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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2008

Catholic Germany from the Reformation to the Enlightenment by Forster, Marc
The Routledge Companion to Nazi Germany by Stackelberg, Roderick
Catholic Germany from the Reformation to the Enlightenment by Forster, Marc
Voices in Ruins: West German Radio Across the 1945 Divide by Badenoch, A.
Franco and the Axis Stigma by Pike, D.
The New German Jewry and the European Context: The Return of the European Jewish Diaspora by
Contemporary Germany and the Nazi Legacy: Remembrance, Politics and the Dialectic of Normality by Pearce, C.
Past in the Making: Historical Revisionism in Central Europe After 1989 by
A German Officer During the Armenian Genocide: A Biography of Max von Scheubner Richter by Leverkuehn, Paul
Kidnapped Souls by Zahra, Tara
Contesting the German Empire 1871 - 1918 by Jefferies, Matthew
Breton Orthographies and Dialects - Vol. 1: The Twentieth-Century Orthography War in Brittany by Wmffre, Iwan
Breton Orthographies and Dialects - Vol. 2: The Twentieth-Century Orthography War in Brittany by Wmffre, Iwan
Deutsche Exilanten und Flüchtlinge in England im Spiegel der Presse 1935-1945 by Feyer, Sven
Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State by Aly, Gotz
Deutsche Historiker und der Volkstumskampf im Osten: Albert Brackmanns Propagandaarbeit gegen Polen by Huber, Axel
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory by Fuchs, A.
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory by Fuchs, A.
Germany: The Spirit Of Her History, Literature, Social Condition And National Economy (1838) by Hawkins, Francis Bisset
200 Jahre Heidelberger Romantik by
The Third Reich: Charisma and Community by Kitchen, Martin
"Und Ich Lebe Wieder an Der Isar" by Sinn, Andrea
Wettereiba: Eine Gau-Geschichte by Thudichum, Friedrich V.
Der Geist Der Demokratie: Intellektuelle Orientierungsversuche Im Feuilleton Der Frühen Bundesrepublik: Karl Korn Und Peter de Mendelssohn by Payk, Marcus M.
Symphonic Aspirations: German Music and Politics, 1900-1945 by Painter, Karen
Die Entstehung der kaufmännischen Angestelltenschaft von der vorindustriellen Zeit bis zum Angestelltenversicherungsgesetz: Ein Überblick by Skorupa, Holger
East Germany and Detente: Building Authority After the Wall by McAdams, A. James
Volkstumskampf ohne Ende?: Sudetendeutsche Organisationen, 1945-1955 by Weger, Tobias
Practicing Public Diplomacy: A Cold War Odyssey by Richmond, Yale
Wie kam es zur Gründung des Allgemeinen Deutschen Frauenvereins (ADF)? by Walter, Martin
Das Scheitern von "Barbarossa". Die Gründe für den sowjetischen Sieg über das Deutsche Reich im Zweiten Weltkrieg by Wittig, Jens
Structuring the State: The Formation of Italy and Germany and the Puzzle of Federalism by Ziblatt, Daniel
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1977 by
Die Außenpolitik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949 Bis 1990 by Lappenküper, Ulrich
Die Außenpolitik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949 Bis 1990 by Lappenküper, Ulrich
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics, 1927-1945: Crossing Boundaries by Schmuhl, Hans-Walter
Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 by Lipkes, Jeff
Operation Albion: The German Conquest of the Baltic Islands by Barrett, Michael B.
