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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2001

Kaspar Hauser: Europe's Child by Kitchen, M.
Dresden: A City Reborn by
The French Defeat of 1940: Reassessments by
The German-American Encounter: Conflict and Cooperation Between Two Cultures, 1800-2000 by
The German-American Encounter: Conflict and Cooperation Between Two Cultures, 1800-2000 by
Reluctant Warrior: Former German POW Finds Peace in Texas by Erichsen, Heino R.
In the Shadow of Catastrophe: German Intellectuals Between Apocalypse and Enlightenment Volume 14 by Rabinbach, Anson
Hochschuloffiziere und Wiederaufbau des Hochschulwesen in Deutschland 1945-1949 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 13, Heft 3 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 13, Heft 4 by
Das Germanische Notherbrecht Und Seine Geschichte in Den Coutumes by Kohler, Josef
Die Bedeutung Der Beiden Definitorialordnungen Von 1628 Und 1743 Für Die Geschichte Des Darmstädter Definitoriums: Eine Studie Zur Geschichte Des Hess by Diehl, Wilhelm
Die Königlich Preussische Akademie Der Wissenschaften. Rede Zur Zweihundertjahrfeier in Der Festsitzung Am 20. März 1900 by Harnack, Adolf
Pack of Thieves: How Hitler and Europe Plundered the Jews and Committed the Greatest Theft in History by Chesnoff, Richard Z.
Left Liberals, the State, and Popular Politics in Wilhelmine Germany by Thompson, Alastair P.
Das Buero des Reichspraesidenten 1919-1934: Eine politisch-administrative Institution in Kontinuitaet und Wandel by Weber, Klaus-Dieter
Justiz in Brandenburg 1945-1955: Gleichschaltung Und Anpassung. Veröffentlichungen Zur Sbz-/Ddr-Forschung Im Institut Für Zeitgeschichte by Pohl, Dieter
Hitler's Northern War: The Luftwaffe's Ill-Fated Campaign, 1940-1945 by Claasen, Adam R. a.
Britain and the Ruhr Crisis by O'Riordan, E.
Deutschland-Trendbuch: Fakten Und Orientierungen by
Die Transformation Ostdeutschlands: Berichte Zum Sozialen Und Politischen Wandel in Den Neuen Bundesländern by
Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany by Stoltzfus, Nathan
The Rise of Prussia 1700-1830 by Dwyer, Philip G.
Hitler's War by Hoyt, Edwin P.
Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany by Massaquoi, Hans
Germany Since Unification: The Development of the Berlin Republic by
Germany Since Unification: The Development of the Berlin Republic by
Germany from Defeat to Partition, 1945-1963 by Williamson, D. G.
The Fall of the GDR by Childs, David
Bismarck, Andrassy and Their Successors by Andrassy, Julius
Kabinettsausschuß Für Wirtschaft: Band 3: 1956-1957 by
Sex, Religion, and the Making of Modern Madness: The Eberbach Asylum and German Society, 1815-1849 by Goldberg, Ann
Frederick the Great: A Life in Deed and Letters by MacDonogh, Giles
Science in the Third Reich by
Science in the Third Reich by
Literature, the 'Volk' and the Revolution in Mid-19th Century Germany by Perraudin, Michael
The Germans: Victims of Geography by Stenzel, David Bentheim
The Bunker by O'Donnell, James P.
Remaking the Conquering Heroes: The Social and Geopolitical Impact of the Post-War American Occupation of Germany by Willoughby, J.
Remaking the Conquering Heroes: The Social and Geopolitical Impact of the Post-War American Occupation of Germany by Willoughby, J.
Grand Delusion: Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia by Gorodetsky, Gabriel
Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany by Widdig, Bernd
Die Deutsch-Französischen Beziehungen 1949-1963: Von Der Erbfeindschaft Zur Entente Élémentaire by Lappenküper, Ulrich
The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews: The Expropriation of Jewish-Owned Property by James, Harold
German Incertitudes, 1914-1945: The Stones and the Cathedral by Von Klemperer, Klemens
The Third Reich Between Vision and Reality: New Perspectives on German History 1918-1945 by
Public Law in Germany, 1800-1914 by Stolleis, Michael
The Nazi Persecution of the Churches, 1933-1945 by Conway, J. S.
