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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 1999

Over the Green Hill: A German Jewish Memoir, 1913-1943. by Strauss, Lotte
Aufklärung und Esoterik by Neugebauer-Wölk, Monika
Die Dorfordnungen Im Herzogtum Schleswig: Dorf Und Obrigkeit in Der Frühen Neuzeit. Band 1: Einführung. Band 2: Edition by Rheinheimer, Martin
Minderheit im Nationalstaat by Kucera, Jaroslav
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1968 by
Zwischen Abendland und Amerika by Schildt, Axel
In Search of Jewish Community: Jewish Identities in Germany and Austria, 1918-1933 by
The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture by
The Unification of Germany, 1989-1990 by Leiby, Richard
Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler by Harrington, Anne
Soziale Mobilität im Berlin des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts by Federspiel, Ruth
Öffentliche Nahverkehrspolitik in Berlin und Paris 1890-1914 by Bendikat, Elfi
The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture by
Private Wohltätigkeitsvereine im Kaiserreich by Nitsch, Meinolf
Art as Politics in the Third Reich by Petropoulos, Jonathan
Die DDR-Wirtschaftsreform der sechziger Jahre by Steiner, Andre
Außenpolitik und Strategiediskussion by Eisermann, Daniel
The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty by
The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty by
The Chameleon State: Global Culture and Policy Shifts in Britain and Germany, 1914-1933 by Liu, Tien-Lung
The Rise and Demise of German Statism: Loyalty and Political Membership by Kvistad, Gregg
Nationale Kontrahenten oder Partner? by Boyer, Christoph
On the Road to the Wolfus Lair: German Resistance to Hitler by Hamerow, Theodore S.
'Final Solution': Nazi Population Policy and the Murder of the European Jews by Aly, G. Tz, Aly, G?tz, Aly, Gotz
Dissolution: The Crisis of Communism and the End of East Germany by Maier, Charles S.
Mortal Friends, Best Enemies: German-Russian Cooperation after the Cold War by Wallander, Celeste A.
Entnazifizierung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by Melis, Damian Van
Anthroposophen in Der Zeit Des Nationalsozialismus by Werner, Uwe
Mortal Friends, Best Enemies: German-Russian Cooperation After the Cold War by Wallander, Celeste A.
Anticipating Total War by
Recasting East Germany: Social Transformation after the GDR by
The Nazis: A Warning from History by Rees, Laurence
The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership by Fest, Joachim C.
The Invisible Wall: Germans and Jews: A Personal Exploration by Blumenthal, W. Michael
After the Holocaust: Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Postwar Germany by Brenner, Michael
The Twisted Muse: Musicians and Their Music in the Third Reich by Kater, Michael
Humanismus Und Geschichtsschreibung Am Mittelrhein: Das Chronicon Urbis Et Ecclesiae Maguntinensis Des Hermannus Piscator Osb by Goerlitz, Uta
Stalingrad by Beevor, Antony
The Federal Republic of Germany at Fifty: At the End of a Century of Turmoil by
Focke-Wulf Ta 152: The Story of the Luftwaffe's Late-War, High-Altitude Fighter by Hermann, Dietmar
Chamberlain and the Lost Peace by Charmley, John
Under the Shadow of the Swastika: The Moral Dilemmas of Resistance and Collaboration in Hitler's Europe by Bennett, R.
Under the Shadow of the Swastika: The Moral Dilemmas of Resistance and Collaboration in Hitler's Europe by Bennett, R.
Industrial Culture and Bourgeois Society in Modern Germany by Kocka, Jürgen
Nazism in Central Germany: The Brownshirts in 'red' Saxony by Szejnmann, Claus-Christian W.
Industrial Culture and Bourgeois Society in Modern Germany by Kocka, Jürgen
Quelleneditionen Und Kein Ende?: Symposium Der Monumenta Germaniae Historica Und Der Historischen Kommission Bei Der Bayerischen Akademie Der Wissensc by
Sex, Religion, and the Making of Modern Madness: The Eberbach Asylum and Germany Society, 1815-1849 by Goldberg, Ann
The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp by Sofsky, Wolfgang
The Saxon Mirror: A Sachsenspiegel of the Fourteenth Century by
Science Under Socialism: East Germany in Comparative Perspective by
The Road to Stalingrad: Stalin`s War with Germany, Volume One by Erickson, John
German Jews: A Dual Identity by Mendes-Flohr, Paul
Stated Memory: East Germany and the Holocaust by Fox, Thomas C.
The History of Germany by Turk, Eleanor L.
