• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Grammar & Style in 1996

Evolution and Revolution in Linguistic Theory: Studies in Honor of Carlos P. Otero by
The Polysynthesis Parameter by Baker, Mark C.
The Polysynthesis Parameter by Baker, Mark C.
Grammar and Meaning by
Teaching Grammar in Context by Weaver, Constance
Interrogative Phrases and the Syntax-Semantics Interface by Comorovski, I.
Lucien Tesnière - Syntaxe structurale et opérations mentales by
Particles and Projections in Irish Syntax by Duffield, N.
Grammatiken ALS Empirische Axiomatische Theorien by Falkenberg, Thomas
Strukturen der Syntax by Chomsky, Noam
Spanish Loanwords in the English Language by
Abriss Der Altenglischen (Angelsächsischen) Grammatik by Sievers, Eduard
Abriß der mittelenglischen Grammatik by Brunner, Karl
Abriss der althochdeutschen Grammatik by Braune, Wilhelm
Partitives by
Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax by Belletti, Rizzi
Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax by Belletti, Rizzi
Pluralities by Schwarzschild, Roger
Meaning and Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations by
Meaning and Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations by
Give by Newman, John
The Classic Guide to Better Writing: Step-By-Step Techniques and Exercises to Write Simply, Clearly and Correctly by Flesch, Rudolf
Contrast by Rudolph, Elisabeth
The French Influence on Middle English Morphology: A Corpus-Based Study on Derivation by Dalton-Puffer, Christiane
Minimalism, Scope, and VP Structure by Stroik, Thomas
Minimalism, Scope, and VP Structure by Stroik, Thomas
The Typology of Adjectival Predication by Wetzer, Harrie
Negative Sentences in the Languages of Europe by Bernini, Giuliano, Ramat, Paolo
Causatives and Causation: A Universal -typological perspective by Song, Jae Jung
Natural Phonology by
The Logic of Markedness by Battistella, Edwin L.
Grammatical Constructions: Their Form and Meaning by Shibatani, Thompson, Shibatani, M., Thompson, S. A.
Perspektiven Der Kognitiven Linguistik: Modelle Und Methoden by
The Metrical Organization of Beowulf by Suzuki, Seiichi
Case Absorption and Wh-Agreement by Watanabe, A.
Post-Imperial English by
Modern Phrase Structure Grammar: Out of Our Ancient Society by Borsley, Robert
Dépendance Et Intégration Syntaxique: Subordination, Coordination, Connexion by
Local Economy by Collins, Chris
Restrictiveness in Case Theory by Smith, Henry
Classic and Contemporary by
Current Issues in Comparative Grammar by
Fractured English by Lederer, Richard
The Construal of Space in Language and Thought by
Personal Pronouns in Present-Day English by Wales, Katie, Katie, Wales
Possessives in English: An Exploration in Cognitive Grammar by Taylor, John R.
Discourse and Pragmatics in Functional Grammar by
Discontinuous Constituency by
Adverbial Subordination by Kortmann, Bernd
Morphosyntax of Verb Movement: A Minimalist Approach to the Syntax of Dutch by Zwart, J. -W
Processing interclausal Relationships: Studies in the Production and Comprehension of Text by
Processing interclausal Relationships: Studies in the Production and Comprehension of Text by
Focus and Secondary Predication by Winkler, Susanne
Semantic Syntax by Seuren, Peter A. M.
Historical, Indo-European, and Lexicographical Studies by