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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 2024

Churchill's Last Wartime Secret: The 1943 German Raid Airbrushed from History by Searle, Adrian
The Ones Who Got Away: Mighty Eighth Airmen on the Run in Occupied Europe by Yenne, Bill
L'Histoire d'un Jumelage by Nezat, Jack Claude
East German Film and the Holocaust by Ward, Elizabeth
Don't Need No Thought Control: Western Culture in East Germany and the Fall of the Berlin Wall by Horten, Gerd
Chancellor of Germany 1949- 2024 by Driessen, Jan
Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten in der Besatzungszeit, in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in der DDR 1946-1961 by Sirges, Thomas
Staline Et Hitler: Un Couple Malefique by Wolton, Thierry
The Color of Desire: The Queer Politics of Race in the Federal Republic of Germany After 1970 by Ewing, Christopher
Generation Im Aufbruch: Die Geschichtswissenschaft in Deutschland Im Spiegel Autobiographischer Portrats by
Lauchheim IV: Die Graber Aus Der Siedlung Lauchheim 'Mittelhofen' by Hoke, Benjamin
Hitler's Panzer Generals: Guderian, Hoepner, Reinhardt and Schmidt Unguarded by Stahel, David
Hitler's Panzer Generals: Guderian, Hoepner, Reinhardt and Schmidt Unguarded by Stahel, David
Sportgeschichte(n) in Rheinland-Pfalz by
Material Modernity: Innovations in Art, Design, and Architecture in the Weimar Republic by
Colonialism and the Jews in German History: From the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century by
Resisting the Holocaust: Upstanders, Partisans, and Survivors by Bartrop, Paul R.
Mein Kampf (Deluxe Hardbound Edition) by Hitler, Adolf
Biographisches Handbuch Neumärkischer Offiziere (1715-1806): Familie - Laufbahn - Grundbesitz by Straubel, Rolf
Mitten in Deutschland, Mitten Im Krieg: Bewältigungspraktiken Und Handlungsoptionen Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg by
Forza Sankt Pauli: FC St. Pauli: Supporting a radical football club in a polarised political age by Davidson, Nick
The Destruction of the Imperial Army: Volume 3 - The Sedan Campaign 1870 by Bird, Grenville
The Gdr Tomorrow: Rethinking the East German Legacy by
Germany Travel Guide 2024 by Jones, William
Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: Essays on the "Science of Knowing" by
Berlin in the Cold War: The Battle for the Divided City and the Rise and Fall of the Wall by Flemming, Thomas
Hamburgs Heinrich Heine - Denkmalbewegt by
Gender History of German Jews: A Short Introduction by Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie
Political Friendship: Liberal Notables, Networks, and the Pursuit of the German Nation State, 1848-1866 by Weaver, Michael
Joan of Arc and Germany by Bloy, Léon
Understanding Nazi Ideology: The Genesis and Impact of a Political Faith - Revised English Edition by Frøland, Carl Müller
A Nation Fermented: Beer, Bavaria, and the Making of Modern Germany by Terrell, Robert Shea
A Nation Fermented: Beer, Bavaria, and the Making of Modern Germany by Terrell, Robert Shea
Imigrace českých Němců by Steiner, Joan Naomi
Nazis Am Nil: Die Westdeutsch-Agyptischen Beziehungen Der Nachkriegszeit Im Schatten Des Nationalsozialismus by Becker, Ulrike
Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: Wissenschafts- Und Zeitgeschichte 1945-2005 by
Die Stadt Der Ritter: Kriegerische Habitusformen Der Elite Der Spatmittelalterlichen Stadt Koln by Jansen, Markus
Nichts Nutzt Dem Staat So Wie Die Musik: Die Musikalische Performance Des Staates by
Ubersetzung ALS Debatte: Franzosische Musikasthetik in Deutschland Zur Zeit Der Aufklarung by Lessmann, Benedikt
I've Seen the Wall: Louis Armstrong on Tour in the Gdr 1965: Das Minsk Issue 03 by
The 'Grossdeutschland' Division in World War II: The German Army's Premier Combat Unit by Slaughter, James F.
