• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Gnosticism in 2009

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: Learn How to Think, Not What to Think by Aun Weor, Samael
The Aquarian Message: The Secret Teachings of Christianity in the Revelation or Apocalypse of John by Aun Weor, Samael
Pistis Sophia by Mead, G. R. S.
Pistis Sophia: The Gnostic Text of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, and His Disciples by Mead, G. R. S.
Koptisch-Gnostische Schriften (1905) by
Pan-Gnosticism: A Suggestion In Philosophy (1895) by Winter, Noel
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume by Robinson, James M., Meyer, Marvin W.
The Gnostic Bible: Revised and Expanded Edition by
The Mustard Seed: The Revolutionary Teachings of Jesus by Osho
Esoteric Christianity Or The Lesser Mysteries by Besant, Annie
Zwei Gnostische Hymnen (1904) by Preuschen, Erwin
L'Arbre Gnostique (1899) by Synesius
The Gnostic 2 by
Essai Sur Le Gnosticisme Egyptien: Ses Developpements Et Son Origine Egyptienne (1887) by Amelineau, Emile
De Historiae Gnosticismi Fontibus Novae Quaestiones Criticae (1894) by Kunze, Joannes
Commentatio Ad Historiam Religionum Veterum Illustrandam Pertinens De Doctrina Gnostica (1818) by Lewald, Ernest Anton
Pistis Sophia by Mead, G. R. S.
Nøkkelen: Sethiansk gnostisisme i praksis by Ødegaard, Rune
Introduction to Gnosis by Aun Weor, Samael