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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2013

The Politics of Literature in Nazi Germany: Books in the Media Dictatorship by Barbian, Jan-Pieter
Geschichte Der Preussischen Denkmalpflege 1815 Bis 1860 by
The Politics of Literature in Nazi Germany: Books in the Media Dictatorship by Barbian, Jan-Pieter
Robert Schumann: Tone Poet, Prophet and Critic by Peyser, Herbert F.
German Pioneer Life: A Social History by Tolzmann, Don H.
Trieglaff: Balancing Church and Politics in a Pomeranian World, 1807-1948 by Thadden, Rudolf Von
Die geheime Großbaustelle in der Heide. Faßberg und sein Fliegerhorst 1933-2013 by Blazek, Matthias
Fragmented Fatherland: Immigration and Cold War Conflict in the Federal Republic of Germany 1945-1980. by Clarkson, Alexander
Becoming East German: Socialist Structures and Sensibilities After Hitler by
State and Minorities in Communist East Germany by Dennis, Mike, Laporte, Norman
Death in East Germany, 1945-1990 by Schulz, Felix Robin
Siège de Strasbourg. Journal d'Un Assiégé. Notes Et Dessins by Piton, Frédéric
L'Artillerie Allemande Pendant Les Combats Des 29, 30 Et 31 Août 1870 by Lucas, André
Les Alsaciens-Lorrains Contre l'Allemagne: l'Alsace-Lorraine Pendant La Guerre by Matter, Florent
GIS in Germany: The Social, Economic, Cultural and Political History of the American Military Presence by
Army of Evil: A History of the SS by Weale, Adrian
Ford, General Motors, and the Nazis: Marxist myths about production, patriotism, and philosophies by Nehmer, Scott
Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Germany by Baldwin, Simeon Eben, Borchard, Edwin Montefiore
Stormtroopers and Crisis in the Nazi Movement: Activism, Ideology and Dissolution by Grant, Thomas D.
Unruhige Zeiten: Geboren 1916 in Dresden by Jandt, Annelies
Joseph II: Volume 2, Against the World, 1780 1790 by Beales, Derek
From German Prisoner of War to American Citizen: A Social History with 35 Interviews by Schmitter Heisler, Barbara
Das Haus: in East Berlin: Can two families -- one Jewish, one not -- find peace in a clash that started in Nazi Germany? by Kuhr, Melanie, Heise, J. Arthur
Composing the Party Line: Music and Politics in Early Cold War Poland and East Germany by Tompkins, David G.
A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust by Fulbrook, Mary
Außenpolitik und Öffentlichkeit by Hoeres, Peter
In Der Arena Der Preußischen Verfassungsdebatte: Adlige Gutsbesitzer Der Mark Und Provinz Brandenburg 1806-1847 by Holste, Karsten
Der Dandy: Ein Kulturhistorisches Phänomen Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by
Friedrich Schleiermacher in Halle 1804-1807 by
Echt? In der DDR gab's mehrere Parteien?: Ein Ossi und ein Wessi beginnen einen Dialog by Doring, Christian, Morawek, Daniel
The Philosophy of Life and Death: Ludwig Klages and the Rise of a Nazi Biopolitics by Lebovic, Nitzan
Passing: Growing up in Hitler's Germany by Witt, Anita
Das Mittelalter als Faszinosum oder Marginalie?: Laenderuebergreifende Erhebungen, Analysen und Vorschlaege zur Weiterentwicklung der Mittelalterdidak by Schwinghammer, Ylva
Geburt, Taufe und Kirchgang in der Fuerstenwelt des Alten Reichs by Petersen, Hauke
The Unwanted Child: The Fate of Foundlings, Orphans, and Juvenile Criminals in Early Modern Germany by Harrington, Joel F.
Österreich Im Ksze-Prozess 1969-1983: Neutraler Vermittler in Humanitärer Mission by Gilde, Benjamin
1968 - Eine Wahrnehmungsrevolution?: Horizont-Verschiebungen Des Politischen in Den 1960er Und 1970er Jahren by
The Life and Times of Stein: Volume 1: Or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age by Seeley, J. R.
