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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2015

Murder and Counterrevolution in Mexico: The Eyewitness Account of German Ambassador Paul Von Hintze, 1912-1914 by
Fegelein's Horsemen and Genocidal Warfare: The SS Cavalry Brigade in the Soviet Union by Pieper, H.
The Allies and the German Problem, 1941-1949: From Cooperation to Alternative Settlement by Szanajda, Andrew
Tailoring Truth: Memory Politics and Historical Consciousness in East Germany, 1945-1990 by Olsen, Jon Berndt
The Burning of the Reichstag: The History of the Controversial Fire That Led to the Rise of Nazi Germany by Charles River
The Weimar Century: German Émigrés and the Ideological Foundations of the Cold War by Greenberg, Udi
Die Umsetzung nationalsozialistischer "Biopolitik" in Oldenburger Krankenhäusern by Schürmann-Lanwer, Eva
German Colonialism in a Global Age by
German Colonialism in a Global Age by
Mansfeld and the German Economy in the Nineteenth Century: Banks, Suppliers and Markets of the Central German Copper Mining and Smelting Industry, 183 by Zachäus, Alf
Himmlers Schutzstaffel - Wie Geschichtsvorstellungen zum Mittelalter die SS-Ideologie prägten by Malcherek, Carina
Leben in der DDR: Zur filmischen Darstellung des Alltags im Sozialismus by Weihrauch, Yvonne
Holocaust Versus Wehrmacht: How Hitler's Final Solution Undermined the German War Effort by Pasher, Yaron
Deep Grouse by Kinder, David
Hi Hitler! by Rosenfeld, Gavriel D.
Hi Hitler! by Rosenfeld, Gavriel D.
Hat Heinrich Brüning der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur den Weg geebnet? Die Bedeutung der Notverordnungen in der Ära Brüning by Novak, Jennifer
The Holocaust and the West German Historians: Historical Interpretation and Autobiographical Memory by Berg, Nicolas
The Paradox of German Power by Kundnani, Hans
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 20, Heft 5 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 20, Heft 4 by
Das Steintal Im Elsass: Eine Geschichtliche Studie Über Die Ehemalige Herrschaft Stein Und Deren Herren, Sowie Über Die Entwicklung Des Gesamt by Boch, Karl Eduard
National Socialist Racial Policy by Kinloch, Nicolas
Cold War Diplomat: Inside U.S. Diplomacy 1981-2011 by Glass, George a.
Theodor Eschenburg by Wengst, Udo
Kollision und Devianz by
Volkskörper und Rasse. Nationalsozialistische Bevölkerungpolitik in Ostoberschlesien by Wasko, Steffen
Les fondements sociaux du nazisme: Analyse sociologique de la naissance et du développement du mouvement hitlérien by Rens, Jef
Das Mittelalter in der weltanschaulichen Schulung der SS by Würth, Alexander
Der Rhein und die Entwicklung des deutschen Nationalbewusstseins im beginnenden 19. Jahrhundert by Kahles, Gudrun
In Search of Your German Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your Ancestors in the Germanic Areas of Europe by Baxter, Angus
The Jews and Modern Capitalism by Sombart, Werner
Mein Kampf: A New Translation for American Readers by Hitler, Adolf
Nazi Germany: Confronting the Myths by Epstein, Catherine A.
Georg Greflinger und das weltliche Lied im 17. Jahrhundert by Dröse, Astrid
Was war deutsches Judentum? by
Jüdische Klagen Gegen Reichsadelige: Prozesse Am Reichshofrat in Den Herrschaftsjahren Rudolfs II. Und Franz Stephans by Griemert, André
Helmut Kohl's Quest for Normality: His Representation of the German Nation and Himself by Wicke, Christian
Untergang oder Das unbeschwerte Leben eines ahnungsvollen Narren by Gerhardt, Rolf
Außenpolitik Mit Autokratien by
Stranger In My Own Country by Mounk, Yascha
Hitler's Secret Backers: the financial sources of National Socialism by Warburg, Sydney
A Hangman's Diary: The Journal of Master Franz Schmidt, Public Executioner of Nuremberg, 1573-1617 by Schmidt, Franz
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East by Fritz, Stephen G.
Historical Study Operations of Encricled Forces: Operations of Encircled Forces: German Experience in Russia by Center of Military History United States
The Ancestry of the Broede Family by Stucky, Duane
The Stuckey/Stucki/Stucky Familly: from Switzerland to Bavaria to Ohio by Stucky, Duane
Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederick the Great by Henderson, W. O.
The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine by Steinhart, Eric C.
