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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2023

Wittenberg (1517-1522): Diskussions-, Aktionsgemeinschaft Und Stadtreformation by Bubenheimer, Ulrich
Hitler's Spy Princess: The Extraordinary Life of Stephanie Von Hohenlohe by Schad, Martha
Assembly and Its Other in German Romantic Literature and Thought: The Inexhaustible Gathering by
Hermann and Arthur Goering: The Nazi and the Renegade by Wyllie, James
Travel to Germany by Layton, Christine
Content and Essence of the German God-Belief by Schulz, Karl
Of an Alien Homecoming: Reading Heidegger's "Hölderlin" by Bambach, Charles
The Nationalization of the Masses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich by Mosse, George L.
Surviving Hitler, Evading Stalin: One Woman's Remarkable Escape from Nazi Germany - Education Edition by Janzen, Mildred Schindler, Green, Sherye S.
Surviving Hitler, Evading Stalin: One Woman's Remarkable Escape from Nazi Germany - Faith-Based Edition by Janzen, Mildred Schindler, Green, Sherye S.
The Enchanted Suitcase: A Window Onto My German Father's World War II Life by Warren, Helga
Bloody Verrières: The I. Ss-Panzerkorps Defence of the Verrières-Bourguebus Ridges: Volume II: The Defeat of Operation Spring and the Battles of Tilly by Gullachsen, Arthur W.
Wahlverwandtschaften: Kulturgeschichte Der Freundschaft Im Deutschen Judentum, 1888-1938 by Lenhard, Philipp
Comanches, Captives, and Germans: Wilhelm Friedrich's Drawings from the Texas Frontier by Gelo, Daniel J., Hopkins, C. B. Hoppy, Wickham, Christopher J.
Politics and the Slavic Languages by Kamusella, Tomasz
Communist Propaganda at School: The World of the Reading Primers from the Soviet Bloc, 1949-1989 by Wojdon, Joanna
Law, Violence and Constituent Power: The Law, Politics and History of Constitution Making by Bofill, Héctor López
Democracy in Crisis: Weimar Germany, 1929-1932 by Goodrich, Robert
Tunnel 29: The True Story of an Extraordinary Escape Beneath the Berlin Wall by Merriman, Helena
The Life, Work and Legacy of Friedrich Engels: Emerging from Marx's Shadow by
Die Urheber des Weltkriegs by Brentano, Lujo
The Life, Work and Legacy of Friedrich Engels: Emerging from Marx's Shadow by
Panzer: The Medium Tank Company 1941 by
The Guardians of Concepts: Political Languages of Conservatism in Britain and West Germany, 1945-1980 by Steber, Martina
From Bayreuth to Burkina Faso: Christoph Schlingensief's Opera Village Africa as Postcolonial Gesamtkunstwerk? by Hegenbart, Sarah
Communism's Public Sphere: Culture as Politics in Cold War Poland and East Germany by Kunakhovich, Kyrill
Taming the Panzers: Monty's tank battalions 3rd RTR at war by Delaforce, Patrick
Die Gründung des Deutschen Zollvereins by Von Treitschke, Heinrich
Europaische Kulturbeziehungen Im Weimarer Dreieck /Europejskie Relacje Kulturowe W Ramach Trojkata Weimarskiego / Les Relations Culturelles Europeenne by
Die Fahne Hoch: Three Biographies of Horst Wessel by Reitmann, Erwin, Daum, Fritz, Kullak, Max
L'oro di Hitler...e anche quello del Duce! by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Die Atempause by Böttcher, Hendrik
The Brandt Commission and the Multinationals: Planetary Perspectives by Stråth, Bo
Third Reich Revenues - A Reference Guide: Volume One by Peluso, Richard
Third Reich Revenues - A Reference Guide: Volume Two by Peluso, Richard
Ensnared Between Hitler and Stalin: Refugee Scientists in the USSR by Zimmerman, David
Der Eisenbahnbau und dessen Einfluss auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums in Bayern im 19. Jahrhundert by Niemetz, Maximilian
Adolf Hitler: A Life for Germany and Europe by Hitler, Adolf
