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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 1998

A Year of Revolutions: Fanny Lewald's Recollections of 1848 by
Mitteleuropa: Between Europe and Germany by
Learning to Be Loyal by Harp, Stephen L.
Kinship in Neckarhausen, 1700-1870 by Sabean, David Warren
Reading Berlin 1900 by Fritzsche, Peter
Europe: A History by Davies, Norman
Sowjetische Speziallager in Deutschland 1945 bis 1950, Band 1, Studien und Berichte by
Tamed Power by
Tamed Power by
The Woman Beneath the Skin: A Doctor's Patients in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Duden, Barbara
1. Januar Bis 31. Dezember 1950 by
The Royal Navy and German Naval Disarmament 1942-1947 by Madsen, Chris
The Royal Navy and German Naval Disarmament 1942-1947 by Madsen, Chris
Education and Society in Germany by Hahn, H. J.
Education and Society in Germany by Hahn, H. J.
Nazism 1919-1945 Volume 1: The Rise to Power 1919-1934: A Documentary Reader by
Regional Identity and Economic Change: The Upper Rhine 1450-1600 by Scott, Tom
Brüder, Freunde und Betrüger by Häberlein, Mark
Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany, 1944 1949 by Eisenberg, Carolyn
National Identity in Eastern Germany: Inner Unification or Continued Separation? by Staab, Andreas
The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity, with a New Preface by Maier, Charles S.
Lola Montez: A Life by Seymour, Bruce
The Logic of Evil: The Social Origins of the Nazi Party, 1925-1933 by Brustein, William
Öffentlichkeiten der Frühen Neuzeit by Körber, Esther-Beate
German Sociology: T.W. Adorno, M. Horkheimer, G. Simmel, M. Weber, and Others by
German Sociology: T.W. Adorno, M. Horkheimer, G. Simmel, M. Weber, and Others by
Seize the Book, Jail the Author: Johann Lorenz Schmidt and Censorship in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Spalding, Paul S.
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1967 by
The Death of the Kpd: Communism and Anti-Communism in West Germany, 1945-1956 by Major, Patrick
Daimler-Benz in the Third Reich by Gregor, Neil
Germans on Welfare: From Weimar to Hitler by Crew, David F.
For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest Against Hitler by Barnett, Victoria
The Lost Museum: The Nazi Conspiracy to Steal the World's Greatest Works of Art by Feliciano, Hector
The Castles of the Rhine: Recreating the Middle Ages in Modern Germany by Taylor, Robert R.
Tales from the German Underworld: Crime and Punishment in the Nineteenth Century by Evans, Richard J.
Popularizing the Nation: Audience, Representation, and the Production of Identity in "die Gartenlaube," 1853-1900 by Belgum, Kirsten
Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism by Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas
Between Reform and Revolution: German Socialism and Communism from 1840 to 1990 by
Wallenstein and Mary Stuart: Friedrich Schiller by
Stalin's Unwanted Child: The Soviet Union, the German Question and the Founding of the Gdr by Loth, Wilfried
Lion and the Star by Friedman, Jonathan
Ehrkonzepte in der Frühen Neuzeit by
From Bonn to Berlin: German Politics in Transition by Edinger, Lewis, Nacos, Brigitte Lebens
Anatomy of a Dictatorship: Inside the Gdr 1949-1989 by Williams, Penry, Fulbrook, Mary
Fighting for Partnership by Turner, Lowell
Burned Child Seeks the Fire by Edvardson, Cordelia
Fighting for Partnership by Turner, Lowell
History of German Settlements in Texas Prior to the Civil War by Biesele, Rudolf
German-Jewish History in Modern Times: Integration and Dispute, 1871-1918 by
Madagaskar Für Die Juden: Antisemitische Idee Und Politische PRAXIS 1885-1945 by Brechtken, Magnus
So It Was True: American Protestant Press and the Nazi Persecution of the Jews: The American Protestant Press and the Nazi Persecution of the Jews by Ross, Robert W.