Die Neutralitätspolitik Schwedens im Zweiten Weltkrieg by Putzier, Sebastian
The Historical Development Of The Forms Of The Future Tense In Middle High German (1904) by Kurrelmeyer, Herman
How Danish Slesvig Was Lost: A Peep Behind The Veiled Scenes Of Diplomacy, And A Warning (1897) by Bajer, Fredrik
The Ruling Caste And Frenzied Trade In Germany (1916) by Millioud, Maurice
The Unmarried Mother In German Literature: With Special Reference To The Period 1770-1800 (1917) by Werner, Oscar Helmuth
A Handy Bibliographical Guide To The Study Of The German Language And Literature: For The Use Of Students And Teachers Of German (1895) by Breul, Karl
Unemployment In Belgium During The German Occupation And Its General Causes (1917) by Passelecq, Fernand
Mr. Arnold's Stories: Talks About The Reformation In Germany (1884) by Miller, Mary Christina
Treitschke: His Doctrine Of German Destiny And Of International Relations (1914) by Treitschke, Heinrich Von
The Mountains Of The Moon (1915) by Beresford, John Davys
Germany: The Welding Of A World Power (1905) by Schierbrand, Wolf Von
Strictly Incog: Being A Record Of A Passage Through Bohemia (1896) by Warden, Florence
German Fairy Tales (1876) by Andersen, Hans Christian
A View Of Society And Manners In France, Switzerland, And Germany V2: With Anecdotes Relating To Some Eminent Characters (1786) by Moore, John
The Anglo-German Problem (1912) by Sarolea, Charles
An Introduction To A Course Of German Literature: In Lectures To The Students Of The University Of London (1830) by Muhlenfels, Ludwig Von
Inflation (1919) by Nicholson, Joseph Shield
The Ship Tyre: A Symbol Of The Fate Of Conquerors (1920) by Schoff, Wilfred Harvey
German Influence On British Cavalry (1911) by Childers, Erskine
The Truth Of The Apostles' Creed: An Exposition By Twelve Theologians Of Germany (1916) by Laible, Wilhelm
The Continental Reformation In Germany, France And Switzerland: From The Birth Of Luther To The Death Of Calvin (1912) by Plummer, Alfred
The Upper Silesian Question And Germany's Coal Problem (1920) by Osborne, Sidney
The Memoirs Of An American V2: With A Description Of The Kingdom Of Prussia, And The Island Of St. Domingo (1773) by Delacroix, Jacques-Vincent
Outlines Of German Literature (1873) by Gostwick, Joseph, Harrison, Robert
Der Mythos des nationalen dänischen Widerstandes während des Nationalsozialismus by Wedekind, Susann
Europäischer Hochadel: König Johann Von Sachsen (1801-1873) Und Die Binnenkommunikation Einer Sozialformation by Marburg, Silke
United City, Divided Memories?: Cold War Legacies in Contemporary Berlin by Verheyen, Dirk
Krieg Um Berlin?: Die Sowjetische Militär- Und Sicherheitspolitik in Der Zweiten Berlin-Krise 1958 Bis 1962. Veröffentlichungen Zur Sbz- by Uhl, Matthias
Die Entscheidung zur Endlösung - eine Analyse zu den Forschungspositionen von G. Aly, L. J. Hartog und C. R. Browning by Neumann, Anni
Christentum - Staat - Kultur: Akten Des Kongresses Der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, März 2006 by
Lucifer's Court: A Heretic's Journey in Search of the Light Bringers by Rahn, Otto
Mastering Modern German History by Traynor, John
Theaters of Occupation: Hollywood and the Reeducation of Postwar Germany by Fay, Jennifer
Shylock in Germany: Antisemitism and the German Theatre from the Enlightenment to the Nazis by Bonnell, Andrew G.
The Politics of German Defence and Security: Policy Leadership and Military Reform in the Post-Cold War Era by Dyson, Tom
Austria, Germany, and the Cold War: From the Anschluss to the State Treaty, 1938-1955 by Steininger, Rolf
Shadow Voyage: The Extraordinary Wartime Escape of the Legendary SS Bremen by Huchthausen, Peter A.
Opa Nobody by Huber, Sonya
Shadow Voyage: The Extraordinary Wartime Escape of the Legendary SS Bremen by Huchthausen, Peter A.
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy by Tooze, Adam
Health, 'Race' and Empire: Popular-Scientific Spectacles and National Identity in Imperial Germany, 1871-1914 by Reichardt, Eike
Nazism, War and Genocide by
Null and Void: Poland: Case Study on Comparative Imperialism by Szonert, M. B.
