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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 1995

The American Impact on Postwar Germany by
Heidelberg Im Schnittpunkt Intellektueller Kreise: Zur Topographie Der "Geistigen Geselligkeit" Eines "Weltdorfes" 1850-1950 by
Nazi Science: Myth, Truth, and the German Atomic Bomb by Walker, Mark
The Federal Republic of Germany at Forty-Five: Union Without Unity by
Januar - April 1945 by
Reordering Marriage and Society in Reformation Germany by Harrington, Joel F.
The Hidden Holocaust?: Gay and Lesbian Persecution in Germany 1933-45 by
The Longman Companion to Nazi Germany by Kirk, Tim
Twilight Memories: Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia by Huyssen, Andreas
Franks, Moravians, and Magyars: The Struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-97 by Bowlus, Charles R.
Das Kabinett Schäffer: 28. Mai Bis 28. September 1945 by
Cooperation Under Fire by Legro, Jeffrey W.
The Third Reich and the Holocaust in German Historiography: Toward the Historikerstreit of the Mid-1980s by Low, Alfred
Nazism, Fascism and the Working Class by Mason, Tim, Mason, Timothy W.
Hitler and the Occult by Anderson, Ken
Gemeinwohl und lokale Macht by Scarpa, Ludovica
The Sanctity of Rural Life: Nobility, Protestantism, and Nazism in Weimar Prussia by Baranowski, Shelley
Translating the Enlightenment: Scottish Civic Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Oz-Salzberger, Fania
The Rape of Europa: The Fate of Europe's Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War by Nicholas, Lynn H.
War, State and Society in Wurttemberg, 1677 1793 by Wilson, Peter H.
The Jews and Germany: From the Judeo-German Symbiosis to the Memory of Auschwitz by Traverso, Enzo
Last Battle: The Classic History of the Battle for Berlin by Ryan, Cornelius
Eternal Guilt?: Forty Years of German-Jewish Relations by Wolffsohn, Michael
Reforming Sex: The German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950 by Grossmann, Atina
The Politics of the Unpolitical: German Writers and the Problem of Power, 1770-1871 by Craig, Grodon A., Craig, Gordon A.
Military in Politics and Society in France & Germany in the 20th Century by
Jewish Scholarship and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Between History and Faith by Roemer, Nils
Öffentliche Finanzen und Finanzpolitik in Berlin 1945-1961 by Zschaler, Frank
The History of Everyday Life: Reconstructing Historical Experiences and Ways of Life by
Cinema in Democratizing Germany: Reconstructing National Identity After Hitler by Fehrenbach, Heide
Hitler as Philosophe: Remnants of the Enlightenment in National Socialism by Birken, Lawrence
Generations in Conflict: Youth Revolt and Generation Formation in Germany 1770 1968 by
Die Sachkultur des Mittelalters im Lichte der archaeologischen Funde: 2., unveraenderte Auflage by Felgenhauer-Schmiedt, Sabine
Außenpolitische Standortbestimmung Nach Der Reichstagswahl Juni - Juli 1928 by
Die Asiatische Hydra: Die Cholera Von 1830/31 in Berlin Und Den Preußischen Provinzen Posen, Preußen Und Schlesien by Dettke, Barbara
The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution by Browning, Christopher R.
People in Transit by
The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany by Weinberg, Gerhard L.
Education in Germany: Tradition and Reform in Historical Context by
In and Out of the Ghetto: Jewish-Gentile Relations in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany by Hsia, R. Po-Chia
Urbanization and Crime: Germany 1871 1914 by Johnson, Eric a.
Between Sorrow and Strength by
Politics and Culture in Wilhelmine Germany: The Case of Industrial Architecture by Jefferies, Matthew
War and Economy in the Third Reich by Overy, Richard J.
A German Women's Movement: Class and Gender in Hanover, 1880-1933 by Reagin, Nancy R.
The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany 1933-1945 by Grunberger, Richard
Der Literarische Salon: Literatur Und Geselligkeit Zwischen Aufklärung Und Vormärz by Seibert, Peter
Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, Band 5, Juli - September 1942 by
Juli - September 1944 by
Weber's Protestant Ethic: Origins, Evidence, Contexts by
The Federal Republic of Germany at Forty-Five: Union Without Unity by Merkl, Peter H.
Das Deutsche Reich Im Urteil Der Großen Mächte Und Europäischen Nachbarn (1871-1945) by
The Rise of Brandenburg-Prussia by Shennan, Margaret
National Socialist Cultural Policy by
Before the Deluge: Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s, a by Friedrich, Otto
The Federal Republic of Germany at Forty-Five: Union Without Unity by Merkl, Peter H.
Japan and Germany in the Modern World by Martin, Bernd
The New Germany: Social, Political and Cultural Challenges of Unification by
The New Germany: Social, Political and Cultural Challenges of Unification by
The Weimar Republic Sourcebook: Volume 3 by Dimendberg, Edward, Jay, Martin, Kaes, Anton
Kultur und Krieg by
The Last Days of Hitler by Trevor-Roper, Hugh R.
Der Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft 1920-1995 by Schulze, Winfried
Judengemeinden in Schwaben im Kontext des Alten Reiches by
Die Geteilte Vergangenheit: Zum Umgang Mit Nationalsozialismus Und Widerstand in Beiden Deutschen Staaten by
Augsburg in Der Frühen Neuzeit: Beiträge Zu Einem Forschungsprogramm by
Der >Gesäuberte: Die sed Und Die Roten Kapos Von Buchenwald. Dokumente by
Die Berlinkrise 1958 bis 1963 by Lemke, Michael
Die Inschriften des Landkreises Jena by Hallof, Luise, Hallof, Klaus
Metropolen im Wandel by
Von der Aufgabe der Freiheit by
Geopolitik by Ebeling, Frank
Kriegsende Und Neuanfang in Augsburg 1945: Erinnerungen Und Berichte by
Eliten in Deutschland und Frankreich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/Elites en France et en Allemagne aux XIXème et XXème siècles, Band 2, Eliten in Deutsc by
Germans to the Front: West German Rearmament in the Adenauer Era by Large, David Clay
Oktober - Dezember 1944 by
Herausforderungen by
Culture and Catastrophe: German and Jewish Confrontations with National Socialism and Other Crises by Aschheim, Steven E.
German Cultural Studies: An Introduction by
Animals in the Urban Landscape in the Wake of the Middle Ages: A case study from Vác, Hungary by Miklós, Zsuzsa, Gyulai, Ferenc, Bartosiewicz, László