• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 1995

Von Saussure Zum Konnektionismus: Struktur Und Kontinuität in Der Lexemsemantik Und Der Musiksemiotik by Köster, Lothar
Zählangaben -- Maßangaben: Bedeutung Und Konzeptuelle Interpretation Von Numeralia by Eschenbach, Carola
Discourse Configurational Languages by
Clause Structure and Language Change by
Clause Structure and Language Change Oscs by
Converbs in Cross-Linguistic Perspective: Structure and Meaning of Adverbial Verb Forms - Adverbial Participles, Gerunds by
Symmetric Coordination by Wesche, Birgit
Quantification in Natural Languages by
Quantification in Natural Languages: Volume I by
21st Century Grammar Handbook by Kipfer, Barbara Ann
Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure by Goldberg, Adele E.
Particles: On the Syntax of Verb-Particle, Triadic, and Causative Constructions by Dikken, Marcel Den
Particles: On the Syntax of Verb-Particle, Triadic, and Causative Constructions by Den Dikken, Marcel, Dikken, Marcel Den
Type-Theoretical Grammar by Ranta, Aarne
English for the Computer: The Susanne Corpus and Analytic Scheme by Sampson, Geoffrey
The Emergence and Development of Svo Patterning in Latin and French: Diachronic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives by Bauer, Brigitte L.
English Syntax, second edition by Baker, C. L.
Applied Logic: How, What and Why: Logical Approaches to Natural Language by
Yearbook of Morphology 1994 by
Government and Binding Theory by
Linguistic Change under Contact Conditions by
Grammatical Lexical Variance Engl by Quirk, Randolph
Konzeptuelle Grundlagen semantischer Dekompositionsstrukturen by Kaufmann, Ingrid
A Course Book in English Grammar: Standard English and the Dialects by Freeborn, Dennis
The Syntax of Negation by Haegeman, Liliane
The Verb in Contemporary English: Theory and Description by
Double Case: Agreement by Suffixaufnahme by
Ellipsis: Functional Heads, Licensing, and Identification by Lobeck, Anne
Ideology and Linguistic Theory: Noam Chomsky and the Deep Structure Debates by Huck, Geoffrey J., Goldsmith, John a.
Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax by
Cognitive Space and Linguistic Case by Schlesinger, I. M., Schlesinger, Izchak M.
Methodology in Transition by
Syntactic Iconicity and Linguistic Freezes by
A-bar Syntax by Müller, Gereon
The Foreign Language Classroom: Bridging Theory and Practice by
The Generic Book: The Semantics of Generics by
Particles and Projections in Irish Syntax by Duffield, N.
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Lamott, Anne
Action Grammar: Fast, No-Hassle Answers on Everyday Usage and Punctuation by Feierman, Joanne
Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspective by Harris, Alice C.
Tense Systems in European Languages II by
Modals and Periphrastics in English: An Investigation Into the Semantic Correspondence Between Certain English Modal Verbs and Their Periphrastic Equi by Westney, Paul
Constraints on Suffixation: A Study in Generative Morphology of English and Polish by Wójcicki, Adam
Logical Form: From GB to Minimalism by Hornstein, Norbert
Autolexical Theory by
Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods by
Complex Structures by
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik by Mettke, Heinz
Directionality and Logical Form: On the Scope of Focusing Particles and Wh-In-Situ by Bayer, Josef
The Grammar of Inalienability by
Syntax. 2. Halbband by
Tense, Attitudes, and Scope by Ogihara, T.
Phrase Structure and the Lexicon by
Interfaces in Phonology by
Wortarten Und Wortartenwechsel by Vogel, Petra M.
The Tense System in English Relative Clauses by Depraetere, Ilse