Die Festlegung der Staatsgrenze zwischen der Tschechoslowakei und Deutschland nach dem Münchener Abkommen 1938 by Von Arburg, Adrian
Wissenschaft und koloniale Interessen im Kaiserreich. Das Kolonialinstitut Hamburg und die Entstehungsgeschichte der Islamwissenschaft in Hamburg by Said, Behnam
"Mit drei Hurras auf Kaiser und Vaterland" - Wirtschaftsbürgertum im Ersten Weltkrieg by Rouwen, Matthias
Zeitzeuginnen - arbeitslos: Wie drei ostdeutsche Frauen die Wendezeit erlebten. Zwei Betrachtungsweisen. by Mecke, Irmtraut
Uranium Matters: Central European Uranium in International Politics, 19001960 by Zeman, Zbynek, Karlsch, Rainer
Fritz Schachermeyr und sein Wirken in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus by Oehmig, Richard
The Foundations of Ostpolitik: The Making of the Moscow Treaty Between West Germany and the USSR by Von Dannenberg, Julia
Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany by Steinweis, Alan E.
Seduced by Secrets by Macrakis, Kristie
Kollektiver Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus aus dörflich-katholischem Milieu im Erzbistum Köln: Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem Jahre 1935 by Floer, Bernd
Krueger's Men: The Secret Nazi Counterfeit Plot and the Prisoners of Block 19 by Malkin, Lawrence
Die Außenpolitik der Weimarer Republik unter Gustav Stresemann von 1924-1929 by Reibestein, Felix
Die Auswirkungen von "Ultra" auf die Atlantikschlacht by Jeremias, Helmut
Aby Waburg and Anti-Semitism: Poliical Perspectives on Images and Culture by Schoell-Glass, Charlotte
The Making of a German Constitution: A Slow Revolution by Crosby, Margaret Barber
The Making of a German Constitution: A Slow Revolution by Crosby, Margaret Barber
A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films by Gemünden, Gerd
Das Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Deutsche Geschichte: Protagonist oder Stiefkind des Wissenschaftsimperialismus? by Wangler, Julian
A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films by Gemünden, Gerd
The Fateful Alliance: German Conservatives and Nazis in 1933: The Machtergreifung in a New Light by Beck, Hermann
Between Resistance and Martyrdom: Jehovah's Witnesses in the Third Reich by Garbe, Detlef
The Continuities of German History by Smith, Helmut Walser
Clausewitz's on War: A Biography by Strachan, Hew
The Continuities of German History by Smith, Helmut Walser
The Fire: The Bombing of Germany, 1940-1945 by Friedrich, Jörg
Hitler's Priests by Spicer, Kevin
The Lost Life of Eva Braun by Lambert, Angela
Auswirkung der Niederlagen bei Jena und Auerstedt: Preußische Heeresreform by Quadflieg, Kerstin
Faith and Fatherland: Parish Politics in Hitler's Germany by
Disobedience and Conspiracy in the German Army, 1918-1945 by Kane, Robert B.