A Village in the Third Reich: How Ordinary Lives Were Transformed by the Rise of Fascism by Boyd, Julia, Patel, Angelika
Emotionen - Medien - Diskurse: Affekte in Deutschen Und Polnischen Medialen Diskursen. Theorie - Methode - Medienereignis Nord Stream Unter Mitwirkun by Szczepaniak, Jacek, Schiewer, Gesine Lenore, Pociask, Janusz
Hitlerism: Die Endlösung by Friedrich, Martin
Geheimnis Und Sicherheit: Der Aufstieg Militärischer Nachrichtendienste in Deutschland, Frankreich Und Großbritannien 1871-1914 by Pöhlmann, Markus
Poland: General Government August 1941-1945 by
Bewältigung Des Scheiterns: Autobiographische Schriften Früherer Parteifunktionäre Von Nsdap Und sed by Danner, Hans-Ulrich
The Battle of Prokhorovka: The Tank Battle at Kursk, the Largest Clash of Armor in History by Lawrence, Christopher A.
Out of the Darkness: The Germans, 1942-2022 by Trentmann, Frank
Vor- Und Fruhgeschichtliche Befestigungen 28: Wallanlagen Im Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart by Morrissey, Christoph, Muller, Dieter
Cultivating Responsible Citizenship: Collective Gardens at the Periphery of Neoliberal Urban Norms by Sherfey, Paul
Frederick the Great's Philosophical Writings by II, Frederick
Contested Femininities: Representations of Modern Women in the German Illustrated Press, 1920-1960 by Lynn, Jennifer
Healing and Harm: Essays in Honor of Mary Lindemann by
Fritz Häber, The Complete Diary: 16 Months in an American POW Camp by
Die Geschichte Der Leipziger Buchmesse in Der DDR: Literaturtransfer, Buchhandel Und Kulturpolitik in Deutsch-Deutscher Dimension by Blume, Patricia F.
Der Jüdische Mäzen Und Die Nazis: James Loeb Und Murnau 1919-1933 by Raim, Edith
Deutsche Vereinsgeschichte: Gewerkschaften, Verbande & Co. Von Der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart by Kluge, Arnd
Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919-1939: Economic Trust and Antisemitic Violence by Fischer, Stefanie
Shifting Lines, Entangled Borderlands: Mobilities and Migration Along the Prussian Eastern Railroad by Musekamp, Jan
Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919-1939: Economic Trust and Antisemitic Violence by Fischer, Stefanie
Shifting Lines, Entangled Borderlands: Mobilities and Migration Along the Prussian Eastern Railroad by Musekamp, Jan
Living the German Revolution, 1918-19: Expectations, Experiences, Responses by
The Third Reich's Elite Schools: A History of the Napolas by Roche, Helen
Nikolaus Kindlingers Selbstzeugnis: Ein Archivar Am Ende Des Heiligen Romischen Reiches by
Sozialer Aufstieg in Der Spatmittelalterlichen Stadt: Eine Analyse Gesellschaftlicher Mobilitat in Der Kolner Stadtgesellschaft Des 14. Jahrhunderts by Goihl-Smuzcinski, Carola
Kristallhart Gegenuber Allen Feinden: Die Ddr-Staatsanwaltschaft Und Das MFS Im Politischen Strafprozess by Boo, Christian, Richter, Sebastian
Drucke in Die Rheinlande by Walser, Robert
Germany and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century: Atomic Zeitenwende? by
Jagdpanzer by Anderson, Thomas
Militarization and Democracy in West Germany's Border Police, 1951-2005 by Livingstone, David M.
