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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2021

Germany and Europe: Political Tendencies From Frederick the Great to Hitler by Darmstaedter, F.
From Unification to Nazism: Reinterpreting the German Past by Geoff, Eley
The Hohenzollerns by Eulenberg, Herbert
The German Working Class 1888 - 1933: The Politics of Everyday Life by
The Small German Courts in the Eighteenth Century by Fauchier-Magnan, Adrien
From Kaiserreich to Third Reich: Elements of Continuity in German History 1871-1945 by Fischer, Fritz
Bismarck: The White Revolutionary: Volume 2 1871 - 1898 by Gall, Lothar
The Epochs of German History by Haller, J.
The Evolution of Germany by Hawgood, John A.
The Silent Dictatorship: The Politics of the German High Command under Hindenburg and Ludendorff, 1916-1918 by Kitchen, Martin
German History: Some New German Views by Kohn, Hans
The Nuremberg Documents: Some Aspects of German War Policy 1939-45 by de Mendelssohn, Peter
The Tragedy of Nazi Germany by Phillips, Peter
The Political Re-Education of Germany and her Allies: After World War II by
Drink, Temperance and the Working Class in Nineteenth Century Germany by Roberts, James S.
The Cultural Roots of National Socialism by Glaser, Hermann
Maximilian I (1459-1519): An Analytical Biography by Benecke, Gerhard
Germany in the Age of Total War by
Social Change and Political Development in Weimar Germany by
The Scheldt Question: To 1839 by Bindoff, S. T.
Revolution and Political Violence in Central Europe by Ablovatski, Eliza
The German Social Democratic Party, 1875-1933: From Ghetto to Government by Guttsman, W. L.
Bismarck: The White Revolutionary: Volume 1 1815-1871 by Gall, Lothar
The German Public Mind in the Nineteenth Century: Volume 3 a Social History of German Political Sentiments, Aspirations and Ideas by Hertz, Frederick
May You Live In Interesting Times: A Cautionary Tale: Archive of Family Photographs and Documents Circa 1945 to 1950 by Ostrogorsky, Michael
Belgians Under The German Eagle by Massart, Jean
Gute Erinnerungen an Schlechte Zeiten?: Wie Nach 1945 Und Nach 1989 Rückblickend Über Glückliche Momente in Diktaturen Gesprochen Wurde by
Tabu Und Toleranz: Der Umgang Mit Homosexualität in Der Bundeswehr 1955 Bis 2000 by Storkmann, Klaus
Der Dreißigjährige Krieg (Teil 1-3): Der Kampf um die europäische Hegemonie: Die Ursachen, die Kampagnen und die Auswirkungen by Huch, Ricarda
Im Alten Reich: Lebensbilder Deutscher Städte by Huch, Ricarda
Wallenstein: Eine Charakterstudie by Huch, Ricarda
Deutsche Geschichte (Band 1-3) by Huch, Ricarda
Mengele: Unmasking the Angel of Death by Marwell, David G.
The Bohemians: The Lovers Who Led Germany's Resistance Against the Nazis by Ohler, Norman
Germany's Russia Problem: The Struggle for Balance in Europe by Lough, John
Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East by Stahel, David
Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East by Stahel, David
War Through Italian Eyes: Fighting for Mussolini, 1940-1943 by Henry, Alexander
Lektürekanon Eines Fürstendieners: Die Privatbibliothek Des Friedrich Rudolf Von Canitz (1654-1699) by Lingnau, Anna
Germany in the Age of Bismarck by Simon, W. M.