Judging the Past in Unified Germany by McAdams, A. James
Imperial Germany 1850-1918 by Feuchtwanger, Edgar
Imperial Germany 1850-1918 by Feuchtwanger, Edgar
Judging the Past in Unified Germany by McAdams, A. James
The Crimes of Women in Early Modern Germany by Rublack, Ulinka
Citizenship and Wars: France in Turmoil 1870-1871 by Taithe, Bertrand
Citizenship and Wars: France in Turmoil 1870-1871 by Taithe, Bertrand
Kulturgeschichte Ostpreussens in Der Frühen Neuzeit by
Dealing with the Devil: East Germany, Détente, and Ostpolitik, 1969-1973 by Sarotte, M. E.
Authority and Upheaval in Leipzig, 1910-1920: The Story of a Relationship by Dobson, Sean
The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present by Wandycz, Piotr
Walther von Brauchitsch (1881 - 1948): Eine politische Biographie by Löffler, Jürgen
Dorfschule zwischen Pastor und Schulmeister: Zur Saekularisierung des niederhessischen Schulwesens im 19. Jahrhundert by Wachter, Alexander
Staging the Past: The Politics of Commemoration in Habsburg Central Europe, 1848 to the Present (Central European Studies) by
Justiz in Der Sbz/DDR 1945-1953: Transformation Und Rolle Ihrer Zentralen Institutionen. Veröffentlichungen Zur Sbz-/Ddr-Forschung Im Institut Für Zei by Wentker, Hermann
Twentieth-Century Germany: Politics, Culture, and Society 1918-1990 by
Weimar - Archäologie Eines Ortes by Knoche, Michael, Golz, Jochen, Bollenbeck, Georg
German Anglophobia and the Great War, 1914-1918 by Stibbe, Matthew
Ottonian Germany: The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg by
The Course of German History: A Survey of the Development of German History since 1815 by Taylor, A. J. P.
The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies by
Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany by
Modern Prussian History: 1830-1947 by Dwyer, Philip G.
The German Urban Experience: Modernity and Crisis, 1900-1945 by McElligott, Anthony
Women and Modernity in Weimar Germany: Reality and Its Representation in Popular Fiction by Petersen, Vibeke Rützou
Scholem, Arendt, Klemperer: Intimate Chronicles in Turbulent Times by Aschheim, Steven E.
Oberammergau: The Troubling Story of the World's Most Famous Passion Play by Shapiro, James
The German Urban Experience: Modernity and Crisis, 1900-1945 by McElligott, Anthony
Uprising in East Germany, 1953: The Cold War, the German Question, and the First Major Upheaval behind the Iron Curtain by
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Würzburg 6. Die Benediktinerabtei Und Das Adeligesäkularkononikerstift St. Burkard in Säkularkononik by
Hitler's Secret Pirate Fleet: The Deadliest Ships of World War II by Duffy, James P.
Crumbling Empire: The German Defeat in the East, 1944 by Mitcham, Samuel
Health & Healing in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Lindemann, Mary
Kaspar Hauser: Europe's Child by Kitchen, M.
Victory in Europe?: Britain and Germany since 1945 by Lee, Sabine
The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815-1918 by Sked, Alan
The Parliaments of Early Modern Europe: 1400 - 1700 by Graves, M. A. R.
The Kaiser's Merchant Ships in World War I by Putnam, William Lowell
Bacchus and Civic Order: The Culture of Drink in Early Modern Germany by Tlusty, B. Ann
Bacchus and Civic Order: The Culture of Drink in Early Modern Germany by Tlusty, B. Ann
Ambiguous Memory: The Nazi Past and German National Identity by Kattago, Siobhan
A Mind in Prison: The Memoir of a Son and Soldier of the Third Reich by Manz, Bruno
Nazism 1919-1945 Volume 3: Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination by
The 1848 Revolutions in German-Speaking Europe by Hahn, H. J.
