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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2012

The Nine Lives of Julius: A True Story of Survival by Reinitzer, Ilona
Censorship and Civic Order in Reformation Germany, 1517-1648: 'Printed Poison & Evil Talk' by Creasman, Allyson F.
Nrw-Lexikon: Politik. Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Recht. Kultur by Kost, Andreas, Sommer, Ulrike, Budrich, Barbara
Phonological Evidence from the Continental Runic Inscriptions by Findell, Martin
Death and a Maiden by Myers, William David
How It Happens: Talk About The German People, 1914-1933 by Buck, Pearl S.
A New History of German Cinema by
New German Review: A Journal of Germanic Studies (Volume 25) 2011 by New German Review
In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Writings of Paul Levi by Levi, Paul
"Besondere Bemühungen" der Bundesregierung, Band 1: 1962 bis 1969 by
Neo-Tories: Britische Konservative Im Aufstand Gegen Demokratie Und Politische Moderne (1929 - 1939) by Dietz, Bernhard
Europa und sein Osten by
The Nazi Party and the German Foreign Office by Smith Jr, Arthur L., Jacobsen, Hans-Adolph
Die Budgetbewilligungsdebatten in der Vorkriegssozialdemokratie by Wiedermann, Andreas
Marx in Soho: A Play on History by Zinn, Howard
The Vatican Pimpernel: The World War II Exploits of the Monsignor Who Saved Over 6,500 Lives by Fleming, Brian
The Life of Glückel of Hameln: A Memoir by
Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Caused the Greatest Holocaust in World History by Bergman, Jerry
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: The Philosopher of the Second Reich by Altman, William H. F.
Martin Heidegger and the First World War: Being and Time as Funeral Oration by Altman, William H. F.
Rückzug: The German Retreat from France, 1944 by Ludewig, Joachim
Fremdes Essen: Die Geschichte Der Ausländischen Gastronomie in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Möhring, Maren
1969 by
Keine Generalamnestie: Die Strafverfolgung Von Ns-Verbrechen in Der Frühen Bundesrepublik by Eichmüller, Andreas
Geschichte Des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt by
The King's Steward: The True Story Of George Schumann by Lyons, George Norman
New Images of Nazi Germany: A Photographic Collection by
Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich by Gerwarth, Robert
A Noble Treason: The Story of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Revolt Against Hitler by Hanser, Richard
History in Mighty Sounds: Musical Constructions of German National Identity, 1848 -1914 by Eichner, Barbara
The Rise of Marketing and Market Research by
Escape from Terror: The Story of a European Victim of Anti-Semitism and His Conversion to Christianity by Neumann, Friedrich
The Cost of the World War to Germany and to Austria Hungary by Grebler, Leo, Winkler, Wilhelm
Treitschke: His Life and Works(Routledge Revivals) by Treitschke, Heinrich Von
British Images of Germany: Admiration, Antagonism & Ambivalence, 1860-1914 by Scully, R.
British Images of Germany: Admiration, Antagonism & Ambivalence, 1860-1914 by Scully, R.
Democrat and Diplomat: The Life of William E. Dodd by Dallek, Robert
The Battle of the Tanks: Kursk, 1943 by Clark, Lloyd
Das letzte Urteil by Volk, Rainer
The Volksdeutschen in the Wehrmacht, Waffen-Ss, Ordnungspolizei in World War II by Michaelis, Rolf
The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded by Miller, Russell a., Kommers, Donald P.
Forgotten Land by Egremont, Max
Schreiben und Lesen in der Stadt by
Adenauer's Foreign Office: West German Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Third Reich by Maulucci, Thomas
Magic Lantern Empire: Colonialism and Society in Germany by Short, John Phillip
Cult of the Will: Nervousness and German Modernity by Cowan, Michael
"Meine Gefängnisse": Tagebücher 1943 - 1945 by
Town and Country in Early-Medieval Bavaria: Two studies in urban and comital structure by Hammer, Carl I.
