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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2002

The Berlin Embassy of Lord d'Abernon, 1920-1926 by Johnson, G.
Court Culture in Dresden by Watanabe-O'Kelly, H.
Religion, Government and Poltical Culture in Early Modern Germany: Lindau, 1520-1628 by Wolfart, J.
Britain and the German Question: Perceptions of Nationalism and Political Reform, 1830-1863 by Müller, F.
German Federalism: Past, Present and Future by
The Berlin Wall Crisis: Perspectives on Cold War Alliances by Schake, Kori
Popular Cinema of the Third Reich by Hake, Sabine
'Aryanisation' in Hamburg: The Economic Exclusion of Jews and the Confiscation of Their Property in Nazi Germany by Bajohr, Frank
Nazi Science: Myth, Truth, and the German Atomic Bomb by Walker, Mark
'Aryanisation' in Hamburg: The Economic Exclusion of Jews and the Confiscation of Their Property in Nazi Germany by Bajohr, Frank
Cultivating Music: The Aspirations, Interests, and Limits, of German Musical Culture, 1770-1848 by Gramit, David
Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse: A History of Eastern German Education, 1945-1995 by Rodden, John
Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project: A Study in German Culture by Rose, Paul Lawrence
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 13, Heft 5 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 13 by
Civilrechtliche Fristen Und Verjährungen Der Deutschen Reichsgesetze by Hermann, Johannes
Historisches Ortsnamenbuch Von Sachsen: Band I: A-L, Band II: M-Z, Band III: Apparat Und Register by
Nazi-Deutsch/Nazi German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich by Doerr, Karin, Doerr, Karen, Michael, Robert
1945 Bis 2000 Ansichten Zur Deutschen Geschichte: Zehn Jahre Gedenkstätte Moritzplatz Magdeburg Für Die Opfer Politischer Gewaltherrschaft 1945 Bis 19 by
Deutschland in Denglish Neunziger Jahrenglish by
Euskirchen 1952-2002: Der Wandel Einer Mittelstadt by Kecskes, Robert, Wolf, Christof, Friedrichs, Juergen
Die Beichte in den Flugschriften der fruehen Reformationszeit by Tobias, Ilse
1958 by
Aufbau Und Krise Der Planwirtschaft: Die Arbeitskräftelenkung in Der Sbz/DDR 1945 Bis 1963. Veröffentlichungen Zur Sbz-/Ddr-Forschung Im Institut Für by Hoffmann, Dierk
The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism by K?hl, Stefan, Kuhl, Stefan
Hitler's Austria: Popular Sentiment in the Nazi Era, 1938-1945 by Bukey, Evan Burr
Abgrund Metz by Steinbach, Matthias
Konflikt Oder Kooperation in Asien-Pazifik? by Umbach, Frank
Die Stalin-Note Vom 10. März 1952: Neue Quellen Und Analysen by
Enlightened Nationalism: The Transformation of Prussian Political Culture, 1806-1848 by Levinger, Matthew Bernard
Ola compagnie irlandaise; O REMINISCENCES OF THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR by Kirwan, Capt M. W.
Towards an Urban Nation: Germany Since 178 by
Brassey's Central and East European Security Yearbook by Markus, Ustina, Nelson, Daniel N.
Court Culture in Dresden by Watanabe-O'Kelly, H.
Two Cultures of Rights by
German Federalism: Past, Present and Future by
Heinrich Mann's Novels and Essays: The Artist as Political Educator by Gunnemann, Karin
Winning Women's Votes: Propaganda and Politics in Weimar Germany by Sneeringer, Julia
The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology of Texts by
Cool Conduct: The Culture of Distance in Weimar Germany by Lethen, Helmut
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1971 by
Kriegsende 1945 in Deutschland by
The Reformation in Germany by Dixon, C. Scott
Hilter, Chamberlain and appeasement by McDonough, Frank
Hermann Heller: Historismus und Geschichtswissenschaft im Staatsrecht (1919-1933) by Goller, Peter
Die Zins-Wucher-Gesetzgebung in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert: Eine entwicklungsgeschichtliche Betrachtung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung wirtsch by Dilcher, Jochen
Unlikely History: The Changing German-Jewish Symbiosis,1945-2000 by
Unlikely History: The Changing German-Jewish Symbiosis, 1945-2000 by
Berliner Bürgertum im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert by Stulz-Herrnstadt, Nadja
Lying about Hitler by Evans, Richard J.
