• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2021

Die Hitlerjahre Aus der Sicht Eines Kindes by Self, Charlotte
In the Kingdom of Shoes: Bata, Zlín, Globalization, 1894-1945 by Doleshal, Zachary Austin
Narrative of a Journey to the Summit of Mont Blanc by Howard, William
Aus Berg und Tal: Charakterbilder aus dem schweizer. Bauernleben by Kiebler, Ulrich
Chinese Sympathies by Purdy, Daniel Leonhard
Chinese Sympathies by Purdy, Daniel Leonhard
Guido Goldman: Transatlantic Bridge Builder by Klingst, Martin
Guido Goldman: Transatlantic Bridge Builder by Klingst, Martin
Prevail Until the Bitter End: Germans in the Waning Years of World War II by Lohse, Alexandra
Singing Like Germans: Black Musicians in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms by Thurman, Kira
How Could This Happen?: My Family From The Monarchy To Today by Mears, Helga M.
The Night of Broken Glass: Eyewitness Accounts of Kristallnacht / Edited by Uta Gerhardt and Thomas Karlauf; Translated [From German] by Robert S by
Dear Barack: The Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel by Clark, Claudia
Ost: An Untold History of Nazi Germany's Forced Labour Camps by Memorial International
The Family in Modern Germany by
Worlds Apart: A Journey Through WW2 With The Langer Family by Langer Snook, Linda
Wie konnte es dazu kommen?: Meine Familie von der Zeit der Monarchie bis heute by Mears, Helga M.
[Set Die Verfolgung Und Ermordung Der Europäischen Juden Durch Das Nationalsozialistische Deutschland 1933-1945. Deutsches Reich Und Protektorat] by
The Eichmann Trial Reconsidered by
The Magnificent Montez: From Courtesan to Convert by Wyndham, Horace
Geistige Nachrüstung by Bierganns, Cedric
Die Zukunft der Erinnerung by
Empire of Destruction: A History of Nazi Mass Killing by Kay, Alex J.
The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel by Marton, Kati
Hitler's War: Germany's Key Strategic Decisions 1940-1945 by Magenheimer, Heinz
Town and Country 1517 - 1550: Scenes of Everyday Life in Detail from Geisberg's German Single Sheet Woodcuts by McNealy, Marion
The Weimar Republic: A Captivating Guide to the History of Germany Between the End of World War I and Rise of the Nazi Era by History, Captivating
A New Nobility of Blood and Soil by Darré, R. Walther
Auf Dem Rucken Der Vergangenheit: Ein Ideengeschichtlicher Vergleich Des Deutschen Und Amerikanischen Konservatismus by Syndikus, Sebastian
Dictators and Autocrats: Securing Power across Global Politics by
Dictators and Autocrats: Securing Power Across Global Politics by
Nazi Wives: The Women at the Top of Hitler's Germany by Wyllie, James
This Pestilence, Bergen-Belsen by Clayton, Nigel
Flight of the Summerbird by Duncan-Enzmann, Robert
Loving the Enemy: Building bridges in a time of war by March, Andrew
Berlin Chantiers by Robin-R
Through an Ethnic Prism: Germans, Czechs and the Creation of Czechoslovakia by Thomas (✝), Stephen M.
Rekrutierungen für die Waffen-SS in Südosteuropa by Zaugg, Franziska Anna
Operation Valkyrie: A Military History of the 20 July 1944 Plot by Heinemann, Winfried
Germans in America: A Concise History by Kamphoefner, Walter D.
Hitler And The Downfall Of The Weimar Republic by Bronner, Kevin M.
Grasping at Straws: Letters from the Holocaust by Wasserman, Steven
Grasping at Straws: Letters from the Holocaust by Wasserman, Steven
Never in Finer Company: The Men of the Great War's Lost Battalion by Lengel, Edward G.
Kursk 1943: The Greatest Battle of the Second World War by Toeppel, Roman
Kunst und Zettel in Messer: Bavarian State Library Cgm 582 by Lecküchner, Hans, Chidester, Michael
The Frankfurt Kitchen: Forty-One Stories of Growing Up in Post-World War II West Germany by Laird, Heidi
Girls in Service: The Official Handbook of the Bund Deutscher Mädel by
Girls in Service: The Official Handbook of the Bund Deutscher Mädel by
The American Army in Germany, 1918-1923: Success Against the Odds by Nowowiejski, Dean A.
The Virtuous Wehrmacht: Crafting the Myth of the German Soldier on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944 by Harrisville, David A.