The Life and Times of Stein: Volume 2: Or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age by Seeley, J. R.
The Life and Times of Stein: Volume 3: Or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age by Seeley, J. R.
The Lithuanians: A Story of Love and Betrayal by Hill, Audrey Adams
The Inhabited Ruins of Central Europe: Re-Imagining Space, History, and Memory by
Goethe and the Modern Age by
Modern German History by Flenley, Ralph
A Private Treason: A German Memoir by Greenburger, Ingrid
Imagining Germany Imagining Asia: Essays in Asian-German Studies by
Human Game: Human Game: The True Story of the 'Great Escape' Murders and the Hunt for the Gestapo Gunmen by Read, Simon
Die Wiedergeburt Des Politischen: Zivilgesellschaft Und Legitimitätskonflikt in Den Revolutionen Von 1989 by
Weimar Culture Revisited by Williams, J.
Germany's Western Front: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War, 1914, Part 1 by
Popular History and Fiction: The Myth of August the Strong in German Literature, Art and Media by Brook, Madeleine
Erika: A Member of the Forgotten People by Singer, Erika
East German Cinema: DEFA and Film History by Heiduschke, S.
East German Cinema: DEFA and Film History by Heiduschke, S.
Ernst Toller and German Society: Intellectuals as Leaders and Critics, 1914-1939 by Ellis, Robert
Animals in the Third Reich by Sax, Boria
Language of Conformity and Dissent: On the Imaginative Grammar of Jewish Intellectuals in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Veltri, Giuseppe
The Regions of Germany: A Geographical Interpretation by Dickinson, Robert E.
Das Emanzipationsedikt Von 1812 in Preußen: Der Lange Weg Der Juden Zu "Einländern" Und "Preußischen Staatsbürgern" by
Zweigliedrige Personennamen der Germanen by Schramm, Gottfried
Prelude to Blitzkrieg: The 1916 Austro-German Campaign in Romania by Barrett, Michael B.
Die Pionierorganisation Ernst Thaelmann: Paedagogik, Ideologie und Politik- Eine Regionalstudie zu Dresden 1945-1957 und 1980-1990 by Kaiser, Beate
Enquiring History: Nazi Germany 1933-45 by Culpin, Christopher
Nazi Foreign Policy, 1933-1941: The Road to Global War by Leitz, Christian
All's Fair: The Story of the British Secret Service Behind the German Lines by Landau, Henry
Secret Armies: The New Technique of Nazi Warfare by Spivak, John L.
The Self-Betrayed: Glory and Doom of the German Generals by Riess, Curt
Philip Eulenburg: The Kaiser's Friend, V2 by Haller, Johannes
History of the German General Staff, 1657-1945 by Goerlitz, Walter
The Voice of Destruction: Conversations with Hitler by Rauschning, Hermann
Henry Von Heiseler: A Russo-German Writer by Gronicka, Andre Von
Martin Luther: Germany's Angry Man by Lipsky, Abram
The Coming Battle of Germany by Gillmore, William E., Ziff, William B.
Consider the Lilies How They Grow: An Interpretation of the Symbolism of Pennsylvania German Art by Stoudt, John Joseph
Exchange, Prices, and Production in Hyperinflation: Germany, 1920-1923 by Graham, Frank D., Kemmerer, E. W.
The Danube by Lengyel, Emil
The Complete German Shepherd by Denlinger, Milo G.
Bastogne: The Story of the First Eight Days in Which the 101st Airborne Division Was Closed Within the Ring of German Forces by Marshall, S. L. a.
Theologia Germanica by Bernhart, Joseph, Winkworth, Susanna
Wilhelm Hohenzollern: The Last of the Kaisers by Mayne, Ethel Colburn, Ludwig, Emil
Germany: 2000 Years by Reinhardt, Kurt F.