Funktionäre Mit Vergangenheit: Das Gründungspräsidium Des Bundesverbandes Der Vertriebenen Und Das Dritte Reich by Schwartz, Michael
Geschichte Der Universität Unter Den Linden 1810-2010: Sozialistisches Experiment Und Erneuerung in Der Demokratie - Die Humboldt-Universität Zu Berli by Vogt, Annette, Jarausch, Konrad, Middell, Matthias
Sophies Schwester: Inge Scholl Und Die Weiße Rose by Friederich, Christine
Theodore von Neuhoff, King of Corsica: The Man Behind the Legend by Gasper, Julia
Was Hitler a Riddle?: Western Democracies and National Socialism by Ascher, Abraham
Was Hitler a Riddle?: Western Democracies and National Socialism by Ascher, Abraham
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 25: Jews in the Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania Since 1772 by
Nationalismus - zwangsläufiges Ergebnis des Untergangs der Feudalgesellschaft im 19. Jahrhundert? by Schroeder, Leonard
Next Year in Marienbad: The Lost Worlds of Jewish Spa Culture by Zadoff, Mirjam
Metropolis Berlin: 1880-1940 Volume 46 by
Monumentality and Modernity in Hitler's Berlin: The North-South Axis of the Greater Berlin Plan by Kuo, Hsiu-Ling
Die Revolution von 1918/19 in der deutschen Geschichtsschreibung by Niess, Wolfgang
Contemporary Jewish Reality in Germany and Its Reflection in Film by
Heinrich Heine Und Die Diaspora: Der Zeitschriftsteller Im Kulturellen Raum Der Jüdischen Minderheit by Fritzlar, Lydia
Hitler - Films from Germany: History, Cinema and Politics Since 1945 by
The Making of the German Post-War Economy Political Communication and Public Reception of the Social Market Economy After World War Two by Glossner, Christian L.
Germans as Victims in the Literary Fiction of the Berlin Republic by
Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War: Goals, Expectations, Practices by
Culture in Dark Times: Nazi Fascism, Inner Emigration, and Exile by Hermand, Jost
Imperial Germany Revisited: Continuing Debates and New Perspectives by
Making Sense of Constitutional Monarchism in Post-Napoleonic France and Germany by Prutsch, M.
The Barbarism of Berlin by Chesterton, G. K.
Die Veränderungen der sozialen Verhältnisse im 3. Reich by Schwarzhaupt, Jenny
Die Vermessung der Ehre: Zur Geschichte der Ehrenbuerger, Ehrensenatoren sowie Ehrenmitglieder an deutschen Hochschulen und an der Universitaet by Stemmler, Gunter
Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena: The Remarkable Story of a Fallen Emperor and a Teenage Girl by Balcombe, Elizabeth
Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena: The Remarkable Story of a Fallen Emperor and a Teenage Girl by Mrs Abell, Balcombe, Elizabeth
English and German Nationalist and Anti-Semitic Discourse, 1871-1945 by
Motorsport und NSKK im Dritten Reich by Sennekamp, Dennis J.
Johannes Reuchlin and the Campaign to Destroy Jewish Books by Price, David H.
Early History of the Southwest through the Eyes of German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries: A Transcultural Experience in the Eighteenth Century by Classen, Albrecht
Soldaten, Bürger, Barrikaden. Konflikte und Allianzen während der Revolution von 1848/49 by Gnehrich, Stefan
Bilder des Jüdischen by
Remembering and Rethinking the GDR: Multiple Perspectives and Plural Authenticities by
Remembering and Rethinking the GDR: Multiple Perspectives and Plural Authenticities by
Germans and African Americans: Two Centuries of Exchange by
Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life: Its Measure and Form by Binding, Karl, Hoche, Alfred
The East by Schroeder, Fritz
Außenpolitik in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise by
Johann Leisentrit's Geistliche Lieder und Psalmen, 1567: Hymnody of the Counter-Reformation in Germany by Heitmeyer, Erika, Wetzel, Richard D.
Die Sprache der Judenfeindschaft im 21. Jahrhundert by Schwarz-Friesel, Monika, Reinharz, Jehuda
Die Bedeutung des Holocaust und der Gedenkstättenpädagogik im Unterricht. Ein historisch-pädagogischer Vergleich zwischen Österreich und Bayern by Bilewicz, Wolfgang
Die Bedeutung des Holocaust und der Gedenkstättenpädagogik im Geschichteunterricht der Sekundarstufe 1 - Ein historisch-pädagogischer Vergleich zwisch by Bilewicz, Wolfgang
Collaborative Public Diplomacy: How Transnational Networks Influenced American Studies in Europe by Fisher, A.
Collaborative Public Diplomacy: How Transnational Networks Influenced American Studies in Europe by Fisher, A.