1939: A People's History of the Coming of the Second World War by Taylor, Frederick
Building Nazi Germany: Place, Space, Architecture, and Ideology by Hagen, Joshua, Ostergren, Robert C.
Hitler's American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germany's March to Global War by Simms, Brendan, Laderman, Charlie
Shoah and Torah by Patterson, David
Arminius and Thusnelda Versus Rome by Kramer, Michael
Hitler's Fall: The Newsreel Witness by
Menschen in Der Fabrik: Industriefotografie in Konsumgüterfirmen 1895 Bis 1970 - Appel, Bahlsen, Sprengel, König & Ebhardt, Pelikan, Continent by Huttenlocher, Kristina
Tourism and Memory: Visitor Experiences of the Nazi and Gdr Past by Pastor, Doreen
Alte Armatur und Ringkunst: The Royal Danish Library Ms. Thott 290 2° by Talhoffer, Hans
Operazione Tifone by Afiero, Massimiliano
A Song for Else: Volume 1: The Vow by Zehnder, Christopher J.
Conscience in Revolt: Sixty-Four Stories of Resistance in Germany, 1933-45 by Leber, Annedore
Germanic Tribes: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Franks and Lombards by History, Captivating
A Song for Else: Volume 1: The Vow by Zehnder, Christopher J.
The History of the Hartmetz Family - Part A: From Germany to the U.S.A. by Hartmetz, Richard S.
Decolonizing German and European History at the Museum by Sieg, Katrin
Jüdische Emigration aus München by Bergmann, Katharina
Autarkiepolitik in der Braunkohlenindustrie by Baumert, Martin
La Cruz de Honor de la Madre Alemana: Mutterkreuz by Rodriguez Lujan, David
Zwei plus Vier by
Materielle Kulturen Des Bergbaus Material Cultures of Mining: Zugänge, Aspekte Und Beispiele Approaches, Aspects and Examples by
Fighter, Worker, and Family Man: German-Jewish Men and Their Gendered Experiences in Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 by Huebel, Sebastian
Germany and the Confessional Divide: Religious Tensions and Political Culture, 1871-1989 by
Floameister Und Floaerbrauche: Tradition Und Geschichte an Der Isar Und Loisach by Lauterbach, Helga
The Polish Wild West: Forced Migration and Cultural Appropriation in the Polish-German Borderlands, 1945-1948 by Halicka, Beata
Emotions and Everyday Nationalism in Modern European History by
Steamship Nationalism: Ocean Liners and National Identity in Imperial Germany and the Atlantic World by Russell, Mark A.
SS Foreign Divisions & Volunteers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, 1941-1945 by Baxter, Ian
Hitler's Air Defences by Wynn, Stephen
The Kaiser's Cruisers, 1871-1918 by Nottelmann, Dirk, Dodson, Aidan
Das Vermögen der "Reichsfeinde" by Ulbricht, Josephine
Trouble for Moscow? by Di Palma, Francesco
Tanz in der Literatur by Ring, Weijie
Lebensreform in der Schweiz (1850-1950): Vegetarisch essen, nackt baden und im Gruenen wohnen by Rindlisbacher, Stefan
Russia Forty Years on: An Account of a Visit to Russia and Germany in the Autumn of 1959 by Price, M. Philips
German Social Democracy Through British Eyes: A Documentary History, 1870-1914 by Retallack, James
The German Right, 1918-1930 by Jones, Larry Eugene
War Through Italian Eyes: Fighting for Mussolini, 1940-1943 by Henry, Alexander
Remembering East Germany: From Oberlin to East Berlin by Zipser, Richard A.
Nazi Buildings, Cold War Traces and Governmentality in Post-Unification Berlin by Copley, Clare
[Set Die Verfolgung Und Ermordung Der Europäischen Juden Durch Das Nationalsozialistische Deutschland 1933-1945]: Gesamtausgabe by
Medieval Monarchy in Action: The German Empire from Henry I to Henry IV by Hill Jr, Boyd H.
Die Plünderung Polens by Bräu, Ramona
Erziehung Zur Sittlichkeit: Schutz Und Ausgrenzung in Der Katholischen Jugendarbeit in Bayern 1918-1945 by Nicolay-Fischbach, Franziska
Karl Dietrich Erdmann by Von Bassi, Arvid
Macht der Ausnahme by Middendorf, Stefanie
"Deutschland ist auch Frauensache" by Dubslaff, Valérie
The Anarchy of Nazi Memorabilia: From Things of Tyranny to Troubled Treasure by Hughes, Michael