Jazz in der DDR und Polen: Geschichte eines transatlantischen Transfers by Schmidt-Rost, Christian
Katholische Aufklaerung und Ultramontanismus, Religionspolizey und Kultfreiheit, Volkseigensinn und Volksfroemmigkeitsformierung: Das rheinische Wallf by Speth, Volker
The History of the Thirty Years' War in Germany. Translated by J. M. Duncan - War College Series by Duncan, James Marriott, Schiller, Friedrich
Crescent and Iron Cross by Benson, E. F.
A Generous and Merciful Enemy: Life for German Prisoners of War During the American Revolution by Krebs, Daniel
Die Geschichte des Dreißigjährigen Krieges by Schiller, Friedrich
Die Geschichte des Dreißigjährigen Krieges by Schiller, Friedrich
Die Geschichte des Dreißigjährigen Krieges by Schiller, Friedrich
Dreamland of Humanists: Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and the Hamburg School by Levine, Emily J.
Antifascism After Hitler: East German Youth and Socialist Memory, 1949-1989 by Plum, Catherine
War die Vertreibung Unrecht?: Die Umsiedlungsbeschluesse des Potsdamer Abkommens und ihre Umsetzung in ihrem voelkerrechtlichen und historischen Kon by
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire by Headlam, James
Germany and the Next War by Bernhardi, Friedrich Von
Deutschland, Russland, Komintern by
Classical Humanism and the Challenge of Modernity: Debates on Classical Education in 19th-Century Germany by Bommel, Bas Van
From VE Day to the Fulda Gap and New Europe: The Policy of U.S. Forces in Germany: Implications for 21st Century Conflict by Eichorst, Todd C.
Excavating Nations: Archaeology, Museums, and the German-Danish Borderlands by Hare, J. Laurence
Gestapo-Verbrechen im Landkreis Burgdorf und das Schwurgerichtsverfahren in Lüneburg von 1950. Eine historische Annäherung und Einordnung by Bierod, Ralf
17 Carnations: The Royals, the Nazis, and the Biggest Cover-Up in History by Morton, Andrew
Erlebnisbericht über das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges by Piersig, Wolfgang
A Short History of Germany by Parmele, Mary Platt
Deutsche Charaktere und Begebenheiten by Wassermann, Jakob
Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch by Gordon, Harold J.
Imperial Germany and a World Without War: The Peace Movement and German Society, 1892-1914 by Chickering, Roger
Social Foundations of German Unification, 1858-1871, Volume I: Ideas and Institutions by Hamerow, Theodore S.
France's Rhineland Policy, 1914-1924: The Last Bid for a Balance of Power in Europe by McDougall, Walter a.
Reluctant Feminists in German Social Democracy, 1885-1917 by Quataert, Jean H.
Elites Against Democracy: Leadership Ideals in Bourgeois Political Thought in Germany, 1890-1933 by Struve, Walter
Social Foundations of German Unification, 1858-1871, Volume II: Struggles and Accomplishments by Hamerow, Theodore S.
Political Character of Adolescence: The Influence of Families and Schools by Niemi, Richard G., Jennings, M. Kent
Skating at the Edge of the Wood by Yeo, Marlene
Inside Hitler's Germany by Mann, Chris, Hughes, Matthew
Die Waffen-SS im Spiegel der NS-Propaganda by Lehnhardt, Jochen
Birkfalken by Jahnke, Stefan
Die Bundesrepublik Im Ksze-Prozess 1975-1983: Die Umkehrung Der Diplomatie by Peter, Matthias
Handbuch der Berliner Vereine und Gesellschaften 1786-1815 by
Anfangsjahre der Berlin-Krise (Herbst 1958 bis Herbst 1960) by
Von Eisner bis Leviné: Die Enstehung der bayerischen Räterepublik by Muhsam, Erich
Eines fuer Alle: Ein historischer Wegweiser nach Nordrhein-Westfalen by Knuepfer, Uwe
A History of Germany; from the Earliest Period to the Present Time by Kohlrausch, Frederick
Germany from the Most Ancient Times to the Conquests of the Franks under Clovis by Kohlrausch, Frederick
Cold War Germany, the Third World, and the Global Humanitarian Regime by Hong, Young-Sun
The Battle for Moscow by Stahel, David
Ancient Germany and Its Inhabitants by Kohlrausch, Frederick
Der Gaskrieg während des Ersten Weltkrieges aus literaturwissenschaftlicher und medizinischer Sicht: Ausgewählte deutsche und französische Kriegsroman by Traore, Mohamet
Ernährungsreform als Antwort auf Industrialisierung und Urbanisierung in Europa: Die vegetarische Obstbauplantage Eden bei Oranienburg by Traore, Mohamet
"Mythos" Bismarck. Realpolitiker, Reichsgründer oder Machtgieriger? by Görz, Sebastian
Letters Part One by Porter, Carlos Whitlock
Third Reich in History and Memory by Evans, Richard J.
Operation Typhoon by Stahel, David
Martin Heidegger and the First World War: Being and Time as Funeral Oration by Altman, William H. F.
