• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Glass & Ceramics in 2013

Fire and Sand: Ancient Glass in the Princeton University Art Museum by Antonaras, Anastassios
Old Ivory & Ohme Porcelain by Goldschmitt, David, Hillman, Alma
London Lampworkers: Pirelli, Bimini and Komaromy Glass: Your Guide to Pirelli, Komaromy and Bimini Glass. Book 1 of a four part trilogy. by Berger, Raymond, Martin, Bob, Burley, Christine
Carved Ivory by Swasey, Ambrose
New Zealand Glass by Bowey, Angela M.
Freeman-McFarlin Pottery: 1951-1980 by Kelly, Nancy
Old Glass and How to Collect It by Lewis, J. Sydney
Home Interior's / Homco: Old Couples by Barker, Mary Kay
The Ruins Of Holmul, Guatemala: Memoirs Of The Peabody Museum Of American Archaeology And Ethnology, Harvard University V3, No. 2 by Merwin, Raymond Edwin, Vaillant, George Clapp
Advertising A To Z Featuring The Blue Willow Pattern by Sykes, Hugh
Allen's Authentication of Later Chinese Porcelain (1796 AD - 1999 AD) by Allen, Anthony John
Elegant Glass: Early, Depression, & Beyond, Revised & Expanded 4th Edition by Coe
Realistic Village Vignettes: Now that I have all these beautiful little Houses, what can I do with them? by Gieringer, Leigh E.
Second Book of Carnival Glass: One Hundred Patterns by Hartung, Marion T.
Cut and Engraved Glass, 1771-1905: The Collectors' Guide to American Wares by Daniel, Dorothy
Collecting Staffordshire Pottery by Stanley, Louis Thomas
Indian Pottery from Clarke County and Mobile County, Southern Alabama by Wimberly, Steve B.
Austrian Stamps and Their Background, 1850-1937 by Zinsmeister, Marian Carne
Designs on the Prehistoric Pottery of Arizona: University of Arizona Bulletin, V6, No. 4, May, 1935 by Clarke, Eleanor P.
Miller's Antiques Mark by Miller, Judith
Stylistic Village Vignettes: Now that I have all these beautiful little houses, what can I do with them? by Gieringer, Leigh E., Chretien, Sue
Heart Failure: A Case-Base Approach (Pb) by Springer, U.
Nayee Disha: Jeevan Kee Ash by Ashery, Ram, Sudhakar, Vipul