Soldiers as Citizens: Former Wehrmacht Officers in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1955 by Lockenour, Jay
Lone Star and the Swastika: Prisoners of War in Texas by Walker, Richard Paul
The Question of German Guilt by Jaspers, Karl
Question of German Guilt by Jaspers, Karl
Das Diktat Des Konsenses: Geschichtswissenschaft in Der DDR 1949-1969 by Sabrow, Martin
Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture by
Opposition and Resistance in Nazi Germany by McDonough, Frank
Die Juden in Deutschland Vom 16. Bis Zum Ende Des 18. Jahrhunderts by Battenberg, Friedrich
Facing the Nazi Past: United Germany and the Legacy of the Third Reich by Niven, Bill
Facing the Nazi Past: United Germany and the Legacy of the Third Reich by Niven, Bill
Righteous Deception: German Officers Against Hitler by Johnson, David
Flucht und Vertreibung in der deutschen Literatur: Beitraege by
The Divided Past: Rewriting Post-War German History by
Germany and America: Essays in Honor of Gerald R. Kleinfeld by
Crossing Boundaries: The Exclusion and Inclusion of Minorities in Germany and the United States by
Crossing Boundaries: The Exclusion and Inclusion of Minorities in Germany and the United States by
Hitler's Personal Pilot: The Life and Times of Hans Baur by Sweeting, C. G.
Die Politische Deutungskultur Im Spiegel Des "historikerstreits": What's Right? What's Left? by Kailitz, Steffen
Women in Nazi Germany by Stephenson, Jill
Fatherlands: State-Building and Nationhood in Nineteenth-Century Germany by Green, Abigail
Der Ferne Osten Und Das Landesinnere Bis Zum Tauros by
Die "gute" Policey im Reichskreis, Bd. 1, Der Schwäbische Reichskreis, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Bayerisch-Schwabens by Wüst, Wolfgang
Die Umsiedlung der Wolhyniendeutschen in den Jahren 1939 bis 1940 by Döring, Stephan
Offizianten und Ouvriers by Siebeneicker, Arnulf
Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933-1945 by Feldman, Gerald D.
The Child's View of the Third Reich in German Literature: The Eye Among the Blind by Pinfold, Debbie
The Third Reich: A New History by Burleigh, Michael
Berlin by Large, David Clay
Britain and the German Question: Perceptions of Nationalism and Political Reform, 1830-1863 by Müller, F.
Die Erschließung Des Landes 1949 Bis 1973 by
Deutsche Söldner Im Italien Des Trecento by Selzer, Stephan
The Wandering Jews by Roth, Joseph
Entwicklungslinien Und Wendepunkte Im 20. Jahrhundert by
Society and Economy in Germany, 1300-1600 by Scott, Tom
Wagner's Hitler: A Sceptical View by Kohler, Joachim
German Women for Empire, 1884-1945 by Wildenthal, Lora
The Secret Police and the Revolution: The Fall of the German Democratic Republic by Peterson, Edward N.
Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany by Zimmerman, Angela Elisabeth
Germany's Difficult Passage to Modernity: Breakdown, Breakup, Breakthrough by
The House of Krupp: The Steel Dynasty That Armed the Nazis by Batty, Peter
Heeresergaenzung und Sozialordnung: Dienstpflichtige, Einsteher und Freiwillige in Wuerttemberg zur Zeit des Deutschen Bundes by Schneider, Thomas Michael
Religion, Government and Political Culture in Early Modern Germany: Lindau, 1520-1628 by Wolfart, J.
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1953 by
Friedrich I. König von Preußen by Droysen, Johann Gustav
How Hitler Could Have Won World War II: The Fatal Errors That Led to Nazi Defeat by Alexander, Bevin
Genocide on Trial: War Crimes Trials and the Formation of History and Memory by Bloxham, Donald
Reluctant Allies: German-Japanese Naval Relations in World War II by Hirama, Yoichi, Niestle, Axel, Krug, Hans-Joachim
The Hitler Myth: Image and Reality in the Third Reich by Kershaw, Ian
Ratsbürgerschaft und Residenz by Schmitz, Christian
Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider by Gay, Peter
Berlin in Lights: The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler (1918-1937) by
Germans on Welfare: From Weimar to Hitler by Crew, David F.
Life in the Third Reich (Revised) by
Panzer Leader by Guderian, Heinz