Paper Tigers - Roaring Lions by Griffiths, James Emlyn
Die deutschsprachige wissenschaftliche Emigration in die Türkei und ihr soziales Umfeld - Das "deutsch-deutsche" Verhältnis in der Türkei 1933-1945 by Gaier, Philipp
Nature of the Miracle Years: Conservation in West Germany, 1945-1975 by Chaney, Sandra
British Civilian Internees in Germany: The Ruhleben Camp, 1914-18 by Stibbe, Matthew
British Civilian Internees in Germany: The Ruhleben Camp, 1914-1918 by Stibbe, Matthew
The Routledge Companion to Central and Eastern Europe since 1919 by Webb, Adrian
The Routledge Companion to Central and Eastern Europe since 1919 by Webb, Adrian
The Politics of Identity and Civil Society in Britain and Germany: Miners in the Ruhr and South Wales 1890-1926 by James, Leighton
Eleventh-Century Germany: The Swabian Chronicles by
The Science of the Swastika by Mees, Bernard
A Special Mission: Hitler's Secret Plot to Seize the Vatican and Kidnap Pope Pius XII by Kurzman, Dan
Marketing Maximilian: The Visual Ideology of a Holy Roman Em by Silver, Larry
Adel und Bürgertum in Deutschland I by
Luise Buechner: A Nineteenth-Century Evolutionary Feminist by Scharpf, Cordelia
Reflections in an Oval Mirror by Jones, Anneli
Kampfgruppe Peiper at the Battle of the Bulge by Cooke, David, Evans, Wayne
Becoming Historical: Cultural Reformation and Public Memory in Early Nineteenth-Century Berlin by Toews, John Edward
The Duino Elegies by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Joseph II: Volume 1, in the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741 1780 by Beales, Derek
Der Status der Fragen im deutschen hochhoefischen Roman by
Die Zukunft Der Weimarer Republik: Krisen Und Zukunftsaneignungen in Deutschland 1918-1933 by Graf, Rüdiger
Höhensiedlungen Zwischen Antike Und Mittelalter Von Den Ardennen Bis Zur Adria by
Theologiae Facultas: Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure Und Wissenschaftsorganisation Protestantischer Universitätstheologie in Tübingen, Jena, Erl by Wischmeyer, Johannes
Namenstudien Zum Altgermanischen by Neumann, Günter
Die sächsische Wirtschaft zur Zeit des Kaiserreiches by Müller, Daniel
Nationalsozialistische Schulpolitik 1933-1945: Von Hitlers pädagogischen Maximen bis zur praktisch- politischen Umsetzung und mit einem Exkurs zu Dres by Böhme, Daniel
Der gelungene Widerstand in Jugoslawien. Wie erfolgreich war er wirklich? by Müller, Daniel
Die Bedeutung der ausländischen Offiziere in der Schleswig-Holsteinischen und der Dänischen Armee by Pedersen, Hilthart
Landmark Speeches of National Socialism by
Die Entwicklung des "Generalplans Ost" by Dahmen, Stephanie
The Strassmanns: Science, Politics and Migration in Turbulent Times (1793-1993) by Strassmann, W. Paul
Empire, Colony, Genocide: Conquest, Occupation, and Subaltern Resistance in World History by
A Narrow Bridge to Life: Jewish Forced Labor and Survival in the Gross-Rosen Camp System, 1940-1945 by Gutterman, Bella
Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisited, 1965-75 by
The German Discovery of the World: Renaissance Encounters with the Strange and Marvelous by Johnson, Christine R.
Peeling the Onion by Grass, Gunter
Balduin Mollhausen: The German Cooper (1914) by Barba, Preston Albert
Life Of Godfrey William Von Leibnitz, On The Basis Of The German Work Of Dr. G. E. Guhrauer (1845) by Guhrauer, G. E.