Music and Genocide by
Gab es einen Stalin-Hitler-Pakt?: Charakter, Bedeutung und Deutung des deutsch-sowjetischen Nichtangriffsvertrages vom 23. August 1939 by
Polish-French Relations, 1944-1989: Translated by Alex Shannon by Jarosz, Dariusz, Pasztor, Maria
Revisiting Prussia's Wars Against Napoleon by Hagemann, Karen
Revisiting Prussia's Wars Against Napoleon: History, Culture, and Memory by Hagemann, Karen
Die Bismarckfeier in Straßburg Am 31. März 1915 by
Germany and 'The West': The History of a Modern Concept by
Church Undone: Documents from the German Christian Faith Movement, 1932-1940 by
Daum's Boys: Schools and the Republic of Letters in Early Modern Germany by Ross, Alan
Reise zur deutschen Front 1915 by Ganghofer, Ludwig
Reise zur deutschen Front 1915 (Großdruck) by Ganghofer, Ludwig
Wehrmacht Priests: Catholicism and the Nazi War of Annihilation by Faulkner Rossi, Lauren
Why the Germans? Why the Jews? by Aly, Götz
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Großdruck): Textbuch - Libretto by Wagner, Richard
Geschichte der ehemaligen Kloester in der Provinz Ostfriesland by Suur, Hemmo
German Sports, Doping, and Politics: A History of Performance Enhancement by Becker, Christian, Nielsen, Stefan, Krüger, Michael
The Russian Army in the Great War: The Eastern Front, 1914-1917 by Stone, David R.
Die Einigungskriege und die Gründung des deutschen Kaiserreichs: Ein Mythos und sein identitätsstiftender Beitrag by Schmidt, Dennis
Storia della guerra dei Trent'anni by
Speculations on German History: Culture and the State by Emslie, Barry
The End of the Cold War?: Bush, Kohl, Gorbachev, and the Reunification of Germany by Loparo, Kenneth A.
National Unification and Transition in the German Armed Forces by Naval Postgraduate School
Mikropolitiken des Friedens by Schmidt-Voges, Inken
Pflege im Hospital: Die Aufwaerter und Aufwaerterinnen von Merxhausen (16. - Anfang 19. Jh.) by Noll, Natascha
Bismarcks Briefwechsel mit dem Minister Freiherrn von Schleinitz: 1858 bis 1861 by Bismarck, Otto Von, Schleinitz, Alexander Von
Mein Kampf by Hitler, Adolf
German Infantryman Vs Russian Infantryman: 1914-15 by Forczyk, Robert
Hans-Carl von Schlick (1874-1957): Eine Biographie - Mit den Tagebuechern aus 1945 by Kopp, Roland
German Colonialism and National Identity by
Access to History: Luther and the Reformation in Europe 1500-64 by Tarr, Russel
Arthur Stadthagen - Ausgewaehlte Reden und Schriften 1890-1917 by
Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen bei Oranienburg 1939 bis 1944: Die Aufzeichnungen des KZ-Haeftlings Rudolf Wunderlich by
Bismarck: A Biography by Müller, Dirk
The Use and Abuse of Cinema: German Legacies from the Weimar Era to the Present by Rentschler, Eric
The Use and Abuse of Cinema: German Legacies from the Weimar Era to the Present by Rentschler, Eric
A World Without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide by Confino, Alon
A Nazi Past: Recasting German Identity in Postwar Europe by
Der Kampf um den oeffentlichen Raum: Prozessionen, Wallfahrten, Feierlichkeiten bei Bischofsbesuchen, Papstfeiern und sonstige religioese Feste im noe by Speth, Volker
Unrechtsstaat DDR: Zur Genesis des Terminus politicus Unrechtsstaates nach der Transformation 1989 - Versuch einer historischen Bestandsa by Hansack, Robert
The Pope's Dilemma: Pius XII Faces Atrocities and Genocide in the Second World War by Kornberg, Jacques
The Law in Nazi Germany: Ideology, Opportunism, and the Perversion of Justice by
The Respectable Career of Fritz K.: The Making and Remaking of a Provincial Nazi Leader by Berghoff, Hartmut, Rauh, Cornelia
Fellow Tribesmen: The Image of Native Americans, National Ientity, and Nazi Ideology in Germany by Usbeck, Frank
4ta Division Panzer 1938-1945 by Uruena a., Gustavo
The Rise of Nazi Germany: The History of the Events that Brought Adolf Hitler to Power by Charles River
School of a Different Kind by Sztaray, Nóra Hegedus, Balogh, Judith Petres
The Allies and the German Problem, 1941-1949: From Cooperation to Alternative Settlement by Szanajda, Andrew
The Consuming Temple: Jews, Department Stores, and the Consumer Revolution in Germany, 1880 1940 by Lerner, Paul
Spanien als Objekt der Mächtegruppen by Hendel, Daniela
Berlin in Detente-era Berlin Brigade Booklets: and the Story of Berlin Brigade by Hill, T. H. E.