Historical Problems: Studies and Documents by Various Authors
The German Polity by Langenbacher, Eric
The German Polity by Langenbacher, Eric
Passional of Christ and Antichrist & Antithesis of the Life of Christ and Antichrist in Pictures: Passional Christi und Antichristi & Antithesis figur by Wareham, Edmund, Melanchthon, Philipp, Schwertfeger, Johann
The Routledge Handbook to Music Under German Occupation, 1938-1945: Propaganda, Myth and Reality by
Erziehung in Der Bundeswehr: Konzeption Und Implementierung Militärischer Erziehungsgrundsätze in Der Aufbauphase Der Bundeswehr 1950-1965 by Bormann, Kai Uwe
Nazi Menace by Hett, Benjamin Carter
All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days: The True Story of the American Woman at the Heart of the German Resistance to Hitler by Donner, Rebecca
Albert Ballin by Huldermann, Bernhard
Central Europe Revisited: Why Europe's Future Will Be Decided in the Region by Brix, Emil, Busek, Erhard
BDM History Collection - The Young Girls Achievement Badge by Sandor, Cynthia
Paul Frölich: In the Radical Camp: A Political Autobiography 1890-1921 by Frölich, Paul
The German Spa in the Long Eighteenth Century: A Cultural History by Lotz-Heumann, Ute
Hitler and His Inner Circle: Chilling Profiles of the Evil Figures Behind the Third Reich by Roland, Paul
An Heiress of Holocaust - How my family survived the holocaust and the lasting effects on my life by Segal, Sarah
Personal Histories by Filene, Peter
We Will Not Die Here by Redman, Zack
We Will Not Die Here by Redman, Zack
Permanent Crisis: The Humanities in a Disenchanted Age by Reitter, Paul, Wellmon, Chad
Beyond Exceptionalism: Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650-1850 by
Orientalism, Philology, and the Illegibility of the Modern World by Trüper, Henning
Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Jg. 1900 by Von Bezold, Gustav
Das Geschlechtsleben in der Deutschen Vergangenheit by Bauer, Max
Deutsches Leben der Gegenwart by Bekker, Paul, A. Briefs, Goetz
The Nazis and the Occult: The Third Reich's Search for Supernatural Powers by Roland, Paul
Life in the Third Reich: Daily Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 by Roland, Paul
The Arabesque from Kant to Comics by Grewe, Cordula
Darkness Falling: The Strange Death of the Weimar Republic, 1930-33 by Walther, Peter
The German Peasant War of 1525 by
Religion, Politics and Social Protest: Three Studies on Early Modern Germany by Blickle, Peter, Rublack, Hans-Christoph
New Lefts: The Making of a Radical Tradition by Renaud, Terence
Der Steinkohlenbergbau in Boom Und Krise Nach 1945: Transformationsprozesse in Der Schwerindustrie Am Beispiel Des Ruhrgebiets by
Tannenberg 1914: Der Erste Weltkrieg in Ostpreußen by Zimmermann, John
New Lefts: The Making of a Radical Tradition by Renaud, Terence
The Russian Army in the Great War: The Eastern Front, 1914-1917 by Stone, David R.
The History of Bavaria: From the First Ages, to This Present Year, 1706. Collected From the Best Ancient Historians, and the Faithfullest Mode by
Posthumous Works of Frederic II. King of Prussia; 5 by Holcroft, Thomas 1745-1809
The Secrets of Potsdam; a Startling Exposure of the Inner Life of the Courts of the Kaiser and Crown-prince Revealed for the First Time by Count Ernst by