Dünkirchen 1940: The German View of Dunkirk by Kershaw, Robert
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
Psychiatric Institutions and Society: The Practice of Psychiatric Committal in the "Third Reich," the Democratic Republic of Germany, and the Federal by Coché, Stefanie
Cannae: Studies of Envelopment by Von Schlieffen, Alfred
Konigskinder: Exilerfahrungen Und Lebenswege Der Pfalzer Wittelsbacher Im Europa Des 17. Jahrhunderts by
Der Maji-Maji-Krieg Gegen Die Deutsche Kolonialherrschaft: Historische Ursprunge Nationaler Identitat in Tansania by Seeberg, Karl-Martin
Berlin in Geschichte Und Gegenwart: Jahrbuch Des Landesarchivs Berlin 2022 by
Tilo Von Wilmowsky (1878-1966): Leben Und Werk by Freytag, Carl
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany by Berg, Anne
Violence Elsewhere 1: Imagining Distant Violence in Germany 1945-2001 by
Violence Elsewhere 1: Imagining Distant Violence in Germany 1945-2001 by
Auf Der Suche Nach Sicherheit?: Die Weimarer Republik Zwischen Sicherheitserwartungen Und Verunsicherungsgefuhlen by
The Traumatic Surreal: Germanophone Women Artists and Surrealism After the Second World War by Allmer, Patricia
Takeover: Hitler's Final Rise to Power by Ryback, Timothy W.
1st August by Queen, Tomyris
Thirty Years After the Berlin Wall: German Unification and Transformation Research by
The Berlin Airlift: Remembering the Humanity by Powers, Gary, Jr.
Crowns, Crosses, and Stars: My Youth in Prussia, Surviving Hitler, and a Life Beyond by Niemoeller Baroness Von Sell, Sibylle Sa
Frontkämpfer: Wehrmacht Photo Albums from the Front by Eberle, Jeff D.
The Destruction of the Imperial Army: Volume 4: Catastrophe: Sedan, Strasbourg and Metz 1870 by Bird, Grenville
Un-Friedensstaat DDR: Mobilmachung, Kriegsbereitschaft Und Militarisierung 1970 Und 1990 by Muhle, Johannes
Volksgemeinschaft Hinter Stacheldraht: Die Internierungslager in Der Britischen Und Us-Amerikanischen Besatzungszone Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Deutsc by Schulte, Kerstin
Ancient Jewish Historians and the German Reich: Seven Studies by Schwartz, Daniel R.
Peace at All Costs: Catholic Intellectuals, Journalists, and Media in Postwar Polish-German Reconciliation by Frieberg, Annika Elisabet
Hauptstadt Und Staat: Die Finanzierung Des Ausbaus Der Städtischen Infrastruktur Von Berlin 1871-1945 by Escher, Felix
Intimate Histories: African Americans and Germany Since 1933 by Klopprogge, Nadja
Cinematically Transmitted Disease: Eugenics and Film in Weimar and Nazi Germany by Hales, Barbara
Menage a Trois Im Ost-West-Konflikt: Stadtepartnerschaften Zwischen Westdeutschen, Franzosischen Und Ostdeutschen Kommunen Von Den 1950er Jahren Bis Z by Dierkes, Jurgen
Finding My Father's Auschwitz File by Hershkowitz, Allen
Die Urkunden Friedrichs II.: Teil 7: 1232-1236 by
L'Holocauste: Discrimination et persécution des Juifs en Europe by Malinskowsky, Milan
Neue Deutsche Welle by Lonkin, Claudia
I finanziatori segreti di Hitler: le fonti finanziarie del nazionalsocialismo by Warburg, Sydney
Los apoyos secretos de Hitler: las fuentes financieras del nacionalsocialismo by Warburg, Sydney
The Battle for Moscow by Stahel, David
The Battle for Moscow by Stahel, David
Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics, and Magicians by McIntosh, Christopher
Stug III Sd.Kfz. 142 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Storia dei Freikorps by Venner, Dominique
Stug III Sd.Kfz. 142 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
The Diplomatic Making of Eu-China Relations: Structure, Substance and Style by Xia, Lucie Qian
Cent Ans: La Brève Histoire du North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment by Morton, Bruce
Die Grundungsgeschichte Der Abtei Brauweiler: Fundatio Monasterii Brunwilarensis by Bohlau Verlag Koln