Konrad Morgen: The Conscience of a Nazi Judge by Pauer-Studer, H., Velleman, J.
Konrad Morgen: The Conscience of a Nazi Judge by Pauer-Studer, H., Velleman, J.
Protest, Defiance and Resistance in the Channel Islands: German Occupation, 1940-45 by Willmot, Louise, Carr, Gilly, Sanders, Paul
The last German Empress: Empress Augusta Victoria, Consort of Emperor William II by Van Der Kiste, John
Der Tod der Bänkelsängerin: Ein Lübecker Kriminalfall von 1740 by Buhrig, Dieter
Bombing Hitler: The Story of the Man Who Almost Assassinated the Führer by Haasis, Hellmut G.
Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany by Leggiere, Michael V.
West Germany and the Global Sixties by Brown, Timothy Scott
Individuality and Modernity in Berlin by Föllmer, Moritz
Of Heroic Destiny: Volume II by Peterson, Roy C.
Yingele nit Vein (English): "Boy Don't Cry" by Marks, Bernard
Mein Kampf: The Full German and English Text by Hitler, Adolf
The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750-1930 by Ramsbrock, Annelie
The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750-1930 by Ramsbrock, Annelie
Hitler's Prisons: Legal Terror in Nazi Germany by Wachsmann, Nikolaus
"Mein Zweites Vaterland: Alexander Von Humboldt Und Frankreich by
Alfred Flechtheim: Raubkunst Und Restitution by
Frieden durch Kommunikation by Bresselau Von Bressensdorf, Agnes
The Ashgate Research Companion to Imperial Germany by
When Brown Meets Red: Nazi-Communist Collaboration 1919-1945 by Gussack, Nevin
Beitraege zu einer Geschichte der Translation: Vom Wirken bedeutender Dolmetscher und Uebersetzer by Müller, Ina, Salevsky, Heidemarie
The Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld by
The Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld by
Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War: Goals, Expectations, Practices by
Das Widerstandspotential im Südoldenburger Kreuzkampf 1936 by Malcherek, Carina
The Nazi War Against Capitalism by Gussack, Nevin
The Red Prussians: East German and Soviet Plans for Conquest of West Germany During the Cold War by Gussack, Nevin
Als das Flugzeug seine Unschuld verlor: Die Geschichte der Flugzeuge bis 1918 by Petersen, B.
Pennsylvania German Pioneers. a Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808. in Two Volumes. Volume I by Strassburger, Ralph Beaver
Das Reichsjustizministerium und die hoeheren Justizbehoerden in der NS-Zeit (1935-1944): Protokolle und Mitschriften der Arbeitstagungen der Reichsjus by
Erwin Rommel: Photographer-Volume 1: A Survey by Steele, Zita
Carl Friedrich Gauß Und Christopher Hansteen: Der Briefwechsel Beider Gelehrten Im Historischen Kontext by Reich, Karin, Roussanova, Elena
Die heile Familie by Michalski, Anja-Simone
Karl-Ludwig Sand - 1819 by Dumas, Alexandre
The Eulenburg Affair: A Cultural History of Politics in the German Empire by Domeier, Norman
Le Socialisme d'état dans l'empire allemand by Grad, Charles
Germany's Second Reich: Portraits and Pathways by Retallack, James
Die Taube Nr. 2: Familienblatt für die Mitglieder der Hofrath sack'schen Stiftung. by Engelking Mba, Stephen A.
Die Taube No. 1: Familienblatt Fuer Die Mitglieder Der Hofrath Sack'schen Stiftung. by Engelking Mba, Stephen A.
On the Defensive: Reading the Ethical in Nazi Camp Testimonies by Marquart, Sharon
Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life: Its Measure and Form by Binding, Karl, Hoche, Alfred
Governance in Der Planwirtschaft: Industrielle Führungskräfte in Der Stahl- Und Textilbranche Der Sbz/DDR (1945-1958) by Boldorf, Marcel
Gottfried Ernst Groddeck und seine Korrespondenten by Rothe, Hans
Moskaus Spuren in Ostdeutschland 1945 bis 1949 by
Erinnerung an Diktatur und Krieg by
Hitler, Jews, and Hate by Granger, Joe
Hitler, Jews, and Hate by Granger, Joe
Kirche nach Auschwitz zwischen Theologie und Vergangenheitspolitik: Die Auseinandersetzung der evangelischen Kirchen beider deutscher Staaten mit der by Pavlush, Tetyana
Classical Music in the German Democratic Republic: Production and Reception by
The Rhythm of Eternity: The German Youth Movement and the Experience of the Past, 1900-1933 by Adriaansen, Robbert-Jan
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