Entries In M.M. Diaries by Kaufman, Ron
Was Hitler A Dictator?: The Hitler I Knew by Prince of Schaumberg-Lippe, Friedrich Ch
Die NS-Rassenideologie als Grundlage zum Ausschluss jüdischer Sportler. "Mens sana in corpore sano" by Breitenbicher, Stefanie
Schelling and Spinoza: Realism, Idealism, and the Absolute by Norris, Benjamin
Moderate Modernity: The Newspaper Tempo and the Transformation of Weimar Democracy by Hung, Jochen
Triumph of the Truth by Penman, Robert
The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust by Truman, Davis
The Broken House: Growing Up Under Hitler by Krüger, Horst
The Grey Men: Pursuing the Stasi Into the Present by Hope, Ralph
Eight Days in May: The Final Collapse of the Third Reich by Ullrich, Volker
Handbuch Der Deutsch-Polnischen Kommunikation: Teilband 3: Von Popkultur Bis Stereotyp by
Elephant Paths: Combat History of Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 203 by Anderson, Thomas
Sex Under the Swastika: Erotica, Scandal and the Occult in Hitler's Third Reich by Heath, Tim
Under the Swastika in Nazi Germany by Semmens, Kristin
Holocaust Survival in Antwerp: On Foreign Soil by Kleiman, Alter
Sexuality in Modern German History by Sutton, Katie
The Origins of German Self-Cultivation: Bildung and the Future of the Humanities by
Modern Germany: A Global History by Kurlander, Eric, McGetchin, Douglas T., Grewe, Bernd-Stefan
Jena 1800 by Neumann, Peter
Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples Since 1500 by Wilson, Peter H.
Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War by Rees, Laurence
Souveranitat in Auflosung: Deutschlands Vergessene Treugeber by Damm, Sebastian
To the Collector Belong the Spoils: Modernism and the Art of Appropriation by Pfeifer, Annie
Writing and Rewriting the Reich: Women Journalists in the Nazi and Post-War Press by Barton, Deborah
Germania 99 (2021): Anzeiger Der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission Des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts by Gebruder Mann Verlag
Bericht Der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission 100 (2019) by Gebruder Mann Verlag
Mothers of The Nation The Ambiguous Role of Nazi Women in The Third Reich by Truman, Davis
Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit (Jg. 26, 1879) Neue Folge by Various
Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit, 27. Band, 1880 Organ des Germanischen Museums by Various
Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit (1868) Neue Folge. Fünfzehnter Band. by Various
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor; (Stanhope Historical Essay 1901) by W. Seton-Watson, R.
Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit (1866); Neue Folge. Dreizehnter Band. by Various
Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Jahrgang 1901 by Various
Oradour Und Die Deutschen: Geschichtsrevisionismus, Strafrechtliche Verfolgung, Entschädigungszahlungen Und Versöhnungsgesten AB 1949 by Erkenbrecher, Andrea
Der Tag von Potsdam by
Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front, 1941-1942: Schwerpunkt by Forczyk, Robert A.
Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front, 1941-1942: Schwerpunkt by Forczyk, Robert A.
Bloody Verrières: The I. Ss-Panzerkorps Defence of the Verrières-Bourguebus Ridges: Volume 2: The Defeat of Operation Spring and the Bat by Gullachsen, Arthur W.
Bloody Verrières: The I. Ss-Panzerkorps Defence of the Verrières-Bourguebus Ridges: Volume 2: The Defeat of Operation Spring and the Bat by Gullachsen, Arthur W.
The Secret Police Dossier of Herta Müller: A "File Story" of Cold War Surveillance by Glajar, Valentina N.
Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955 by Jähner, Harald
Operation Nordwind by Neely, Darren
The Third Reich: Germany Under National Socialism by Lichtenberger, Henri
A History of Germany, 1800 to the Present by Wetzel, David, Carr, William
A History of Germany, 1800 to the Present by Carr, William, Wetzel, David
Ancestral Inheritance: The Yearly Cycle of Germanic Customs and Festivals by Plassmann, Joseph Otto
John Frederick-Lutheran Elector by Leppin, Volker, Schmidt, Georg, Wefers, Sabine
Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Erster Band (von 2) by Wattenbach, Wilhelm
Von Haparanda bis San Francisco: Reise-Erinnerungen by Wasserzieher, Ernst
Smashing Hitler's Panzers: The Defeat of the Hitler Youth Panzer Division in the Battle of the Bulge by Zaloga, Steven J.
Die Exekutiven Der Revolutionen: Deutschland 1848/49 by
Unternehmen ohne Eigentümer by Steinfeld, Johanna
Die Mittelmark / Teil 4: Gesamtregister, Nachträge und Berichtigungen by
The Magnificent Boat: The Colonial Theft of a South Seas Cultural Treasure by Aly, Götz
Realities and Fantasies of German Female Leadership: From Maria Antonia of Saxony to Angela Merkel by
Film Societies in Germany and Austria 1910-1933: Tracing the Social Life of Cinema by Cowan, Michael
Die Fischer-Kontroverse. Hat Deutschland den Ersten Weltkrieg bewusst ausgelöst, um an die Weltmacht zu gelangen? by Anonym
Globalizing the Soybean: Fat, Feed, and Sometimes Food, c. 1900-1950 by Prodöhl, Ines
The History of Thyssen: Family, Industry and Culture in the 20th Century by Schulz, Günther, Szöllösi-Janze, Margit
Former Neighbors, Future Allies?: German Studies and Ethnography in Dialogue by
Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema by
The History of Thyssen: Family, Industry and Culture in the 20th Century by Schulz, Günther, Szöllösi-Janze, Margit
Otto Kretschmer: The Life of Germany's Highest Scoring U-Boat Commander by Paterson, Lawrence
Jenseits Der Konzertsale: Klassische Musik Fur Breite Bevolkerungsschichten in Berlin Um 1900 by Rademacher, Wiebke
Otto Kretschmer: The Life of Germany's Highest Scoring U-Boat Commander by Paterson, Lawrence
The Rise of The Nazi Party How Hitler Used The Power of Propaganda And Mass Communication to Rise to Power by Truman, Davis
Tatort Ost: Darstellung Von Recht Und Unrecht in Fernsehkrimiserien Der Ddr by Spranz, Katja
The German Peasant War of 1525 by
Religion, Politics and Social Protest: Three Studies on Early Modern Germany by Rublack, Hans-Christoph, Blickle, Peter
The People's Dictatorship by Steinweis, Alan E.
Der politische Diskurs in Predigten und Betstunden während der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Erhebung 1848/1851: Aufruhrpredigten um Gottes und des Gewisse by Rohne, Deborah
Germania - Alla scoperta del cuore d'Europa: Storia - Cultura - Curiosità by Casu, Stefano
Divided Over Hitler: The Rise and Ruin of the Aristocratic Schulenburg Family by Jarvis, Edward
Die Entdeckung des Sterbens by Greiner, Florian
Poland September 1939 - July 1941 by
Hitler's Table Talk: The Complete Edition 1941-1944 by Picker, Henry, Bormann, Martin, Heim, Heinrich
Hitler's Table Talk: The Complete Edition 1941-1944 by Picker, Henry, Bormann, Martin, Heim, Heinrich
The Saxon Army 1699 - 1764 by Nafziger, George
Magníficos Rebeldes: Los Primeros Románticos Y La Invención del Yo / Magnificent Rebels the First Romantics and the Invention of the Self by Wulf, Andrea
The Journey: Transcendence Attracting in Schubert's Songs of a Wanderer by Ruppert, Frank
Nexus 6: Essays in German Jewish Studies by
Hitler's Last Chance: Kolberg: The Propaganda Movie and the Rise and Fall of a German City by Prenger, Kevin
Revolution and Political Violence in Central Europe by Ablovatski, Eliza
East Central Europe and Communism: Politics, Culture, and Society, 1943-1991 by Ramet, Sabrina P.
