• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 1984

Translation Through Grammar: A Graded Translation Course, with Explanatory Notes and a Contrastive Grammar by Wekker, H. Chr, Hyams, P. J. E.
Parametric Syntax: Case Studies in Semitic and Romance Languages by Borer, Hagit
Aspect Bound: A Voyage Into the Realm of Germanic, Slavonic and Finno-Ugrian Aspectology by
Automatic Semantic Interpretation: A Computer Model of Understanding Natural Language by Bakel, Jan Van
Metaphorisches Verstehen by Keller-Bauer, Friedrich
Historical Syntax by
Sprache Und Handlung: Eine Sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung Von Handhabe-Verben, Orts- Und Richtungsadverbialen Am Beispiel Von Gebrauchsanweisung by Saile, Günter
Problems in Syntax by
Syntactic Change and Syntactic Reconstruction: A Tagmemic Approach by Costello, John R.
The Romance Writers' Phrase Book by Kent, J.
Das Verzeitungssystem des Englischen und seine Textfunktion by Schopf, Alfred
Formal Versus Explanatory Generalizations in Generative Transformational Grammar: An Investigation Into Generative Argumentation by Boas, Hans Ulrich
Explanations for Language Universals by
Introducing English Grammar by Young, David J.
Mastering English Grammar by Burton, S. H.
Generative Grammar without Transformations by Binkert, Peter J.
Analytic Syntax by Jespersen, Otto
Introduction to the Grammar of English by Huddleston, Rodney
Functional Syntax and Universal Grammar by Foley, Valin, Jr., Van Valin, Robert D., Jr.
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik by Boor, Helmut De
The Semantic Variability of Absolute Constructions by Stump, G. T.
The Semantic Variability of Absolute Constructions by Stump, G. T.
Quantification and Syntactic Theory by Cooper, R.
Flexionsmorphologie Und Natürlichkeit: Ein Beitrag Zur Morphologischen Theoriebildung by Wurzel, Wolfgang Ullrich