Ulfilas Veteris Et Novi Testamenti Versionis Gothicae Fragmenta Quae Supersunt Ad Fidem Codd. Castigata Latinitate Donata Adnotatione Critica Instruct by Anonymous
Anthologie Aus Den Lyrikern Der Griechen Für Den Schul Und Privatgebrauch Erklärt Und Mit Litterarhistorischen Einleitungen Versehen Von E. Buchholz D by Anonymous
A Pilgrimage to Treves: Through the Valley of the Meuse and the Forest of Ardennes, in the Year 1844 by Anthon, Charles Edward 1822-1883
The Foundations of Germany [microform]; a Documentary Account Revealing the Causes of Her Strength, Wealth and Efficiency by
Illustrated Catalogue of the Historical and World-renowned Collection of Torture Instruments, Etc.: From the Royal Castle of Nuremberg: Amongst Which by
The Empress Frederick, a Memoir by Anonymous
Jacobi Bornitii Emblemata Ethico Politica: Ingenuâ Atque Eruditâ Interpretatione Nunc Primùm Illustrata / per M. Nicolaum Meerfeldt. by
The Lower Palaeolithic Site of Markkleeberg and Other Comparable Localities Near Leipzig. Edited by Hallam L. Movius, Jr by Grahmann, Rudolf 1888-
Die Nationalpolitische Publizistik Deutschlands Von 1866 Bis 1871: Eine Kritische Bibliographie; 1 by Faber, Karl Georg 1925-
Walther Rathenau, His Life and Work by
Berlin Embassy by Russell, William
Ludendorff, the Tragedy of a Military Mind by Tschuppik, Karl 1878-1937
Wahlrechtsfragen Im Vormarz: Die Wahlrechtsanschauung Im Rheinland 1815-1849 Und Die Entstehung Des Dreiklassenwahlechts by Boberach, Heinz
The Third Reich by Lichtenberger, Henri 1864-1941
Ludendorff, the Tragedy of a Military Mind by Tschuppik, Karl 1878-1937
Stuttgart Glossary by Busse, Fritz, Missenharter, Hermann 1886-1962
The Taint of the Romanovs by
The Normal Phase Variations of the 18 Kc/s Signals From NBA Observed in Frankfurt, Germany; NBS Technical Note 206-1 by
Paintings and Drawings, a Few Etchings, Mezzotints, Engravings, Etc. the Property of Mrs. Jack Von Tilzer, Mr. Walter Dormitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic by
The Magnificent Montez; From Courtesan to Convert by
Die Nationalpolitische Publizistik Deutschlands Von 1866 Bis 1871: Eine Kritische Bibliographie; 1 by Faber, Karl Georg 1925-
The Lower Palaeolithic Site of Markkleeberg and Other Comparable Localities Near Leipzig. Edited by Hallam L. Movius, Jr by Grahmann, Rudolf 1888-
Wahlrechtsfragen Im Vormarz: Die Wahlrechtsanschauung Im Rheinland 1815-1849 Und Die Entstehung Des Dreiklassenwahlechts by Boberach, Heinz
Bureaucracy, Aristocracy, and Autocracy: the Prussian Experience, 1660-1815 by
The Weimar Republic, Overture to the Third Reich by Scheele, Godfrey
Oberammergau, Scene of the Passion Play; Photographs by Eckener, Lotte
The Polish-East German Border by
Summary of German Radio and Press Reports by
Konnersreuth; a Medical and Psychological Study of the Case of Teresa Neumann by Hynek, Rudolf Maria 1883-1952
Catalog of Electronic Tubes Manufactured in East Germany by
The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany, 1859-1866 by Friedjung, Heinrich 1851-1920
The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany, 1859-1866 by Friedjung, Heinrich 1851-1920
Oberammergau, Scene of the Passion Play; Photographs by Eckener, Lotte
Soviet Zone of Germany by
East Prussian Diary; by
Miscellaneous 1945 Seventh Army Reports on Germany by
Future Germany by
The Governments of Germany by Heidenheimer, Arnold J.