East Central Europe and Communism: Politics, Culture, and Society, 1943-1991 by Ramet, Sabrina P.
Christianity in Germany 1550-1850: Confessionalization - Enlightenment - Pluralization by Holzem, Andreas
Everyday Denazification in Postwar Germany by Dack, Mikkel
A History of Germany - b&w by Marshall, Henrietta
A History of Germany - b&w by Marshall, Henrietta
A History of Germany by Marshall, Henrietta
A History of Germany by Marshall, Henrietta
Heidegger and the Human by
Urbanus Rhegius, German Protestant Reformer: A History & Genealogy (1489-2001) From Langenargen to Finkenwerder to the U.S.A. by König, Walter
We Will Never Yield: Jews, the German Press, and the Fight for Inclusion in the 1840s by Meola, David A.
We Will Never Yield: Jews, the German Press, and the Fight for Inclusion in the 1840s by Meola, David A.
A Third Reich, as I See It: Politics, Society, and Private Life in the Diaries of Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 by Steuwer, Janosch
Soziales Handeln als Motiv für den Widerstand im Nationalsozialismus by Pfisterer, Florian
Permanent Crisis: The Humanities in a Disenchanted Age by Wellmon, Chad, Reitter, Paul
Antisemitism Before the Holocaust: Re-Evaluating Antisemitic Exceptionalism in Germany and the United States, 1880-1945 by Frankel, Richard E.
Fallschirm-Panzer Division 'Hermann Göring': A History of the Luftwaffe's Only Armoured Division 1933-1945 by Paterson, Lawrence
Blood, Dust and Snow: Diaries of a Panzer Commander in Germany and on the Eastern Front by Sander, Friedrich
Blood, Dust and Snow: Diaries of a Panzer Commander in Germany and on the Eastern Front by Sander, Friedrich
Fallschirm-Panzer Division 'Hermann Göring': A History of the Luftwaffe's Only Armoured Division 1933-1945 by Paterson, Lawrence
The SS Cavalry Divisions by Peruffo, Alberto
Sophie Scholl and the White Rose by Dumbach, Annette, Newborn, Jud
Dresden: Tuesday, February 13, 1945 by Taylor, Frederick
Letters from Nazi Germany 1933-1934 by Knight, Elizabeth Crawford
Citizens Into Dishonored Felons: Felony Disenfranchisement, Honor, and Rehabilitation in Germany, 1806-1933 by Groot, Timon de
The Burden of German History: A Transatlantic Life by Jarausch, Konrad H.
Britannia Rules the Rhine: Die Britische Rheinlandbesatzung 1918-1926 by Neuwohner, Benedikt
Hitler's Fall: The Newsreel Witness by
Instrumentalisierung durch die Evangelische Kirche? Zur Rezeption des Widerstands Dietrich Bonhoeffers by Anonymous
Die Unbekannten Politikverhandler Im Umbruch Europas: Zeitzeugeninterviews Mit Ausgewahlten Staatssekretaren Der Letzten Ddr-Regierung 1990 by
Hitler's American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germany's March to Global War by Simms, Brendan, Laderman, Charlie
Free to Obey: How the Nazis Invented Modern Management by Chapoutot, Johann
Berlin Orgies: Bourgeoisie in Lust and Ecstasy by Doepp, Hans-Juergen
The Queer Art of History: Queer Kinship After Fascism by Evans, Jennifer V.
The Battle of North Cape: The Death Ride of the Scharnhorst, 1943 by Konstam, Angus
The Battle of North Cape: The Death Ride of the Scharnhorst, 1943 by Konstam, Angus
Wannsee: The Road to the Final Solution by Longerich, Peter
Panzer Reconnaissance by Anderson, Thomas
Germany's Other Modernism: The Jena Paradigm, 1900-1914 by Werner, Meike G.