The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda by Welch, David
The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda by Welch, David
Ten Years of German Unification by Leonhard, Funk, Mary Margaret
In and Out of the Ghetto: Jewish-Gentile Relations in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany by
Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies by
From Ostpolitik to Reunification: West German-Soviet Political Relations Since 1974 by Pittman, Avril
The Reformation and Rural Society: The Parishes of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 1528 1603 by Dixon, C. Scott
Community in Historical Perspective by Gierke, Otto Von
The Baltic States and Weimar Ostpolitik by John, Hiden, Hiden, John
Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany by Gellately, Robert
Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941 by Shirer, William L.
New Beginnings: Holocaust Survivors in Bergen-Belsen and the British Zone in Germany, 1945-1950 by Lavsky, Hagit
Iron Coffins: A Personal Account of the German U-Boat Battles of World War II by Werner, Herbert A.
Reform in Der Warteschleife: Ein Deutscher Sitz Im Un-Sicherheitsrat? by Andreae, Lisette
Medizin und Nationalsozialismus: Die Freiburger Medizinische Fakultaet und das Klinikum in der Weimarer Republik und im Dritten Reich by
The Impact of Napoleon: Prussian High Politics, Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Executive, 1797 1806 by Brendan, Simms, Simms, Brendan
Forced Migration and Scientific Change: Emigr German-Speaking Scientists and Scholars After 1933 by
The Politics of Education: Teachers and School Reform in Weimar Germay by Lamberti, Marjorie
Stereotyp, Identitaet und Geschichte: Die Funktion von Stereotypen in gesellschaftlichen Diskursen by
Die nationale Identitaet der Deutschen: Philosophische Imaginationen und historische Mentalitaeten by
GIS and Fräuleins: The German-American Encounter in 1950s West Germany by Höhn, Maria
Zwischen Frankreich und dem Reich: Die elsaessische Dekapolis nach dem Westfaelischen Frieden by Ohler, Christian
Women Clerks in Wilhelmine Germany: Issues of Class and Gender by Adams, Carole Elizabeth
Religious Toleration and Social Change in Hamburg, 1529 1819 by Joachim, Whaley, Whaley, Joachim
Urbanization and Crime: Germany 1871 1914 by Johnson, Eric a.
Growing Up Under Hitler by Knapp, Ludwig Wilhelm
Introductions of Adam Smith's Doctrines into Germany by Hasek, Carl William
American History Told by Contemporaries: Building of the Republic 1689 - 1783 by
The Myth of the Great War: A New Military History of World War I by Literary Agency East, Ltd, Mosier, John
The German Empire: A Short History by Sturmer, Michael
New Frontiers by Fischer, Conan
The Berlin Embassy of Lord d'Abernon, 1920-1926 by Johnson, G.
The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium by
Die Rolle der Geisteswissenschaften im Dritten Reich 1933-1945 by
People in Transit: German Migrations in Comparative Perspective, 1820 1930 by
Medicine and Modernity: Public Health and Medical Care in Nineteenth- And Twentieth-Century Germany by
Itinerant Kingship and Royal Monasteries in Early Medieval Germany, C.936 1075 by Bernhardt, John W.
German Policy-Making and Eastern Enlargement of the EU During the Kohl Era by Collins, Stephen
My Father's Keeper: Children of Nazi Leaders--An Intimate History of Damage and Denial by Lebert, Stephan
German Students' War Letters by Witkop, Philipp
Die preußische Rangerhoehung und Koenigskroenung 1701 in deutscher und europaeischer Sicht by
Johannes Bugenhagen Pomeranus - Vom Reformer zum Reformator: Studien zur Biographie by Leder, Hans-Günther
Gesellschaft Im Wandel 1949 Bis 1973 by
21. Oktober 1969 Bis 31. Dezember 1970 by
Akten der Reichskanzlei, Regierung Hitler 1933-1945, Band III, Akten der Reichskanzlei, Regierung Hitler 1933-1945 (1936) by
The Triumph of the Ordinary: Depictions of Daily Life in the East German Cinema, 1949-1989 by Feinstein, Joshua
Türken in Berlin 1871 - 1945 by
Reformation Und Gegenreformation by Lutz, Heinrich
The War of Our Childhood: Memories of World War II by Samuel, Wolfgang W. E.