Swastika: The Nazi Terror by Wise, James Waterman
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression: Opinion and Judgment by Office of United States Chief of Counsel
The Nibelungenled: Translated from the Middle High German with an Introductory Sketch and Notes by Shumway, Daniel Bussier
The Red Knight of Germany by Gibbons, Floyd
Elements of German by Bacon, Paul V.
Defeat in the West by Shulman, Milton
Hitler in Our Selves by Picard, Max
Defeat in the West by Shulman, Milton
The Von Hassell Diaries, 1938-1944: The Story of the Forces Against Hitler Inside Germany by Hassel, Ulrich Von, Dulles, Allen Welsh
History of the German General Staff, 1657-1945 by Goerlitz, Walter
Hitler by Olden, Rudolf, Ettinghausen, Walter
The Racial Conception of the World by Hitler, Adolf, Robertson, Charles G.
An Empress in Exile: My Days in Doorn by Hermine, Empress
Exchange, Prices, and Production in Hyperinflation: Germany, 1920-1923 by Kemmerer, E. W., Graham, Frank D.
Germany: 2000 Years by Reinhardt, Kurt F.
They Almost Killed Hitler: Based on the Personal Account of Fabian Von Schlabrendorff by Gaevernitz, Gero, Schlabrendorff, Fabian Von
Watch on the Rhine by Hellman, Lillian
Speeches of Ferdinand Lassalle, with a Biographical Sketch: Voices of Revolt, V3 by Lassalle, Ferdinand
Hitler's Mein Kampf and the Present War: A Critical Survey of the Nazi Bible of Hate and Its Effect on Pre-War Events in Germany from Which Emanated T by Mayville, A. P.
Book Publishing Under Tzarism by Kedrov, Mikhail Sergeevich
Walther Rathenau: His Life and Work by Kessler, Harry
The Women in Hitler's Life by Arndt, Robert
The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler by Anonymous
Out of the Night by Valtin, Jan
Hitler's Stormtroopers and the Attack on the German Republic, 1919-1933 by Mitchell, Otis C.
Vorgeschichte Und Entstehung Des Atomgesetzes Vom 23.12.1959 by Göppner, Nadine
The Race Question in Oceania: A. B. Meyer and Otto Finsch between metropolitan theory and field experience, 1865-1914 by Howes, Hilary
KSZE-Prozess und Perestroika in der Sowjetunion by Saal, Yuliya Von
In the House of the Hangman: The Agonies of German Defeat, 1943-1949 by Olick, Jeffrey K.
Leitungsgewalt Und Kollegialität: Vom Benediktinischen Beratungsrecht Zum Konstitutionalismus Deutscher Domkapitel Und Des Kardinalkollegs (Ca. 500-15 by Krüger, Thomas M.
Witnessing the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in German Central Europe by James, L.
Kulturpolitik in Trier nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs bis zum Ende der französischen Besatzung 1930 by Hild, Marc
Chronicles of the Investiture Contest: Frutolf of Michelsberg and his continuators by
Preaching in Hitler's Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich by
Correspondance De L'empereur Maximilien Ier Et De Marguerite D'autriche... De 1507 À 1519, Volume 1... by
A Man of Misconceptions: The Life of an Eccentric in an Age of Change by Glassie, John
Wilhelm I. - "Kartätschenprinz" oder Liberaler? by Bahro, Berno
Reframing Antifascism: Memory, Genre and the Life Writings of Greta Kuckhoff by Sayner, J.
Politische Konzepte in der DDR: Zwischen Diskurs und Wirklichkeit by
Holding the Shop Together by Silvia, Stephen J.
Holding the Shop Together: German Industrial Relations in the Postwar Era by Silvia, Stephen J.
The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich: A History of the German National Railway, Volume 1, 1920-1932 by Mierzejewski, Alfred C.
Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide by Blatman, Daniel
Liberalism and the Habsburg Monarchy, 1861-1895 by Kwan, J.