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey Through Cities at the Heart of Europe by Kohn, Marek
The Malleable Body: Surgeons, Artisans, and Amputees in Early Modern Germany by Hausse, Heidi
Fur Freiheit Und Einheit: Die Deutsche Revolution Von 1848/49 by Ruppert, Karsten
The Oxford History of the Third Reich by
Blitze, Funken, Sensationen: Sinnuberschuss Und Sinnreduktion Elektrischer Heilapparate in Deutschland 1750-1930 by Fangerau, Heiner, Loffelbein, Nils
From Vienna to Munich to Stockholm: A Chess Biography of Rudolf Spielmann by Bogdanovich, Grigory
From Vienna to Munich to Stockholm: A Chess Biography of Rudolf Spielmann by Bogdanovich, Grigory
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1992 by
Die Herren Der Hanse: Delegierte Und Netzwerke by Poeck, Dietrich W.
The Golden Bull by Charles IV of Luxemburg
Hoppla, We're Alive! Drama. by Toller, Ernst
Freedom and Ground: A Study of Schelling's Treatise on Freedom by Thomas, Mark J.
Germania: the origin and situation of the Germans by Tacitus
Never Again: Germans and Genocide After the Holocaust by Port, Andrew I.
The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe by Rady, Martyn
Hitler's Trojan Horse: The Fall of the Abwehr, 1943-1945 by West, Nigel
Dismembered Policing in Postwar Berlin: The Limits of Four-Power Government by Fenemore, Mark
Operation C3: Hitler's Plan to Invade Malta 1942 by Burtt, John
Politics of Death: The Cult of Nazi Martyrs, 1920-1939 by Casquete, Jesús
The Rise of the NSDAP by Ss Main Office
200 Jahre Korntal - Eine Pietistische Gemeindegrundung Und Ihr Umfeld by Hirbodian, Sigrid
Beyond Exceptionalism: Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650-1850 by
Otto Höfler's Characterisation of the Germanic Peoples: From Sacred Men's Bands to Social Daemonism by Burrell, Courtney Marie
Akten Zur Auswärtigen Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1954 by
Österreichs Skisport im Nationalsozialismus by Praher, Andreas
Jüdische Emigration aus München by Bergmann, Katharina
Memories of the Kaiser's Court by Topham, Anne
Ahlen Und Seine Stolpersteine: Erinnerungskultur in Einer Westfalischen Industriestadt by Kehr, Manfred
Gender in Germany and Beyond: Exploring the Legacy of Jean Quataert by
Theaterlobby Attackiert Zirkus: Zur Wende Im Krafteverhaltnis Zweier Theaterformen Zwischen 1869 Und 1918 in Berlin by Hildbrand, Mirjam
Narrative Des Humanismus in Der Weimarer Republik Und Im Exil: Zur Aktualitat Einer Kulturpolitischen Herausforderung Fur Europa by
Fehmarns faszinierende Geschichte: Eine Insel im Wandel der Zeit by Clausen-Schmidt, Johannes, Gebauer-Chambers, Konrad
Borkums faszinierende Geschichte: Von Wikingern bis zum Wandel der Zeit by Gebauer-Chambers, Konrad, Clausen-Schmidt, Johannes
Sylts faszinierende Geschichte: Eine Perle in der Nordsee by Gebauer-Chambers, Konrad, Clausen-Schmidt, Johannes
VOR Den Richterstuhl Der Zeitgenossen Und Der Offentlichen Meynung: Der Fall Des Preussischen Staatsdieners Und Spataufklarers Hans Von Held by Joisten, Anna
Verordnete Demokratie?: Die Nachkriegswahlen 1946/47 by
Dimensionen Des Verrats: Politische Denunziation in Der Ddr by Kratzner-Ebert, Anita
Waldfeucht by
Die Familie Bondi Und Das Judische: Beziehungsgeschichte Unter Dem Burgerlichen Wertehimmel, 1790-1870 by Ristau, Daniel
Les Relations Monétaires Franco-Allemandes Et l'Uem (1969-1992): Des Ambitions Aux Réalités by Coën, Alain
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