• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 1988

Essay on a Philosophy of Style / Essai d'une philosophie du style by Granger, Gilles-Gaston
Studies on Copular Sentences, Clefts and Pseudo-Clefts by Declerck, Renaat
Temporalsemantik: Beiträge Zur Linguistik Der Zeitreferenz by
Generalisierte Phrasenstrukturgrammatik by Naumann, Sven
Syntax der englischen Adverbialien by Ungerer, Friedrich
Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories by
The English Verb by Palmer, F. R.
Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories by
Altnordisches Elementarbuch: Einführung, Grammatik, Texte (Zum Teil Mit Übersetzung) Und Wörterbuch by Hofmann, Dietrich, Ranke, Friedrich
Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures by
Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures by
Untersuchungen zur Hypotaxe im Vedischen by Hettrich, Heinrich
Bausteine Syntaktischen Wissens: Ein Lehrbuch Der Generativen Grammatik by Stechow, Arnim, Sternefeld, Wolfgang
Transformational Grammar: Radford by Radford, Andrew
Mixed Categories: Nominalizations in Quechua by Lefebvre, C., Muysken, P. C.
Mixed Categories: Nominalizations in Quechua by Muysken, P. C., Lefebvre, C.
Beginning Morphology and Syntax by Elson, Benjamin F., Picket, Velma B.
Mind, Language, Machine: Artificial Intelligence in the Poststructuralist Age by Johnson, Michael L.
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory by Chomsky, Noam
The Genesis of Language: A Different Judgement of Evidence by
Essentials of Functional Grammar: A Structure-Neutral Theory of Movement, Control, and Anaphora by Horn, George M.
Anaphora in Celtic and Universal Grammar by Hendrick, R.
The Role of Case in Russian Syntax by Neidle, C.
Properties, Types and Meaning - Vol I + II by
Properties, Types and Meaning - Vol I + II by
Verb Phrase Syntax: A Parametric Study of English and Spanish: A Parametric Study of English and Spanish by Zagona, Karen
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume II: Semantic Issues by
The Form of Information in Science: Analysis of an Immunology Sublanguage by Ryckman, Thomas, Harris, Z., Gottfried, Michael
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume I: Foundational Issues by
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume I: Foundational Issues by
Properties, Types and Meaning: Volume II: Semantic Issues by
Syntax, Semantik Und Lexikon: Rudolf Růzička Zum 65. Geburtstag by