Urban Liberalism in Imperial Germany: Frankfurt Am Main, 1866-1914 by Palmowski, Jan
Hitler and Nazi Germany by McDonough, Frank
Die Westpolitik Der sed 1948/49-1961: Arbeit Nach Westdeutschland Durch Die Nationale Front, Das Ministerium Für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten Und Das Mi by Amos, Heike
Kabinettsausschuß Für Wirtschaft: Band 1: 1951-1953 by
Learning Democracy: Democratic and Economic Values in Unified Germany by Rohrschneider, Robert
The German Question by Verheyen, Dirk
The Transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 by Sorkin, David
Nazi Family Policy, 1933-1945 by Pine, Lisa
Defa: East German Cinema 1946-1992 by
Defa: East German Cinema 1946-1992 by
After the Wall: Eastern Germany Since 1989 by Smith, Patricia J.
The Last Jews in Berlin by Gross, Leonard
German National Identity After the Holocaust by Fulbrook, Mary
Under the Bombs: The German Home Front, 1942-1945 by Beck, Earl Ray
Hans Kohlhase: Die Geschichte einer Fehde in Sachsen und Brandenburg zur Zeit der Reformation by Duncker, Arne, Dießelhorst, Malte
Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew by Breitman, Richard
The German Reformation: The Essential Readings by
Bilder und Vorstellungen vom Mittelalter by Wolf, Peter
Materialien, Register, Bibliographie (Erschließungsband) by
A Dubious Past: Ernst Jünger and the Politics of Literature After Nazism Volume 19 by Neaman, Elliot Y.
From Confrontation to Cooperation: The Takeover of the National People's (East German) Army by the Bundeswehr by Zilian, Frederick
The Cicero Spy Affair: German Access to British Secrets in World War II by Wires, Richard
Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the Gdr by
Malteserkreuz und Preußenadler: Ein Beitrag zur Gruendungsgeschichte der Genossenschaft der Rheinisch-Westfaelischen Malteser-Devotionsritter by Buhlmann, Urs
Germany's Difficult Passage to Modernity: Breakdown, Breakup, Breakthrough by
Transmission Impossible: American Journalism as Cultural Diplomacy in Postwar Germany, 1945--1955 by Gienow-Hecht, Jessica
Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the Gdr by
Men of Steel: I SS Panzer Corps by Reynolds, Michael
Germans Into Nazis by Fritzsche, Peter
Divided in Unity: Identity, Germany, and the Berlin Police by Glaeser, Andreas
Europa Und Asien-Pazifik: Grundlagen, Entwicklungslinien Und Perspektiven Der Europäisch-Asiatischen Beziehungen by
Nachkriegszeit in Südwürttemberg: Die Stadt Friedrichshafen Und Der Kreis Tettnang in Den Vierziger Und Fünfziger Jahren by Haeffner, Michaela
Operation Barbarossa Army Group Center 22 June 1941 by Asociados, Atenas Editores
Matheus Miller's Memoir: A Merchant's Life in the Seventeenth Century by Safley, T.
The Reformation of the Dead: Death and Ritual in Early Modern Germany, C.1450-1700 by Koslofsky, C.
1934/35 by
The Battle of Kursk by Glantz, David M., House, Jonathan M.
Theodor Fontane: Literature and History in the Bismarck Reich by Craig, Gordon A.
The Third Reich: The Essential Readings by
The Third Reich: The Essential Readings by
Social Democracy and the Working Class: in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Germany by Berger, Stefan
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1951 by
The Architecture of Oppression: The Ss, Forced Labor and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy by Jaskot, Paul B.
Narratives of Guilt and Compliance in Unified Germany: Stasi Informers and their Impact on Society by Miller, Barbara
Germania by Tacitus, Rives, J. B.
Unwrapping Goethe's Weimar: Essays in Cultural Studies and Local Knowledge by
From Rugs to Riches: Housework, Consumption and Modernity in Germany by Loehlin, Jennifer Ann
Transactions, Transgressions, Transformation: American Culture in Western Europe and Japan by
Transactions, Transgressions, Transformation: American Culture in Western Europe and Japan by
The German Army and Genocide: Crimes Against War Prisoners, Jews, and Other Civilians in the East, 1939-1944 by
The Lion and the Eagle: German-Spanish Relations Over the Centuries: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Briefwechsel 1801-1802: (Briefe 1005-1245) by
Das Kabinett Ehard I: 21. Dezember 1946 Bis 20. September 1947 by
Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World: Althusius on Community and Federalism by Hueglin, Thomas O.
The East-Central European Region: An Historical Outline by Hodos, George H.