Germany, My Host by
We Were Only Human by Ustinov, Peter
Krupp. a Great Business Man Seen Through His Letters; by Krupp, Alfred 1842-1887
Hitlerism; the Iron Fist in Germany by
Geopolitics, the New German Science by Gyorgy, Andrew 1917-
Germany and the Next Year [microform] by
Dresden 1: the Royal Picture Gallery by
East German Periodical Deutsche Finanzwirtschaft by
The First Book of West Germany by
Encirclement by
Questions and Answers on the German Peace Treaty by Anonymous
Hugo Von Hofmannsthal by Hammelmann, Hanns
Official Bulletins of the East German Ministry of Construction by
Beckmanns Führer Durch Speier a. Rh by
Disgrace Abounding by Reed, Douglas 1895-
Indivisible Germany; Illusion or Reality? by Wolfe, James Hastings
Official East German Train Schedule by
The German Revolution, Its Meaning and Menace by King, Joseph 1860-
A New Germany in a New Europe by Weber, August 1871-
Southern Germany, Including Wurtemberg and Bavaria: Handbook for Travellers by Baedeker, Karl
The History Of Liberty In Germany by
Stresemann and the Greater Germany, 1914-1918 by
A New Germany in a New Europe by Weber, August 1871-
Light, Life and Love: Selections From the German Mystics of the Middle Ages by Inge, William Ralph 1860-1954
Railways, East Germany by
German Export, Publication of the East German Chamber of Foreign Trade by
Beyond the Rhine; by Henry, Marc
The Dove in the Eagle's Nest; 2 by Yonge, Charlotte Mary 1823-1901
Storia Della Casa D'Austria: Da Rodolfo di Apsburgo Alla Morte di Leopoldo II; v.4 by Coxe, William 1747-1828
The Origins of Prussia by
Grichenland by Anonymous
The First Book of West Germany by
Peasant Life in Germany by Anna C. Johnson by
Legendary Germany Oberammergau And Bayreuth by Jais, Regina
Secret Societies And Subversive Movements by
The Source of Wolfram's Willehalm by Bacon, Susan Almira
Stresemann Und Die Deutsche Volkspartei, 1923-1925 by Thimme, Roland
House of Orleans by
Shortage of Victory; Cause and Cure by Javsicas, Gabriel
Warnings and Predictions by
Studies in Napoleonic Statesmanship: Germany by
Convention of the German Tuberculosis Society by
Soviet-East German White Book Concerning Policy of the Western Powers on Germany by
Future Germany by
The Struggle for Germany, 1914-1945 by Kochan, Lionel
The Economic, Financial and Political State of Germany Since the War by
The Colonization of the Grenzmark Posen-West Prussia by Schmitz, Hans Jakob, Horstmann, Ernst
The Canker of Germany by Preuss, Ernst Gustav 1891-
The Case for Germany; a Study of Modern Germany by
Democracy in Western Germany by Hiscocks, Richard
Encirclement by
Sechs Wochen Deutschland by Fechter, Paul 1880-1958
Assize of Arms; 1 by
The Story of Nuremberg .. by Headlam, Cecil 1872-
Mitteleuropa in German Thought and Action, 1815-1945 by Meyer, Henry Cord 1913-
Soviet and German Measuring Instuments by
(Sanitized)East German Product Brochures(sanitized) by
German History, 1933-45: an Assessment by German Historians by Mau, Hermann
Soviet Order of Battle Germany as of Mid-Day 1950 by
Alsace-Lorraine; a Study in Conquest: 1913 by Jordan, David Starr 1851-1931
The Memoirs of the Crown Princess Cecilie by
In Darkest Germany by
William of Germany: a Succinct Biography of William I., German Emperor and King of Prussia; by Forbes, Archibald 1838-1900
Are We Re-educating the Germans and the Japanese? by Colwell, Ernest Cadman 1901-1974
Social Democrats in Imperial Germany by Roth, Guenther
Bureaucracy, Aristocracy, and Autocracy: the Prussian Experience, 1660-1815 by
Oberammergau and Its Passion Play by Corathiel, Elisabethe H.
Conspiracy Against Europe: the Paris Agreements--a War Plot by
Letters of Prince Von Bülow; by
On Borrowed Peace .. by
Ludwig the Second, King of Bavaria by
Gone Abroad by Graves, Charles 1899-
Mitteilungsblatt, Periodical of the Germany Academy of Sciences by
Capital Without a Country; the Challenge of Berlin by Holbrook, Sabra
Memoirs [microform] by
Confusion of Faces, the Struggle Between Religion and Secularism in Europe; by Meissner, Erich 1895-1965
Impressions of Germany /; c.1 by Griffin, Mary Sands 1804-
Our Love Affair With Germany by Habe, Hans 1911-1977
Baron Stein, Enemy of Napoleon by Grunwald, Constantin de
The German East by Pagel, Karl 1898- Ed
Our Street, a Chronicle by Petersen, Jan 1907-
House of Orleans by
The Berlin Conference by
A Year of Potsdam by Settel, Arthur
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