Hitlers Exekutive: Die Osterreichische Polizei Und Der Nationalsozialismus by Zerovnik, Martina
A Nation's Undesirables: Mixed-Race Children and Whiteness in the Post-Nazi Era by Patton, Tracey Owens
A Nation's Undesirables: Mixed-Race Children and Whiteness in the Post-Nazi Era by Patton, Tracey Owens
The German Way of War: A Lesson in Tactical Management by Brouwer, Jaap Jan
Enlightenment Anthropology: Defining Humanity in an Era of Colonialism by Niekerk, Carl
The History of the Franks (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Gregory of Tours
Neo-Nazi Postmodern: Right-Wing Terror Tactics, the Intellectual New Right, and the Destabilization of Memory in Germany Since 1989 by Adaire, Esther Elizabeth
Germany from the Outside: Rethinking German Cultural History in an Age of Displacement by
Die Klosterinsel Reichenau Im Mittelalter: Geschichte - Kunst - Architektur by
Voice of Triumph: Hitler's Speeches at Nuremberg by Hitler, Adolf
Voice of Triumph: Hitler's Speeches at Nuremberg by Hitler, Adolf
Moritz Bendit Und Die Kuranstalt Neufriedenheim: Der Psychiater Ernst Rehm Und Sein Jüdischer Patient by Lampe, Reinhard
Denkmäler Für Den Widerstand Gegen Den Nationalsozialismus: Topographie Einer Deutschen Erinnerungslandschaft Am Beispiel Des 20. Juli 1944 by Blotz, Josef D.
Histoire de Flandre (T. 1/4) by Lettenhove, Kervyn De
La Flandre pendant des trois derniers siècles by Lettenhove, Baron Joseph
Jacza by Vogel, Wolfram
German Tanks in France 1940: Armor in the Wehrmacht's Greatest Blitzkrieg Victory by Zaloga, Steven J.
Me 163 Vs Allied Heavy Bombers: Northern Europe 1944-45 by Forsyth, Robert
Hamburg 1940-45: The Long War Against Germany's Great Port City by Worrall, Richard
War Torn by M. Bolans, Robert
Goebbels on the Jews: The Complete Diary Entries: 1923 to 1945 by Goebbels, Joseph
The Tenth Muse: How Maria Antonia Advanced the Pastoral Opera by James, April L.
Jeanne de Constantinople: Comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut by Glay, Edward Le
Die Laendliche Gesellschaft Im Zeitalter Des Ersten Weltkrieges: Herausforderungen Und Ihre Emotionalen Folgen by
Das Reichskonkordat: Ein Staatskirchenvertrag Zwischen Diktatur Und Demokratie 1933-1957 by Wille, Jan H.
The Trial of a Nazi Doctor: Franz Lucas as Defendant, Opportunist, and Deceiver by Wisely, Andrew
Ist der Kommunismus in der Krise? by Aust, Ernst
Gefahrdete Demokratie: Rechtskatholizismus in Der Weimarer Republik by
Social History of German Jews: A Short Introduction by Rürup, Miriam
A Short History of the Weimar Republic: Revised Edition by Storer, Colin
A Short History of the Weimar Republic: Revised Edition by Storer, Colin
After Auschwitz: The Difficult Legacies of the Gdr by
Enchanted by Cinema: Wilhelm Thiele Between Vienna, Berlin, and Hollywood by
Kampfgruppe Scherer by Lombardi, Andrea
A Plague on the World by Ley, Robert, Otto, Hans-Georg
The Nursing Process as a Strategy for a (De-)Professionalization in Nursing: A Critical Analysis of the Transformation of Nursing in Germany in the 19 by Lange, Jette
Rezeption Und Memoria Der Reformation Im Ostlichen Europa by
Transformation Des Gedenkens: Lokales Erinnern an Sowjetische Verhaftungen Der Nachkriegszeit by
Die Urkunden Und Briefe Aus Unterfranken by
Demokratie lernen by Friedl, Sophie
Look Away: A True Story of Murders, Bombings, and a Far-Right Campaign to Rid Germany of Immigrants by Kushner, Jacob
Operation Typhoon: Hitler's March on Moscow, October 1941 by Stahel, David
Operation Typhoon: Hitler's March on Moscow, October 1941 by Stahel, David
Partizipation Per Post: Burgerbriefe an Politiker in Diktatur Und Demokratie by
Max Stirner and Nihilism: Between Two Nothings by Dowdall, Tim
The Past Is Not Past: Confronting the Twentieth Century in the Hungarian-Austrian Borderlands by Schubert, Frank N.