Kidnap City: Cold War Berlin by Smith, Arthur Lee
East German Distinctiveness in a Unified Germany by Cooke, Paul, Grix, Jonathan
Approaches to the Study of Contemporary Germany by Grix, Jonathan
Life Between Memory and Hope: The Survivors of the Holocaust in Occupied Germany by Mankowitz, Zeev W.
The Hour of Decision: Germany and World-Historical Evolution by Spengler, Oswald
Cultural History Through a National Socialist Lens: Essays on the Cinema of the Third Reich by
Anti-Semitism and Schooling Under the Third Reich by Wegner, Gregory
History of Germany 1780-1918: The Long Nineteenth Century by Blackbourn, David
Anti-Semitism and Schooling Under the Third Reich by Wegner, Gregory
History of Germany 1780-1918: The Long Nineteenth Century by Blackbourn, David
Zwangsarbeit für den "Verbündeten" by Hammermann, Gabriele
Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich by
Deutschlands Krise Und Konjunktur 1924 1934: Binnenkonjunktur, Auslandsverschuldung Und Reparationsproblem Zwischen Dawes-Plan Und Transfersperre by Ritschl, Albrecht
All or Nothing: The Axis and the Holocaust 1941-43 by Steinberg, Jonathan
Hitler's Volkssturm by Yelton, David K.
Birth of a Tumbleweed: Memoirs of Growing Up in Post-Nazi Germany by Perreault, Inge
German Multiculturalism: Immigrant Integration and the Transformation of Citizenship by Klopp, Brett
The Healing Wound: Experiences and Reflections, Germany, 1938-2001 by Sereny, Gitta
Between Sorrow and Strength: Women Refugees of the Nazi Period by
The Development of the Sa in Nurnberg, 1922 1934 by Reiche, Eric G.
Die Inschriften Des Landkreises Rügen by
Recasting German Identity: Culture, Politics, and Literature in the Berlin Republic by
The Berlin Wall Crisis: Perspectives on Cold War Alliances by Schake, Kori
Shattered Past: Reconstructing German Histories by Jarausch, Konrad H., Geyer, Michael
Rebellion, Community and Custom in Early Modern Germany by Schindler, Norbert
A Social History of Germany, 1648-1914 by Sagarra, Eda
Home/Front: The Military, War and Gender in Twentieth-Century Germany by
Identities: Time, Difference and Boundaries by
Identities: Time, Difference and Boundaries by
Culture and Crisis: The Case of Germany and Sweden by
Home/Front: The Military, War and Gender in Twentieth-Century Germany by
My Journey: From the Third Reich to the New World by Santo, Harry Mewes
Objects of Culture: Ethnology and Ethnographic Museums in Imperial Germany by Penny, H. Glenn
GIS and Germans: Culture, Gender, and Foreign Relations, 1945-1949 by Goedde, Petra
Hitler's Black Victims: The Historical Experiences of Afro-Germans, European Blacks, Africans, and African Americans in the Nazi Era by Lusane, Clarence
Otto III by Althoff, Gerd
Totale Erziehung Für Den Totalen Krieg: Hitlerjugend Und Nationalsozialistische Jugendpolitik by Buddrus, Michael
Camouflage Uniforms of the German Wehrmacht: Manufacturers - Zeltbahnen - Headgear - Fallschirmjager Smocks - Army Smocks - Padded Uniforms - Leibermu by Palinckx, Werner
Germany's Great Lie: The Official German Justification of the War by Sladen, Douglas
Kumpel Und Genossen: Arbeiterschaft, Betrieb Und Sozialdemokratie in Der Bayerischen Montanindustrie 1945 Bis 1976 by Süß, Dietmar
1959 by
Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History by
Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History by
Cultures of Communication from Reformation to Enlightenment: Constructing Publics in the Early Modern German Lands by