents and Debates by Jarausch, Konrad, Gransow, Volker
Uniting Germany: Documents and Debates by Jarausch, Konrad, Gransow, Volker
Patricians and Parvenus: Wealth and High Society in Wilhelmine Germany by Augustine, Dolores
Visions of Modernity: American Business and the Modernization of Germany by Nolan, Mary
Visions of Modernity: American Business and the Modernization of Germany by Nolan, Mary
Germany Divided: From the Wall to Reunification by McAdams, A. James
The Jews in Germany, 1945-1993: The Building of a Minority by Cohn, Michael
Januar - März 1942 by
Januar - März 1944 by
Central Europe Since 1945 by Lewis, Paul G.
Brief Introduction to the Study of Theology: With Reference to the Scientific Standpoint and the Catholic System by Drey, Johann Sebastian
The Defeat of Imperial Germany, 1917-1918 by Paschall, Rod
The Luftwaffe War Diaries by Bekker, Cajus
März 1929 - Dezember 1929 by
The Making of the Jewish Middle Class: Women, Family, and Identity in Imperial Germany by Kaplan, Marion A.
The Jews of Germany: A Historical Portrait by Gay, Ruth
Die Ortswüstungen des Havellandes by Mangelsdorf, Günter
Germany's New Position in Europe: Problems and Perspectives by
Nazi Germany at War by Kitchen, Martin
Republik ohne Chance? by Asmuss, Burkhard
In Europe's Name: Germany and the Divided Continent by Ash, Timothy Garton
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1964 by
East German Dissidents and the Revolution of 1989: Social Movement in a Leninist Regime by Joppke, C.
April - Juni 1944 by
Droysen and the Prussian School of History by Southard, Robert
April - Juni 1942 by
East German Dissidents and the Revolution of 1989: Social Movement in a Leninist Regime by Joppke, Christian
Deutsche Juden Und Die Moderne by
Geheime Staatspolizei: Über Das Töten Und Die Tendenzen Der Entzivilisierung by Heuer, Hans-Joachim
Das Ende des Kalten Krieges im Orient by
Januar 1930 - September 1930 by
Twilight Memories: Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia by Huyssen, Andreas