German-Jewish History in Modern Times: Integration and Dispute, 1871-1918 by
Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks by Aarons, Mark
Die Dorotheenstadt im 19. Jahrhundert by Wagner, Volker
German Home Towns: Community, State, and General Estate, 1648-1871 by Walker, Mack
Sowjetische Präsenz Im Kulturellen Leben Der Sbz Und Frühen DDR 1945-1953 by Hartmann, Anne, Eggeling, Wolfram
Germany's Transient Pasts: Preservation and National Memory in the Twentieth Century by Koshar, Rudy J.
Tearing the Silence: On Being German in America by Hegi, Ursula
Deutsche Einheit: Sonderedition Aus Den Akten Des Bundeskanzleramtes 1989/90 by
Die Eisenhower-Administration Und Die Zweite Berlinkrise, 1958-1961 by Bremen, Christian
The German Melting Pot: Multiculturality in Historical Perspective by Zank, W.
Czechoslovakia, 1918-92: A Laboratory for Social Change by Machonin, P., Krejcí, J.
Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany by Brubaker, Rogers
Sowjetische Dokumente Zur Lagerpolitik by
Oktober 1932 - Januar 1933 by
Intellectuals and the Nation: Collective Identity in a German Axial Age by Giesen, Bernhard
Intellectuals and the Nation by Giesen, Bernhard
Heinrich Bruning and the Dissolution of the Weimar Republic by Patch, William L., Jr.
Shaman of Oberstdorf: Chonrad Stoeckhlin and the Phantoms of the Night by Behringer, Wolfgang
Shaman of Oberstdorf Shaman of Oberstdorf: Chonrad Stoeckhlin and the Phantoms of the Night by Behringer, Wolfgang
Hitler's Economy: Nazi Work Creation Programs, 1933-1936 by Silverman, Dan P.
Geselligkeit Und Gesellige: Bildung, Bürgertum Und Bildungsbürgerliche Kultur Um 1800 by Gaus, Detlef
From Recovery to Catastrophe: Municipal Stabilization and Political Crisis by Lieberman, Ben
To the Bitter End by Gisevius, Hans
Nazism 1919-1945 Volume 4: The German Home Front in World War II: A Documentary Reader by
The Weimar Republic 1919-1933 by Henig, Ruth
The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany by Brenner, Michael
The Salaried Masses: Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany by Kracauer, Siegfried
The German Revolution of 1848-49 by Siemann, Wolfram
Language and History in the Early Germanic World by D. H., Green, Green, Dennis Howard, Green, D. H.
Hunger in Bayern 1816-1818: Politik und Gesellschaft in einer Staatskrise des fruehen 19. Jahrhunderts by Müller, Gerald
The German Revolution of 1848-49 by Siemann, Wolfram
Poland Between the Wars, 1918-1939 by
Expansion And Structural Change by Windolf, Paul
Bürgertum in Köln 1775-1870: Gemeinsinn Und Freie Association by Mettele, Gisela
Bürgerliche Herrschaft in Augsburg 1790-1880 by Möller, Frank
Der Deutsche Bund Zwischen Reaktion Und Reform 1851-1858 by
Institutionen und Ressourcen by
Requiem for an Army: The Demise of the East German Military by Herspring, Dale R.
1956 by
Life of Goethe by Williams, John R.
Die Juden Und Die Jüdischen Gemeinden Preussens in Amtlichen Enquêten Des Vormärz: Enquête Des Ministeriums Des Innern Und Der Polizei Über Die Rechts by
Social Justice Feminists in the United States and Germany by
Women Under the Third Reich: A Biographical Dictionary by Cosner, Victoria, McKinney, T. D., Cosner, Shaaron
The Hitler of History by Lukacs, John
Tales: E.T.A. Hoffmann by
Imperial Germany 1871-1918 by Lee, Stephen J.
The German Melting Pot: Multiculturality in Historical Perspective by Zank, W.
Hitler and His Secret Partners by Pool, James
Chronik russischen Lebens in Deutschland 1918-1941 by