Franz von Spaun (1753-1826): Ein oesterreichischer Jakobiner in Bayern by Spinnler, Verena
Chronicon Aulae regiae - Die Koenigsaaler Chronik: Eine Bestandsaufnahme by
West Germany and the Global Sixties by Brown, Timothy Scott
The Allied Occupation of Germany: The Refugee Crisis, Denazification and the Path to Reconstruction by Graham-Dixon, Francis
Über die bürgerlichen Verhältnisse der Juden in Preußen by Schulte, Marion
Foreigner, Minorities and Integration CB: The Muslim Immigrant Experience in Britain and Germany by Hackett, Sarah
Women in the Weimar Republic CB by Boak, Helen
Women in the Weimar Republic by Boak, Helen
After Dada: Marta Hegemann and the Cologne Avant-Garde by Price, Dorothy
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire: Volume I: Maximilian I to the Peace of Westphalia, 1493-1648 by Whaley, Joachim
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire: Volume II: The Peace of Westphalia to the Dissolution of the Reich, 1648-1806 by Whaley, Joachim
Raising Citizens in the 'Century of the Child': The United States and German Central Europe in Comparative Perspective by
Legends of the Rhine by Guerber, H. a.
Transcultural Encounters between Germany and India: Kindred Spirits in the 19th and 20th Centuries by
The Art Procurer by Ridenour, Jeff
Dachau Song: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of Herbert Zipper by Cummins, Paul F.
Politics of Security Ohm C by Nehring
Robert Danneberg: Eine politische Biografie by Pacher, Roland
Strafvollzug im SED-Staat: Das Beispiel Cottbus by Alisch, Steffen
German Pows, Der Ruf, and the Genesis of Group 47: The Political Journey of Alfred Andersch and Hans Werner Richter by Horton, Aaron D.
The German Bourgeoisie (Routledge Revivals): Essays on the Social History of the German Middle Class from the Late Eighteenth to the Early Twentieth C by
The Dialects of Modern German: A Linguistic Survey by
Deutschland, Russland, Komintern, I, Deutschland, Russland, Komintern - Überblicke, Analysen, Diskussionen by
König Philipp und seine Krone by Müller, Jan-Dirk
Nazi Germany and the Jews: Volume 1: The Years of Persecution 1933-1939 by Friedlander, Saul
GERMANIA, Geohistoria da Europa Central: Diplomacia entre guerras: da batalha de Teutoburg ao rescaldo da I Guerra Mundial by Morgado, Nuno
Freedom's Price: Serfdom, Subjection, and Reform in Prussia, 1648-1848 by Eddie, S. A.
The Soviet Occupation of Germany by Slaveski, Filip
German Freedom and the Greek Ideal: The Cultural Legacy from Goethe to Mann by McGrath, W.
German Freedom and the Greek Ideal: The Cultural Legacy from Goethe to Mann by McGrath, W.
Selling Under the Swastika: Advertising and Commercial Culture in Nazi Germany by Swett, Pamela E.
Deutschland - Russland: Band 3. Das 20. Jahrhundert by
Beschlagnahmt, Erpresst, Erbeutet: Ns-Raubgut, Reichstauschstelle Und Preußische Staatsbibliothek Zwischen 1933 Und 1945 by Briel, Cornelia
Children To A Degree: Growing Up Under The Third Reich by Christian, Horst
Remembering the Cold War: Global Contest and National Stories by Lowe, David, Joel, Tony
Language of the Third Reich: Lti: Lingua Tertii Imperii by Klemperer, Victor
Wolf von Niebelschuetz: Leben und Werk. Eine Biographie by Riedo, Dominik
Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808. Facsimile Signatures Vo by Strassburger, Ralph Beaver
Deutscher Herbst in Europa by Terhoeven, Petra
Die Wilhelminische Flottenrüstung und ihre Auswirkung auf das deutsch-englische Verhältnis by Wackerow, Andrej
Top Secret: Images from the Stasi Archives by
Contemporary History on Trial: Europe Since 1989 and the Role of the Expert Historian by
The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century by Harrington, Joel F.