Addresses To The German Nation (1922) by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
St. German, Bishop Of Auxerre (1844) by Newman, John Henry
Connemara And The Neighboring Spots Of Beauty And Interest: With Remarks On Sea And Fresh Water Fishing, Irish Character, Archaeology, Botany, Etc. (1 by Stone, John Harris
A View Of Society And Manners In France, Switzerland, And Germany V2: With Anecdotes Relating To Some Eminent Characters (1786) by Moore, John
Pennsylvania-German Dialect: Writings And Their Writers (1918) by Reichard, Herry Hess
European Agriculture And Rural Economy V1: From Personal Observation (1851) by Colman, Henry
Secret Memoirs Of The Courts Of Europe V2: William II Of Germany And Francis Joseph, Austria-Hungary (1900) by De Fontenoy, La Marquise
The German Empire (1906) by Howard, Burt Estes
The Story Of The Rhinegold: Der Ring Des Nibelungen Told For Young People (1897) by Chapin, Anna Alice
Elliptische Functionen: Theorie Und Geschichte (1876) by Enneper, Alfred
The Story Of Bayreuth, As Told In The Bayreuth Letters (1912) by Wagner, Richard
The Reichsbank: 1876-1900 (1910) by U. S. National Monetary Commission
Alone In The Purple: A Story Of The Last Days Of King Ludwig II Of Bavaria (1912) by Lohde-Boetticher, Clarissa
The Mendelssohn Family, 1729-1847 V1: From Letters and Journals (1881) by Hensel, Sabastian
Germany In The Later Middle Ages: 1200-1500 (1908) by Stubbs, William
The Girlhood Of Clara Schumann: Clara Wieck And Her Time (1912) by May, Florence
A Revision Of The Treaty: Being A Sequel To The Economic Consequences Of The Peace (1922) by Keynes, John Maynard
Justus Von Liebig: His Life And Work, 1803-1873 (1901) by Shenstone, William Ashwell
The Tourist's Pocket Book: Containing Useful Words And Simple Phrases In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, And Hungar by Chambers, George Frederick
System Of Logic And History Of Logical Doctrines (1871) by Ueberweg, Friedrich
Personal Recollections Of Werner Von Siemens (1893) by Siemens, Werner Von
Hebbel's Nibelungen: Its Sources, Method, And Style (1906) by Periam, Annina
Memoir Of Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1846) by Smith, William
The Stamps Of The German Empire (1914) by Poole, Bertram William Henry
History Of German Theology In The Nineteenth Century (1889) by Lichtenberger, F.
Five Months On A German Raider: Being The Adventures Of An Englishman Captured By The Wolf (1919) by Trayes, Frederic G.
Alexander Von Humbolt: Or What May Be Accomplished In A Lifetime (1866) by Schwarzenberg, F. A.
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Story Of The Development Of A Great Personality (1910) by Parry, C. Hubert H.
Treitschke: His Doctrine Of German Destiny And Of International Relations (1914) by Treitschke, Heinrich Von
The German Emigration To America, 1709-1740 (1898) by Jacobs, Henry Eyster
History And Genius Of The Heidelberg Catechism (1847) by Nevin, John W.
Memoirs Of The Crown Prince Of Germany (1922) by William Crown Prince of Germany
The German: How To Give It, How To Lead It, How To Dance It (1893) by Two Amateur Leaders
Jean Paul Frederic Richter: Preceded By His Autobiography (1864) by Lee, Eliza Buckminster
Imperial Germany 1871-1918 by
Studies Of The Man Paul (1900) by Speer, Robert E.
The Principal Songs Of Robert Burns: Translated Into Mediaeval Latin Verse, With The Scottish Version Collated (1862) by Leighton, Alexander
Enduring the Great War: Combat, Morale and Collapse in the German and British Armies, 1914-1918 by Watson, Alexander
The German Settlement Society Of Philadelphia And Its Colony: Hermann, Missouri (1907) by Bek, William G.
Imperial Germany 1871-1918 by
Der russische Partisanenkampf im Zweiten Weltkrieg - Struktur und Wirkung by Spott, Katrin
Searching for a New German Identity: Heiner Mueller and the "Geschichtsdrama" by Ganter, Theresa M.
Jacob Fugger The Rich: Merchant And Banker Of Augsburg, 1459-1525 by Strieder, Jacob
My Rhineland Journal by Allen, Henry T.
The Von Hassell Diaries 1938-1944: The Story Of The Forces Against Hitler Inside Germany by Hassel, Ulrich Von
The Story of Therese Neumann by Schimberg, Albert Paul
Enchanted Wanderer: The Life Of Carl Maria Von Weber by Stebbins, Lucy Poate, Stebbins, Richard Poate
The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler by Anonymous
Letters to Dr. Kugelmann by Marx, Karl
Johann Gottlieb Fichte: A Study of His Political Writings with Special Reference to His Nationalism by Engelbrecht, H. C.
The Memoirs Of Doctor Felix Kersten by
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