Der Niederrheinische Orientbericht, C.1350: An Account of the Oriental World by an Anonymous Low German Writer by
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Germanistik: Vom Anfang Des 19. Jahrhunderts Zum Beginn Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Meves, Uwe
A German Soldier on the Eastern Front: A First Hand Account of the Beginnings of Operation Barbarossa by Taut, Franz
Countdown to D-Day: The German Perspective by Margaritis, Peter
Berlin! Berlin!: Ueber dieser Stadt ist kein Himmel by Tucholsky, Kurt
Die Berliner Mauer Heute. Steine, Spuren, Erinnerungen: Ein Foto-Reisefuehrer seit dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs by Cramer, Michael
Wings of Desire - Angels of Berlin by Heinke, Lothar
Berlin 1945: Leben nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Fotos vom Berliner Verlag und aus Sowjetischen Armeearchiven by Brettin, Michael
Leipzig. One Thousand Years of German History: Bach, Luther, Faust. The City of Books and Music by Ringel, Sebastian
Complicity in the Third Reich by Elsby, Andrew
Staging Blackness: Representations of Race in German-Speaking Drama and Theater by
Staging Blackness: Representations of Race in German-Speaking Drama and Theater by
Ausverkauft: Arbeitswelten Von Verkäuferinnen in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Rienks, Manuela
Shared Heritage - Gemeinsames Erbe: Kulturelle Interferenzräume Im Östlichen Europa ALS Sujet Der Gegenwartsliteratur by
Eichmann Y El Holocausto / Eichmann and the Holocaust by Arendt, Hannah
Germany, France and Postwar Democratic Capitalism: Expert Rule by Godard, François
Jewish Culture and Urban Form: A Case Study of Central Poland before the Holocaust by Hanzl, Malgorzata
Border Regimes in Twentieth Century Europe by Bencsik, Péter
Romania, 1916-1941: A Political History by Deletant, Dennis
Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century: Fearing for the Nation by
'Deutsche', 'Hollander', Und 'Grafschafter': Zur Konstruktion Regionaler Identitat in Der Grafschaft Bentheim 1866-1918 by Zurek, Steven
Hitler's Last Levy: The Volkssturm 1944-45 by Kissel, Hans
The Weimar Republic by Jensen, Erik
The Weimar Republic by Jensen, Erik
Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Budapest by Számvéber, Norbert
Shifting Paradigms in Contemporary German Politics and Policy by
Deutsch-Jüdische Empfehlungsschreiben (1848-1945): Studien Aus Wirtschaft Und Wissenschaft Zwischen Sozialem Aufstieg Und Vertreibung by Gerlach, Lisa
The German Enlightenment and the Rise of Historicism by Reill, Peter H.
The Aesthetic State: A Quest in Modern German Thought by Chytry, Josef
Das Jüdische Frankfurt - Von Der Ns-Zeit Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Überzeugungen Junger Westdeutscher Lehrpersonen Zu "1989": Professionalisierungsanalytische Interviews Im Östlichen Ruhrgebiet (2015-2017) by Lahmer-Gebauer, Jennifer
Meat Grinder: The Battles for the Rzhev Salient, 1942-43 by Buttar, Prit
Hitler at Hintersee: Gerhard Bartels - The Boy in the Photograph by Wilson, James
Why They Gave: Care and American Aid for Germany After 1945 by Klose, Maximilian
Migrationsbistum Hildesheim: Die Integration Der Vertriebenen 1945-1956 by Schnell &. Steiner
Reframing Berlin: Architecture, Memory-Making and Film Locations by Kacmaz Erk, Gul, Wilson, Christopher S.
Explorations and Entanglements: Germans in Pacific Worlds from the Early Modern Period to World War I by
Murderous Minds Soviet Union (Large Print Edition) by Warren, Alan R.
Georg Forster: German Cosmopolitan by Kontje, Todd
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